Divine Will for every day of the year - May 5, 1923 Volume 15

Finding myself in my usual state, I felt drawn outside of myself, but I could not see the azure heavens nor the sun of our horizon, but a different heaven, all of gold, studded with stars of various colors, more refulgent than sun. I felt drawn toward up high, and as this heaven opened before me, I found myself in front of a most pure light. And before this light, prostrating myself, I called all human intelligences into my intelligence — from the moment in which Adam began to break the union of his intelligence with that of His Creator by withdrawing from the Divine Will, up to the last man who will exist upon earth — and I tried to give to my God all the honor, the glory, the submission, etc., of all created intelligences. And I did the same for all my other senses, calling all those of the other creatures into mine. All this, always in His lovable Will, in which everything can be found, from which nothing can escape, even things that may not exist at the present moment, and in which everything can be done.

While I was doing this, a voice came out from within the Immensity of that Light, saying: “As many times as the soul enters into the Divine Will in order to pray, work, love, etc., so many ways does she open between Creator and creatures. And in seeing that the creature is making her way to go to It, the Divinity opens Its ways in order to meet Its creature. In this encounter she copies the virtues of her Creator, absorbs ever new Divine Life into herself, penetrates more into the Eternal Secrets of the Supreme Volition, and everything she does is no longer human in her, but Divine. This Divine Operating forms a golden heaven within her, on which the

Divinity strolls, delighting in finding Its own Operating in the creature, awaiting the creature in order to receive her Divine acts, and therefore open more ways for her in Its Divinity. And It keeps repeating with great love: ‘Behold — here is how, in My Will, the creature comes closer to My Likeness, she accomplishes My Designs, she fulfills the purpose of Creation.’ And while hearing this, I found myself inside myself.

Divine Will for every day of the year - May 4, 1925 Volume 17

After writing what is written above, I began to do the adoration to my Crucified Jesus, fusing all of myself in His Most Holy Will; and my beloved Jesus came out from within my interior, and placing His Most Holy Will close to mine, all tenderness, told me: "My daughter, did you write everything on the mission of My Will?"

And I: “Yes, yes, I wrote everything.”

And He, again: "What if I told you that you did not write everything? Rather, you have left out the most essential thing. So, continue to write, and add: The mission of My Will will conceal the Most Holy Trinity upon earth. Just as in Heaven there are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, inseparable but distinct among themselves, Who form all the beatitude of Heaven, in the same way, on earth there will be three persons who, because of their missions, will be distinct and inseparable among themselves: the Virgin, with Her Maternity which conceals the Paternity of the Celestial Father and encloses His power in order to fulfill Her mission of Mother of the Eternal Word and Co-Redemptrix of mankind; My Humanity, for the mission of Redeemer, which was enclosed in the Divinity of the Word, without ever separating from the Father and from the Holy Spirit, in order to manifest My Celestial Wisdom, adding the bond of becoming inseparable from My Mama; and you, for the mission of My Will, as the Holy Spirit will display His Love in you, manifesting to you His Secrets, the Prodigies of My Will, the Goods It contains, in order to make happy those who will give themselves to knowing how much good this Supreme Will contains, to love It and to let It reign in their midst, offering their souls to let It dwell within their hearts, that It may be able to form Its Life in them. And the bond of inseparability will be added, between you, the Mother and the Eternal Word.

“These three missions are distinct and inseparable. The first two have prepared the graces, the light, the work, and everything, with unheard-of pains, for the third mission of My Will, in order to be all fused in It without leaving their office, so as to find rest, because My Will alone is Celestial Rest. These two missions will be repeated, because their exuberance of Grace, of Light, of Knowledge, is so great that all human generations can be filled with them; even more, they will not be able to contain all the Good which they contain. These two missions are symbolized by the Sun, since, in creating it, I filled it with so much light and heat, that all human generations can enjoy it in superabundance. Nor did I take into account that, since in the beginning of creation there were only Adam and Eve on earth, I could have placed in the Sun enough light as to be sufficient only for the two of them, making it then grow, in proportion to the growth of the human generations. No, no – I made the Sun full of light, just as it is now, and will be. For the

decorum and the honor of Our Power, Wisdom and Love, Our works are always made with the fullness of all the good which they contain; nor are they subject to increase or decrease.

So I did with the Sun: I centralized in it all the light which it was to serve, up to the last man. But how much good does the Sun not do to the earth? What glory does it not give to its Creator, with its mute light? I can say that, for the immense good it does to the earth, with its mute language, the Sun glorifies Me and makes Me known more than all other things together; and this, because it is full in its light, and stable in its course. When I looked at the Sun which, with so much light, only Adam and Eve could enjoy, I also looked at all the living; and in seeing that that light was to serve all, my paternal goodness exulted with joy, and I remained glorified in My Works.

So I did with My dear Mama: I filled Her with so much Grace, that She can give Graces to all without ever exhausting even one of them. So I did with My Humanity: there is no Good which It does not possess – and the very Divinity, to be able to give It to whoever wants It. So I did with you: I enclosed in you My Will, and with It I enclosed Myself. I enclosed in you Its Knowledges, Its Secrets, Its Light. I filled your soul up to the brim; so much so, that what you write is nothing other than the outpouring of what you contain of My Will. And even though it now serves you alone, and a few glimmers of Light serve some other souls, I am content, because being Light, It will make iIs way by Itself, more than a second Sun, in order to illuminate the human generations and to bring about the fulfillment of Our works: that Our Will be known and loved, and that It reign as Life within the creatures. This was the purpose of Creation — this was its beginning, this will be its means, and end.

Therefore, be attentive, because this is about rescuing that Eternal Will which, with so much Love, wants to dwell in the creatures. But It wants to be known, It does not want to be like a stranger; rather, It wants to give out Its Goods and become Life of each one, but It wants Its Rights whole — Its place of Honor. It wants the human will to be banished – the only enemy for It, and for man.

The mission of My Will was the Purpose of the Creation of man. My Divinity did not depart from Heaven, from Its Throne; My Will, instead, not only departed, but descended into all created things and formed Its Life in them. However, while all things recognized Me, and I dwell in them with majesty and decorum, man alone drove Me away. But I want to conquer him and win him; and this is why My Mission is not finished. So I called you, entrusting to you My own Mission, that you may place the one who drove Me away on the lap of My Will, and everything may return to Me, in My Will.

Therefore, do not be surprised at the great and marvelous things I may tell you for the sake of this Mission, or at the many Graces I may give you; because this is not about making a saint, but about saving the generations. This is about rescuing a Divine Will, for which everything must return to the beginning, to the Origin from which everything came, so that the Purpose of My Will may have Its Complete Fulfillment.’"

Divine Will for every day of the year - May 3, 1916 Volume 11

While I was praying, my adorable Jesus placed Himself close to me, and I could hear that He too was praying. So I began to listen to Him. Jesus told me: "My daughter, pray, but pray as I pray. Pour yourself entirely into My Will, and you will find God and all the creatures in It. You will give them to God as if they were one single creature, because the Divine Volition is the Owner of all; then you will place at the feet of the Divinity the good acts in order to give honor to It, and the bad ones in order to repair for them through the Sanctity, Power and Immensity of the Divine Will, from which nothing can escape.

“This was the life of My Humanity upon earth. As Holy as It was, I still needed this Divine Volition in order to give complete satisfaction to the Father, and to redeem the human generations. In fact, only in this Divine Volition could I find all generations, past, present and future, and all their thoughts, words, acts, etc., as though in act. In this Holy Will, I took all the thoughts into My Mind -nothing could escape Me - and for each one of them in particular I placed Myself before the Supreme Majesty and I repaired them. In this same Will, I descended into the mind of each creature, giving them the good which I had pleaded for their intelligences. In My glances I took the eyes of all creatures; their words in My voice; their movements in My movements; their works in My hands; their steps in My feet; their affections and desires in My Heart; and making them My own, in the Divine Will My Humanity satisfied the Father, and I saved the poor creatures. And the Divine Father remained satisfied. He could not reject Me, He Himself being the Holy Will. Would He perhaps reject Himself? Certainly not. More so, since in these acts He found perfect Sanctity, unreachable and

enrapturing Beauty, highest Love, immense and eternal acts, invincible Power... This was the whole Life of My Humanity upon earth, which continues in Heaven and in the Most Blessed Sacrament.

“Now, why can’t you also do this? For one who loves Me, united with Me, everything is possible. In My Will, pray and bring before the Divine Majesty the thoughts of all within your thoughts; the glances of all in your eyes; in your words, movements, affections and desires, those of your brothers, in order to repair them and plead Light, Grace and Love for them. In My Will you will find yourself in Me and in all, you will live My Life, and will pray with Me. The Divine Father will be happy, and the whole of Heaven will say: ‘Who is calling us from earth? Who is the one who wants to compress this Holy Will within herself, enclosing all of us together?’ And how much good the earth can obtain, making Heaven descend upon earth!"

Divine Will for every day of the year - May 2, 1923 Volume 15

I felt my poor mind as though dissolved in the immensity of the Eternal Volition, and my sweet Jesus, returning to speak about the Most Holy Will of God, told me: “My daughter, oh! how well your acts done in My Will harmonize. They harmonize with Mine, with those of My beloved Mama, and one disappears within the other, forming one single act. It seems that Heaven is on earth, and the earth is in Heaven. And the echo of one in three and of three in one, of the Sacrosanct Trinity – oh! how sweet it sounds to Our Hearing, how it enraptures Us, but so much as to capture Our Will from Heaven to earth. And when my ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua’ has its fulfillment ‘on earth as it is in Heaven’, then will the complete fulfillment of the second part of the Our Father occur - that is, ‘Give us this day our daily bread.’ I said: ‘Our Father, in the name of all, I ask You for three kinds of bread every day: the bread of your Will, or rather, more than bread, because if bread is necessary two or three times a day, this one is necessary at each moment and in all circumstances. Even more, it must be not only bread, but like balsamic air that brings life - the circulation of the Divine Life in the creature. Father, if this bread of your Will is not given, I will never be able to receive all the fruits of my Sacramental Life, which is the second bread we ask of You every day. Oh! how my Sacramental Life feels discomforted, because the bread of your Will does not nourish them; on the contrary, it finds the corrupted bread of the human will. Oh! how disgusting it is to Me! How I shun it! And even though I go to them, I cannot give them the fruits, the goods, the effects, the sanctity, because I do not find Our bread in them. And if I give something, it is in small proportion, according to their dispositions, but not all the goods which I contain; and My Sacramental Life is patiently waiting for man to take the bread of the Supreme Will, in order to be able to give all the good of My Sacramental Life. See then, how the Sacrament of the Eucharist - and not only that one, but all the Sacraments, left to my Church and instituted by Me — will give all the fruits which they contain and complete fulfillment, when Our bread, the Will of God, is done on earth as it is in Heaven.

“Then I asked for the third bread — the material one. How could I say: ‘Give us this day our bread’? I could do so in view of the fact that, as man would do Our Will, what was Ours would be his, and so the Father would no longer have to give the Bread of His Will, the Bread of My Sacramental Life and the daily bread of natural life, to illegitimate, usurping, evil children, but to legitimate and good children, who would share in the goods of their Father. This is why I said: ‘Give us our bread.’ Then will they eat the blessed Bread; everything will smile around them, and Heaven and earth will carry the mark of the harmony of their Creator.

“After this I added: ‘Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.’ So, charity also will be perfect. Once man has eaten the Bread of My Will as My Humanity ate it, then will forgiveness have the mark of heroism, as I had it on the Cross. Then will the virtues be absorbed into My Will and receive the mark of true heroism and of Divine virtues; they will be like many little rivulets, which will gush forth from the bosom of the great sea of My Will.

“And if I added, ‘And lead us not into temptation’ - how could God ever lead man to temptation? - it was because man is always man, free in himself, since I never take away from him the rights I gave him in creating him; and he, frightened and fearful of himself, tacitly cries out, and prays without expressing it with words: ‘Give us the bread of your Will, that we may reject all temptations; and by virtue of this bread, deliver us from every evil. Amen.’

“See, then, how all the goods of man find again their connection, the tight bond of the ‘Let Us make man in Our image and likeness’, the validity of each of his acts, the restitution of the lost goods, as well as the signature and the assurance that his lost Happiness, both terrestrial and Celestial, is given back to him. Therefore, it is so necessary that My Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, that I had no other interest, nor did I teach any other prayer but the ‘Our Father’. And the Church, faithful executor and depository of My Teachings, has it always on Her lips, and in every circumstance; and everyone - learned and ignorant, little and great, priests and lay people, kings and subjects - all pray that my Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

“Do you not want, then, that My Will descend upon earth? But just as Redemption had Its beginning in a Virgin — as I was not conceived in all men in order to redeem them, even though whoever wants it, can enter the Good of Redemption and each one can receive Me in the Sacrament for himself alone – in the same way, now My Will must have Its beginning, possession, growth and development in one virgin creature. And then, whoever disposes himself and wants it, will enter the goods which the living in My Will contains. Had I not been conceived in My beloved Mama, Redemption would never have taken place. In the same way, if I do not operate the prodigy of making one soul live in My Supreme Will, the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as it is in Heaven’, will not take place in the human generations.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - May 1, 1925 Volume 17

[Jesus speaking]

“… When an office is unique, as a consequence, nothing must escape the one who has it as mission. He must have everything under his eyes, so as to be able to offer the good he possesses; he must be like a true sun that can give light to all. So were I, and My Celestial Mama.

“Now, your mission of making known the Eternal Will is braided with Mine and with that of My dear Mother. And since it has to serve for the good of all, it was necessary to centralize the Eternal Sun of My Will into one creature; so that, as a unique mission, this Sun might let its rays blaze from her, and all might take the good of Its Light. This implies that, for the decorum and honor of My Will, I had to pour into you, as bearers and preparations, such graces, light, love and knowledge of It, as to befit the residence of the Sun of My Will. Even more, you must know that, just as My Humanity, in Its office of Redeemer, conceived all souls, the same was to happen in you, in your mission and office to make My Will known and reign: as you continue to do your acts in My Will for all, all creatures remain conceived in your will; and as you keep repeating your acts in Mine, you form many sips of Life of Divine Will, in order to be able to nourish all the creatures which are as though conceived in yours, by virtue of My Will. Do you not feel how, in My Will, you embrace all, from the first to the last creature which is to exist upon earth; and for all, you would want to satisfy, love, please this Supreme Will, binding It to all, removing all obstacles that prevent Its dominion in the creatures - making It known to all; and even with sufferings, you expose yourself to satisfy for all, this Supreme Will, which so much loves to be known and to reign in the midst of creatures?

“To you, Firstborn Daughter of My Divine Will, it is given to make known the Qualities, the Value, the Good It contains, and Its Eternal Sorrow of living unknown — hidden, in the midst of the human generations; even more, despised and offended by the evil ones, and placed by the good ones at the level of the other virtues, as if It were a little light which is lit by men - as virtues are in comparison with My Will — and not the Eternal Sun that my Will is.

“The mission of My Will is the greatest that can exist: there is no good which does not descend from It; there is no glory which does not come from It. Everything is centered in It: Our interior Works and those which We have delivered; the Creation of the angels, of the world, of men; all virtues, all merits, all predestinations, all goods, all the glory of the chosen ones, all the Mysteries of the Infinite Love, which are still unknown to man; and the past, the present, the future – all in one Act and in act, and in one single point.

“Therefore, be attentive, and do not want to waste time with doubts or uncertainties. Everything I told you for this mission was necessary — not for you, but for the honor, the glory, the knowledge and the Sanctity of My Will and of Its Dominion in the creatures. And since My Will is one, one was to be the creature to whom I had to entrust It, and through whom It would make Its rays blaze, to do good to all."

Divine Will for every day of the year - April 30, 1927 Volume 21

I was doing my round in the Creation, to follow the acts of the Divine Will in all created things; and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, one was My Will that came out in Creation, but It spread and multiplied Itself in each created thing; and the soul who goes around in the Creation to follow Its Acts and to embrace them all together, gathers the Divine Will that is spread in all things and makes It one, giving Me the glory of the Unity of It. Then, spreading It again in all created things, she gives Me the glory of My Divine Will multiplied and bilocated in so many things.

“It is something great, My daughter, that the littleness of the creature reunites, all together, this Will of Mine bilocated and multiplied in so many things, so as to say to Me: ‘One is the glory, the honor, the love I want to give You, because the One Act contains everything—it is Perfect, and it alone is worthy of You. One was the Will that came out from You, and as one do I want to bring It to You.’ And then, making use of her loving stratagems, she spreads It again, and she gives Me the Glory of the Supreme Fiat multiplied and bilocated in all things. And I let her do everything, and I delight in and enjoy her loving stratagems. In fact, being in My Will, she is in My house, and she can do nothing but what pertains to the Celestial Family. Her acting is always Divine Way of acting, that alone can please Me and give Me perfect love and glory.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - April 29, 1928 Volume 24

… And my lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, making me a surprise, told me: “My daughter, when the soul practices a virtue, the first act she practices forms the seed, and as she practices the second, the third act and so forth, she cultivates the seed, she waters it, and it grows into a plant and produces its fruits. If then she practices it only once, or a few times, the seed is neither watered nor cultivated—it dies, and the soul remains without plant and without fruit, because it is never one act alone that forms a virtue, but repeated acts.

“It happens as to the earth: it is not enough to sow the seed in its womb, but one must cultivate it often, water it, if one wants the plant and the fruits of that seed; otherwise the earth becomes hard over that seed and buries it without giving it life. Now, one who wants the virtue of patience, of obedience and the like, must sow the first seed, and then water it and cultivate it with other acts. In this way, she will form many beautiful and varied plants within her soul.

“On the other hand, My Will is not seed like the virtues—but Life; and as the soul begins to be resigned, to look at My Will in everything and to live in It, the little Divine Life is formed in her. And as she advances in the practice of living in My Will, this Divine Life grows and keeps expanding, to the point of filling the soul with all of this life, in such a way that nothing is left of her but a veil that covers it and hides it within itself. And just as with virtues, so with My Will: if the creature does not give the continuous nourishment of her acts to the little Divine Life within herself, this life does not grow, and does not fill her entirely.

“It happens as to a newborn baby who dies at birth if he is not nourished. In fact, since My Will is life, more than the virtues, that are images of the plants, It needs continuous nourishment in order to grow and to become a whole life, as much as a creature is capable of. Here is, then, the necessity for you to always live in It: that you may take Its delicious food from My Will Itself, so as to nourish Its Divine Life in you.

“See, then, what great difference exists between the virtues and My Will: the first are plants, flowers and fruits that embellish the earth and delight the creatures, while My Fiat is heaven, sun, air, heat, heartbeat—all things that form life, and Divine Life, in the creature. Therefore, love this Life, and give it continuous nourishment, that it may fill you completely and nothing may be left of you.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - April 28, 1929 Volume 26

… Having said this, He withdrew within my interior, and I continued to follow the innumerable Acts of the Divine Fiat; and Blessed Jesus continued, saying: “My daughter, it is a prerogative of My Divine Volition to place everything It possesses in safety. When It enters into the soul, as the possessor of her, It places all things in safety: It places sanctity, grace, beauty, all virtues, in safety; and so that everything may be safe, It substitutes them in the soul with Its own Divine Sanctity, Its beauty, Its virtues—all in a Divine manner; and placing on her Its Seal, that is untouchable by any change, It renders the creature untouchable by any danger. So, for one who lives in My Will there is nothing to fear any more, because It has secured everything with Its Divine Security.

“On the other hand, the human will renders everything unsafe, even sanctity itself. The virtues that are not under the continuous Dominion of My Fiat are subject to continuous dangers and continuous oscillations; passions have the ways open to put everything upside down, and cast to the ground the virtues, the sanctity, formed with many sacrifices. If the continuous Vivifying and Nourishing Virtue of My Will is not present, that closes all doors and all ways to all evils, the human will has door and ways to let the enemy, the world, self-esteem, miseries, disturbances, enter, that are the woodworm of virtues and of sanctity; and when there is the woodworm, there is not sufficient strength to remain firm and persevering in good. Therefore, everything is unsafe when My Divine Will does not reign.

“Moreover, the evil that Our Divine Will does not reign in the midst of creatures is so great, that all things are in continuous oscillation. Our very Creation, all the goods of Redemption, are intermittent, because, not finding Our Fiat reigning in the human family, they cannot always give the same goods. Even more, many times We have to make use of Creation and Redemption to arm them against man, because the human will puts itself against Ours, and We, by justice, have to strike them in order to make them comprehend that, because Our Will is not reigning, the human rejects Our goods and forces Us to punish them. The very glory that the creature gives Us through Creation and Redemption is not fixed, but it changes at each act of the human will.

“Therefore, the little interest that the creature was to give Us—of her love and of her glory that she should give to Us because We have given so much to her—is not even a fixed revenue, but everything is intermittent, because Our Will alone has the virtue of rendering unshakeable and continuous Its own Acts, and those of the one in whom It reigns. So, until Our Divine Fiat reigns, everything is unsafe; the Creation, the Redemption, the Sacraments—they are all in danger, because the human will now abuses, now does not recognize He who has so much loved it and benefited it, now tramples Our very Goods under its feet. Therefore, until Our Will Reigns, that will spread the Divine Order, Its Firmness and Harmony, and Its Perennial Day of Light and of Peace in the midst of creatures, everything will be in danger for him and for Us; Our things themselves will remain in the nightmare of danger, and will not be able to give to creatures the abundant goods that they contain.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - April 27: There are no entries in the Volumes on April 27.

From Volume 30, April 23, 1932, Luisa’s 67th birthday:

 “We Repeat to her: ‘We Love you, oh! daughter.’  As she repairs Us, so do We Press her to Our Heart; as she thanks Us, praises Us, blesses Us, so do We Keep Repeating:  ‘We Thank you that you are thanking Us,’ ‘We Praise you for you are praising Us,’ ‘We Bless you for you are blessing Us.’  We can Say that We Put Ourselves in a contest with her.  Heaven and earth are astounded that their Creator engages in a contest with His beloved creature.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - April 26, 1921 Volume 12

I continue in my painful state. My sweet Jesus came for just a little, and drawing me strongly to Himself, told me: "My daughter, I repeat it to you — do not look at the earth. Let them do what they want. They want to make war — so be it; when they get tired, I too will make My War. Their tiredness in evil, their disenchantments, the disillusions, the losses suffered, will dispose them to receive My War. My War will be war of love. My Will will descend from Heaven into their midst. All of your acts and those of others done in My Volition will wage war on the creatures — but not a war of blood; they will wage war with weapons of love, giving them gifts, graces and peace. They will give such surprising things as to astonish the ungrateful man. This Will of Mine, Militia of Heaven, will confuse man with Divine Weapons; it will overwhelm him, and will give him the light in order to see — not evil, but the gifts and the riches with which I want to enrich him. The acts done in My Will, carrying the Creative Power within themselves, will be the new salvation of man; and descending from Heaven, they will bring all goods upon earth. They will bring the New Era, and the Triumph over human iniquity. Therefore, multiply your acts in My Will to form the weapons, the gifts, the graces, so as to be able to descend into the midst of creatures and wage the war of love on them."

Then, with a more afflicted tone, He added: "My daughter, it will happen to Me as to a poor father, whose wicked children not only offend him, but would want to kill him; and if they don’t do it, it is because they cannot. Now, since these children want to kill their father, it is no wonder that they kill one another, that one is against the other, that they impoverish themselves, and they reach the point of being all in the act of dying. And what is worse, is that they don’t even remember that they have a father.

Now, what does this father do? Exiled by his own children, while these fight, wound one another, and are about to die of starvation, the father works hard in order to acquire new riches, gifts and remedies for his children. And when he sees them almost lost, he goes into their midst to make them richer; he offers remedies for their wounds, and brings peace and happiness to all. Now, conquered by so much love, these children will bind themselves to their father with a lasting peace, and will love him. The same will happen to Me. Therefore, I want you in My Will as faithful daughter of My Volition; and I want you at work together with Me to acquire the new riches to be given to the creatures. Be faithful to Me, and occupy yourself with nothing else."

Divine Will for every day of the year - April 25, 1937 Volume 34

… After this, I continued to think about the Divine Will, nor could I do less. I feel It within me, that It gives me Life. I feel it outside of me, that as the most Tender of mothers It carries me in Its arms, It nourishes me, It raises me, and It defends me from everything and everyone.

And my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, how Beautiful My Will is; no one can boast of loving the creature as It Loves her. So much is Its Love, that It wants to do everything for her, It does not want to entrust her to anyone. With Its Fiat It Creates her, It raises her, It nourishes her, It carries her always in Its arms of Light. It acts as Teacher for her, teaching her the most Sacred Sciences. It reveals to her the most Mysterious and Hidden Secrets of Our Supreme Being. It makes her aware of Our Love, of the Flames that burn Us, in order to let her burn together with Us in every act that she does. It never leaves her alone, It runs in order to place Its Life there.

“In fact, every act is animated by Its Divine Life, and they possess the virtue of being able to produce Divine Life. And My Will takes these Lives from within the act of the creature in order to give Divine Life, Life of Grace, Life of Light, Life of Sanctity, to other creatures, and Life of Glory to the whole Celestial Court. My Will is the True All-Doer, It wants to give Itself to everyone by means of the one who Lives in Its Volition. And when It has formed the Fullness of Its Masterpiece, It carries her to Heaven as Triumph and Victory of Its Power and Divine Art that It knows how to and can do in the creature, provided she lends herself to Living with It and lets It carry her in Its arms. Therefore be attentive, and let a Volition so Holy—that Loves you so much and wants to be Loved in return—Work.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - April 24, 1927 Volume 21

[Jesus speaking]

“…So it is with all Creation: man looks at It, but he does not receive the Life of Love placed by God in all created things, because man does not place his will, nor does he open his heart to receive this continuous outpouring of Love of his Creator. But, in spite of this, Our outpouring of Love does not stop; Our regenerative Breath is always in act and in motion, and We wait for the Kingdom of Our Divine Fiat so that this Love of Ours, hovering around, may descend into the midst of creatures and give Our Divine Life; and, in receiving It, the creatures will form their own outpouring of love to give it to Him from whom they receive It.

“Therefore, My daughter, the whole Creation is centralized over you. I look at you from the starry heavens and I send you this outpouring of Love; I look at you from the sun, and breathing over you, I send you My Divine Life. I look at you from the sea, and in its foaming and mighty waves I send you My Love that, being constrained, I unload with might over you, like a sea. I look at you from the wind, and I pour over you My ruling, purifying, warming Love; I look at you from the mountains, and I send you the outpouring of My firm and unshakeable Love. There is not one place or created thing from which I do not look at you, to pour love

over you.

“In fact, since My Will is in you, you draw Me from all sides to look at you, because My Will expands your capacity to receive My continuous outpouring of Love. Wherever My Divine Will Reigns, I can give everything, I can centralize everything, and a contest arises between Creator and creature—I, in giving, she, in receiving: I give, and she gives to Me; she gives to Me, and I give in yet more superabundant ways. Therefore, always in My Will do I want you, that we may be always in a contest—I with you, and you with Me.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - April 23, 1930 Volume 28

Then, I continued my round in the Creation, and my always lovable Jesus added: “My daughter, see what order there is in the creation of the whole universe: there are heavens, stars, suns—all ordered. Much more so in creating man; Our Divine Being stretched out the order of Our Divine Qualities like many heavens in the depth of his soul. So, We stretched out in him the Heaven of Love, the Heaven of Our Goodness, the Heaven of Our Sanctity, of Our Beauty, and so on. And after We stretched out the order of the heavens of Our Divine Qualities, Our Fiat, in the vault of these heavens, constituted Itself Sun of the soul, that, with Its light and heat, reflecting Itself in him, was to grow and preserve Our Divine Life in the creature. And just as Our Divine Qualities point out Our Supreme Being, so do these heavens, stretched out in man, point out that he is Our dwelling. Who can tell you the way—the love with which We delighted in creating man? Oh! if he knew who he is, what he possesses, oh! how he would esteem himself more, and would be attentive not to stain his soul, and would love He who created him with so much love and grace.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - April 22, 1927 Volume 21

My mind was wandering in the Divine Fiat, and I thought to myself: “Oh! how I would like to receive that first act of Creation—that Divine outpouring of intense Love, that He poured upon the first creature when He created him. I would like to receive that Omnipotent Breath, to be able to return to my Creator all the love and the glory that He had established to receive from the creature.”

But while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus, clasping me to Himself, told me: “My daughter, this is precisely My Purpose for coming to you so often; so much so, that it may appear strange to some, and almost outside of My usual ways, since almost with no one have I done this, of going so often. All this is to reorder My Prime Act of the way I created the creature; and this is why I return to you, staying like the most loving father with his daughter.

“How many times have I not breathed into you, to the point that you could not contain My Omnipotent Breath? I have poured in you My contained Love, to the point of filling you up to the brim of your soul. All this was nothing other than the renewal of the Solemn Act of Creation. I wanted to feel that great delight of when I created man, and therefore I come to you—not only to renew it, but to reorder the Order, the Harmony, the Love, between Creator and creature, in the way he was created.

“In the beginning of the Creation of man there was no distance between Me and him—everything was familiarity. As soon as he would call Me, I would be with him; I loved him as My son and, as My son, I felt so drawn to him that I could not do without going and being with him very often. With you I am renewing the beginning of Creation; therefore, be attentive in receiving such a Great Good.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - April 21, 1922 Volume 14

Everything that I have written and that I write is only to obey; and much more, for fear that my Jesus, being displeased, may find a pretext to deprive me of Him. He alone knows how much it costs me.

So, I spent one day without Jesus — just a few shadows of Him. Oh God, what pain! I was saying to myself: “How soon He broke His promise of not leaving me! Oh Holy Eternal Volition, bring me my Highest Good, my All!” The pain I felt was such that I felt huffy and fussy; but in this state, I tried to fuse myself in His Holy Volition. In the meantime He came, showing Himself crying bitterly and with His Heart cut into many pieces. In seeing Him crying, I put my huffiness aside, and hugging Him and drying His tears, I said to Him: “What is it, Jesus, why do you cry? Tell me, what have they done to You?” And He: "Ah, my daughter, they want to challenge Me. They are preparing for Me an awful challenge — and it is from the leaders. My sorrow is such that I feel My Heart being cut into pieces! Ah, how just it is that My Justice pour Itself out against creatures! Therefore, come into My Will together with Me; let us rise between Heaven and earth and adore together the Supreme Majesty. Let us bless It and give It homage for all, so that Heaven and earth may be filled with adorations, homages and blessings, and all may receive their effects."

So I spent the morning praying together with Jesus in His Will; but — oh, surprise! As we prayed, one was the word, but the Divine Volition diffused it over all created things, and Its Mark remained on all of them. It brought it into Heaven, and not only did all the Blessed receive Its Mark, but it was for them cause of New Beatitude. It descended to the bottom of the earth, and even into Purgatory, and all received its effects. But who can say how it was to pray with Jesus, and all the effects that it produced?

Then, after we prayed together, He told me: "My daughter, have you seen what it means to pray in My Will? Just as there is no point at which My Volition does not exist – It circulates in everything and in everyone; It is life, actor and spectator of everything — in the same way, the acts done in My Volition become Life, actors and spectators of all, even of the very joy, beatitude and happiness of the Saints. Everywhere they bring Light, the balsamic and Celestial Air which unleashes joys and happiness. Therefore, never depart from My Will; Heaven and earth await you to receive New Joy and New Splendor."

Divine Will for every day of the year - April 20, 1912 Volume 11

Continuing in my usual state, as soon as blessed Jesus came, He told me: "My daughter, nature tends toward happiness with an irresistible force, but with reason; it was made to be happy, with a Divine and Eternal happiness. But with great detriment for themselves, some get attached to one flavor, some to two flavors, some others to three, and others to four, but they still remain unsatisfied and cannot find the true taste, causing emptiness within themselves and remaining embittered, bothered and nauseated.

“It happens that, for the human inclination, even the flavors of what is good and holy have within themselves something human with which they get mixed; so they don’t have the strength to completely absorb and overwhelm the nature in the Divine Flavor. This happens even more because, when I want to accomplish My Divine Works in the souls, I keep embittering all that is human in their satisfactions, to be able to give them My Flavors which, being innumerable, have the strength to absorb all the nature in the Divine Taste. Can anyone give greater love than this: in order to give more to the souls I take away the little from them; or better, in order to give them everything I take away the nothing? Yet, this work of mine is received badly by the creature."

Divine Will for every day of the year - April 19, 1919 Volume 12

Continuing in my usual state, I felt all afflicted, and my always lovable Jesus, in coming, clasped me, and placing His arm around my neck, told me: "My daughter, what is it? Your affliction weighs upon My Heart and pierces Me more than My own pains. Poor daughter, you have compassionated Me many times, and have taken my pains upon yourself; now I want to compassionate you and take your pain Myself." And He clasped me all to His Heart, and drawing me outside of myself, He added: "Be cheered, My daughter. Come into My Will to be able to better understand and see all that My Humanity did for the good of creatures."

I don’t know how to say all that I understood. In many things, I lack the words; I will just say what my sweet Jesus told me: "My daughter, My Humanity was the only organ which reordered the harmony between Creator and creature. I did for each soul all that they were supposed to do toward their Creator, not excluding even lost souls, because I was to give to the Father complete glory, love and satisfaction for all created things; with this only difference: the souls who somehow fulfill their duties toward the Creator — almost nobody arrives at satisfying them all — unite their glory to Mine, and everything they do remains as though grafted into Mine; while the lost ones remain as though parched members, and since vital humors are missing in them, they are not fit for receiving any graft of the good I have done for them, but they are only fit for burning in the eternal fire. Therefore, My Humanity restored the lost harmony between creatures and Creator, and sealed it at the price of Blood and unheard-of pains."

Divine Will for every day of the year - April 18, 1927 Volume 21

… After this, I was fusing myself in the Holy Divine Volition, calling all the acts of creatures, so that all might rise again in It; and my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, what great difference passes between one act done in My Will, and one act, even good, done outside of It. Within the first one flows a Divine Life, and this Life fills Heaven and earth, and the act receives the value of a Divine Life. Within the second flows an act of human life, that is limited, restricted, and many times its value ends with the end of the act; and if there is any value in it, it is human value, that is subject to perishing.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - April 17, 1922 Volume 14

… I remained so immersed and interwoven within the Light of Jesus that it seemed to me that I would no longer find the way out. How happy I felt, and how many things I understood in that Light! I lack the words to express myself. I just remember that He said to me: "Daughter of My Will, this Light that you see is nothing other than My Will which wants to consume your will in order to give you the shape of Our Image — the Three Divine Persons – in such a way that, transforming you completely into Ourselves, We will leave Our Volition in you as Divine Actor, which matches Us in everything We do. So, Our Images will come out from Ourselves, and Our Will, acting within you, will take as many of them from you. Oh, how the purpose of Creation will be fulfilled!

“The echo of Our Volition will be the echo of Our own Volition possessed by you; the exchanges will be mutual; Love will be reciprocal; we will be in full harmony, and the creature will disappear within her Creator. Then, nothing else will be lacking to Our Joy, to Our Happiness, for which We delivered Creation. The ‘Let Us make man in Our Image and likeness’ will have its effect. Our Will alone, as actor within the creature, will give completion to everything, and the Creation will bring Us the divine purpose, and We will receive It in Our womb as Our Work, just as We delivered It. …”

Divine Will for every day of the year - April 16, 1905 Volume 6

Continuing in my usual state, my lovable Jesus made Himself seen for a little, with a nail inside His Heart; and drawing near my heart He would touch it with that nail, and I would feel mortal pains. Then He said to me: “My daughter, it is the world that drives this nail deep inside My Heart, giving Me a continuous death. So, by justice, just as they give Me continuous death, I will allow that they give death among themselves, killing one another like many dogs.” And while saying this, He made me hear the screams of the rebel, to the point that I remained deafened for four or five days. Then, as I was very much in suffering, He came back a little later and told me: “Today is the Day of the Palms in which I was proclaimed King. All must aspire to a kingdom, but in order to acquire the eternal kingdom it is necessary for the creature to acquire the regime of herself through the dominion of her passions. The only means is suffering, because suffering is reigning; that is, through patience, man puts himself in his place, becoming king of himself and of the eternal kingdom.”