Divine Will for every day of the year - August 13, 1921 Volume 13

I was feeling very afflicted, and my lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: "My daughter, courage, I don’t want you afflicted; because for one who lives in My Will, the Smile of Heaven, the Contentment of the Blessed, the Peace of the Saints caress the whole of her being. My Will contains the substance of all joys, the fount of all happinesses, and one who lives in My Will, even in sorrow, feels pain and joy, tears and smile, bitterness and sweetness, kneaded together within her. Contentment is inseparable from My Will.

“You must know that as you think in My Will, as you speak, as you work, as you love, etc., you deliver to My Will as many children for as many thoughts as you make, for as many words as you say, for as many works and acts of love as you emit. These children multiply to the infinite in My Will and go around throughout Heaven and through the entire earth, bringing New Joy, New Glory and Contentment to Heaven, and New Grace to the earth; going through all hearts, carrying My sighs, My moans, the pleas of their Mother who wants them saved, and who wants to give them Her Life.

“Now, these children, birth from My Will, in order to be recognized as My children, must resemble and have the same manners of the Mother who delivered them. If they look sad, they will be put out of Heaven, being told: ‘Sadness cannot enter our Residence.’ They will not find their way into the creatures, because in seeing them sad, creatures will doubt that they are true legitimate children of My Will. Besides, one who is sad does not have the grace to creep into others, to conquer them and dominate them. One who is sad is not capable of heroism, and of giving himself for the good of all. Many times these children are aborted, dying during labor, without coming out to the Light of the Divine Will."

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 12, 1915 Volume 11

As I was in my usual state, my always adorable Jesus came for a little while, telling me: "My daughter, how hard people are! The scourge of war is not enough, the misery is not sufficient to make them surrender. They want to be touched in their own flesh, otherwise one cannot manage to make them mend their ways. In fact, look what happens in battles: how holy religion gains within them on battlefields — and why? Because they are being touched in their own flesh. This is why it is necessary that there be no country which will not be caught in the net, in one way or another; but that all of them be exposed to being touched in their own flesh. I don’t want to do this, but their hardness forces Me to."

In saying this, He was crying. I cried along, and I prayed Him that He would make the people surrender with no slaughter and no blood, and that all be saved. And Jesus: "My daughter, everything will be enclosed in the union of our wills. Your volition will run together with Mine, pleading sufficient graces for the salvation of souls. Your love will run into Mine; your desires and your heartbeat will run into Mine, asking for souls with an Eternal Heartbeat. All this will form a net around you and Me, in which we will remain as if woven inside. This will serve as bulwark for defense, within which, while defending Me, you will be protected from any danger... How sweet it is for Me to hear in My Heartbeat the heartbeat of a creature who says: ‘Souls, souls!’ I feel as if chained and, conquered, I surrender."

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 11, 1906 Volume 7

Finding myself in my usual state, I saw my adorable Jesus with a cross in His hand, all full of white pearls. Giving it to me as gift, He placed it on my breast, and it sank into my heart as inside a room. Then He told me: "My daughter, the Cross is a Treasure, and the safest place in which to keep this valuable Treasure is one’s own soul. Or rather, it is a safe place when the soul is disposed to receive this Treasure with patience, with resignation and with the other virtues, because the virtues are as many keys that secure it, so as not to spoil it or expose it to thieves. But if it does not find especially the gold key of patience, this Treasure will find many thieves, who will steal it and spoil it."

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 10, 1899 Volume 2

… After this, He added: "The daughter of justice is truth. Just as I am the eternal Truth, and I do not deceive, nor can I deceive, in the same way, the soul who possesses justice makes truth shine in all of her actions. Therefore, since she knows by experience the true light of truth, if someone wants to deceive her, since that light which she feels within herself is missing, she immediately recognizes the deceit. And so it happens that with this light of truth she deceives neither herself, nor her neighbor, nor can she be deceived. The fruit produced by this justice and by this truth is simplicity, which is another quality of My Being – being simple; so much so, that I penetrate everywhere; there is nothing that can prevent Me from penetrating inside of it. I penetrate into Heaven and into the abysses, into good and into evil; but My Being, which is most simple, by penetrating even into evil, does not get dirty; even more, it does not receive the slightest shadow. In the same way, through justice and truth, gathering this beautiful fruit of simplicity within herself, the soul penetrates into Heaven, she enters into hearts to lead them to Me, she penetrates into everything that is good; and if she finds herself with sinners and sees the evil that they do, she does not get dirty because, being simple, she immediately brushes it off, without receiving any harm. Simplicity is so beautiful, that My Heart is wounded at one gaze alone of a simple soul. She is the admiration of angels and men."

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 9, 1925 Volume 18

My Jesus, give me strength; You who see the great repugnances I feel in writing, such that, if it wasn’t for blessed obedience and for fear of displeasing You, I would not have written a single word any more. Your long privations daze me and render me incapable of anything, therefore I need greater help in order to put on paper what your Holy Will whispers to me. Therefore, give me your hand, and be always with me.

Now, while I was fusing myself in the Holy Divine Volition in order to requite God in love for everything He had done in Creation for love of creatures, a thought was telling me that it was not necessary to do that; that this way of praying was not pleasing to my Jesus; that these are inventions of my mind. And my always lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, you must know that this way of praying – that is, to requite God in love for all the things created by Him – is a Divine rRght, and it enters the first duty of the creature. The Creation was made for love of man; even more, Our Love was so great that, had it been necessary, We would have created as many heavens, as many suns, stars, seas, earths, plants and all the rest, for as many creatures as were to come to the light of this world, so that each one of them might have a Creation for herself, a universe of her own. And, in fact, when everything was created, Adam was the only spectator of all Creation — he could enjoy all the good he wanted. And if We did not do so, it was because man could enjoy everything anyway, as if it were his own, even if others also might enjoy it. In fact, who cannot say, ‘The sun is mine,’ and enjoy the light of the sun as much as he wants? Or, ‘The water is mine,’ and quench his thirst and make use of it there where he needs it? Or, ‘The sea, the earth, the fire, the air, are my things,’ and so with many other things created by Me? And if it seems that man lacks something, that life suffers hardships, it is because of sin which, barring the way of My benefits, prevents the things created by Me from being abundant for the ungrateful creature. So, given all this – that in all created things God bound His love toward each creature – hers was the duty to requite God with her little love, with her gratitude, with her ‘Thank You’ to the One who had done so much for her. Not requiting God in love for everything He has done for man in Creation, is the first fraud that the creature makes against God; it is to usurp His gifts without even recognizing where they come from, and the One who has loved her so much. Therefore, this is the first duty of the creature, and this duty is so indispensable and important, that She who took to heart all Our glory, Our defense, Our interest, did nothing but go around through all the spheres, from the smallest to the greatest thing created by God, in order to impress Her requital of love, of glory, of thanksgiving, for all and in the name of all human generations. Ah! yes, it was precisely My Celestial Mama who filled Heaven and earth with the requital for everything that God had done in Creation. After Her came My Humanity, which fulfilled this duty so sacrosanct, in which the creature had so very much failed, and rendered My Celestial Father benevolent toward guilty man. So, these were My prayers, and those of My inseparable Mama. Don’t you want, then, to repeat my very prayers? Even more, this is why I have called you into My Will – that you may associate yourself with Us, and follow and repeat Our acts.”

So I tried, as much as I could, to go around through all created things, to give to my God the requital of love, of glory, of gratitude, for everything He had done in Creation. I seemed to see in all created things the requital of love of my Empress Mama and of my beloved Jesus. This requital formed the most beautiful harmony between Heaven and earth, and bound the Creator to the creature. Each requital of love was a key, a little sonata of enrapturing celestial music. And my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, all created things were nothing other than an act of Our Will that issued them; nor can they move, or change the effects, the position or the office which each of them received by its Creator. They are nothing other than mirrors in which man was to admire the reflections of the qualities of his Creator: in some the Power, in some the Beauty, in other created things the Goodness, the Immensity, the Light, etc. In sum, each created thing preaches to man the qualities of its Creator, and with mute voices they tell him how much I love him. On the other hand, in creating man, it was not just Our Will, but an emanation that came out of Our Womb — a part of Ourselves that We infused in him; and this is why We created him with a free will – that he might grow always, in beauty, in wisdom, in virtue. In Our likeness, he could multiply his goods, his graces.

“Oh! if a sun had a free will and could make two suns from one, four suns from two, what glory, what honor would it not give to its Creator, and how much glory also to itself? Yet, what the created things cannot do, because they are without a free will, and because they were created to serve man, man can do, because he was to serve God. So, all Our Love was centralized in man, and this is why We placed all Creation at his disposal, all ordered around him – that man might make use of Our Works like as many stairs and ways in order to come to Us, to know Us, and to love Us. But what is Our Sorrow in seeing man below Our created things — even more, his beautiful soul, given by Us, transformed into ugliness by sin, and not only ungrown in good, but horrid to the sight? Yet, as if everything that was created for him were not enough to Our Love, in order to preserve this free will, We gave him the greatest Gift, which surpassed all other gifts: we gave him Our Will, as preserver, as antidote, as prevenience and help for his free will. So, Our Will placed Itself at his disposal, to give him all those aids which man might need. Our Will was given to him as primary Life, and as the first Act of all his works. Having to grow in grace and in beauty, he needed a Supreme Will, which would not only keep company with his human will, but would substitute for the operating of the creature. But this great Gift also he despised and did not want to know. See, then, how Our Will enters the primary life of the creature; and as long as It maintains Its First Act, Its life, the creature grows always in grace, in light, in beauty; she preserves the bond of the First Act of her creation, and We receive the glory of all created things, because they serve Our Will operating in the creature – the only purpose of all Creation. Therefore, I recommend to you – let Our Will be more than life for you, and the first act of all your actions.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 8, 1906 Volume 7

This morning blessed Jesus came for just a little, and since I was all tired because of His privation, He told me: "My daughter, in order for the soul to reach her central point, it is necessary that she run always, without ever stopping, because by running, her path will become smoother, and as she keeps going, the point which she must reach in order to find her center will be manifested to her; and along the way, the Grace which is necessary to her journey will be administered to her, in such a way that, helped by Grace, she will not feel the weight of her toiling, or of life. All the opposite for one who walks and stops. In fact, just by stopping, she will feel the tiredness of those steps which she has already taken, and will lose stamina for the journey. By not walking, she will not be able to see her point, which is a good most high, and will not be attracted to it. Not seeing her run, Grace will not give itself in vain, and her life will become unbearable, because idleness produces boredom and bother."

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 7, 1929 Volume 26

I was continuing my acts in the Divine Volition, and I thought to myself: “How can the Divine Will come to reign? What will be the means, the helps, the graces in order to dispose the creatures to let themselves be dominated by It?”

And my always beloved Jesus, moving in my interior, all goodness and tenderness, told me: “My daughter, the principal means in order to make My Divine Fiat reign upon earth are the Knowledges about It. The knowledges will form the ways, will dispose the earth to become Its Kingdom; they will form the cities, will act as telegraphs, as telephone, as postal service, as trumpeters, in order to communicate, city to city, creature to creature, nation to nation, the news, the important knowledges about My Divine Will. And the Knowledges about It will cast into the hearts the hope, the desire to receive a good so great.

“From here one cannot escape: a good cannot be wanted nor received if it is not known; and if it were received without knowing it, it is as if it were not received. Therefore, the foundations, the hope, the certainty of the Kingdom of My Divine Will will be formed by the Knowledges about It. This is why I have told so many of them—because they will be the riches, the nourishment, and the New Suns, the New Heavens, that the peoples of the Kingdom of My Volition will possess.

“Now, when the Knowledges about My Fiat will make their way, disposing those who will have the good of knowing them, My more than paternal Goodness, in order to show the excess of My Love, will place My very Humanity, all the good I did, in each creature, at her disposal, in a way that they will feel such Strength and Grace as to let themselves be dominated by My Divine Will. And My Humanity will be in the midst of the children of My Kingdom, like Heart in their midst, for the decorum and the honor of My Fiat, and as Antidote, Grace and Defense from all the evils that the human will has produced. The ardor of My Love that wants It to reign is such and so great, that I will perform such excesses of love as to win the most rebellious wills.”

On hearing this, I remained surprised, and as if I wanted to cast a doubt on what Jesus had told me. And He, resuming His speaking, added: “My daughter, why do you doubt about it? Am I perhaps not Master to do what I want and to give Myself as I please to give Myself? Is My Humanity perhaps not the first firstborn Brother who possessed the Kingdom of My Divine Will? And, as the first Brother, I have the right to communicate the right to possess It to the other brothers, placing My very Self at their disposal in order to give them a good so great.

“Am I not the Head of the whole human family, who can make the virtue of the Head flow in their members and make the vital act of My Divine Will descend into the members? And besides, is it perhaps not My Humanity that dwells in you continuously, that gives you such strength and grace for wanting to live only of My Will, and makes you feel such peace and happiness, as to eclipse your human will, in a way that it itself feels happy to live as though without life under the Empire of My Divine Will? Therefore, what I need is that they know the Knowledges about My Fiat—the rest will come by itself.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 6, 1916 Volume 11

As I was in my usual state, my sweet Jesus came for just a little and in passing, and He said to me: "My daughter, my love feels an irresistible need for souls who live in My Will to multiply, because they are the places of My quarters. My love wants to do good to all, but sins prevent Me from pouring My Benefits upon them, therefore I keep searching for these quarters; in them I am not prevented from pouring My Graces, and through them, the towns and the people that surround them take part in them. Therefore, the more quarters I have on earth, the greater vent can I give to My Love, and the more it pours itself out into Benefits for the good of humanity."

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 5, 1934 Volume 33

I was doing my round in the Acts of the Divine Will, and passing from one work to another I arrived at the Creation of Man. And my sweet Jesus, stopping me, with an Indescribable Love that He could not contain, told me: “My daughter, My Love makes Me feel the need of speaking about the Creation of Man. Already the whole of Creation is pregnant with Our Love and speaks, although in mute language. And if it does not speak, it talks with deeds, and it is the greatest narrator of Our Love toward man. And when Our Love was extended in everything—in a way that one could not find any place that Our Love did not cover him and run toward him, and more than sun it would dart him—when the whole of Creation was completed, We Created man.

“But before Creating him, listen to the story of Our Love toward him: Our Adorable Majesty had established to constitute man king of the whole of Creation by giving him the dominion over everything, and by making him lord over all Our Works. But in order to say true king with deeds and not with words, he had to possess in himself everything that We had scattered in Creation, such that in order to be king of the sky, of the sun, of the wind, of the sea, and of everything, he had to possess within himself a sky, a sun, and so forth, in a way that the Creation would be reflected in him, and he, possessing the same qualities, would be reflected in the Creation and would be lord of it. Indeed, if he did not have an eye full of light, how could he enjoy the light of the sun and take however much of it he would want? If he did not have feet and hands in order to tread the earth and take what the earth produces, how could he call himself king of the earth? If he did not have the respiratory organ in order to breathe the air, how could he make use of it? And the same for all the rest.

“Therefore, before Creating man We looked at the whole of Creation, and in Our emphasis of Love We exclaimed: ‘How very beautiful are Our Works, but We will make man the most beautiful among all. We will concentrate everything in him, in a way that We will find Creation outside and inside of him. And as We went molding him, so We enclosed in him the sky of the reason, the sun of the intelligence, the swiftness of the wind in the thought, the extension of space, the strength, the empire in the will, the motion in the soul, in which We enclosed the Sea of Grace, the Celestial air of Our Love and all the senses of the body, as the most beautiful flowering. O man! how very beautiful you are. But not content with this, We placed in him the Great Sun of Our Will. And giving him the Great Gift of the word, so that he could with deeds and with words be the eloquent narrator of his Creator, he was Our Image in which We delighted Ourselves in enriching him with Our Most Beautiful Qualities. But not content with all this, We were taken by Love so exuberant toward him, that Our Immensity entangled him everywhere, wherever and in every instant. Our All-Seeingness looked at him in everything, and even in the fibers of his heart Our Power sustained him, carrying him everywhere in Our Paternal Arms. Our Life, Our Motion, Palpitated in his heartbeat, breathed in his breath, Operated in his hands, walked in his feet, and arrived at making themselves footstool even under his feet. Our Paternal Goodness, in order to keep this dear son of Ours secure, placed him in the conditions that he could not separate himself from Us, nor We from him. What more could We do and did not do?

“This is why We Love him so much, because he cost Us so much. We disbursed for him Our Love, Our Power, Our Will, and We placed in attitude Our Infinite Wisdom. And We did not want anything other than that he would Love Us and that in everything he would freely Live in Our Will, and he would recognize how much We have Loved him and done for him. These are Our Loving Affectations; who would cruelly want to deny them to Us? But alas! there are unfortunately some who deny them to Us and form the sorrowful notes in Our Love. Therefore be attentive and let your flight in Our Will be continuous.”

After this I continued my round in Creation, and not knowing how to do anything else I offered to God the extension of the sky in order to adore Him, the twinkling of the stars for profound genuflections, the light of the sun in order to love Him. But while I did this, I thought to myself: “But the sky, the stars, the sun, they are not animate beings, they do not have reason, how can they do what I want?”

And my beloved Jesus, always benign, added: “My daughter, in order to Create Creation, first there was needed Our Wanted and Decided Will of Creating it. And when this Will of Ours Wanted, then It converted into Works what It Wanted. In fact, Our Wanted and Operating Will is in every created thing, in which It always remains in act of Wanting and Operating. Therefore offering to Our Supreme Majesty the sky, the sun, and anything else, offers not the material and superficial thing that one sees, but the same Wanted and Operating Will of God that there is within each created thing. And if they do not have reason, there is within a Divine Reason and a Wanted and Operating Will of God that animates everything. And offering them offers Us the Greatest Act, the Most Holy Will, the Most Beautiful Works, and not interrupted, but continuous, in which there are the Most Profound Adorations, the Most Perfect Love, the Greatest Glory that the creature can give Us by means of Our Wanted and Operating Will in the whole of Creation. And if the sky, the stars, the sun, the wind, are not aware of anything, My Will and yours are aware of what we want to make use of them, and that is enough.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 4, 1927 Volume 22

I was feeling highly afflicted because of the usual privations of my beloved Jesus; but as usual as this pain is, it becomes more intense and ever more harsh, to the point of rendering me petrified. Now, while I was as though immersed in the sea of this pain, I was given a refreshment, and in that ice-cold water I looked at the Will of He who kept me tortured, and yet loved me, as He had prepared that refreshment.

And as I was bringing it to my lips, Jesus moved in my interior in the act of stretching out His hand in order to sustain the glass, to help me Himself to drink, saying: “I am serving My queen—she serves Me, who am her King, and I serve her, who is My queen. In fact, one who does My Will and lives in It is always ready to do what I want, therefore she serves her King faithfully and in an admirable way; and since My Will is in her, I serve My own Will that rendered her queen.”

On hearing this, I burst into tears of unspeakable tenderness, and I thought to myself: “Queen! queen! And He leaves me so alone and abandoned to the point of letting me reach the extremes? And then He comes up with something new to leave me for even longer. Ah! Jesus! Jesus! Do You want to make fun of me?”

But while I was pouring out my sorrow, He moved again in my interior, and added: “My daughter, I am not making fun of you. On the contrary, I tell you that there is no greater happiness than when the king serves the queen, and the queen the king. And if the queen were to be infirm, if she saw herself being served by the king, sustained in his arms, being fed the food by his hands—for there is nothing that the king does not do for her, allowing no servant to come close and serve his queen—the infirmity would change into happiness for the infirm queen; and in seeing herself being touched, served, sustained, watched over by the king, she feels as though his love were giving life back to her.

“If this happens in the natural order—that a king is happier to be served by the queen, a father by his daughter, while the daughter was served by her father or by her mama; and this, because the king, the father, the daughter, have love as the first act in the service they offer, and would want to give their lives with their services; and this is why they are made happy in their pains, which does not happen with servants, and this is why the service of servants is always harsh—much more so in the supernatural order: one who lives in My Will is My queen, and her first act is love, and in all the acts she does, she gives Me her life. Oh! how happy I feel in her acts—because those are the Acts of My very Will that serve Me.

“And in seeing you infirm because of Me, I feel happy to serve you in the very things created by Me, wanting to give you My very Life in each one of them; and in giving it to you, I feel My Happiness being doubled, because I feel My Life in she who possesses My Will, that made her a queen to Me. Not so when the things created by Me serve one who does not do My Will: these are servants, because they do not possess a Royal Will, and—oh! how hard it is for Me to serve servants. If a king serves his queen, he does not degrade himself, on the contrary, he acquires glory and heroism; but having to serve servants—what sorrow and humiliation! …”

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 3, 1931 Volume 29

[Jesus speaking]

“…But do you want to know what Our most beautiful Gifts are, that We give to the creature? Manifesting to her a knowledge of Our Supreme Being, a Truth that belongs to Us, a secret of Ours, is the most beautiful Gift that We give to her. Each of these Gifts is one more Bond that We place between her and Us; each Truth of Ours is a property that We place in her soul. And therefore, in the soul in whom Our Will reigns, We find Our Divine Nourishments, Our Properties, for as much as is possible to creature, Our Dwelling; so, We find Ourselves in Our Home, in Our Center, in the midst of Our Properties. See, then, what it means to let Our Will reign, and the great good of making Our Truths known to you; each of Our Knowledges brings its own distinct Gift: one brings Its Light, one the Strength, one the Goodness, one the Wisdom, one the Love, and so forth. Each of them binds the creature to God in a special way, and God to her. Therefore, know how to correspond to the many gifts that your Jesus has given you, and live always in Our Will.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 2, 1902 Volume 4

This morning, after letting me struggle very much, all of a sudden my adorable Jesus came, spreading rays of light. I was invested by that light and, I don’t know how, I found myself inside of Jesus Christ. Who can say how many things I comprehended inside that Most Holy Humanity? I can only say that His Divinity directed His Humanity in everything; and since in one single instant the Divinity can do as many Acts as each of us can do in the whole period of one’s life, and as many acts as one wants to do, I comprehended with clarity that, because the Divinity operated in the Humanity of Jesus Christ, during the whole course of His life Blessed Jesus redid for all in general and for each one individually everything that each one is obliged to do toward God, in such a way that He adored God for each one in particular, He thanked, repaired, glorified for each one, He praised, suffered, prayed for each one. And I comprehended that everything that each one must do has already been done before in the Heart of Jesus Christ.

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 1, 1923 Volume 16

I was feeling very afflicted because today my Sun Jesus did not rise on my poor soul. Oh God, what pain it is to spend one day without Sun! Always night! Now, as I was feeling pierced through my soul, I had the good of looking at the starry Heaven, and I said to myself: “How is it, that my sweet Jesus no longer remembers anything about me? I don’t know how the Goodness of His Heart can tolerate not making the Sun of His Adorable Presence rise, when He told me that He could not be without coming to His Little Daughter, because little ones cannot be too long without their father. So many are their needs, that the father is forced to stay with them to watch them, guard them and nourish them… Ah, does He not remember when, carrying me outside of myself, leading me up there, beneath the vault of the heavens, in the midst of the celestial spheres, walking together with Him, I impressed my "I love You" in every star, in every sphere… Ah, I seem to see it in every star — my ‘I love You.’ Ah, it seems to me that those glitterings of light that form around the stars, resound among themselves with my ‘I love You, Jesus.’ Yet, He does not listen to it, He does not come, He does not let His Sun rise, which, eclipsing all the stars with my ‘I love You,’ may make of them one with His own. And so, rising again in the midst of the celestial spheres, I impress a new ‘I love You, Jesus.’ O please, stars, cry out loudly, make my ‘I love You’ resound, so that Jesus may be touched and come to His Little Daughter, to the little exiled…

Oh Jesus, come, give me your hand, let me enter into Your Holy Will, that I may fill the whole atmosphere, the blue Heaven, the Light of the Sun, the air, the sea, everything – everything, with my ‘I love You,’ with my kisses; so that, everywhere You may be, if You look, You may look at my ‘I Love You’ and at my kisses; if you hear, You may hear my ‘I love You’ and the smacking of my kisses; if You speak and breathe, You may breathe my ‘I love You’ and my anguishing kisses. If You work, may my ‘I love You’s flow in your hands; if you walk and tread the ground, may my ‘I love You’ and the roaring of my kisses be under your steps… May my ‘I love You’ be the chain that draws You to me, and may my kisses be the powerful magnet that, whether You want it or not, force You to visit the one who cannot live without You."

But who can say all my nonsense?

Now, while I was thinking of this, my adorable Jesus came, all goodness, and showing me His opened Heart, told me: "My daughter, place your head upon My Heart and rest, for you are very tired. Then, we will wander around together in order to show you My ‘I love you’s,’ spread over the whole of Creation for you."

So I hugged Him, placing my head on His Heart to rest, as I felt extreme need of it. After a while, as I was still outside of myself, but always clinging to His Heart, He added: "My daughter, I want you, who are the Firstborn Daughter of My Supreme Will, to know how the whole Creation, on the wings of My Eternal Volition, brings My ‘I love you’ to the creatures; and the creatures, on the same wings of My Will, making It their own, should give Me their ‘I love You’ in return.

“Look at the blue Heaven: there is not one point in it without the seal of My ‘I love you’ for the creature. Every star and the glittering that forms its crown, is studded with My ‘I love you’s.’ Each ray of the sun, stretching toward the earth to bring Light, and every drop of Light, carry My ‘I love you.’ And since the Light invades the earth, and man sees it, and walks over it, My ‘I love you’ reaches him in his eyes, in his mouth, in his hands, and lays itself under his feet. The murmuring of the sea murmurs, "‘ love you, I love you, I love you,’ and the drops of water are as many keys that, murmuring among themselves, form the most beautiful harmonies of My Infinite ‘I love you.’ The plants, the leaves, the flowers, the fruits, have My ‘I Love you’ impressed in them. The whole of Creation brings to man My repeated ‘I love you’s.’

“And man - how many of My ‘I love you’s’ does he not have impressed in his whole being? His thoughts are sealed by My ‘I love you;’ the beating of his heart, that beats in his chest with that mysterious ‘Tic, tic, tic…,’ is My ‘I Love you,’ never interrupted, that says to him: ‘I love you, I love you, I love you…’ His words are followed by My ‘I love you;’ his movements, his steps and all the rest, contain My ‘I love you’ …Yet, in the midst of so many waves of Love, he is unable to rise to return My Love. What ingratitude! How grieved does My Love remain!

“Therefore, My daughter, I chose you as Daughter of My Will, so that, as faithful daughter, you might defend the rights of yourFather.

“My Love absolutely wants the return of the love of the creature. In My Will you will find all My ‘I love you’s,’ and following them, you will impress your ‘I love You’ in Mine, for you and for all! Oh, how happy I will be in seeing the love of the creature fused with Mine! This is why I give you My Will in your power – so that one creature may return to Me that Love which I gave in Creation, defending the rights of My Love."

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 31, 1906 Volume 7

Continuing in my usual state, blessed Jesus came for a little, and embracing me wholly, He told me: "My daughter, simplicity is to virtues as condiment to foods. For a simple soul there are neither keys nor doors to enter into Me, nor are there for Me to enter into her, because from all sides she can enter into Me, and I into her. Even more, to better say it, she finds herself in Me without entering because, by her simplicity, she comes to resemble Me, Who am most simple Spirit, and only because I am most simple I am present everywhere and nothing can escape my hand. A simple soul is like the light of the Sun – in spite of any fog, or of the fact that its rays pass through whatever rubbish, it remains always light, it gives light to all, and it never changes. In the same way, a simple soul, no matter what mortification or displeasure she may receive, does not cease to be light for herself and for those who have mortified her. And if she sees evil things, she does not become stained, but remains always light; nor does she change, because simplicity is that virtue which most resembles the Divine Being. Only through this virtue can one participate in the other Divine Qualities, and only in the soul who is simple are there no impediments or obstacles for Divine Grace to enter and to operate. In fact, since both one and the other are light, one light easily unites and transforms into the other."

But who can say what I comprehended about this simplicity? I feel as though a sea is in my mind, and I am able to manifest but a few little drops of this sea, and those disconnected among themselves. Deo Gratias.

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 30, 1927 Volume 22

… Then, after this, I was following the most holy and adorable Divine Will in my interior, and my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, the interior acts of a soul who does the Will of God are free from any evil and shadow of defect. God alone is witness of an interior act, and while no one points at her, no one looks at her, no one speaks of her, God, as witness of the work of the creature, there where no one is given to penetrate, in the interior of the creature, points at her, looks at her, and speaks to the whole of Heaven, and many times also to the earth, of the great portents of the interior work of this creature.

“To be pointed at, to be looked at by God, to make Him speak of a creature, is the greatest act and honor that she can receive, and cannot be excluded from the great works that God will accomplish through her. The interior acts are wounds, darts, arrows to the Divine bosom, they are celestial messengers that are released from the creature and fly to her Creator, bringing the mark of glory, of love and of pleasing only He who has created her.

“In fact, who sees, who listens to, who appreciates all the things you do in your interior? No one. I alone am witness of them, listen to them and appreciate them. This is why in Our greatest Works We choose souls who, in appearance, show nothing great and marvelous, but interior souls, who are unblemished either by human views, or by the clamorous noise, the glory, the self-esteem that the external works bring.

“In fact, in Redemption We choose a simple Virgin, without external splendors, but She had Her interior speaking, and was able to say so much, one on one with Her Creator, as to conquer Him and obtain Redemption. Now, We have done the same for the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat: We have chosen another one, all interior, who will say much, and will pray God to concede the longed for Kingdom.

“The external acts, also good and holy, cannot please Me like the interior acts, because the external ones are almost always impregnated with the air of self-glory, with human esteem, and sometimes times also with blame. And a poor heart feels within itself the effects of the praises or of the blame, after it has made sacrifices, and what is human enters the field and invests the acts of the creature with its tenebrous air, and therefore they do not reach Me as pure as they should be. On the other hand, an interior act is neither blamed nor praised by anyone, and what is human has no way in. Since she does not feel watched by anyone, to the soul herself it seems that she does nothing great, and therefore her acts are all impregnated with Celestial Air. Therefore, be attentive, and let your interior always go around in My Will.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 29, 1909 Volume 9

Continuing in my usual state, I said to myself: “Why does the Lord absolutely want that no breath of disturbance enter into me, and that in all things I remain at peace? It seems that nothing pleases Him, be they even great works, heroic virtues, atrocious sufferings… It seems that He sniffs in the soul, and with all those things, if she has no peace, He remains nauseated and displeased with the soul.” At that moment, He made Himself heard, and with dignified and imposing voice, answering my ‘why,’ He told me: "Because Peace is Divine Virtue, while the other virtues are human. So, any virtue, if it is not crowned with Peace, cannot be called virtue – but vice. This is why I cherish Peace so much – because Peace is the surest sign that one suffers and works for Me, and it is the Heritage I give to My children, of the Eternal Peace they will enjoy with Me in Heaven."

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 28, 1915 Volume 11

I was repeating my laments with Jesus, telling Him: “How is it that You left me? You promised me that You would come every day, at least once; and today the morning is gone, the evening is ending and You are still not coming?! Jesus, what a torment Your privation is — what a continuous death! Yet, I am all abandoned to Your Will. Even more, I offer You this privation of You — as You teach me — in order to give salvation to as many souls for as many instants as I am deprived of You. I place the pains which I suffer when I am without You like a crown around Your Heart in order to prevent the offenses of the creatures from entering into It, and to prevent You from condemning any soul to hell. But with all this, O my Jesus, I still feel my nature being shocked and, incessantly, I call You, I search for You, I long for You.”

At this very moment, my adorable Jesus reached His arms around my neck and squeezing me, told me: "My daughter, tell Me, what do you desire? What do you want to do? What do you love?" And I: “I desire You, and that all souls be saved; I want to do Your Will, and I love only You." And He: "So you desire what I want. With this, you really hold Me in your power, and I hold you. You cannot detach yourself from Me, nor can I from you. Then, how can you say that I have left you?"

Then He added in a tender tone: "My daughter, one who does My Will is so identified with Me, that her heart and Mine form one single Heart. And since all souls who are saved, are saved through this Heart, and as Its heartbeat is formed, they take off toward salvation coming out from the mouth of this Heart — I will give to the soul the merit of these saved souls, since she wanted together with Me the salvation of those souls, and since I used her as the very Life of My own Heart."

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 27, 1906 Volume 7

This morning, as my adorable Jesus made Himself seen embracing the Cross, I thought in my interior: “What were His thoughts in receiving the Cross?” And He said to me: "My daughter, when I received the Cross, I embraced It as My dearest treasure, because in the Cross I dowered souls and espoused them to Myself. Now, upon looking at the Cross – at Its length and breadth – I rejoiced, because I saw in It sufficient dowries for all My spouses, and none of them could fear not being able to marry Me, because I held in My own Hands – in the Cross – the price of their dowry. But with this condition alone: that if the soul accepts the little gifts I send to her - which are the crosses — as the pledge of her acceptance of Me as her Spouse, the marriage is formed and I give her the gift of the dowry. If then she does not accept the gifts – that is, if she is not resigned to My Will – everything is undone, and even if I want to dower her, I cannot, because in order to form a marriage, it always takes the will of both sides; and since the soul does not accept My Gifts, it means that she does not want to accept the marriage."

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 26, 1926 Volume 19

I continue in my usual abandonment in the Supreme Volition, and my always lovable Jesus, on coming, told me: “My daughter, the light of the sun is not enjoyed equally by all — not because of the sun, since My Works, containing the Universal Good, do good to all with no restriction of any kind; but because of creatures. Imagine a person who remains in his room: he does not enjoy all the vividness of the light; and if he enjoys a mild light, he does not enjoy its heat. There is someone else, then, who is outside of the built-up area: he enjoys more light, he feels the heat of the sun; the heat purifies and disinfects the putrid air, and in enjoying thepurified air he becomes stronger and feels healthier. So, the second person enjoys more of the goods that the sun brings to the earth. But, move forward. There is a third person who goes and puts himself at that point in which the solar rays hit the surface of the earth. This one feels invested by its rays, he feels burned by the heat of the sun; the vividness of its light is such that, his eyes being filled with it, he can hardly look at the earth. He sees himself as though transfused, one could say, into the very light; he feels little of the earth, of himself, and only because he has his feet on the ground, but he lives only for the sun. See what a great difference exists between the first, the second and the third. But, move even further. A fourth person takes flight into the solar rays, and rises up to the center of its sphere. This one remains burned by the intensity of the heat that the sun contains in its center; the intensity of the light eclipses him completely, in such a way that he remains dissolved, consumed, within the sun itself. This fourth person can no longer look at the earth nor think of himself; and if he does look, he will look at light, he will feel fire. So, for him all things have ended; light and heat have taken the place of his life. What a difference between the third and the fourth! However, all this difference does not depend on the sun, but on creatures, and on how they expose themselves to the light of the sun.

“Now, the sun is the image of My Will which, more than sun, shoots Its Rays to convert those who want to live in Its Kingdom completely into Light and Love. These people are the image of the four degrees of the living in My Will. One can say that the first one does not live in Its Kingdom, but only in the Light which, from My Kingdom, the Sun of My Will diffuses to all. One can say that he is outside of Its boundaries, and if he enjoys a limited light, it is because of the nature of Light, which diffuses everywhere. His nature, his weaknesses and passions form as though a house around him; they form infected and putrid air; and in breathing it, he lives as sickly and without liveliness of strength in doing good. But in spite of all this, he is resigned; he bears to his best the encounters of life, because the Light of My Will, mild as it may be, always brings Its Good. The second is the image of one who has entered the first steps of the boundaries of the Kingdom of the Supreme Will. This one enjoys not only more light, but also the heat, therefore the air he breathes is pure; and in breathing it, he feels passions die within him, he is constant in good, he bears the crosses not only with resignation, but with love. However, since he is at the first steps of the boundaries, he looks at the earth and feels the weight of the human nature. On the other hand, the third is the image of one who has advanced into the boundaries of this Kingdom; and Its light is such and so great as to make him forget everything. He no longer feels anything of himself; good, virtues, crosses, change into his own nature; the Light eclipses him, transforms him, and just barely allows him to look from afar at what no longer belongs to him. The fourth is the happiest, because he is the image of one who not only lives in My Kingdom, but has acquired It. This one undergoes the Total Consummation in the Supreme Sun of My Will; the eclipse caused by Its Light is so intense, that he himself becomes light and heat, nor can he look at anything else but light and fire; and all things convert for him into light and love.

“Therefore, there will be a difference of degrees in the Kingdom of My Will according to how much creatures will want to take from Its goods. But the first degrees will be spurs and paths in order to reach the last one. For you, then, who must make It known, there is all the necessity to live in the last degree."

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 25, 1917 Volume 12

Continuing in my usual state, I was lamenting to Jesus, and I also prayed Him to put an end to the many chastisements. And Jesus told me: "My daughter, why do you lament? This is nothing yet; the great chastisements will come. The creature has rendered herself unbearable. Under the blows, she rebels even more; and she does not even want to recognize My Hand that strikes her. I have no other means to use, other than to exterminate her. In this way I will be able to remove many lives which infect the earth and kill My growing generation. So, do not expect an end for now, but rather, more and worse troubles. There will not be a place on earth, which will not be soaked in blood."

On hearing this, I felt my heart being lacerated. And Jesus, wanting to cheer me, told me: "My daughter, come into My Will to do what I do. In My Will you will be able to run for the good of all creatures; and by the Power of My Volition, you will be able to rescue them from within the blood in which they are swimming, so as to bring them back to Me, washed with their own blood, with the touch of My Will."

And I: “My Life, I am so bad. How can I do this?” And He: "You must know that the most noble, the most sublime, the greatest and most heroic act is to do My Will, and to operate in My Volition. At this act, which no one else can equal, I display the pomp of all My Love and Generosity. As soon as the soul decides to do It — in the act in which the two wills meet to be fused into each other and become one — to give her the honor of keeping her in My Volition, if she is stained, I purify her; if the thorns of human nature envelope her, I shatter them; and if some nail pierces her — that is, sin — I pulverize it, because nothing evil can enter My Will. Even more, all My Attributes invest her, turning her weakness into Fortitude, ignorance into Wisdom, misery into Richness, and so with all the rest. Something from herself always remains in other acts, but in these she remains completely stripped of herself, and I fill her completely with Me."