Divine Will for every day of the year - July 24, 1922 Volume 14

Continuing in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus came with enchanting majesty and love, and showed me all generations, from the first to the last man, and each of them was bound and tied to my sweet Jesus. The bond was such that it seemed to multiply for each creature, in such a way that each one had Him for herself alone, and that Jesus gave each Life of His to suffer any pain and death which each one should suffer, so as to be able to say to the Celestial Father: "My Father, in each creature You will have as many of Myself, who will give You, for each one, that which everyone owes You." While I was seeing this, my sweet Jesus told me: "My daughter, do you also want to accept the bond with each being, so that there may be no dissimilarity between Me and you?"

I don’t know how, I felt as if the weight of all were leaning on my shoulders. I saw my unworthiness and weakness, and I felt such repugnance as to feel faint, to the point that blessed Jesus, having compassion for me, took me in His arms and pressed me to His Heart, letting me place my mouth at the opening of the Wound that pierced Him, telling me: "Drink, My daughter, the Blood which gushes forth from this Wound, that you may receive the strength that you lack. Courage, do not fear, I will be with you. We will share all the weight, the work, the pains and the deaths. This is why I tell you, ‘be attentive and faithful’ — because My Grace wants correspondence; otherwise, it takes nothing to go down. What does it take to open and to close one’s eyes? It takes nothing. Yet, see the great good of keeping them opened, and the great harm of keeping them closed. By keeping them opened, the eyes are filled with light — with the Sun; and with this light the hand can work, the foot can walk safely and without stumbling; one can distinguish objects, whether they are good or bad; one can reorder things, read, write... Now, what does it take to lose all this good? Closing one’s eyes! – and then the hand cannot work, the foot cannot walk, and if it does, it is subject to stumbling; one can no longer distinguish objects; he reduces himself to inability... Such is the correspondence: nothing but opening the eyes of the soul. And as one opens them, Light comes to the mind, My Image is reflected in all that she does, copying Me faithfully; in such a way that she does nothing but receive continuous Light from Me, so as to convert all of her being into Light. On the other hand, lack of correspondence plunges the soul into darkness, and renders her inactive."

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 23, 1923 Volume 16

I was abandoning all of myself in the Holy Divine Will according to my usual way, and my sweet Jesus made Himself seencoming toward me in order to receive me in His Most Holy Will; and He told me: "My daughter, My Will is in continuous encounter with the will of the creature; and as the human will encounters Mine, it receives the Light, the Sanctity, the Strength, which My Will contains. My Will is in continuous Act of giving Itself to the creature in order to give her the Life of Heaven in advance. If she receives Me, she remains with this Celestial Life; but if in every act she does, she does not receive this Supreme Volition, which is all intent,\ for her good, on making her happy, strong, holy, divine, and as though transformed into a dawn of Celestial Light, she remains with her human will alone, which renders her weak, miserable, muddy, and surrounds her with passions so vile as to move to pity.

“Don’t you see how many souls drag themselves because of their weakness in being unable to conquer themselves to do good? Others, which are unable to dominate themselves; others, inconstant like reeds in the wind; others, unable to pray without a thousand distractions; others, always discontent; and others, who seem to be born to do evil. These are all souls who do not encounter My Will in all their things. Yet, My Will is for all; but since they run away from It, they do not receive the good which My Will contains. This is a just pain for those who want to live involving themselves in all miseries.

“However, this Will of Mine, which they did not want to encounter during their life, to receive as many goods for as many times as they would meet It, they will encounter It at their death, receiving as many pains for as many times as they escaped It, because by escaping It, they have become guilty, stained and covered with mud. So it is right that they receive a pain; and as many painful encounters form for them, for as many times as they did not encounter My Will upon earth. But these painful encounters will be without merits, without new gains, as it would have happened, had they encountered It during their life… Oh, how many moans of sorrows come from the prisons of Purgatory, how many shouts of desperation can be heard from hell, because My Will was not encountered upon earth!

“Therefore, My daughter, may your first act be to encounter My Will; may your first thought and heartbeat be to encounter the Eternal Heartbeat of My Will, that you may receive all My Love. Try to make continuous encounters in everything, that you may be transformed in My Will and I in yours, in order to dispose you to make the last encounter with My Will at your last hour. In this way, you will have no painful encounters after your death."

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 22, 1905 Volume 6

I was feeling annoyed for being unable to make certain mortifications, as it seemed to me that the Lord abhorred me, and therefore He would not permit me to do them. And blessed Jesus came and told me: “My daughter, one who really loves Me never gets annoyed about anything, but tries to convert all things into love. For what reason did you want to mortify yourself? Certainly for love of Me. And I say to you: ‘For love of Me mortify yourself, and for love of Me take the reliefs; and both one and the other will have the same weight before Me.’ The weight of any action, be it even an indifferent one, increases according to the dose of love it contains, because I do not look at the work, but at the intensity of love that the working contains. Therefore I want no annoyance in you, but always peace; because in annoyances, in disturbances, it is always the love of self that wants to come out to reign, or the enemy to do harm.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 21, 1927 Volume 22

I continue my living in the Divine Volition, and since my sweet Jesus often deprives me of His lovable presence, I call the Sovereign Mama to my help, the Angels, the Saints, to help me and lend me their love, their adorations, that I may do from the earth what they do in Heaven, so that, drawn by the very love of Heaven, my Jesus may come to His little exiled one, to she who so much longs for Him. But, heedless of my hard martyrdom and as though despising my sighs, my yearnings, instead of having pity on me He escapes me, perhaps contenting Himself to look from afar at my terrible state. Ah! maybe if He feels the love of Heaven in me, that He likes so much, He will come and will no longer leave me alone and abandoned for so long.

But while I was speaking nonsense in my interior, my sweet Jesus, my dear Life, came out from within me, and clasping me in His arms, told me: “My daughter, I do like the Love of Heaven, but that of the earth I like more. That of the earth is always new for Me, it is new gains that I make, new glory. On the other hand, that of Heaven I already possess, no one can take it away from Me—it is all My own thing. But that of the earth I am in the Act of acquiring, and many times I lose the new gains I should make, because souls do not always give Me the love and the glory they should give Me.

“Now, you must know that when souls die in My Grace they are confirmed in the nature of Love, in the nature of Glory and in the Life of the Divine Will. So, in Heaven everything is nature in all the Blessed, therefore they give Me nothing more; rather, I give to them, constantly, that Continuous Act of Joys, of Happiness, of Beatitudes ever New and without end. This is why I am all eyes over the earth, as though putting all Heaven aside—because Heaven is Mine; and I fix on and become all attention for the soul who lives in the exile, who, even though she does not possess the nature of Heaven, wants to give Me the New Gains of Love, of Glory and of Adoration.

“If you knew how your love hovers around within My Will, how it rises between Heaven and earth, investing all created things, and breaching even into Heaven, up to wherever My Divine Will extends, it gives Me the New Possession of the love of the creature who has let herself be invested by the Power of My Supreme Fiat; and while the possession of Love reaches Me, a New one she prepares—that of Glory. And as you return to repeat your acts, your acts are always New for Me because, indeed, you did not have them before. Therefore, you are always New in the Love, in the Glory, in the Adoration you give Me, because, echoing in you, My Will communicates to you that New Act that It possesses by Its own Nature.

“So, what I do in Heaven, giving to all the Blessed that New Act, never interrupted, of Joys and of unspeakable Contentments, you are destined to give to Me from the earth, in the Light and Power of My Will. Therefore, be attentive on following Its rapid flight.”

As my beloved Jesus continued to deprive me of Himself, I felt so very oppressed, and I thought to myself how everything was over, and many other things that it seems useless to me to say on paper.

And my lovable Jesus, placing His holy hands under my shoulders to as though take me in His arms, told me: “My daughter, how heavy you have become—don’t you know that oppression weighs the soul down, and if I want to take you in My arms I have to make an effort to lift you? On the other hand, My Will empties the weight of nature, and Its Light, removing the gloom of what is human, renders her light—light and capable of any sacrifice; and giving her the wings of love, It gives to the soul the first qualities of the Celestial Fatherland, that knows neither oppression nor darkness, but daylight without sunset and joy that never ends.

“And besides, what would you say if you heard the sun say: ‘Everything is over—I am no longer sun, because my Creator does not constantly add more light for me.’

“You, I believe, would answer the sun: ‘I see you always sun, because your Maker has taken nothing away from you of the light He gave you. At the most, if He kept adding light, you would have been stronger and more refulgent in your light.’

“So do I answer you: ‘You are always sun, because the Sun of My Will and of the knowledges about It, more than light, reigns in you.’ Neither I nor anyone else can snatch from you a single one of the many knowledges that you possess about My Eternal Fiat.

“And only because I do not constantly add more about It, as if what I have told you were nothing, you say: ‘Everything is over,’ as if this Sun were extinguished in you? It takes too much, My daughter, to extinguish this Sun of My Will, nor will you yourself be able to escape Its Eternal Rays that, invading your soul, eclipse from you everything that does not belong to this Sun. Therefore, follow Its Light and wait with patience for New Light to come and be added, so as to render the Sun of My Will more refulgent in you.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 20, 1926 Volume 19

As I continued to feel all abandoned in the Supreme Volition, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen all silent, in the act of looking at the whole Creation — at all of His Works. While looking at them, He was as though enraptured profoundly before the Magnificence, Sanctity, Multiplicity and Greatness of His Works; and I, together with Jesus, felt a profound silence within me in contemplating His Works. Many things could be comprehended, but everything would remain in the depth of my intelligence, with no words whatsoever. How beautiful it was to be together with Jesus in profound silence. Then, afterwards, my dear Good, my sweet Life, told me: “My dearest daughter, you must know that My Word is work, while My Silence is Rest; and My Word is Work not only for Me, but also for you. It is My usual Way that, after I have worked, I want to rest in the midst of My very Works – they are My softest bed in My Rest; and since you have listened to My Word and have worked together with Me, with Me you must take rest. Look, My daughter – how beautiful the whole Creation is! It was the Word of your Jesus that worked It with one Fiat. But do you know what is the enchantment that enraptures Me? Your little ‘I love You’ on each created thing. With this little ‘I love You’ of yours impressed on each of them, they all speak to Me of your love, they speak to Me of my newborn of My Will; I hear the harmonious echo of the whole Creation that speaks to Me about you. Oh! how it enraptures Me, how Happy I am to see that My Fiat in Creation and the one taught to you hold hands, intertwine together, and fulfilling My Will, they give Me rest.

But I am not content with resting alone, I want the one who gives Me rest together with Me, that she may take rest, and we may enjoy together the fruits of our work. Look – do all Creation and all the works of My Redemption not seem to you more beautiful with your ‘I love You’, with your adoration and with your will transfused in Mine, carrying out its life in the midst of the Celestial Spheres? There is no more solitude, nor that sepulchral silence that was there before in the Celestial Spheres and in all My Works; but there is the little daughter of My Will keeping them company, making her voice heard, loving, adoring, praying. Holding on to her rights, given to her by My Will, she possesses everything, and when there is someone who possesses, there is no more solitude, nor the silence of a grave. This is why, after having spoken to you at length, I keep silent – it is the rest necessary for Me and for you, so that I may be able to resume My Word again, and therefore continue My Work and yours. But while I rest I contemplate all My Works; My Love rises within Me, and as it is reflected in Me, I delight, and I conceive within Myself more images similar to Me; and My Will places them outside of Me as triumph of My Love, and as the beloved generation of My Supreme Fiat. So, in My Rest I generate children for My Will, all similar to Me, and in My Word I deliver them and give them development, beauty, height; and My Word keeps forming them as worthy children of the Supreme Fiat. Therefore, My daughter, each Word of Mine is a gift that I give you; and if I call you to rest it is so that you may contemplate My Gift, and delighting in it and loving it, you may let more gifts arise within you, similar to those I have given you; and as you release them, they may form, together, the generation of the children of the Supreme Fiat. How Happy we will be!”

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 19, 1912 Volume 11

This morning, as I was in my usual state, blessed Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, I feel your breath and I feel refreshed by it. By just being close to you, your breath gives Me refreshment; even when others talk about the things that you said for their own good, I feel your breath through them and I am pleased. So, My relief is repeated, and I say: ‘Even through others, My daughter sends Me her refreshment, because if she hadn’t been attentive in listening to Me, she could not have done any good for others. Therefore, she is still the one who sends Me this good.’ So, I love you even more and I feel compelled to come and converse with you."

Then He added: "True Love must stand alone. When it leans on something else — even a holy thing or a spiritual person — it gives Me nausea and, instead of content, I feel embittered and bothered. Only when love is alone can I take control and do with the soul whatever I want. This is the nature of True Love. But when it does not stand alone, one thing can be done, something else cannot. It is a hindered command, which does not give full freedom; therefore, Love feels uncomfortable and constrained."

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 18, 1926 Volume 19

My poor mind was thinking about what is written above, and my sweet Jesus continued on the same topic, telling me: “My daughter, see then, the necessity for Me not to give the Kingdom of My Will and not to make It known when I came upon earth. I wanted to test the creature once again; I wanted to give her things inferior to those which I gave her in Creation – remedies and goods to heal her. In fact, when I created man he was not ill, but healthy and holy, therefore he could very well live in the Kingdom of My Will. But as he withdrew from the Supreme Volition, he fell ill, and I came upon earth as the Celestial Doctor to see whether he would accept the remedies, the medicines for his illness; and after this test, then would I give him the surprise of manifesting the Kingdom of My Will, which I kept in My Humanity, prepared for him. Those who think that Our Highest Goodness and Infinite Wisdom would have left man with only the Goods of Redemption, without raising him again to the original state in which he was created by Us, deceive themselves. In that case Our Creation would have remained without Its Purpose, and therefore without Its full effect, which cannot be in the works of a God. At the most, We might let centuries pass and turn, giving now one surprise, now another; entrusting now one little good to the creature, now a greater one. We will act like a father who wants to give his property to his children, but these children have wasted much of the goods of their father. In spite of this, he is determined to give his property to his children, so he thinks of another device: he no longer gives large amounts to his children, but a little bit at a time, lira by lira; and as he sees that his children preserve that little, he keeps increasing the small amounts. Through this, they come to recognize the love of the father and to appreciate the goods he entrusts to them, which they would not do before, when they had large amounts. This serves to strengthen them and to teach them how to preserve the goods received. So, once he has trained them, the father confirms his decision and gives his property to his children.

“Now, this is how the Paternal Goodness is acting. In Creation I placed man in the opulence of Goods, with no restriction at all; but only because I wanted to test him in something that did not cost him much, with an act of his will contrary to mine he wasted all these goods. But My Love did not stop; more than a father, I began to give him a little at a time — and before that, to heal him. Many times one uses more attention with the little than when he possesses great things. In fact, if one possesses great properties and they are wasted, there is always something from which to take; but if the little is wasted, he remains on an empty stomach. However, the decision of giving the Kingdom of My Will to man I have not changed; man changes, God does not change.

“Now things are easier, because the Goods of Redemption have made their way, they have made known many surprises of My Love for man – how I have loved him, not by the Fiat alone, but by giving him my very Life, though My Fiat costs Me more than My very Humanity, because the Fiat is Divine, Immense, Eternal, while My Humanity is human, limited and has its beginning in time. However, not knowing in depth what the Fiat means — Its Value, Its Power and what It can do — the human minds let themselves be conquered more by all that I did and suffered in coming to redeem them, not knowing that under my pains and my death there was My Fiat, hidden, which gave life to My Pains.

“Now, had I wanted to manifest the Kingdom of My Will, either when I came upon earth or before the goods of Redemption would be recognized and, for the most part, possessed by creatures, My greatest Saints would have been frightened; all would have thought and said: ‘Adam, innocent and holy, was unable to live nor to persevere in this Kingdom of endless Light and of Divine Sanctity – how can we do it?’ And you yourself – how many times have you not become frightened? And trembling before the Immense Goods and the Sanctity, fully Divine, of the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, you wanted to draw back, saying to Me: ‘Jesus, think of some other creature – I am incapable of this.’ You were not so much frightened by the suffering; rather, many times you prayed Me — you incited Me to let you suffer. Therefore My more than paternal Goodness acted with you as with a second Mother of Mine: from Her I hid My Conception in Her womb; first I prepared Her, I formed Her, so as not to frighten Her; and when the appropriate time came, in the very Act in which I was to be conceived, then I made it known to Her through the Angel; and even though at first She trembled and was troubled, immediately She became serene again, because She was used to living with Her God, in the midst of His Light and before His Sanctity. So I have done with you: for many years and years I hid from you that I wanted to form this Supreme Kingdom in you; I prepared you, I formed you, I enclosed Myself in you, in the depth of your soul in order to form It; and when everything was done, I manifested the secret to you, I spoke to you about your special mission, I asked you in a formal way whether you wanted to accept Living in My Will; and even though you trembled and feared, I reassured you, saying to you: ‘Why do you trouble yourself? Have you perhaps not lived with Me until now in the Kingdom of My Will?’ And you, serene again, would make more of a practice of the Living in It, and I would delight in expanding ever more the boundaries of My Kingdom; because it is established up to what point the creature must take possession of this Kingdom, since Its boundaries are endless, and the creature is incapable of embracing them all, because she is limited.”

And I: ‘My love, yet, my fears have not completely ceased, and many times I am so frightened that I fear I might act like a second Adam.’ And Jesus: “My daughter, do not fear, you have more help than Adam did — you have the help of a Humanate God, and all His Works and Pains as your defense, as your support, as your cortege, which he did not have. Why, then, do you want to fear? Rather, be attentive to the Sanctity that befits the Living in this Celestial Kingdom, and on your happiness and fortune, because by Living in It, one gaze of Mine is enough for you – it is enough for you to hear one of My Words alone to comprehend Its Goods; while for those who are outside, one can say that they understand only that the Kingdom of My Will exists, but as for what is inside of It, what it takes to comprehend It, they can just barely understand the alphabet of My Will.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 17, 1907 Volume 8

Continuing in my usual state, blessed Jesus came for just a little and told me: "My daughter, the true sign to know whether the soul lives in My Will, is that everything that happens to her, every circumstance, takes place in peace, because My Will is so perfect and holy that It cannot produce even the shadow of disturbance. So, if in contrasts, mortifications or bitternesses she feels disturbed, she cannot say that she is inside My Will. If she feels resigned and also disturbed, she can say, at most, that she is in the shadow of My Will; in fact, while being outside of It, she is free to feel her own self – but not inside."

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 16, 1918 Volume 12

This morning my sweet Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, do not remain in yourself — in your will — but enter into Me and into My Will. I am immense, and only one who is immense can multiply acts as many times as he wants; one who is up high can give light to the bottom. Don’t you see the sun? Because it is up there, it is light for every eye; even more, each man can have the sun at his disposal, as if it were fully his own. On the other hand, the plants, the trees, the rivers, the seas, which are down below, are not at everyone’s disposal. One cannot say of these things as he could of the Sun: ‘If I want, I make it all mine, even though others can still

enjoy it.’ On the other hand, all the low things receive benefit from the sun: some receive light, some heat, some fecundity, some color.

Now, I am the Eternal Light, I am in the highest point, and as much higher as I am, so much more do I find Myself everywhere and deeper down. Therefore, I am life of all, and as if I were only for each one. So, if you want to do good to all, enter into My immensity, live up high, detached from everything, and also from yourself. Otherwise, there will be earth around you, and you could be a plant, a tree — but never a sun; instead of giving, you will have to receive, and the good you will do will be so limited as to be numerable."

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 15, 1934 Volume 33

I was doing my round in the Divine Will, and my little human volition, lost in It, burned with the desire to search out all Its Acts in order to make them mine so as to be able lord over everything, and have in my power an Infinite Glory, an Eternal Love, Innumerable Acts, one distinct from the other, that never end, in order to be able to always give Love, Glory, Works to my Creator. As daughter of His Will, I feel the need of possessing everything in order to have the Love that never says enough, and Divine Acts Worthy of the Supreme Majesty.

And my always adorable Jesus, almost to confirm what I thought, told me: “My daughter, for one who does My Will and Lives in It, everything is hers. If It gives Itself to the creature, It does not give Itself only, but It brings all Its Works, because they are inseparable from It, and It makes use of them in order to let wander, nourish, make happy, enrich with Its Immense Riches, she who Lives in It. And It places Itself in the conditions of being able to always receive from the creature. If My Divine Volition could not give everything, and always give and always receive from one who Lives in Its Volition, It would not be a true happy Life in It because the substance of Happiness is formed by New Surprises, by exchanges of Gifts, by various and manifold Works, each one possessing the Source of various Joys, that the one makes a Gift of to the other, and they attest their Love to each other in turn. One pours into the other, and in this pouring into each other they communicate Secrets, and the creature makes New Discoveries about the Divinity and acquires other Knowledges about the Supreme Being.

“Life in My Will is not a joke, but Operating Life and continuous Activity. Rather, you must know that there is nothing that has been done by God, by the Saints, and by everyone, that is not given to one who Lives in My Volition, because there is nothing of Good that does not belong to It. And as you feel the need of possessing everything, so everyone feels the need of giving himself to you. But do you know why they want to pass through the channel of the human volition? In order to give the Good that they possess and to duplicate the Good, the glory, of their acts to their Creator. In fact, as you desire to search them out, so Our Works and those of the whole of Heaven desire to be sought. It seems that they say one after the other: ‘And to me, and to me—do not pass me over. Take me in your power, unite us all together so that one is the Love, the Glory, of everyone to that Supreme Will that has given birth to us in Its Womb and has given us Life.’

“Therefore Living in My Will is the Prodigy of prodigies, it is the Unity of everything, it is to possess everything, to receive and give everything. And since I want to always give to the creature, I ardently yearn for her in My Fiat in order to give her what I want and to fulfill My Desires.”

After this, I thought to myself: “But what good comes to me, what glory do I give to my God, by always asking that His Will be known and take Its Royal Place that belongs to It in creatures? It seems that I do not know how to ask for anything else. It seems to me that Jesus Himself is tired of hearing me tell the same story: “I want Your Fiat as Life for me and for everyone.”

But while I thought this, my sweet Jesus added: “My blessed daughter, you must know that when the creature incessantly prays to obtain a good, she acquires the capacity of possessing that good, and possessing it she has the virtue of letting it be possessed by others. Prayer is like the disbursement of the coin in order to purchase the good that one wants. Prayer forms the esteem, the appreciation, the love that is needed in order to possess it. Prayer forms the void in the soul for where to be able to enclose the desired good, otherwise if I want to give it, then she will not have where to place it. And also, you cannot give Me greater Glory, than to ask Me that My Will be known and Reign. This is My own Prayer, it is the yearning and the heartbeat of My Heart, they are My ardent Anxieties.

“And you must know that so much is My Love that I want to make My Will known, that not being able to hold it back, it pours over you and I make you say: ‘Your Fiat come, Your Will be known.’ In fact, I am who prays in you; it is not you. They are My outlets of Love, My Loving Outpourings that feel the need of uniting Me with the creature in order to not be alone in praying for such a Good. And in order to give more value to this prayer, it places in your power My Works, the whole of Creation, My Life, My Tears, My Sufferings, so that it is not a prayer of only words, but a prayer confirmed by My Works, Life, Sufferings, and My Tears. O! how sweet does your little refrain resound to My Hearing, your little loving sing-song that echoes Mine: ‘Your Fiat come, Your Will be known.’ And if you did not do this, you would suffocate My Prayer in you, and I would remain embittered and I would remain alone, alone to pray.

“But I must also tell you, do you know who feels the need of retracing all My Works and Sufferings in order to ask Me that My Will be known and Reign? The one who has known It and loves It. In view of the Great Good, she cannot stop repeatedly asking that everyone know and possess It. Therefore think that I am with you and I pray together with you when you feel that you can do no less than pray for the Triumph of My Will.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 14, 1935 Volume 33

My mind is always returning into the Interminable Sea of the Divine Volition, that as It murmurs It smiles with Love at thecreature, and It wants her smiles of Love, It does not want that she remain behind It and is not given tit for tat. Not to do what theDivine Will does while Living in It, is almost impossible. But who can say what the creature feels in this Divine Sea? The Purity of Its Kisses, Its Chaste Embraces that infuse Celestial Peace, Divine Life, Strength such as to conquer God Himself. O! how I would love that everyone would experience, that they would come to Live in, this Sea, certainly they would never come out of It again.

But while I thought this, I said to myself: “But who knows who will see when this Kingdom of the Divine Fiat will come? O! how difficult it seems.”

And my beloved Jesus, making me His brief little visit, told me: “My daughter, and yet It will come. You measure the human, the sad times that involve the present generations, and therefore it seems difficult to you. But the Supreme Being has Divine Measures that are so very long, such that what is impossible for human nature, is easy for Us. We should not act other than an impetuous wind, that will be so Strong that they will be carried by the currents of the wind that will purify the unhealthy air of the human will, and of all the sad things of these times. It will make a heap of them, and it will scatter them like dust invested by an impetuous wind. Our Wind will be so Strong, impetuous, and Ruling, that it will not prove easy to resist it, even more because Its Waves will be crammed with Graces, with Light, with Love, that will drown the human generations and they will feel themselves Transformed. How many times does a strong wind not sweep away an entire city and transport men, trees, earth, water, to other places, and perhaps even far away, without anyone being able to oppose it? Even more Our Divine Wind, wanted, decreed, by Us, with Our Creative Strength.

“And then, there is the Queen of Heaven who, with Her Empire, continuously prays that the Kingdom of the Divine Will come on earth, and when have We ever denied Her anything? For Us, Her Prayers are impetuous winds such that We cannot resist Her. And the same Strength that She possesses of Our Will is for Us Empire, Command. She has all right to impetrate It, because She possessed It on earth, and She possesses It in Heaven. Therefore as Possessor She can give what is Hers, so much so that this Kingdom will be called the Kingdom of the Celestial Empress. She will act as Queen in the midst of Her children on earth. She will place at their disposition Her Seas of Graces, of Sanctity, of Power. She will put to flight all the enemies. She will raise them in Her Womb. She will hide them in Her Light, covering them with Her Love, nourishing them with Her own hands with the food of the Divine Will. What will this Mother and Queen not do in the midst of this, Her Kingdom, for Her children and for Her people? She will give Unheard-of Graces, Surprises never seen, Miracles that will shake Heaven and earth. We give Her the whole field free so that She will form for Us the Kingdom of Our Will on earth. She will be the Guide, the True Model, It will also be the Kingdom of the Celestial Sovereign. Therefore, you also pray together with Her, and at Its time you will obtain the intent.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 13, 1931 Volume 29

I was continuing my acts in the Divine Will, and was thinking to myself: “How can one know whether the Divine Fiat reigns in the creature and in my poor soul, or the good that It reigns in it or not?”

But while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus told me: “Motion is the sign of life—where there is no motion there cannot be life. So, to know whether the creature possesses My Will is if in her inmost soul she feels My Will alone as Prime Motion of everything that goes on within her. In fact, My Will being Prime Motion, wherever It reigns It will make Its Prime Divine Motion felt, upon which will hang all the internal and external acts, as though from the center of the Prime Motion of My Divine Will. Therefore, It will be the Prime Motion, the Word of Honor, the Commandant, the Ruler, in such a way that each act will be in waiting to receive the Prime Motion in order to move and operate. So, if the creature feels in her acts the Prime Motion of My Will, it is the sign that It Reigns in her soul; but if, on the contrary, she feels in her Prime Motion the human end, her own pleasure, natural satisfactions, the taste for pleasing creatures, My Will will not only not Reign, but from Queen It will act as her servant, serving her in her acts, because

there is no act that the creature can do if My Divine Will does not concur in it, either dominating her or serving her.

“Now, you must know, My daughter, that the passport in order to enter into My Kingdom is the resolute will of never doing one’s own will, even at the cost of one’s life and any sacrifice. This resolute act, but true, is like the signature that one puts on the passport in order to set off in the Kingdom of My Divine Will; and while the creature signs in order to set off, God signs in order to receive her. This latter signature will have so much value, that the whole of Heaven will go to meet her in order to receive her into the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat in which they live; and they will be all eyes over this creature who, from the earth, holds as life and as Kingdom that same Will that they hold in Heaven. But the passport is not enough; one must study the language, the ways, the customs of this Divine Kingdom—and these are the Knowledges, the Prerogatives, the Beauties, the Value that My Will contains. Otherwise, one would be like a stranger; he would neither take love, nor be loved. If he does not sacrifice in making of It a study in order to be able to speak with that same language, and does not adapt himself to the customs of those who live in this Kingdom so holy, he will live isolated, because, not understanding him, they will shun him; and isolation makes no one happy. In addition to this, one must pass from the study to the practice of what was learned; and after a length of practice, at last, he is declared a citizen of the

Kingdom of My Divine Will, and then will he enjoy all the Happinesses that are in a Kingdom so Holy; even more, they will be his own properties, and he will acquire the right to live in It as in his own Fatherland.”

After this, He added: “My daughter, one who lives in My Will becomes the peacemaker between God and the creatures. All of her acts, words, steps, her prayers, her little sacrifices, are like many bonds of peace between Heaven and earth; they are like peacemaking weapons, as she fights her Creator with weapons of peace and of love in order to disarm Him and render Him favorable, and change the scourges into Mercy. And just as the human will formed the war, to wage war against He who had created it—not only this, but it broke the accord, the order and the peace—so My Will, with the Strength of Its Omnipotence, Reigning in the creature, converts what the creature does into Bonds of Accord, of Order, of Peace and of Love. So, from her comes out as though a little white cloud that, surging, spreads and rises up to the Divine Throne; and bursting into as many voices for as many acts as she has done, it says: ‘Great God, peace I bring to You from the earth; and You—give me Your Peace, to bring it as Bond of Peace between You and the human generation.’ This little cloud ascends and descends, descends and ascends, and does the office of peacemaker between Heaven and earth.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 12, 1937 Volume 34

I am in the arms of the Divine Volition, that more than vigilant sentinel not only wants to make Itself Life of my every act, but penetrating into every hiding place of my heart and of my mind, It recalls me if everything that enters into me is not part of the Fiat.

And my always Lovable Jesus, visiting my little soul, and assuming the aspect of Teacher who wants to teach to His daughter everything, told me: “Blessed daughter of My Will, you must know that self-reflections, impressions, oppressions, melancholies, doubts, little fears, impede the Divine Reflections, the Holy Impressions, the rapid flight toward Heaven, the Joys of True Good, the Celestial Peace. They are as so much rubble cast into a lake while a person is looking in those limpid waters as in a mirror, and sees her whole person, that it is beautiful and ordered—now what happens? While she is looking in those very clear waters, a little rubble is cast into that lake, the waters ripple, become muddy, and so many ripples and more ripples form, as to muddy all the water—what becomes of the poor person who was admiring herself? As the ripples formed in the water, so they brought, some a foot, some an arm, some a hand, some the head, in a way that she sees herself all strangled by the ripples of those waters. What has made it that the

limpidity of those waters has been lost in a way that her image can not been seen entire anymore, but in a way as to cause pity—what was it? A little rubble.

“Such is the soul Created by God, more than a very clear fount in which, more than a very clear fount, God could look at Himself in her, and she in God. Now, the reflections, the oppressions, the doubts, fears, etc., are as so much rubble cast into the depth of her soul. And God, looking at Himself in her, does not see Himself entirely, but as divided into so many parts. Therefore the

Strength, the Divine Joy, the Sanctity, the Unity of Peace, is divided. This will impede her from knowing who God is, how much He Loves her, and what He wants from her. And for her, wanting to look at herself in God, these rubbles will impede her step, making her limp in walking, impeding her flight in order to look at herself in He who has Created her, while they seem things of nothing. And yet, in this is formed the Knowledge of God in the creature, the Union, the Sanctity—the looking of God in the creature, and she in God. But not if the soul is disturbed by these rubbles, that can be called trifles of the soul that, lacking the solidity and Substance of True Love, are always muddying, and God can not mirror Himself in her in order to form His Beautiful Image. Therefore be attentive, and always seek My Will.”

Jesus became silent, and I remained thinking about the great evil that self-reflections do. And my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, only in My Will can the soul arrive at the apex of the Highest Sanctity, and enclose in herself—for as much as is possible for a creature—a Complete Act, such as to fill herself so much, as to not leave any void in her, so much so as to convert into her own nature the good that she does. If she Loves in My Fiat, the wave of Love rains on her everywhere, it Invests her most intimate fibers, and while Its Rain pours over her sweeping her away in Love, It assumes the aspect of Queen and converts into nature Its Love in the creature, but so much so that she will feel the breath, the heartbeat, the motion, the step, all her being, that she does not know how to do anything other than Love.

“This wave of Love rises even to Heaven, without ceasing to rain over her, and she takes her Creator by storm and she always Loves Him, because when Good is converted into one’s nature, one feels the need of repeating the received Good as Act that constitutes her Life. If she adores, she will feel her nature changed into adoration, such that in everything she will feel profound

adorations coming forth for her Creator. If she repairs, she will feel the course of going to search out all the offenses, in order to place her reparation there. In sum, My Will, with Its Creative Strength, does not leave any void, and It knows how to convert into nature everything that the creature does in It. See what difference there is between one who Lives in My Will and Possesses It as Operating Life, and one who knows It as virtue, and perhaps in the most sorrowful circumstances of life, and in all the rest as if It were not for them.

“Now, I want to tell you another consoling surprise. So much is Our Pleasure when the creature decides with immovable firmness to Live in Our Volition, that what We must do at the point of death, of Confirming her in the Good in which she finds herself, because you must know that everything that she has done in life—prayers, virtue, sufferings suffered, good works—these

serve to form Our little Divine Life in her soul, not one Blessed enters into Heaven if she does not possess this Divine Life, according to the good that they have done, and if they have Loved Me and fulfilled My Will more, so they will have It, some lesser, some greater, because the True Happiness, the True Joys, must be possessed within. In fact, each one will have inside and outside of them their God, who will always give them New Joys, so much so that if souls, dying, are not filled up even to the brim with Love and with My Will, I Confirm them, yes, but they do not enter into Heaven. I send them to Purgatory to fill these voids of love and of My Will

by way of sufferings, of anxieties, and of longings. And when they are filled with everything, in a way that one sees in them that they are already completely Transformed into My Love and into My Will, then they take flight toward Heaven.

“Now, for one who does not want to do her will anymore but only Mine, We do not wait for that point. With an Irresistible Strength Our Love brings Us to anticipate the Confirmation of the Good, and to convert into nature Our Love and Our Will, so that she will feel that My Love, My Volition, is hers. She will feel My Life more than her own, but with the difference that of those who are Confirmed at the point of death, they will not grow anymore in good, their merits are finished. On the other hand, in these My Life will always grow, the merits will never end, rather, they will have the Divine Merits. As they continue to admire and to Live of My Will, so they will know Me more, and I Love them more and increase their Glory. I can say that I run in her every act in order to give her My kiss, My Love, in order to Recognize her, that she is Mine, and give her the Value, the Merit as if I were to have done it. Ah! you cannot understand what We feel for one who Lives in Our Volition, how We Love her. We want to make her content in everything, because in her We find the Purpose of Creation Realized and all the Glory that all things must give Us Centralized. And then, Our Completed Will is everything for Us.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 11, 1919 Volume 12

I am going through most bitter days. My lovable Jesus makes Himself seen little or not at all; or like lightning flashing by. I remember that one night He made Himself seen as tired and exhausted, carrying as though a bundle of souls in His arms. And looking at me, He told me: "Ah! my daughter, the slaughter that they will make will be such and so great that only this bundle of souls which I am carrying in My arms will be saved. What madness has man reached! You, do not be disturbed; remain faithful during My absence, and after the storm I will repay you at usury for all the privations of Me, redoubling My Visits and My Graces." And almost crying, He disappeared. It is needless to tell the torture of my poor heart.

Another day, a light, almost flying over in front of me, remained in my mind, which said that just as blessed Jesus extended the heavens over our heads, so did He extend a heaven within our souls; or rather, not one, but many. Therefore, heaven is our intelligence; heaven is our gaze; heaven is the word, the action, the desire, the affection, the heart; with the difference, however, that the external heaven does not change, nor do stars increase or decrease, while the heavens of our interior are subject to mutations.

Therefore, if the heaven of our mind thinks in a saintly way, as thoughts are formed, stars, suns and beautiful comets are formed as well; and as our Angel sees them formed, he takes them and places them in the heaven of our intelligence. And if the heaven of our mind is holy, the gaze is holy, the word, the desire and the heartbeat are holy. Therefore, the gazes are stars, the word is

light, the desire is comet that extends, the heartbeat is sun, and each one of the senses adorns its own heaven. On the other hand, if the mind is evil, nothing beautiful is formed; rather, such darkness spreads as to obscure the other heavens. So, the gaze sends flashes of impatience; the word thunders with blasphemies; the desires cast lightnings of brutal passions; the heart unleashes from its womb a devastating hail over all the works of the creature. Poor heavens, they are obscure - how pitiful they are!

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 10, 1900 Volume 3

While I was in the same confusion, He made Himself seen like a flash and made me understand that I had not written everything He had told me the day before – that is, that the soul must not only live for God, but in God. So, blessed Jesus repeated to me the difference that exists between living for God and living in God, saying to me: “In living for God, the soul can be subject to

disturbances, to bitternesses, to being inconstant, to feeling the weight of passions, to meddle in earthly things. But the living in God – no, it is completely different, because the most important thing so that one person may enter to dwell inside another person is to lay down all that belongs to him – that is, to strip himself of everything, to leave his own passions; in a word, to leave everything in order to find everything in God.

Now, when the soul has not only stripped herself, but has slimmed down well, then will she be able to enter through the narrow door of My Heart to live in Me, according to My Way and from My own Life. In fact, even though My Heart is Immense, so much so, that there is no end to Its boundaries, Its door, however, is extremely narrow, and only one who is stripped of everything can enter into It. This, with reason, because since I am Most Holy, I would never admit anything to live in Me which is extraneous to My Sanctity. Therefore, My daughter, try to live in Me and you will possess Paradise in advance.”

Who can say how much I understood of this living in God? But then He disappeared and I was left in my same state.

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 9, 1900 Volume 3

I continue in the same state, and maybe even worse; and if sometimes He makes Himself seen, it is like shadow and flashes, and almost always in silence. This morning, as I was at the summit of my affliction and dazedness because of the continuous sleep, He just barely made Himself seen and told me: “Courage, My daughter, the soul who is truly Mine must live not only for God, but in God. You, try to live in Me, for in Me you will find the receptacle of all virtues, and strolling in their midst, you will nourish yourself with their fragrance, so much so, as to become replete. And you yourself will do nothing but give off light and celestial fragrance, because to live in Me is true virtue, and it has the virtue of giving to the soul the same shape as the Divine Person in whom she dwells, and of transforming her into the very Divine Virtues with which she nourishes herself.”

After this, He disappeared like a flash, and running after that flash, my soul found herself outside of myself. But He had already escaped, and it was not given to me to find Him, while I received the bitterness of seeing a terrible hail which had caused a great devastation; and bolts of lightning, as if they had produced fires; and other things which had been prepared. Having seen this, I found myself inside myself, more afflicted than before.

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 8, 1934 Volume 33

It seems to me the Divine Volition, with searching eye, is always looking at me to see if in all my interior His adorable Will flows as Prime Act. And with an admirable and Divine Jealousy, It invests everything, surrounds everything, It looks at them whether the act is little or great, but It looks to see if the Life of His Will runs there, because all the value and the greatness of an act is supported by if there is His Will within. All the rest reduces itself, for however great it could be, to a very thin veil that is enough to cover and hide the Great Treasure, the Incomparable Life of the Divine Will.

Now, while my mind was all occupied by the Divine Will, my Highest Good Jesus, who it seems that He takes indescribable enjoyment when He wants to speak about His Will, all Goodness told me: “My blessed daughter, in order to have that an act would be more pleasing to Me, and My Will could form Its Whole Life in it, the whole interior of the creature must be centralized in My Fiat. The will must want It; the desire must ardently desire what the volition wants; the affections, the tendencies, must crave and be inclined only to receiving the Life of My Will in their act; the memory to remembering It; the intelligence to understanding It; such that everything must be centralized in the act in which My Will wants to form Its Life, since in order to form a life there is needed will, desire, heart, affections, tendencies, memory, intelligence, otherwise it could not be called a Whole and Perfect Life, so My Divine Will, wanting to form Life in the act of the creature, wants the whole being of the creature centralized in Its Act or Life that It wants to form, otherwise one would not be able to call it Whole and Perfect Life.

“This is the reason why My Will wants everything: in order to be able to exchange the Life of Its Love in the love of the creature, Its Divine Desires and Tendencies in those of hers, Its Uncreated Heartbeat in the created heartbeat, Its Eternal Memory in the finite memory, in sum, everything. It wants to be free in everything in order to be able to form Life whole, not half, and as the creature cedes hers, so My Divine Will makes the exchange of Its. And then Its Life is fecund and generates in the veil of the creature such that all Its Love, Desires, Tendencies, Memory, cover her, and forms the Great Prodigy of Its Life in her. Otherwise, one could not say Life, but simple adherence to My Will, not even totally, but in part. Therefore It would not be able to bring either the Effects or the Goods that It possesses.

“The sun would be an image. If its light did not possess heat, sweetness, tastes, fragrances, colors, it would not be able to form the beautiful rainbow of colors, the variety of sweetnesses, the suavity of its tastes and fragrances. If it gives them to the earth, it is because it possesses them, and if it did not possess them, it would not be true life of light, but light sterile and without fecundity.

“The same for the creature, if she does not cede the place of her whole interior to My Will, she will not be able to posses Its Love that is never extinguished, the Divine Sweetnesses and Tastes, and everything that composes the Life of My Will. Therefore do not keep back anything of yours for yourself, and you will give Us the great glory of having a Life of Our Will on earth, veiled by your mortal covering, and you the Great Good of possessing It. You will feel flow in your covering, as rapid sea, the Happiness, the Joys, the Firmness in Good, the Love that always Loves, the sweetnesses, the taste. The Conquests of your Jesus will also be yours. Your coverings will continue the office of sufferings down here, but they will have a Life of Divine Will that will sustain them, and it will serve to develop the Life of Its Divine Conquests and Victories in the human coverings. Therefore, always forward in My Will.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 7, 1928 Volume 24

I was following my sweet Jesus in His Public Life, and while thinking about the so many human diseases that Jesus healed, I thought to myself: “And why did the human nature transform itself so much, that some became mute, some deaf, some blind, some covered with wounds, and so many other evils. If it was the human will that did evil, why did the body also suffer so much?”

And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, you must know that the body did nothing evil, but all the evil was done by the human will. However, before sinning, Adam possessed the complete Life of My Divine Will in his soul; one can say that it was filled to the brim, to the extent of overflowing outside. So, by virtue of My Will, the human will transfused light outside, and emitted the fragrances of its Creator—fragrances of Beauty, of Sanctity and of Full Health; fragrances of Purity, of Strength, that were such as to come out from within his will like many luminous clouds. And the body was so embellished by these exhalations, that it was a delight to see him beautiful, vigorous, luminous, so very healthy, with an enrapturing grace.

“Now, as Adam sinned, his human will remained alone, and he no longer had the One who would diffuse in his will the Light, the varieties of so many Fragrances that, being transfused outside, preserved the soul and the body, as it had been created by God. Instead, thick clouds, putrid air, perfumes of weakness and of miseries began to emanate from within the human will, in such a way that the body also lost its freshness, its beauty. It became debilitated and remained subject to all evils, sharing in the evils of the human will, just as it had shared in the good. So, if the human will is healed by giving it again the Life of My Divine Will, as though by magic, all the evils of the human nature will have life no more.

“Does perhaps the same not happen when a putrid, bad, stinking air surrounds the creatures? How many more evils does it not increase, as the stench reaches the point of taking one’s breath away, penetrating deep into one’s bowels, to the extent of producing contagious diseases that lead one to the tomb? And if an air from outside can cause so much harm, much greater harm can the foggy and putrid air of the human will cause, that comes from within the creature, from the depth of her whole being.

“And then, there is the palpable example of the plants. How many times, in a garden or a flowery field for which the farmer was all in feast hoping for an abundant harvest or for many beautiful fruits he expected to pick, a fog was enough to strip the trees and make all the fruits fall to the ground, or an air too cold was enough to cast mourning over the flourishing field, blacken it and make it die, putting the poor farmer in mourning.

“If the air is good, it communicates the life of good; if it is bad, it communicates the life of evil, and even death. The exhalation of the air, if it is good, can be called life; if it is bad, it can be called death for the poor creatures. If you knew how much I suffered in My Public Life, when blind, mute people, lepers etc. presented themselves before Me…. In them I recognized all the exhalations of the human will, and how man, without My Will, becomes deformed in soul and body. In fact, only My Fiat has the virtue of preserving Our works whole, fresh and beautiful, as they came out of Our creative hands.”

Then, while I was accompanying my sweet Jesus in the little room of Nazareth in order to follow His Acts, I thought to myself: “Certainly my Beloved Jesus had the Kingdom of His Will during His Hidden Life. In fact, the Sovereign Lady possessed His Fiat, He was the Divine Will Itself, and Saint Joseph, in the midst of these Seas of endless light—how could he not let himself be dominated by this Most Holy Will?”

But while I was thinking of this, my highest Good, Jesus, sighing with sorrow in my interior, told me: “My daughter, indeed My Divine Will reigned in this house of Nazareth on earth as It does in Heaven. My Celestial Mama and I knew no other will, and Saint Joseph lived in the reflections of Our Will. But I was like a king without a people, isolated, without cortege, without army, and My Mama was like a queen without children, because She was not surrounded by other children worthy of Her to whom She could entrust Her Crown of Queen, so as to have the offspring of Her noble children, all kings and queens.

“And I had the sorrow of being a King without a people; and if those who surrounded Me could be called a people, it was a sick people—some were blind, some mute, some deaf, some crippled, some covered with wounds. It was a people that gave Me dishonor—not honor; even more, it did not even know Me, nor did it want to know Me. So, I was King only for Myself, and My Mama was Queen without the long generation of Her offspring of Her royal children.

“But in order to be able to say that I had My Kingdom, and to rule, I had to have ministers; and even though I had Saint Joseph as prime minister, one minister only does not constitute a ministry. I had to have a great army, all intent on fighting to defend the Rights of the Kingdom of My Divine Will; and a faithful people that would have, as law, only the Law of My Will. This was not so, My daughter; therefore I cannot say that, on coming upon earth, I had the Kingdom of My Fiat at that time.

“Our Kingdom was for Us only, because the order of Creation, the royalty of man, was not restored. However, by the Celestial Mother and I living wholly of Divine Will, the seed was sown, the yeast was formed, so as to make Our Kingdom arise and grow upon earth. Therefore, all the preparations were made, all the graces impetrated, all the pains suffered, so that the Kingdom of My Fiat might come to reign upon earth. This is why Nazareth can be called the point of recall of the Kingdom of Our Will.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 6, 1922 Volume 14

I was thinking of Jesus, and accompanying Him in the Hour of the Passion when He went to His Divine Mama to ask for Her holy blessing; and my most sweet Jesus in my interior told me: "My daughter, before My Passion, I wanted to bless My Mama and be blessed by Her. However, I did not bless only My Mama, but all creatures, and not only those which are animate, but also the inanimate. I saw the creatures weak, covered with wounds, poor; My Heart had a throb of Sorrow and of Tender Compassion, and I said: "Poor humanity, how decayed you are! I want to bless you, so that you may rise again from your decay. May My Blessing impress in you the triple seal of the Power, the Wisdom and the Love of the Three Divine Persons, and may it restore your strength, heal you and enrich you. And in order to surround you with defenses, I bless all things created by Me, that you may receive them all blessed by Me. I bless for you the light, the air, the fire, the food, so that you may remain as though submerged and covered by My Blessings. But since you did not deserve this blessing, I wanted to bless My Mama, using Her as channel through which My Blessing might reach you. And just as My Mama requited Me with Her blessings, I want creatures to requite Me with their blessings; but – alas, instead of repaying Me blessings, they repay Me with offenses and maledictions. Therefore, My daughter, enter into My Will, and rising upon the wings of all created things, seal all of them with the blessings that all should give Me, and bring the blessings of all to My Sorrowful and Tender Heart."

Then, after I did this, as though to repay me, He said to me: "My beloved daughter, I bless you in a special way: I bless your heart, your mind, your motion, your word, your breath — I bless all of you, and everything in you."

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 5, 1926 Volume 19

I was feeling invested by and prey to the supreme light of the Eternal Volition, and my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen standing in the depth of my soul, with a pen of light in His hand, in the act of writing on thick light, which seemed to be a canvas, but was light extended within my soul. And Jesus was writing and writing in the depth of this light. How beautiful it was to see Him write with indescribable Mastery and Speed. Then, after He had written, as though opening the doors of my interior, He called the confessor with His hand, saying to him: “Come to see what I Myself write in the depth of this soul. I never write on paper or canvas,

because they are subject to perishing; but I delight in writing in the depth of the light enclosed in this soul by virtue of My Will. My Characters of Light are Indelible and of Infinite Value. So, when I have to manifest to her the truths about My Will, first I do the work of writing them in the depth of her being, and then I speak to her, giving a short account of what is written in her. This is why when she says what I have told her, she says it with few words, while when she writes, she does it at length: it is My Writing that, overflowing outside of her soul, does not give a short account, but My Extended Truth, just as I Myself wrote it in her inmost interior.”

I remained surprised and with an unspeakable joy in seeing my sweet Jesus writing inside of me; and I could touch with my own hand that while in speaking I am able to say little of what He tells me – even more, it seems to me that He has only given me the topic – then, in writing, it is His interest to help me develop it as He pleases. And Jesus, all goodness, told me: “My daughter, now your marvel ceases that while you write you feel the Truths arise within you as though from within a fount. It is the Work of your Jesus done in you that, overflowing from every part of your soul, pours Order on paper, and the Truths written in you, marked with Characters of Light. Therefore, let your fears cease, and do not want to limit yourself to the short account of My Words, nor resist Me when I want to go into more details and have you write on paper what I wrote in your soul with so much Love. How many times you force Me to use My Power and to overwhelm you, so that you may not resist Me in writing what I want. Therefore, let Me do — it will be your Jesus’ care that the Truth may shine in everything.”