Divine Will for every day of the year - September 2, 1928 Volume 24

… After this, I continued my acts in the Redemption, and pausing when my charming Baby Jesus was in Egypt, and my Celestial Mama, while rocking Him in His poor cradle, was occupied with preparing the garment for the Little Baby, placing myself near the Queen Mama, I made my “I love You” flow in the thread that was used for the little garment of Jesus, and I rocked the cradle to make my Celestial Baby sleep, making my lullabies of love for Him, and asking Him for the Divine Fiat. And while it seemed He was closing His eyes to sleep, to my surprise I saw Him raise His little head, and looking at Our Divine Mama and myself, He said in a most tender tone: “My two Mamas—My Mama and the little daughter of My Will. My Divine Will unites them together for Me, and makes them both be My Mama.

“Why is the Celestial Queen My true Mother? Because She possessed the life of My Divine Fiat. It alone could administer to Her the seed of Divine Fecundity, to make Me be conceived in Her womb and make Me Her Son. So, without My Divine Will, in no way could She be My Mama, because no one else, either in Heaven or on earth, possesses this seed of the Divine Fecundity, that can do no less than make the Creator be conceived in the creature. See, then: My Divine Will formed the Mama for Me, and I made Myself Her Son; now It is forming for Me Its little daughter as My mama, and It makes Me find her near My first Mother so as to make her repeat Her acts, braiding them together, and to make her impetrate Its Kingdom, and therefore make her repeat Its Divine Seed and the Fecundity of the Fiat Voluntas Tua in the creatures. My Will alone can do everything and can give Me everything.”

Then, closing His eyes to sleep, while sleeping, He repeated: “My two Mamas, My two Mamas.” How tender and moving it was to hear Him. How it wounded the heart to see Him interrupt His sleep to say: “My two Mamas.” Oh! Divine Will, how lovable, powerful and admirable You are. O please! descend into the hearts of all, and place in them this Divine Seed of Yours, so that Its fecund Seed may form for You Your Kingdom and make You reign on earth as You do in Heaven.

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 1, 1900 Volume 3

Since He was still not coming, I kept saying: “My good Jesus, do not make me wait so long. This morning I don’t feel like getting upset and looking for You so much, to the point of tiring myself. Come once and for all, quickly quickly – as simple as that.” And in seeing that He was not coming, I kept saying: “It shows that You want me to get tired and even reach the point of getting upset; otherwise You do not come.”

While I was saying this and other nonsense, He came and told me: “Would you be able to tell Me what it is that maintains the correspondence between the soul and God?” And I, but always through a light that came from Him, said: “Prayer.” And Jesus, approving of my answer, added: “But what is it that draws God to intimate conversation with the soul?” I did not know what to answer, but immediately the light moved in my intellect, and I said: “If vocal prayer serves to maintain the correspondence, certainly interior meditation must serve as nourishment in order to maintain the conversation between God and the soul.”

Content with that, He continued: “Now, would you be able to tell Me what it is that breaks the sweet contrasts, and removes the loving discontents which may arise between God and the soul?” Since I did not answer, He Himself said: “My daughter, only obedience has this office, because she alone decides about the things pertaining to Me and the soul. And when some contrasts arise, or when some discontent comes to mortify the soul, as obedience arises, she breaks the contrasts, removes the discontents, and puts peace between God and the soul.”

And I: :Ah, Lord, many times it seems that obedience herself does not want to meddle in it, remaining indifferent; and the poor soul is forced to remain in that state of contrasts and of huffiness.” And Jesus: “She does so for a certain time, because she too wants to delight in being present at those loving contrasts; but then she assumes her office and pacifies everything. Therefore, obedience gives peace to the soul and to God.”

Having said this, He disappeared.

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 31, 1900 Volume 3

As I was in my usual state and since my adorable Jesus was not coming, I was all afflicted and a little concerned about why He was not coming. Then, after much waiting and waiting, He came, and seeing that Blood was pouring from His hands, I prayed that from His left hand He would pour Blood over the world, for sinners who were about to die and were at risk of being lost; and from His right hand He would pour His Blood over Purgatory. Listening to me benignly, He stirred Himself and poured Blood over both places.

After this, He said to me: “My daughter, in the interior souls there cannot be disturbance, and if it enters into them, it is because the soul goes outside of herself. To do this is to act as her own executioner, because by going outside of herself she clings to many things which do not regard nor belong to God; and sometimes, things which do not regard even the true good of the soul. So, returning into herself and bringing things that are extraneous to her, she herself torments herself, and with this, she comes to make herself infirm, and also grace. Therefore, remain always within yourself and you will always be calm."

Who can say with what clarity I understood this, and how I found truth in these words of Jesus? Ah, Lord, if You please to instruct me, give me the grace to profit from Your Holy Instructions, otherwise everything will be for my condemnation.

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 30, 1931 Volume 29

… Then, I continued my round in the Acts that the Omnipotent Fiat had done in Creation, in order to love, honor and thank what It had done in it; and I comprehended the order, the union, the inseparability that all created things possess and this, only because a Divine Will dominates them. So, the whole Creation can be called a single continuous act of Supreme Will, and since one is the Will that reigns, It maintains the peace, the order, the love, the inseparability among all created things. Otherwise, if there were not one Will alone to dominate them, but more than one, there would not be true union among them; on the contrary, the heavens would wage war against the sun, the sun against the earth, the earth against the sea, and so forth. They would imitate men, who do not let themselves be dominated by one single Supreme Volition, and there isn’t true union among them, but one is against the other. My Jesus, my Love, oh! how I wish to be one single act of Your Will, to be at peace with all, and possess the union, the inseparability of the heavens, of the sun, of everything; and You would find in me the love that You placed in the heavens, in the sun, in everything.

And my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, all things created by Us possess the Unitive Force and the Bond of Inseparability. Our Divine Fiat, as much as It is able to do things that are distinct among themselves, in such a way that one created things cannot say: ‘I am like another’—the heavens cannot say that they are sun, the sun cannot say that it is sea—however, It does not know how to do things that are isolated and separate from other another. It likes union so much, that It puts them in the condition that one cannot separate from the other; and while they are distinct and each one does its office, yet, in the motion, in the going around that they do, the union and the order that they have is so great, that one is the motion, one is the incessant round that they do. But why does My Fiat make them move and go around continuously? To give them the race of love toward He who created them; and to make them run toward the creatures, so as to let them exercise their office of offering the love of their Creator, since for the creatures were they created.

“Now, the creature possesses the Bond of all created things and goes around together with them; and here is how, if you breathe, it is the air that allows you to breathe, to palpitate, and your blood to circulate in your veins. Now, the air gives you the breath, the heartbeat, and then it takes it to give it back to you again; and while it incessantly gives and takes your breath, it goes around—it runs together with all created things; and your breath goes around—it runs together with the air. Your eye, by filling itself with light, runs within the sun; your feet run together with the earth. But do you know who has the great good of feeling, vividly, the Force, the Union, the Order, the Inseparability of all created things, and the race of her whole being toward her Creator? One who lets herself be dominated, and possesses the Life of My Will. My Will has changed nothing of the way in which all things originated; but rather, it is the creature that changed things by not doing My Will. But one who does It, and lets herself be dominated, holds her place of honor as she was created by God, and therefore We find her in the sun, in the heavens, in the sea, together with the union of all created things. And—oh! how beautiful it is to find, together with all things created by Us, her, only for love of whom were they made by Us.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 29, 1926 Volume 19

… After this, He disappeared, but He came back a little later, as though restless because of offenses received. Taking refuge in me, He wanted to take rest, and I said to Him: “My Love, I have many things to tell You – many things to establish between You and me; I must ask of You that Your Will be known and that Its Kingdom have Its Full triumph. If You rest, I cannot tell You anything – I must be silent to let You rest.” And Jesus, interrupting my speaking, with unspeakable tenderness pressed me so very tightly to Himself, and kissing me told me: “My daughter, how beautiful on your lips is the prayer for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Supreme Will. It is the echo of My own prayer, of My Sighs and of all My Works. Now I want to see what you wrote about the title to be given to the writings about My Will.” And as He was saying this, He took this book in His hands, and He seemed to be reading what is written on August 27. As He was reading, He remained pensive, as though placing Himself in profound contemplation, in such a way that I did not dare to tell Him anything; I could only hear that His Heart was beating very, very strongly, almost wanting to explode. Then He pressed the book to His breast, saying: “I bless this title – I bless it from My Heart, and I bless all the words that regard My Will.” And raising His right hand, with enchanting Majesty, He pronounced the words of the Blessing. Having done this, He disappeared.

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 28, 1905 Volume 6

This morning, on coming, my adorable Jesus made me see His most lovable Heart. Something like many shining threads of gold, of silver, and red-colored, were coming out from within It, and it seemed that they were forming a net which, thread after thread, bound all human hearts. I remained enchanted on seeing this, and He said to me: “My daughter, with these threads My Heart binds to Itself all the affections, the desires, the heartbeats, the love and even the very life of the human hearts, which are similar to My human Heart in everything – except, Mine is different in Sanctity. And having bound them, as My Desires move from Heaven, the thread of Desires excites their desires; if the affections move, the thread of Affections moves their affections; if I Love, the thread of Love excites their love, and the thread of My Life gives them life. Oh, what Harmony between Heaven and earth, between My Heart and the human hearts! But only those who correspond to Me can perceive this, while those who reject Me with the effectiveness of their wills perceive nothing, and render vain the operations of My human Heart.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 27, 1926 Volume 19

As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus made me see the reverend father who must occupy himself with the printing of the writings on the adorable Will of God. And Jesus, placing Himself near him, said to him: “My son, the title you will give to the book you will print about My Will is this: ‘The Kingdom of My Divine Will in the midst of creatures. Book of Heaven. The call of the creature to the order, the place and the purpose for which he was created by God’. See, I want the title also to correspond to the great work of My Will. I want the creature to comprehend that his place, assigned to him by God, is in My Will, and until he enters into It, he will be without place, without order, without purpose; he will be an intruder in the Creation, with no right at all, and therefore he will go wandering without peace, without inheritance. And I, moved to compassion for him, will cry out to him continuously: ‘Enter into your place, come into the order, come to take your inheritance – to live in your house. Why do you want to live in a foreign house? Why do you want to occupy a land that is not yours? And because it is not yours, you live unhappy, and you are the servant and the laughing-stock of all created things. All things created by Me, because they remain in their place, are in order and in perfect harmony, with all the fullness of their goods, assigned to them by God. You alone want to be unhappy but of a voluntary unhappiness. Therefore come to your place – it is there that I call you and await you’. Therefore, he or she who will offer to make My Will known, will be my spokesperson, and I will entrust to them the Secrets of Its Kingdom.”

Then, after this, He showed the whole Creation – how all created things remain in their place, wanted by God, and therefore in perfect order and in perfect harmony among themselves. And because they remain in their place, the Supreme Will maintains their existence whole, beautiful, fresh and ever new; and order brings communal happiness and universal strength to all. What enchantment to see the order, the harmony of all Creation! And Jesus, resuming His speaking, added: “My daughter, how beautiful are Our works – they are Our Honor and Our perennial Glory. All of them remain at their place, and each created thing fulfills its office perfectly. Man alone is Our dishonor in Our Creative Work, because by withdrawing from Our Will, he walks upside down, with his head down on the earth and his feet up in the air. What disorder! What disorder! It is disgusting to see him. By walking with his head upside down, he crawls on the earth, he becomes all upset, he transforms himself. His sight lacks the necessary span to be able to look; he cannot move around in space in order to know things, nor defend himself if his enemy is behind his shoulders; and he cannot go too far, because – poor one – he has to drag himself with his head instead of walking, because the office of walking belongs to the feet, while that of the head is to dominate. So, doing his own will is the true and perfect tumble of man, and the disorder of the human family. This is why I care so much that my Will be known – so that he may return to his place, no longer dragging himself with his head upside down, but walking on his feet; no longer forming My dishonor and his, but My Honor and his. Look, yourself: do creatures not look ugly, in seeing them walk with their heads on the ground? Don’t you too feel sorry in seeing them so disordered?”

I looked, and I saw the heads down and the feet up in the air. Jesus disappeared, and I remained looking at this ugly scene of the human generations; and from the heart I prayed that His Will may be known.

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 26, 1922 Volume 14

Out of obedience, I was reviewing, in my writings, that which I had to mark so that it might be copied; and I thought to myself: “What is the purpose of so many sacrifices? What good will come from them?” And while I was thinking and doing this, blessed Jesus took my hand in His, and squeezing it tightly told me: "My daughter, just as the flower, when touched, gives off its fragrance with greater intensity — so much so that, if it is not touched, it seems that it does not contain so much fragrance, and the air does not receive the balm by that scent — the same for My Truths: the more one thinks about them, reads them, writes them, talks about them, and diffuses them, the more fragrance they give off, in such a way as to perfume everything and reach even into Heaven. And I smell the fragrance of my truths, and I feel like manifesting more Truths, in seeing that the truths I manifested spread the light and the fragrance which they contain. On the other hand, if my truths are not touched, the fragrance and the light remain as though compressed and do not spread; the good and the utility which My Truths contain remain without effect, and I feel defrauded of the purpose for which I manifested My Truths. Therefore, if only to let Me smell the fragrance of My Words and make Me content, you should be happy to make the sacrifice."

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 25, 1929 Volume 26

I was thinking about the Divine Fiat and how Its Kingdom could ever be realized upon earth. It seemed impossible to me first, because there is no one who occupies himself with making It known, and if anything is said or planned, it all resolves into words, while facts are—oh! how far away, and who knows which generation will have the good of knowing what regards the knowledges about the Divine Will and Its Kingdom; second, it seems to me that the earth is unprepared, and I believe that in order to have such a great good— that the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Its knowledges, dominate the earth—who knows how many prodigies will precede it!

But while I was thinking about this and other things, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior, and told me: “My daughter, you must know that My coming upon earth and everything I did in Redemption, My very Death and Resurrection, was nothing other than Preparatory Act for the Kingdom of My Divine Will; and when I formed the ‘Our Father,’ I formed the seed of the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat in the midst of creatures.

“And if, when I speak, I create and I make the greatest, most beautiful and marvelous works come out of nothing, much more so when, with the empire of My speaking Prayer, I have the virtue of creating what I want. Therefore, the seed of the Kingdom of My Will was created by Me in the act of My Praying, as I formed and recited the ‘Our Father.’ And if I taught it to the Apostles, it was so that the Church, by reciting it, might water and fecundate this seed, and they might dispose themselves to model their lives according to the dispositions of My Divine Fiat.

“My knowledges about It, My many Manifestations, have developed this seed; and since they have been accompanied by the acts done by you in My Divine Will, so many little grains have formed as to form a great mass, from which each one can take his part always if they want to—in order to live of the Life of the Divine Will. Therefore, everything is there, My daughter—the most necessary acts. There is the seed created by Me, because if there is no seed, it is useless to hope for the plant; but if the seed is there, it takes work, the will of wanting the fruit of that seed; and one is sure of having the plant, because, by possessing the seed, one has in his power the life of the plant of that seed.

“There are those who water this seed in order to make it grow—each ‘Our Father’ that is recited serves to water it; there are My Manifestations in order to make it known. All that is needed are those who would offer themselves to be the criers—and with courage, without fearing anything, facing sacrifices in order to make it known. So, the substantial part is there—the greatest is there; the minor is needed—that is, the superficial part, and your Jesus will know how to make His way in order to find he who will accomplish the mission of making known My Divine Will in the midst of the peoples.

“Therefore, on your part, do not place any obstacle—do what you can, and I will do the rest. You do not know how I will overwhelm things and will dispose the circumstances, and this is why you reach the point of doubting that My Fiat will be known and Its Kingdom will have Its Life upon earth.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 24, 1915 Volume 11

Continuing in my usual state, as soon as my always adorable Jesus came, I gave Him a kiss, telling Him: “My Jesus, if it were possible, I would like to give You the kiss of all the creatures, so I would satisfy your Love, by bringing them all to You."

And Jesus: "My daughter, if you want to give Me the kiss of all, kiss Me in My Will, because My Will, containing the Creative Virtue, contains the Power to multiply one act into many acts, as many as you want. In this way, you will give Me the contentment as if all had kissed Me, and you will have the merit as if you had made everyone kiss Me; while all the creatures will receive the effects according to their own dispositions.

“One act in My Will contains all possible imaginable goods. You will find an image of this in the light of the Sun. The light is one, but this light multiplies itself in all the glances of creatures. The light remains always one, one single act, but not all the glances of creatures enjoy the same light. Some, of weak sight, need to put their hand before their eyes, almost not to be blinded by the light; others, blind, do not enjoy this light at all, but this is not due to a defect of the light, rather, to a defect in the sight of the creatures. Therefore, My daughter, if you desire to love Me for all, your love will flow in My Will, if you do this in It. And since My Will fills Heaven and earth, I will hear your ‘I love you’ being repeated in Heaven, around Me, inside of Me, on earth, and it will multiply itself from every point, for as many acts as My Will can do. So, it can give Me the satisfaction of the love of all, because the creature is limited and finite, while My Will is Immense and Infinite.

“How can those words which I pronounced in creating man, ‘We make man in Our Image and Likeness’, be explained? How could the creature, so incapable, ever resemble Me and be My Image? Only in My Will could she arrive at this, because by making It her own, she arrives at acting in the Divine Manner; and through the repetition of these Divine Acts she arrives at resembling Me, becoming My perfect Image. It happens as to that child who, by repeating the acts which he observes in his teacher, becomes like him. So, the only thing that makes the creature be like Me is My Will. This is why I have so much interest that the creature, making It her own, may fulfill the purpose for which she was created."

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 23, 1905 Volume 6

Continuing in my usual state, my blessed Jesus told me: “My daughter, if the soul does everything for Me, she imitates those little moths which hang around and around a flame, and remain extinguished in that very flame. In the same way, according to whether she offers to Me the fragrance of her actions, of her movements and desires, the soul hangs round Me - now around My eyes, now My face, now My hands, now My Heart, according to the different offerings she makes to Me. And by her continuous hanging round Me, she remains all extinguished in the Flame of My Love, without touching the flames of Purgatory.” Then He disappeared, and as He came back, He added: “Thinking of oneself is the same as going out of God and returning to live in oneself. Moreover, thinking of oneself is never virtue, but always vice, be it even under the aspect of good.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 22, 1926 Volume 19

… I would try hard to do my acts in the adorable Will of God. But while doing this, I thought to myself: ‘If living in the supreme Kingdom of the Divine Will requires so much attention, so many sacrifices, very few will be those who will want to live in a Kingdom so holy.’ And my sweet Jesus, coming back, told me: “My daughter, one who is called to be the head of a mission must not only embrace all the members, but rule them, dominate them and constitute himself life of each of them; while the members do not give life to the head, nor do all that it does, but rather, each one does its own office. So, one who is called to be the head of a mission, embracing all that is needed in order to be able to carry out the task entrusted to him, suffering more than anyone and loving everyone, prepares the food, the life, the lessons, the offices, according to the capacity of those who want to follow his mission. That which is necessary for you, who must form the tree with all the fullness of its branches and the multiplicity of its fruits, will not be necessary for one who must only be branch or fruit. Their task will be to remain incorporated in the tree, in order to receive the vital humors it contains – that is, to let themselves be dominated by My Will, never giving life to their volition in anything, either internal or external, to know My Will, and to receive It as their own life, so as to let It carry out Its Divine Life; in sum, to let It reign and dominate as Queen.

“So, My daughter, one who must be the head needs to suffer, to work, and to do, himself alone, everything that all others together will do. This is what I did; because I was the Head of Redemption, I can say that I did everything for Love of all, to give them Life and to place them all in safety. The Immaculate Virgin also; because She was Mother and Queen of all – how much did She not suffer? How much did She not love and work for all creatures? No one can claim having reached Us, either in suffering or in loving. At the most, they may resemble Us in part; but reaching Us – no one. However, by having been at the head of all, both the Sovereign Queen and I enclosed all graces and all goods; Strength was in Our power, Dominion was Ours, Heaven and earth obeyed Our every wish and trembled before Our Power and Sanctity. The redeemed ones have taken Our crumbs and have eaten Our fruits; they have been healed with Our remedies, they have been strengthened with Our examples, they have learned Our lessons, they have risen again at the cost of Our Lives; and if they have been glorified, it has been by virtue of Our Glory. But the Power is always Ours, the Living Fount of all goods springs always from Us; so much so, that if the redeemed ones move away from Us, they lose all goods and return to be ill and poor, more than before. This is what it means to be head; it is true that one suffers greatly, works much, and must prepare the good for all, but all that one possesses surpasses everything and everyone. There is such distance between one who is head of a mission and one who must be a member, that the head can be compared to the sun and the member to a little light. This is why I have told you many times that your mission is great – because this is not about mere personal sanctity, but about embracing everything and everyone, and preparing the Kingdom of My Will for the human generations.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 21, 1901 Volume 4

As I was in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself. After going round and round in search of Jesus, I found the Queen Mama instead, and oppressed and tired as I was, I said to Her: “My most sweet Mama, I lost the way to find Jesus; I don’t know where else to go, nor what to do in order to find Him again.”

While saying this, I was crying, and She said to me: "My daughter, follow Me and you will find the way, and Jesus. Even more, I want to teach you the secret of how you can always be with Jesus, and live always content and happy, even on this earth: fix in your interior that there is only Jesus and you in the world, and no one else; and that Him alone must you please, satisfy and love, and from Him alone must you expect to be loved in return and contented in everything. If you are in this way with Jesus, you will no longer be affected, whether you are surrounded by scorns or praises, by relatives or strangers, by friends or enemies. Jesus alone will be all your contentment, and Jesus alone will be enough for you in the place of all. My daughter, until everything that exists down here disappears completely in the soul, one cannot find true and perpetual contentment."

Now, while She was saying this, Jesus came into our midst as though from within a flash. I took Him and brought Him with me, and I found myself inside myself.

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 20, 1921 Volume 13

Continuing in my state of privation and of unspeakable bitterness, my lovable Jesus came for just a little, and surrounding me with His arms, told me: "My daughter, daughter of My Will, I love so much one who lives in My Will that I become her Custodian, and I keep her sheltered in My own arms. I am jealous that not even one act be lost, because My own Life is involved in each act.

“The Fiat released the Creation, and from the Fiat, Creation receives Continuous Preservation. If My Fiat withdrew, It would turn into nothing; and if It remains intact, without changing, it is because It has not moved from My Fiat. However, I did not repeat another Fiat, otherwise more New Heavens, more New Suns and Stars would come out, one different from the other. On the other hand, in the soul who lives in My Will there is not just one Fiat, but repeated Fiats. Therefore, as the soul operates in My Will, I repeat the Fiat and New Heavens, New Suns and Stars are extended; and since the soul contains an intelligence, these heavens are New Heavens of Love, of Glory, of Light, of Adoration, of Knowledge — forming such a variety of Beauty that I Myself remain enraptured. The whole of Heaven, the Saints, the Angels, cannot remove their gaze from her, because as they admire the variety of Heavens which she contains, more New ones extend, one more beautiful than the other. They see the Celestial Fatherland copied in the soul who lives in My Will — the multiplicity of New things which multiply to the infinite.

“How could I not keep this soul guarded and not be extremely jealous of her, if just one act of hers is worth more than Creation Itself? In fact, the heavens, the sun, are without intelligence, therefore they have no value in themselves — all the value is Mine. On the other hand, since one who lives in My Will contains an intelligence, there is her will that runs within Mine, and the power of My Fiat uses it as raw material in order to extend these New Heavens. Therefore, as the soul operates in My Will, she gives Me the delight of forming New Creations. Her acts are the manifestation of the Life of My Will, the prodigies of My Volition — My repeated Fiat. How could I not love this soul?"

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 19, 1908 Volume 8

Having done my meditation on the fact that one who sows good will harvest good, and one who sows vices will harvest evils, I was thinking about what good I could sow, given my position, my misery and inability. At that moment, I felt I was being harvested, and I heard Him say in my interior: "The soul must sow good with her whole being — with all of it. The soul possesses a mental intelligence, and she must apply it to comprehend God, to think of good alone, never allowing any bad seed to enter her mind; and this is the sowing of good with the mind. The same with her mouth: she must never sow any bad seed, that is, bad words, unworthy of a Christian, but always say holy, useful and good words; so here is the sowing of good with the mouth. Then, with her heart she must love God alone, desire God, palpitate for Him, and tend to Him; here is the sowing of good with the heart. Then, with her hands she must do holy works, with her feet she must walk after the examples of Our Lord; and here is another good seed."

On hearing this, I thought to myself: ‘So, in my position I too can sow good in spite of my extreme misery.’ But I thought of this with a certain fear of the account that the Master will ask of me — whether I have sown well; and in my interior I heard Him repeat: "My Goodness is so great that great wrong is done by those who make Me known as severe, very demanding and rigorous. Oh, what an affront they give to My Love! I will ask for no other account but of the little field given to them; and I will ask for an account for nothing but to give them the fruit of their harvests. I will give it to the intelligence, for the more it has comprehended Me in life, the more it will comprehend Me in Heaven; and the more it will comprehend Me, the greater the Joy and Beatitude with which it will be inundated. To the mouth I will give the harvest of the different Divine Flavors, and its voice will harmonize above all the other Blessed; to the works I will give the harvests of My Gifts; and so with all the rest."

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 18, 1926 Volume 19

While I was praying, I found myself outside of myself, and at the same time I saw the Reverend Father who must occupy himself with the printing of the writings on the Most Holy Will of God. Our Lord was near him, taking all the knowledges, the effects and the values He has manifested about the Supreme Will, which had changed into threads of light, and impressing them in his intelligence, in such a way as to form a crown of light around his head. And while doing this, He said to him: “My son, the task I have given you is great, and therefore it is necessary that I give you much Light in order to make you comprehend with clarity what I have revealed. In fact, they will produce their effects according to the clarity with which they will be exposed, even though they are most clear in themselves. Indeed, that which regards My Will is Light that descends from Heaven, which does not confuse and dazzle the sight of the intelligence, but has the virtue of strengthening and enlightening the human intellect so as to be comprehended and loved, and of casting into the depth of the soul the source of her origin, the true purpose for which man was created, the order between Creator and creature. And each one of My Sayings, Manifestations, Knowledges about My Supreme Will are as many strokes of the brush to make the soul return to the likeness of her Creator. Everything I have said about My Will is nothing other than preparing the way, forming the army, gathering the chosen people, preparing the Royal Palace, disposing the ground on which the Kingdom of My Will must be formed, and so rule and dominate. Therefore, the task I am entrusting to you is great. I will guide you, I will be near you, so that everything may be done according to My Will. …”

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 17, 1927 Volume 22

… At that moment I saw as if beloved Jesus were setting off to leave me, and I cried out loudly: “Jesus, what are You doing? Do not leave me, for I don’t know how to live without You!”

And Jesus, turning to me, told me: “My daughter, can I leave My Divine Will, My Acts, My possessions? I cannot. Therefore, do not fear for I do not leave you.”

And I: “Yet, my Love, You leave me. How many times I go round and round throughout the whole Creation and I do not find You. Then I continue my round through all Your Works of Redemption, hoping to find Him whom I love, but in vain. I reach even into the seas of the acts of the Sovereign Queen, thinking that You may be there with our Mama, but—no, my searches end up in the sorrow of not finding You; so much so, that the thought comes to me of not going around in all Your Works when I do not find He who gives me life and is everything to me.”

And Jesus, interrupting my speaking, added: “My daughter, if you do not do your complete round in all Our works and in those of the Queen of Heaven… Do you know what it means to go around in the Creation and in everything that belongs to Us? It means to love, to appreciate, to possess Our Works, and I would not feel fully happy if I saw that the little daughter of My Will does not possess what I possess, and is not aware of, nor enjoys all My riches. I would find many voids in you, that are not in Me—voids of complete Love, voids

of Light, voids of Full Knowledges of the Works of your Creator. So, your happiness would not be full, and not finding the fullness of everything in you, I would feel your voids and your halved happiness. In the same way, if our Queen Mama saw that you do not possess Her Seas of Graces, She would feel that Her little daughter is not fully rich, nor happy.

“My daughter, to have one single Divine Will as life and not to possess the same things cannot be. Wherever It Reigns, the Divine Will wants to possess everything that belongs to It—It does not want disparity. Therefore, you must possess within yourself what It possesses in Me and in the Virgin Queen, and your going around in all Its Works serves as confirmation of Its Reigning in you. And besides, don’t you yourself know how many things you learn in going around in all the Works of My Supreme Fiat? And as many things as It manifests to you, so many possessions does It give you. If one who lives in Our Will did not possess all Our Goods, it would happen as to a father who is rich and happy, while his son does not enjoy all his riches and is not happy like him. Would this father not feel the fullness of his happiness break because of his son?

“This will be the basis, the substance, the beautiful characteristic of the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat: one the Will, one the Love, one the Happiness, one the Glory between Creator and creature.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 16, 1912 Volume 11

This morning my always adorable Jesus told me: "My daughter, the thought of yourselves blinds your minds; it forms a sort of human enchantment in you, and this enchantment forms a net around man. This net is made of weaknesses, oppressions, melancholies, fears and of all the evil contained in human nature. The more one thinks of herself, even under the aspect of good, the thicker the net becomes - the more blind the soul.

“On the other hand, not thinking of oneself but thinking only of Me, and only of loving Me in everything, is light for the mind which forms a sweet Divine Enchantment. Its net is also formed, but this net is made of light, fortitude, joy and trust; in sum, of all the goods that I Myself possess. The less one thinks of herself, the thicker that net becomes, to the extent that one no longer recognizes herself. How beautiful it is to see the soul wrapped in this net which has been woven by Divine enchantment! How delightful, gracious and dear to all Heaven! The opposite for the soul who remains fixed on herself."

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 15, 1930 Volume 28

I was thinking about my Celestial Mama in the act when She was assumed into Heaven, and was offering my little acts done in the Divine Fiat to give Her my homages, my praises for Her honor and glory.

But while I was doing this, my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, the glory, the greatness, the power of My Celestial Mama in Our Fatherland is insuperable. And do you know why? Her life on earth was lived inside Our Divine Sun; She never went out from within the abode of Her Creator; She knew nothing else but Our Will alone, She loved nothing else but Our interests, She asked for nothing else but Our Glory. It can be said that She formed the Sun of Her life within the Sun of Her Creator.

“So, whoever wants to find Her in the Celestial Dwelling, must come into Our Sun, where the Sovereign Queen, having formed Her Sun, spreads Her Maternal Rays for the good of all, and blazes with such Beauty as to enrapture the whole of Heaven, all feeling twice as happy for having a Mother so holy, and a Queen so glorious and powerful. The Virgin is the first daughter, and the only one, who possesses Her Creator; and She is the only one to have lived life in the Sun of the Supreme Being. And since She drew Her life from this Eternal Sun, it is no wonder that, having lived of light, She formed Her most refulgent Sun that gladdens the whole Celestial Court.

“This is precisely what it means to Live in My Divine Will: to live of Light and to form one’s life within Our own Sun. This was the purpose of Creation—to have the creatures created by Us, Our beloved children, within Our own Abode; to nourish them with Our own Foods, to clothe them with Royal Garments, and to let them enjoy Our own Goods. What terrestrial father and mother think of putting out of their home the birth of their womb, their dear children, and of not giving their inheritance to their own children? No one, I believe; on the contrary, how many sacrifices do they not make in order to render their children rich and happy? If a terrestrial father and a mother reach this, much more so does the Celestial Father. He wanted and loved His children to remain in His home, so as to keep them around Himself, to delight with them and keep them as the crown of His creative hands. But man, ungrateful, abandoned Our home, refused Our goods, and contented himself with going wandering, living in the darkness of his human will.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - August 14, 1917 Volume 12

… Now, out of obedience, I want to say a few words on the difference between living resigned to the Divine Will, and living in the Divine Will.

First: living resigned. According to my poor opinion, this means to be resigned to the Divine Will in everything, both in prosperous and in adverse circumstances, seeing in everything the Divine Will, the order of the Divine dispositions which the Divine Will has over all creatures, such that not even one hair can fall from our head if the Lord does not want it so.

It seems to me like a good son, who goes wherever his Father wants, and suffers whatever his Father wants. Poor or rich, it is indifferent to him; he is happy just being what his Father wants. If he receives or asks for an order to go somewhere to carry out some business, he goes only because his Father wanted it so. But in the meantime, he has to take some refreshment, stop to rest, have some food, deal with people; therefore he has to put much from his own will, even though he goes because his Father wanted it. However, in many things he finds himself in the circumstance of doing them by himself; so it may happen that he is far away from his Father for days, for months, without receiving specification of the Will of his Father in all things.

Therefore, for one who lives resigned to the Divine Will, it is almost impossible not to mix his own will with It. He will be a good son; however, he will not have the thoughts, the words and the life of his Father fully portrayed within himself, in everything. In fact, since he has to go, return, follow and deal with people, love is already broken — because only a continuous union makes love grow, and it never breaks — and the current of the Will of the Father is not in continuous communication with the current of the will of the son. During those intervals the son may get used to doing his own will. However, I believe that this is the first step toward sanctity.

Second: Living in the Divine Will. I would like the hand of my Jesus to write this. Ah, He alone could say all the Beauty, the Goodness and the Sanctity of Living in the Divine Will! I am not capable; I have many concepts in my mind, but I lack the words. My Jesus, pour Yourself into my word, and I will say what I can.

Living in the Divine Will means being inseparable, doing nothing by oneself, because in the face of the Divine Will one feels incapable of anything. He does not ask for orders, nor does he receive them, because he feels incapable of going by himself. So he says: “If You want me to do this, let us do it together, and if You want me to go, let us go together.” Therefore, he does all that his Father does. If the Father thinks, he makes the thoughts of the Father his own, and does not add one thought to those of his Father. If the Father looks, if He speaks, if He works, if He walks, if He suffers, if He loves, he too looks at what the Father is looking at; he repeats the words of the Father; he works with the hands of the Father; he walks with the feet of the Father; he suffers the same pains of the Father, and he loves with the Love of the Father. He lives inside his Father, not outside of Him; therefore, he is the reflection and the perfect portrait of his Father — which is not, for the one who lives only resigned. It is impossible to find this son without his Father, nor the Father without him; and not only externally, but all his interior is as though interwoven with the interior of the Father — transformed, dissolved completely, completely, in God.

Oh, the rapid and sublime flights of this child in the Divine Will! This Divine Will is immense; in every instant It circulates within everyone; It gives life and order to everything. And the soul, wandering within this Immensity, flies to all, helps all, loves all, but as Jesus Himself helps and loves — which cannot be done by one who lives only resigned.

Therefore, one who lives in the Divine Will finds it impossible to do things by himself; even more, he feels nausea for his human works, though holy, because in the Divine Will all things, even the smallest ones, take on a different look. They acquire Nobility, Splendor, Divine Sanctity, Divine Power and Beauty; they multiply to infinity, and in one instant one does everything. And after he has done everything, he says: “I have done nothing — Jesus did. And this is all my contentment: that, miserable as I am, Jesus gave me the honor to keep me in the Divine Will, to let me do what He Himself has done.’ Therefore, the enemy cannot bother this child — whether he has done well or badly, little or much — because Jesus Himself did everything, and he together with Jesus. He is the most peaceful one; he is not subject to anxiety; he loves no one and loves everyone — but divinely. One can say that he is the repeater of the Life of Jesus, the organ of His Voice, the heartbeat of His Heart, the sea of His Graces. …