Divine Will for every day of the year - January 1, 1900 Volum e3

Being very afflicted because of the privation of my highest and only Good, after much waiting and waiting, finally I saw Him come out from within my heart, crying, and making me understand with His eyes that He was hurting from the wound received in the Circumcision. So He cried and expected me to dry the Blood that was pouring from that wound, and to sweeten the pain of the cut. I felt all compassion and confusion together, so much so that I did not dare to do it; however, drawn by love, I don’t know how I found a little cloth in my hand, and I tried as much as I could to dry the Blood of Baby Jesus. While doing this, I felt I was all full of sin, and I thought that I was the cause of that pain of Jesus. Oh, how sorry I felt for Him! I felt absorbed in that bitterness; and the Blessed little Baby, compassionating my miserable state, told me: “The more the soul humiliates herself and knows herself, the closer she draws to the Truth; and being in the Truth, she tries to push herself along the path of virtues, from which she sees herself very far away. And if she sees herself on the path of virtues, immediately she realizes how much there is left for her to do, because virtues have no end – they are infinite, as I am. So, being in the Truth, the soul always tries to perfect herself, but she will never arrive at seeing herself perfect. And this serves her, and it will make her work continuously, striving to perfect herself more, without wasting time in idleness. And I, pleased with this work, keep retouching her little by little, in order to portray My likeness in her. This is why I wanted to be circumcised – to give an example of highest humility, which rendered the very Angels of Heaven stunned.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 31, 1902 Volume 4

… On hearing this, it seemed I regained tranquillity and strength, and I prayed Him to pour His bitternesses into me. I drew close to His mouth, but as much as I sucked up, nothing would come out; only a most bitter breath that embittered my whole interior. So, seeing that He was not pouring anything, I said: “Lord, You don’t love me any more; Bitternesses You do not want to pour – pour Your Sweetnesses at least.’ And He: "Quite the opposite, I love you more; and if you were able to enter into My Interior, you would see with clarity, in all of My parts, distinct Love toward you. Sometimes I Love you so much that I reach the point of Loving you as much as I love Myself, although some other times I cannot look at you and you are nauseating to Me." What a thunderbolt these last words were for my poor heart! To think that I was not always loved by my loving Jesus, and that I reached the point of being an abominable soul… Had He not Himself run to explain to me the meaning of this, I could not have survived. So He added: "Poor daughter, is this very hard for you? You have encountered My same lot. I was always Who I was, one with the Sacrosanct Trinity, and We loved One Another with Eternal, Indissoluble love. Yet, as victim, covered with all the iniquities of men, My exterior was abominable before the Divinity, so much so, that Divine Justice spared no part of Me, rendering Itself inexorable to the point of abandoning Me. You are always who you are with Me, but since you occupy the state of victim, your exterior appears before Divine Justice as covered with the sins of others. This is why I spoke those words to you. You, however, calm yourself, because I Love you always." Having said this, He disappeared. It seems that this time blessed Jesus wants to make me upset, though He immediately gives me Peace. May He be always blessed and thanked.

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 30, 1927 Volume 23

… And Jesus, coming back, clasped me tightly in His arms to strengthen me, and added: “My daughter, if I wanted to work for a whole eternity in order to manifest a single Knowledge on My Divine Will, it would not be enough. In fact, the value of a single one of them is such and so Great, that if you wanted to make a comparison to see what contains more value—whether the starry heavens, or the sun, the sea, the earth—one single Knowledge of Mine has more Value than the whole Creation together. In fact, My Knowledge is of Immense Value, infinite and without limit; and as it comes out of Us, wherever it reaches, it Generates and multiplies to infinity the good and the light it contains. It is the True Regenerator of the Divine Life.

“On the other hand, the Creation does not contain an immense virtue, and It is limited. This is why I spare neither work nor sacrifices—because I know all the Value it contains; and the place in which I deposit it becomes for Me My Divine Field, My Throne, My Altar; and My jealousy of Love is so great, that I never leave her free, and I work always, to keep her all intent on Me. What to say, then, if instead of one single manifestation on My Will, they are so many as to impearl her, as more than a heaven, with many Suns of My Will? Think about it yourself, My daughter, and appreciate a Good so Great, a seed so fecund in the field of your soul.” …

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 29, 1928 Volume 25

I was following the Divine Fiat in the Creation, to accompany Its acts; and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, look—how beautiful is Creation! What order, what harmony It contains. And as beautiful as It is, the heavens, the stars, the sun, are all mute—they have no virtue to say even one word. On the other hand, the heavens, the stars, the sun, the ruling wind of My Divine Will are all speaking, and have such eloquence that no one else can equal them; the Angel, the Saint, the learned one, before the heavens of My speaking Will, remain mute and feel ignorant.

“But why are these heavens and suns speaking? Because they contain life. But do you know what these speaking heavens and suns are? They are the knowledges that I have manifested to you about My Divine Will. My Will is not only Life, but is the Fount, the Source and the Life of all lives, therefore the heavens of Its knowledges could not be mute. So, each knowledge about My Divine Fiat is a heaven, a sun, it is a wind, one distinct from the other, that, having the speaking virtue and possessing the Divine Life, have the virtue of producing New Heavens and Suns more beautiful, and winds more mighty, such as to invests the hearts and make conquests of them by their sweet ruling moaning.

“See then, My daughter, how My Love surpassed the love We had in Creation, in manifesting to you the many knowledges about My Divine Will. In fact, in Creation, one single heaven, one sun, etc., were enough for Our Love, because We wanted to display more all the ardor of Our Love over ‘speaking man,’ and for ‘speaking man’ We wanted to create ‘speaking heavens and suns’ in the depth of his soul. But by withdrawing from Our Divine Volition, he put a limit to Our Love, and the speaking heavens no longer had life in him. But Our Love did not say ‘enough’; at the most, it paused and waited. But unable to contain itself any longer, it resumed its creation of the speaking heavens and suns in the little daughter of My Divine Will.

“Look at them in the depth of your soul—all of My Knowledges about My Fiat, all in order and harmony; and one is heaven, and speaks, and forms another heaven; another is sun, and speaks, and while it makes itself light and it warms, it forms another sun. Another is sea, and forms its speaking waves; and while it speaks, it forms another sea, to invest the whole world with its speaking waves, and to impose itself with its creative word so as to make itself listened to, in order to bring the new sea of peace and of joy of My Will into all. Another is wind, and now it speaks with its empire in order to knock down the hardest hearts, now it speaks with its caresses so as not to strike fears, now it speaks with loving moans so as to make itself loved; and while it speaks, it forms more winds, and its word runs to make known the life, the power of My Divine Will. In sum, all My Knowledges about It are a new creation, more beautiful, more varied than the Creation Itself—and much more beautiful, because it is a speaking one; and its word is the life of My Divine Will that it brings to the creature.

“Therefore, I feel happy in your soul because I am in the midst of My speaking heavens, stars and suns; but My Happiness is doubled when you make the sacrifice of writing, because I see that these speaking heavens will go out, and their word will form New Heavens that will bring the life of My Divine Fiat into the midst of creatures. Then will Heaven no longer be foreign to the earth, because these speaking heavens will form the new celestial family upon earth, and their word will place Creator and creature in communication. The winds of these knowledges will place the Secret Joys of the Most Holy Trinity in common; and as the creature becomes the owner of the Divine Sanctity and Happiness, all evils will disappear, and I will have the joy of seeing the creature happy, just as he came out of Our Creative Hands.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 28, 1938 Volume 36

… My beloved Jesus, feeling compassion for me, all Tenderness told me: “Daughter of My Will, Courage; don't lose too much heart. Despondency makes you lose strength, and makes you feel as if the One Who Lives in you and Loves you so much, is far away from you. You must know that as the creature enters Our Will to give her will and to take Ours, she starts our Divine Echo in It. As We hear this Echo in Our Divine Being, we say: ‘Who has so much virtue as to produce the Echo of her love, of her breathing and heartbeat in Our Supreme Being? Ah! It is a creature who has recognized Our Will and entered to Live in It. Be welcome.' We will make her hear Our Echo in return, so that we'll breathe with one Breath, Love with one Love, beat with one heartbeat; so we will feel the life of that creature within us. We will never feel lonely, and she too will feel Our Life in her—the company of her Creator who never leaves her alone.

“You have to know that no Act done in Our Will ever ends; rather, it is continuously repeated, since My Will is everywhere. That Act is repeated in Heaven, in created things and in all else. Therefore, one Act in My Will surpasses everything, filling Heaven and earth, and giving us so much Love and Glory that all other works remain like many little drops before the ocean. We glorify Ourselves through the creature who, covered by her Creator, Operates together with Him. Therefore, no matter how many beautiful things may be done outside of Our Will, they will never please us, because they are not Ours. They cannot be diffused everywhere – such love is so small that it barely covers the act it made, if it covers it at all. You must know that, although We Love the creature very much, We cannot tolerate having her with Us so indecent, filthy, without beauty, naked, and covered with miserable rags. It would not be Worthy of Our Majesty to have children who do not look like Us, or who are not, somehow, well dressed with the clothes of Our Fiat. It would happen as to the king whose army and subjects are covered with filth—disgusting just to look at: one is blind, one crippled, another deformed. Wouldn't it be a dishonor for this king, to be surrounded by an army of pathetic wretches? Shouldn't this king be condemned if he doesn't bother to form an army worthy of himself? Shouldn't all remain in admiration not only at the sight of the majesty of this king, but also at his ordered and beautiful army—the blooming of the young, and the way they are dressed? Would it not be an honor for the king to be surrounded by ministers and an army pleasing to his sight?

“Now, since We want to deal with the creature, one on one, We have disposed in Our Invincible Love and Infinite Wisdom to give her Our Will, so that she would be embellished with Its Light—clothed with Its Love, and sanctified with Its Sanctity. See then, how necessary it is that Our Will Reign in the creature: only Our Will has the Power to Purify and embellish, so as to form Our Divine Army. And We will feel honored to Live with them, and they with Us—they will be Our children surrounding us, dressed with Our Divine Clothes, and embellished with Our Image. Therefore, Our Will Purifies, Sanctifies and Embellishes first; then It admits them into Our Will, to Live together with Us. Furthermore, as the creature enters Our Will, Our Love is such that We shower her with Our Rain of Love, and all run around her seeing that We Love her so much. The Angels and the Saints run to her to Love her; the very Creation joyfully exults in seeing Our Will Triumphant in that creature. They all pour Love on her—and O! how Beautiful she is, Loved by all of us; and she feels so grateful for this Love that she Loves everyone in return.” …

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 27, 1908 Volume 8

I was meditating on when the Queen Mama would give Her milk to Baby Jesus. I was saying to myself: “What must have passed between the Most Holy Mama and little Jesus in this act?” At that moment, I felt Him move in my interior, and I heard Him say to me: "My daughter, when I suckled milk from the breast of My most sweet Mother, together with milk I suckled the love of Her Heart – and it was more love than milk that I suckled. While suckling, I would hear Her say to Me: ‘I love You, I love You, O Son’; and I would repeat to Her: ‘I Love You, I Love You, O Mama.’ And I was not alone in this; at My ‘I Love You’, the Father, the Holy Spirit and the whole of Creation — the Angels, the Saints, the stars, the Sun, the drops of water, the plants, the flowers, the grains of sand, all of the elements, would run after My ‘I Love You’, and repeat: ‘We love You, we love You, O Mother of our God, in the Love of our Creator.’

“My Mother could see all this, and would remained inundated. She could find not even a tiny space in which She would not hear Me say that I loved Her. Her love would remain behind and almost alone, and She would repeat: ‘I love You, I love You…’ But She could never match Me, because the love of a creature has its limits, its time, while My Love is Uncreated, Unending, Eternal. The same happens to any soul when she says to me, ‘I love You’; I too repeat to her, ‘I Love you’, and with Me is the whole Creation, loving her in My Love. Oh, if creatures comprehended what good and honor they procure for themselves even by just saying to Me: ‘I love You’! This alone would be enough – a God beside them who, honoring them, replies: ‘I Love you too."

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 26, 1919 Volume 12

I was thinking to myself: “How can it be that doing the Will of God surpasses even the Sacraments?” And Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: "My daughter, why are Sacraments called Sacraments? Because they are sacred - they have the value and the power to confer Grace and Sanctity. However, these Sacraments operate according to the dispositions of the creatures; so much so, that sometimes they remain even fruitless, unable to confer the good which they contain. Now, My Will is Sacred and Holy, and It contains altogether the virtue of all the Sacraments. Not only this; It does not have to work to dispose the soul to receive the goods which My Will contains. In fact, as soon as the soul has disposed herself to do My Will, she has already disposed herself by herself, and My Will, finding everything prepared and disposed, even at the cost of any sacrifice, communicates Itself to the soul without delay, pouring the goods It contains, and forming the heroes - the martyrs of the Divine Volition, the most unheard-of portents... And then, what do the Sacraments do if not unite the soul with God? And what is to do My Will? Isn’t it perhaps to unite the will of the creature with her Creator? It is to dissolve oneself in the Eternal Volition — the nothingness ascending to the All, and the All descending into the nothingness. It is the most noble, the purest, the most beautiful, the most heroic act that a creature can do.

“Ah, yes, I confirm it to you, I repeat it: My Will is Sacrament, and It surpasses all the Sacraments together — but in a more admirable way; without mediation from anyone; with nothing material. The Sacrament of My Will is formed between My Will and the will of the soul; the two wills are tied together and form the Sacrament. My Will is Life, and the soul is already disposed to receive Life; It is Holy, and she receives sanctity; It is Strong, and she receives fortitude; and so with all the rest.

“On the other hand, how much My other Sacraments have to work to dispose the souls — if they manage at all! And how many times these channels which I left to My Church remain beaten up, despised, oppressed! Some even use them to praise themselves, turning them against Me to offend Me. Ah, if you knew the enormous sacrileges committed in the Sacrament of Confession, and the horrendous abuses of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, you would cry with Me for the great pain! Ah! yes, only the Sacrament of My Will can sing glory and victory. It is full in Its effects, and untouchable by creature’s offense. In fact, in order to enter My Will, the creature must lay down her will, her passions; only then does My Will lower to her, investing her, identifying her with Itself, making portents out of her.

“Therefore, when I speak about My Will I become festive — I never stop; my joy is full, and no bitterness enters between Me and the soul. But for the other Sacraments, My Heart swims in the pain. Man has turned them into founts of bitterness, while I gave them as founts of graces."

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 25, 1921 Volume 13

As I was in my usual state, my sweet Jesus made Himself seen as a Little Baby — all numb with cold; and throwing Himself into my arms, He told me: "What cold, what cold! Warm Me, for pity’s sake — do not let Me freeze any more!" I pressed Him to my heart, telling Him: “In my heart I possess Your Will; so, Its heat is more than sufficient to warm You.” And Jesus, all content: "My daughter, My Will contains everything, and one who possesses It can give Me everything. My Will was everything for Me: It conceived Me, It formed Me, It made Me grow, and It made Me be born. If My Mama contributed by giving Me the blood, She could do so because She contained My Will, absorbed within Her. Had She not possessed My Will, She could not have contributed to forming My Humanity. Therefore, My direct Will, and My Will which was absorbed within My Mama, gave Me life. That which is human had no power over Me – it could give Me nothing; only the Divine Will nourished Me with Its Breath and delivered Me to the light.

“But do you think it was the cold of the air that made Me freeze? Ah, no! It was the cold of the hearts that made Me grow numb; and it was ingratitude that made Me cry bitterly at My very first coming out to the light. My beloved Mother soothed My crying, although She too cried. Our tears mixed together; and exchanging the first kisses, We poured Ourselves out in love. But our life was to be sorrow and crying, so I had Her place Me in the manger, to go back to crying, calling My children with My sobs and with My tears. I wanted to move them to pity with My tears and with My moans, so as to be listened to.

“But do you know who was the first, after My Mama, whom I called with My tears to be close to Me in My very manger, to pour Myself out in love? It was you — the little Daughter of My Will. You were so little as to surpass My dear Mama in littleness, so much so, that I was able to keep you near Me, in My own manger, and I could pour My tears into your heart. These tears sealed My Will in you, and constituted you legitimate daughter of My Will. My Heart rejoiced in seeing all that My Will had delivered in Creation coming back as whole, in My Will, within you. This was important and indispensable for Me — at My very first coming out to the light of this world, I was to restore the rights of Creation and receive the Glory as if the creature had never departed from My Will. Therefore, the first kiss and the first gifts of my tender age were for you."

And I: “My Love, how could this be, if at that time I did not exist?” And Jesus: "In My Will everything existed, and all things were one single point for Me. I could see you then, just as I see you now, and all the graces I have given you are nothing other than the confirmation of what you had been given from Eternity. And I could see not only you, but in you I saw My little family, which would live in My Will. How happy I felt! These soothed My crying, warmed Me, and surrounding Me like a crown, defended Me from the perfidy of the other creatures."

I remained concerned and doubtful. And Jesus: "How is it? You doubt? I have told you nothing yet about the relations which exist between Me and the soul who lives in My Will. For now, I will tell you that My Humanity lived from the continuous outpouring of the Divine Will. Had I taken one breath alone which was not animated by the Divine Will, it would have been as though degrading Myself, and decaying from My Nobility. Now, the soul who lives in My Will is the closest to Me; and in everything that My Humanity did and suffered, she is the first among all to receive the fruits and the effects that My Humanity contains."

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 24, 1924 Volume 17

… After this, at night, I was thinking of the act in which the sweet Little Baby came out of the maternal womb, to be born into our midst. My poor mind wandered within a mystery so profound and all love. And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, stretched out His little hands to embrace me, and said to me: “My daughter, the act of My Birth was the most solemn Act of all creation. Heaven and earth felt plunged into the most profound adoration, at the sight of My little Humanity, which kept My Divinity as though enclosed within walls. So, in the act of My Birth, there was an act of silence and of profound adoration and prayer. My Mama prayed, enraptured by the Power of the Prodigy which was coming out from Her. Saint Joseph prayed; the Angels prayed, and the whole of creation felt the strength of the Love of My Creative Power as being renewed upon itself. All felt honored and received true honor, for the One who had created them was going to use them for all that was needed by His Humanity. The sun felt honored, in having to give Its light and heat to its Creator, recognizing the One who had created it – its true Lord; and it made feast and paid Him honor by giving Him its light. The earth felt honored, when it felt Me lying in a manger; it felt touched by My tender limbs, and rejoiced with gladness with prodigious signs. All creation, all created beings, saw their True King and Lord within their midst; and feeling honored, each one wanted to perform its office for Me: the water wanted to quench My thirst; the birds, with their trills and warblings, wanted to cheer Me; the wind wanted to caress Me; the air wanted to kiss Me – each one wanted to pay Me its innocent tribute.

“Only men, ungrateful, even though all felt something unusual within themselves – a joy, a strong power – were reluctant, and suffocating everything, did not move. Although I called them with tears, with moans and sobs, they did not move, except for a few shepherds. Yet, it was for man that I was coming upon earth! I was coming to give Myself to him, to save him, and to bring him back to My Celestial Fatherland. Therefore, I was all eyes to see whether he would come before Me in order to receive the great gift of My Divine and Human Life. So, the Incarnation was nothing but giving Myself at the mercy of the creature. In the Incarnation I gave Myself at the mercy of My dear Mama; when I was born, Saint Joseph too added, to whom I gave the gift of My Life. And since My Works are Eternal and are not subject to end, this Divinity, this Word who descended upon earth, never withdrew from the earth, in order to have the opportunity to give Himself continuously to all creatures. As long as I lived, I gave Myself in an unveiled manner; and then, a few hours before dying, I made the great Prodigy of leaving Myself in the Sacrament, so that, whoever wanted Me, could receive the great Gift of My Life. I paid no attention either to the offenses they would give to Me, or to the refusals to receive Me. I said to Myself: ‘I have given Myself; I do not want to withdraw, ever again. Let them do to Me whatever they want – I will always belong to them, and be at their disposal.’

“Daughter, this is the nature of True Love; this is to work as God: firmness, and not to withdraw at the cost of any sacrifice. This firmness in My Works is My Victory – the greatest one of My Glory; and this is the sign to know whether the creature works for God: firmness. The soul looks to no one in the face – neither to pains, nor to herself, nor to self-esteem, nor to creatures. Even though it may cost her own life, she looks only at God, for love of Whom she set herself to work; and she feels victorious in offering the sacrifice of her life for love of Him. Not being firm is of the human nature and of the human way of working.

“Not being firm is the work of passions, and with passion. Mutability is weakness, it is cowardice, and it is not of the nature of True Love. Therefore, firmness must be the guide in working for Me. So, in my works I never change: whatever the events may be, when a work is done once, it is done forever.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 23, 1921 Volume 13

Then, after this, I was about to close my eyes to sleep, and I said to myself: “My sleep too in Your Will. Even more, may my breath be transformed into Yours, so that all that Jesus did while sleeping, I may do as well. But then, did my Jesus really sleep?” And Jesus came back and added: "My daughter, My sleep was extremely brief, but I did sleep. However, I did not sleep for Myself, but for creatures. As the Head, I represented the whole human family, and I had to lay My Humanity over all in order to give them rest. I could see all creatures covered with a mantle of disturbance, of struggles, of restlessness - some were falling into sin and remained saddened; some were dominated by tyrannical passions which they wanted to conquer, and remained disturbed; some wanted to do good and struggled in order to do it.... In sum, there was no peace, because true peace is possessed when the will of the creature returns into the Will of its Creator, from which it came. Outside of the center, shifted from the origin, there is no peace. Therefore, while sleeping, My Humanity laid Itself over all, wrapping them as though within a mantle, just like the hen, when it calls its chicks under its maternal wings to make them sleep. In the same way, extending over all, I called all of My children under My wings, to give to some forgiveness of sin, to some victory over passions, to some strength in the fight; to give peace and rest to all. And in order not to strike fear in them, but to give them courage, I did this while sleeping. Who would fear someone who is sleeping?

“Now the world has not changed; rather, it is amid struggles more than ever, and therefore I want someone who sleeps in My Will, so as to repeat the effects of the sleep of My Humanity." Then, with an afflicted tone, He repeated: "And My other children — where are they? Why don’t they all come to Me, to receive rest and peace? Let us call them, let us call them together." And it seemed that Jesus would call them by name — one by one. But few were those who came.

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 22, 1916 Volume 11

Having received Communion, I was uniting all of myself with Jesus, pouring all of myself into His Will; and I said to Him: “I am unable to do anything, or say anything, therefore I feel the great need to do what You do, and to repeat Your own words. In Your Will I find, present and as though in act, the acts You did in receiving Yourself in the Sacrament, I make them my own, and I repeat them for You.” So I tried to penetrate into everything which Jesus had done in receiving Himself in the Sacrament, and while I was doing this, He told me: "My daughter, the soul who does My Will, and whatever she does, she does in My Volition, forces Me to do whatever she does together with her. So, if she receives Communion in My Will, I repeat the acts I did in communicating Myself, and I renew the complete fruit of My Sacramental Life. If she prays in My Will, I pray with her and renew the fruit of My Prayers. If she suffers, if she works, if she speaks in My Will, I suffer with her, renewing the fruit of My Pains; I work and speak with her, and I renew the fruit of My Works and Words; and so with all the rest."

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 21, 1930 Volume 28

My flight in the Divine Volition continues; it seems to me that I call It, because life would be missing in me without It. The life of Good, the life of Love, the life of the Light, the life of Peace, would be missing in me; and my human will, seeing itself alone, would assault me and would give life to my passions in me. This is why I fear so much that even for just one instant it may remain without the Fiat operating in me, because, It being present, my will remains crouched down and does not dare to move before a Will so Holy and so Powerful. Therefore I call It, and It gives me Its hand to take me into Its Acts, that I may follow It and keep It company. And since It created everything for Love of creatures, when It feels her close and identified, It takes such delight, that It feels as though repaid for the many things It issued from Its Creative Hands.

So, while I was following the Acts of the Divine Will done in Creation, my sweet Jesus, making Himself seen and looking at me, told me: “My daughter, how sweet it is for Me to look at a soul who lets herself be worked by My Divine Will. A triumph takes place from one side to the other: My Will invests the intelligence of the creature, and she lets herself be invested. In sum, they form an accord on both sides; and then My Will forms Its Triumph over each thought of the creature, and she acquires and makes a triumph of the many Divine thoughts within her mind. So, My Divine Will triumphs by giving and taking possession of it; the soul triumphs by wanting it and receiving it. So, if she looks, if she speaks, if she palpitates, if she operates and walks, those are all Triumphs of My Will over the creature; and she triumphs and takes possession of many Divine Acts. Amid these exchanges of triumphs and possessions, such Joy and Happiness is formed on both sides, that you cannot comprehend them all. In fact, you must know that when good, the triumph, the possession, is done between two—then does it bring joy and happiness. Isolated good has made no one happy; as it sees itself alone, it loses all the beauty of happiness. Therefore My Divine Will keeps searching for Its creature in order to form Its Triumphs, to be able to form, together with her, Its Joys, Its Happinesses, on the face of the earth.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 20, 1925 Volume 18

I was thinking of the tears that Baby Jesus shed at His birth, and I said to myself: “How bitter these tears must have been for Him; how they must have now frozen, now burned that tender face.” In fact, from what I know, tears have two effects depending on the reason for which they are shed: if their cause comes from love, they burn and make one sob; if then they are produced by sorrow, they are ice-cold and make one shiver. For my royal little Baby there was intense and infinite Love, and endless Sorrow; so, His tears must have cost Him very much.” Now, while I was thinking about this, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior, and showed His face wet with tears – but so many, that one flowed after the other, to the point of wetting His chest and His hands. And, sighing, He said to me: “My daughter, My tears began from the very first instant of My Conception in the womb of My Celestial Mama, up to My last breath on the Cross. The Will of My Celestial Father entrusted to Me also the task of tears, and I was to shed so many of them from My eyes, for as many as all creatures together would shed. Just as I conceived all of their souls within Me, so was I to shed all of their tears from My eyes.

“See, then, how much I had to cry. I had to shed from My eyes the tears which creatures shed out of passion, so that Mine might extinguish their passions. I had to shed the tears which are needed after sin, to give them the sorrow for having offended Me and the conviction of the evil they had done, preparing, with My tears, the resolution not to offend Me any more. I had to shed the tears in order to move souls to compassion, to make them comprehend the pains of My Passion; and I also shed abundant tears of Love, in order to electrify souls to love Me, to draw their sympathy and their hearts, all for Me. It is enough to tell you that there is not one tear that arises on the human eye, which I did not shed from My eyes. No one knew of My many tears, of My much crying, hidden and secret. How many times, even as a tender Child, I flew from earth up to Heaven, and leaning My little head upon the knees of My Celestial Father, I cried and cried, and, sobbing, I said to Him: ‘My Father, You see, I am born in the world to tears and to sorrow, just like My brothers, who are born to tears, and die amidst crying. And I love these brothers so much, that I want to shed all of their tears from My eyes. Not even one do I want to let escape, so as to give to their tears, tears of Love, of Sorrow, of Victory, of Sanctification and of Divinization.’ How many times my dear Mama, in looking at Me, was pierced in seeing Me all wet with crying; and because of the pain of seeing Me cry, She united Her tears to mine, and we cried together. And sometimes I was forced to hide Myself to give vent to crying, so as not to always pierce Her maternal and innocent Heart. Other times, I waited for the moment when My Celestial Mama, out of necessity, had to occupy Herself with housework, to give vent to My tears, in order to complete the number of tears of all creatures.” …

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 19, 1926 Volume 20

[Jesus speaking]

“… And so, this is the reason why My Supreme Will calls you—awaits you in each created thing, to make known to you the riches that are in It, to make you repeat Its Divine acts together with It, and to give you the right of possession. You yourself become Its own property; you remain dissolved within Its immense Riches and within Its very Acts, and—oh! how the Divine Fiat enjoys making you the owner of Its immense Riches. Its desire of constituting Its heiresses is so great, that It feels twice as happy when It sees one who knows Its Possessions and makes Its Divine Act her own; so much so, that even though It saw that man, by withdrawing from Its Will, lost his way to reach the possession of Its Dominions, It did not stop, but in the excess of Its Love and of Its long Sorrow of seeing Its Riches inactive for the good of creatures, as soon as the Eternal Word clothed Himself with human flesh, It constituted Itself life of each of His Acts, so as to form more Goods for them, powerful aids and effective remedies, more within the reach of decayed humanity, so as to realize the Purpose of making them possess what was issued in Creation.

“There is nothing that comes from Us, that does not have this Purpose—that the creature and everything return into Our Will. If it were not so, We would render Ourselves extraneous to Our own Works. So, Creation, Redemption, My daughter, have the primary Purpose that everything be Our Will, in Heaven and on earth; therefore, It flows everywhere, It is present in every place, to make everything Its own, and to give everything that belongs to It. Therefore, be attentive in following Our works; satisfy this desire, so insistent, of My Supreme Will, that wants those who possess Its Goods.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 18, 1921 Volume 13

I was feeling very oppressed and distressed because of the privation of my sweet Jesus. After one entire day of pain, late at night He came, and clinging to my neck with His arms, He told me: "My daughter, what is it? I see a mood and a shadow in you which render you dissimilar from Me, and break the current of beatitude which has almost always existed between Me and you. Everything is Peace in Me, therefore I do not tolerate in you even one shadow which may shade your soul. Peace is the springtime of the soul. All virtues bloom, grow and smile, like plants and flowers at the rays of the Sun in springtime, which dispose all things of nature to produce, each one, its own fruit. If it wasn’t for the Spring, which shakes the plants from the torpor of cold with its enchanting smile, and clothes the earth with a flowery mantle that calls everyone to admire it with its sweet enchantment, the earth would be horrid and the plants would end up withering. So, peace is the Divine smile which shakes the soul from any torpor. Like celestial springtime, it shakes the soul from the cold of passions, of weaknesses, of thoughtlessnesses, etc., and with its smile it makes all flowers bloom, more than in a flowery field, and it makes all plants grow, through which the Celestial Farmer is pleased to stroll and pick the fruits, to make of them His food. Therefore, the peaceful soul is My garden, in which I enjoy and amuse Myself.

“Peace is Light, and everything that the soul thinks of, says and does, is Light that she emanates; and the enemy cannot get close to her, because he feels struck, wounded and dazzled by this Light, and is forced to flee so as not to be blinded.

“Peace is dominion, not only of oneself, but also of others. So, before a peaceful soul, all remain either conquered or confused and humiliated. Therefore, they either let themselves be dominated, remaining as friends, or they leave confused, unable to sustain the dignity, the imperturbability, the sweetness of a soul who possesses Peace. Even the most perverted ones feel the power that she contains. This is why I glory so much in making Myself called God of Peace - Prince of Peace. There is no peace without Me; I alone possess it and I give it to My children, as legitimate children who remain bound as heirs of all My Goods.

“The world, creatures, do not have this Peace; and what is not possessed cannot be given. At the most they can give an apparent peace, which torments them inside — a false peace, which contains a poisonous sip within it; and this poison puts to sleep the remorses of conscience, and leads one to the kingdom of vice. Therefore, true Peace is I, and I want to conceal you in My Peace, so that you may never be disturbed, and the shadow of My Peace, like dazzling light, may keep far away from you anything or anyone who might shade your peace."

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 17, 1903 Volume 6

Continuing in my usual state, for a few instants a saw blessed Jesus with the Cross on His shoulders, in the act of encountering His Most Holy Mother; and I said to Him: “Lord, what did your Mother do in this most sorrowful encounter?”

And He: “My daughter, She did nothing but a most profound and simple act of adoration. And since the simpler the act, the more easily it unites with God, Most Simple Spirit, in this act She infused Herself in Me and continued what I Myself was doing in My interior. This was immensely pleasing to Me, more than if She had done any other greater thing. In fact, the true spirit of adoration consists in this: the creature dissolves herself and finds herself in the Divine sphere; she adores all that God does, and she unites with Him. Do you think that when the mouth adores but the mind is somewhere else, it is true adoration? That is, the mind adores but the will is far away from Me? Or, one power adores Me, and the others are all disordered? No, I want everything for Myself, and everything I have given her, in Me. This is the greatest act of cult, of adoration, that the creature can do for Me.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 16, 1928 Volume 25

I was doing my meditation, and since today it was the beginning of the Novena of Baby Jesus, I was thinking about the nine excesses of His Incarnation, that Jesus had narrated to me with so much tenderness, and that are written in the first volume. I felt great reluctance at reminding the confessor about this, because, in reading them, he had told me that he wanted to read them in public in our chapel.

Now, while I was thinking of this, my little Baby Jesus made Himself seen in my arms, so very little, caressing me with His tiny little hands, and saying to me: “How beautiful is My little daughter! How beautiful! How I must thank you for having listened to Me.”

And I: “My Love, what are You saying? It is I who must thank You for having spoken to me, and for having given me, with so much Love, acting as my teacher, so many lessons that I did not deserve.”

And Jesus: “Ah, My daughter, to how many do I want to speak, and they do not listen to Me, reducing Me to silence and to suffocating My Flames. So, we must thank each other—you thank Me, and I thank you. And then, why do you want to oppose the reading of the nine excesses? Ah! You do not know how much Life, how much Love and Grace they contain. You must know that My Word is Creation, and in narrating to you the nine excesses of My Love in the Incarnation, I not only renewed My Love that I had in incarnating Myself, but I created New Love in order to invest the creatures and conquer them to give themselves to Me.

“These nine excesses of My Love, manifested with so much Love of tenderness and simplicity, formed the prelude of the many lessons I was to give you about My Divine Fiat, in order to form Its Kingdom. And now, by their being read, My Love is renewed and redoubled. Don’t you want, then, that My Love, being redoubled, overflow outside and invest more hearts, so that, as a prelude, they may dispose themselves for the lessons of My Will, to make It known and reign?”

And I: “My dear Baby, I believe that many have spoken about Your Incarnation.”

And Jesus: “Yes, yes, they have spoken, but those have been words taken from the shore of the sea of My Love, therefore they are words that possess neither tendernesses, nor fullnesses of Life. But those few words that I have spoken to you, I have spoken from within the Life of the fount of My Love, and they contain Life, irresistible Strength, and such Tendernesses, that only the dead will not feel themselves being moved to pity for Me, tiny little One, who suffered so many pains even from the womb of the Celestial Mama.”

After this, the confessor was reading in the chapel the first excess of the Love of Jesus in the Incarnation; and my sweet Jesus, from within my interior, pricked up His ears to listen. And drawing me to Himself, He said to me: “My daughter, how happy I feel in listening to them. But My Happiness increases in keeping you in this house of My Will, as both of us are listeners: I, of what I have told you, and you, of what you have heard from Me. My Love swells, boils and overflows. Listen, listen—how beautiful it is! The word contains the breath, and as it is spoken, the word carries the breath that, like air, goes around from mouth to mouth and communicates the strength of My Creative Word; and the New Creation that My Word contains descends into the hearts.

“Listen, My daughter: in Redemption I had the cortege of My Apostles, and I was in their midst, all love, in order to instruct them; I spared no toil in order to form the foundation of My Church. Now, in this house, I feel the cortege of the first children of My Will, and I feel My loving scenes being repeated, in seeing you in their midst, all love, wanting to impart the lessons about My Divine Fiat in order to form the foundations of the Kingdom of My Divine Will. If you knew how happy I feel in seeing you speak about My Divine Volition…. I anxiously await the moment when you begin to speak, in order to listen to you, and to feel the happiness that My Divine Will brings Me.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 15, 1935 Volume 34

My poor mind is always transported into the Sea of the Divine Will, that makes present to me, and holds as in act, everything that It has done for Love of creatures. And It longs that they recognize what It has done, how much It has Loved us, and It waits for us in Its Acts in order to tell us: “Let us do it together, do not make Me work alone, so that what I do, you do, and so we can say: ‘With equal Love We have Loved each other.’”

How beautiful it is to be able to say in turn: “You have Loved me, and I have Loved you.” It is the compensation of the greatest works and of the most sorrowful sacrifices. …

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 14, 1911 Volume 10

I continue my most bitter days, though resigned to the Will of God. My always lovable Jesus, if He makes Himself seen, is always afflicted and taciturn; it seems He no longer wants to pay attention to me in anything. This morning, making Himself seen, He put two earrings on my ears — so shining as to look like two suns. Then He told me: "My beloved daughter, for one who is all intent on listening to Me, My Word is sun, which not only delights the hearing, but nourishes the mind and satiates the heart with Me and with My Love. Ah! they don’t want to understand that all My intent is to have all of you intent within Me, without paying attention to anything else. Look at her (pointing at someone), with her way of scrutinizing everything – she pays attention to everything, she is affected by everything, up to the excesses — and even in holy things. This is nothing but a living outside of Me, and one who lives outside of Me, by necessity feels herself very much. She thinks she does honor to Me, but it is the opposite."

Divine Will for every day of the year - December 13, 1928 Volume 25

I was fusing myself in the Holy Divine Volition, and as I accompanied Its acts done in the Creation, my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, all created things were created by Us with a dose of happiness, one distinct from the other; so, each created thing brings to man the kiss, the air that delights, the Life of Our Happiness. But do you know who feels all the effects of Our many Happinesses that are spread in the Creation descend into her interior, to the point of remaining soaked with them like a sponge? One who lives in Our Divine Will.

“Our Happinesses are not foreign to her, because, since she has her taste purified by Our Fiat and not corrupted by the human will, her taste and all of her senses have the virtue of enjoying all the happinesses that are present in the created things, and We feel so much happiness and joy in seeing one who does Our Will as though sitting at the table of Our Happinesses and feeding herself with as many different bites for as many as are the happinesses present in the created things. Oh! how beautiful it is to see the creature happy.”

At that moment, Jesus kept silent, and I heard the sound of the harmonium playing in the chapel; and Jesus pricked up His ears to listen, and then He added: “Oh! how happy I feel because this sound delights the little daughter of My Will. And I, in hearing it, delight together with her. Oh! how beautiful it is to be delighted together. To make one who loves Me happy is the greatest of My Happinesses.”

And I: “Jesus, my Love, my happiness for me is You alone, all other things hold no attraction over me.”

And Jesus: “Certainly the greatest happiness for you is I, because I contain the source of all joys and happinesses; but I enjoy in giving you the small happinesses, and just as I Myself feel them and enjoy them, I want you to feel them and enjoy them together with Me.”