[Jesus speaking] “…Now, blessed daughter, wanting to give the Kingdom of My Divine Will, it is necessary that you go around in Its Divine Properties, and I, leading you by the hand, make known to you Its interminable Seas, the Goods, the Prodigies, the surprising Wonders, the Joys, the Happinesses, all the things of infinite Value that It possesses, so that by knowing It you love It. And you would fall in love so much, that you would not only not know how to live without It, but would give your life in order to acquire a Kingdom so holy, peaceful, and beautiful.
“But this is not yet everything, your part is needed, your pledges, your advances and contracts. And Our Love and Goodness is so much, that It wants to give Our Will as property that It belongs to the creature, that It places at her disposition what It has done so that creatures might make use of it as equivalent pledges and contracts in order to receive a Gift so great. Now as you go around in Creation and look at the sky, and you feel happy in seeing the beautiful azure vault studded with stars, the sun shinning with light, and recognize and feel still beating the Divine Fiat that has created it for Love of creatures, and your little love springing forth from your heart loves He who has loved you so much, your love is sealed in the heights of the sky, in the light of the sun. And you give Us the sky for pledge, the stars for advance, the sun for contract, because they were created for you, and it is enough that you possess Our Will as Life, that It is already yours and can be the valid contract in order to obtain Its Kingdom.
“And the same with as you go around in all the other created things. You would recognize them and love Us, and however many times you repeat your going around, so many times you repeat the pledges, you make the contracts, and you arrange to dispose things, to give graces and helps in order to give as Kingdom the great Gift of the Fiat Voluntas Tua as in Heaven so on earth. We know that the creature does not have anything to give Us, and Our Love imposes itself to giving Our Acts as if they were hers, placing Our Works in her hands as Divine Money, so that she would have sufficient means in order to be able to contract with Our Supreme Being. But if she doesn’t have anything, she has the little love, issued from Ours in the act of creating her; therefore she has a particle of the infinite Love of God. And when the creature loves Us, she places the Infinite at attention, We feel the magnetic strength of the particle of Our Infinite Love that, hovering in her, loves Us, elevates, extends, and reaches even to Us, and wants to enter into the infinite from which she came forth.
“O! how she enraptures Us, and in the Ardor of Our Love We say: ‘Who can resist the strength of Our Infinite Love that issues forth from the creature and loves Us?’ To give heavens and earth seems to Us as little in exchange for her little love, that although little, possesses a particle of the Infinite, and this is enough for Us. O! how sweet and dear is the precious pledge of the love of the creature! …”