Divine Will for every day of the year - January 13, 1927 Volume 20

… After I wrote this, I was thinking to myself that what is written above is not necessary; more so since, continuing to be feverish, I write with difficulty, and I write just a little to make Jesus content. And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, in order to live in My Will, the soul must ascend; and in order to ascend in It, she must leave that which does not belong to My Will. She must leave her miserable rags, her vulgar habits, her vile foods, her miseries. Everything she must leave, in order to make use of the royal garment, of Divine habits, of precious and nourishing foods, of infinite riches – in sum, of everything that belongs to My Will. What you have written serves you for now — it serves the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. Then it will be the rule for those who must live in It – how they must use all of the operating acts of My Will in order to maintain themselves within the boundaries of My Kingdom. Therefore, that which to you does not seem to be necessary, is necessary for the formation of My Supreme Kingdom.”