… So finding myself suffering a little more then usual, I thought to myself: “O! how I would want that my sufferings would form wings for me in order to let me fly into my Celestial Fatherland, and instead of afflicting me, my little sufferings would make for me a feast.”
And I felt worried by this, and my beloved Jesus added: “My daughter, do not marvel. sufferings smile before Glory; they feel triumphant in seeing the conquests that they have acquired. sufferings confirm and establish the greater or lesser Glory in the creature, and according to the sufferings, so she feels painted the most beautiful and various tints of Beauty, and seeing themselves transformed into the rarest Beauty, they celebrate. In fact, on earth sufferings cry, at the doors of Heaven they begin their Eternal smile that does not end anymore. The sufferings on earth are bearers of humiliations, at the Eternal Doors they are bearers of Glory. On earth they make the poor creature unhappy, but with the Miraculous Secret that they possess, they labor in the most intimate fibers and in the whole human being the Eternal Kingdom in a way that every suffering takes its distinct Office: some act as chisel, some hammer, some file, some brush, some color. And then they leave the creature entrusted to them, when each suffering has completed its labor, and triumphantly they conduct her to Heaven and then they leave here when they see each suffering exchanged into distinct Joys and into Perennial Happiness—provided, however, that the creature receives them with love. And they feel and receive in every suffering the kiss, the embraces, and the strong squeezes of My Divine Will.
“Sufferings, then, possess this Miraculous Virtue, otherwise they become as if they did not have suitable instruments in order to complete their labor. But do you want to know who the suffering is? I Am the suffering, who hides inside of it in order to form somber labors for My Celestial Fatherland, and I abundantly exchange the brief residence that they have given Me on earth. I am imprisoned in the poor jail of the creature in order to continue My Life of sufferings down below. It is just that this Life of Mine receive Its Joys, Its Happiness, Its exchange of Glory in the Celestial Regions. Therefore your marvels will cease in hearing that your sufferings smile before the Victories, before the Triumphs, and before the Conquests.”