[Jesus speaking]
“…Lack of confidence always places an obstacle to the union between Creator and creature; it is the wing-clipper of the flight toward the One who loves her so much; it makes her live at the earth’s level; and even though she does not fall, it makes her feel, vividly, her passions. More so, since lack of confidence has been the weak act in the course of the centuries, and sometimes even good souls have drawn back in the journey of virtues because of lack of confidence. And I, in order to remove this torpor that the spectre of the lack of confidence produces, wanted to show Myself with you as all Love, and in an intimate way, more than father and daughter, in order to call back, not only you, but all others, to live as My children, as though rocked in My arms. And I have enjoyed, and so have you, how beautiful it is to have the creature as all love and all trust with Me; I can give whatever I want, and she has no fear of receiving what she wants. So, once true confidence is placed in order between Me and you, the greatest obstacle to letting My Divine Will reign in their souls is removed.
“Therefore, My daughter, I know where My aims tend to, what they must serve for, what I do, great and beautiful, when I choose a creature. What do they know? And this is why they have always something to say about My operating. And not even My short Life down here was spared, when My Most Holy Humanity was in their midst and I was all love for them; and yet, if I drew too close to sinners, they had to say that it was not decorous for Me to deal with them. And I let them talk, and without giving importance to their talking, I did the facts, I drew closer to sinners, I Loved them more in order to attract them to love Me. If I did miracles, they had something to say, because they believed I was the son of Saint Joseph; they had to say that the promised Messiah could not come from a carpenter, and they kept arousing doubts about My Divine Person, so much so, as to form clouds around the Sun of My Humanity. And I aroused the little breezes to get rid of the clouds, and I reappeared more blazing with Light in their midst, in order to accomplish the purpose of My coming upon earth, which was the Redemption.
“Therefore, do not be surprised that they have found something to say on the way I have conducted Myself with you; and even though they have formed clouds around the operating I have had with you, I will arouse My little breezes to get rid of these clouds. And if they love the Truth, they will know that the way I have conducted Myself with you, even though I have not used it with other souls, was necessary to Our Love, because it was to serve Our very Will, in order to make It known and to make It reign.”
Then He added with a more tender tone: “My daughter, poor ones, they are not used to walking in the fields of the Light of My Divine Will, therefore it is no wonder that their intelligence has remained as though dazzled. But if they get used to looking at the Light, they will see clearly that only My Love could reach such extent; and since I Love so much that My Divine Will be known in order to let It reign, I wanted to be exuberant in the excess of My Love that I contained in My Heart. Even more, everything I have done with you can be called the preludes of what I will do to those who will let themselves be dominated by My Fiat! However, I tell you that all those who had something to say about My Humanity when It was on earth, and did not surrender to believing in the Sanctity of My works, remained empty of the good that I came to offer to all, and remained outside of My works. So it will be with those who, in addition to talking on the how and the way of what I have said—but if they do not surrender, they too will remain on an empty stomach, and outside of the good that, with so much Love, I wanted to offer to all.”