Divine Will for every day of the year - June 3, 1900 Volume 3

This morning, as I was in my usual state, I saw my adorable Jesus for a little while, present inside my heart, sleeping, and His sleep drew my soul to fall asleep together with Him; so much so, that I felt all my interior powers asleep, without acting any more. At times I tried to get out of that sleep, but I could not. Then blessed Jesus woke up for a little while and sent His Breath into me three times, and it seemed to me that He became all absorbed in me. Afterwards, it seemed to me that Jesus was drawing those three Breaths He had sent me back into Himself again, and I found myself all transformed in Him. Who can say what was happening in me because of these Divine Breaths? I have no words to express that inseparable union between Jesus and me!

After this, it seems I was able to wake up, and Jesus, breaking the silence, told me: “My daughter, I looked and looked again, I searched and searched again, going throughout the whole earth, but upon you I fixed My gazes and I found My satisfactions, and I chose you among a thousand.”

Then, turning to certain people I could see, He reprimanded them, saying to them: “Lack of esteem for others is lack of true Christian humility and of sweetness, because a humble and sweet spirit knows how to respect everyone and interprets the things of others always for the good.” Having said this, He disappeared, without my saying to Him even a word. May He be always blessed for He wants it this way, and may everything be for His glory.