Blessed Jesus remained silent; and then He added: “My daughter, in issuing the Creation, My Will linked all beings with bonds of union. So, they were all in connection among themselves—each one possessed its electric wire of communication between the other. Man possessed as many electric wires for as many created things as existed, because, being the king of everything, it was right and necessary for him to have the communication with all Creation, in order to possess the dominion of It. Now, as he withdrew from the Divine Will, he broke the first wire of communication, and remained like a city in which the primary wire that communicates electric light is broken: it remains in the dark, and even though there are electric wires, they no longer have the virtue of giving light to the whole city, because the source from which the light comes, being broken, cannot give it, nor can the electric wires receive it. So, he remained like a city in the dark; his connections, the electric wires of communication, were no longer functioning. The source of light had withdrawn from him, because he himself had broken the communication with it; and he remained like a king who is deposed, dethroned and without dominion. In his city all lights were out; he was enveloped in the darkness of his own will. When My Will is possessed by the soul, she is symbolized by a city full of light, which has ways of communication with all the places of the world. Even more, her communications extend in the sea, in the sun, in the stars, in the heavens. Provisions of all kinds reach this city from all places; so, she is the richest, provided with everything; and by means of these communications she is the best known, in Heaven and on earth; all pour into her, and she is the most loved. All the opposite for one who does not possess My Will: she lives of hardships, she suffers starvation; only crumbs are conceded to her out of pity, and she is often plundered by enemies. She suffers obscurity, and lives in the most squalid misery.”