…[M]y Divine Teacher, Jesus, visiting my little soul, told me: “Blessed daughter, you must now that with one who lives in My Divine Will, My Will has the virtue of keeping the nature of the creature in order; and instead of being an obstacle, it is a help for her to be able to do more acts of Divine Will. Even more, it serves like earth to the flowers, which offers itself to form the beautiful flowerings that almost hide it and cover it with the variety of their beauties, to which the sun communicates the variety of the most beautiful colors, and keeps glazing them with its light. If it wasn’t for the earth, the flowers would lack the place in which to form their life, to be born and make their beautiful appearance; and the sun would find no place—no one to whom to communicate the display of its beautiful colors and of its pure sweetnesses. Such is the human nature for the soul who lives in My Divine Will—it is like fecund and pure earth, which offers itself as the field of action, and not only to let her form the beautiful flowerings, but to let as many suns pop out for as many acts as she goes on doing. My daughter, it is an enchantment of beauty to see the human nature that lives in My Divine Will, covered and hidden as though under a flowery meadow, all invested with most refulgent light. On her own, the soul could not have formed so many varieties of beauties, while, united to it, it finds the little crosses, the necessities of life, the varieties of the circumstances, now sorrowful, now joyful, which it uses as seeds, in order to sow the earth of the human nature, so as to form its flowery field. The soul has no earth, and would not be able to produce any flowering; while, united to the body, oh! how many more beautiful things it can do. More so, since this human nature was formed by Me, I molded it part by part, giving it the most beautiful shape. I can say that I acted as Divine Artisan, and I placed in it such mastery, that no one else can match Me. So, I loved it, I still see the touch of My creative hands impressed on the human nature; therefore it also is mine—it belongs to Me. Everything is in the complete accord—nature, soul, human will and Divine Will; when this is there—the human nature offering itself as earth, the human will in act of receiving the life of the Divine Will into its acts, letting itself be dominated in everything, and knowing nothing else, in all its things, but My Will alone as life, actor, bearer, preserver of everything—oh! then everything is holy, everything is pure and beautiful. My Fiat remains over her with Its brush of light in order to perfect her, divinize her, spiritualize her. Therefore, your nature cannot be an obstacle to the flights in My Will; rather, an obstacle can be your will, as you must always keep an eye on not giving it life; but from your earth there is nothing to fear. As for it, if it gets something, it receives and gives what it has received; or rather, it gives more, and it changes the seed into flowers, into plants, into fruits; and if it gets nothing, it stays there in its mute silence, and remains like sterile earth.”
Then, I was thanking Jesus for His beautiful lesson, and I felt all content that my human nature could not harm me; on the contrary, it could help me in letting the life of the Divine Will grow in my soul…