But while I was immersed in that Sea of light, my Beloved Jesus, making Himself seen within that light, told me: “My daughter, My Will is light, and the prerogative and virtue of Its light is to empty of every passion the soul who lets herself be dominated by It. In fact, Its light places itself within her as center, and with its heat and vivifying light gets rid of any human weight, and vivifies and converts everything into seed of light, forming the new life in the soul, with no seed of evil—all pure and holy, as she came out of Our creative hands; in such a way that this fortunate creature cannot fear that she might do harm to anyone.
“In fact, true light does harm to no one; on the contrary, it brings to all the good that My vivifying light contains. Nor can she fear that she might receive any harm, because true light is untouchable by even the shadow of evil. Therefore, she has nothing left to do but enjoy her fortune and spread to all the light that she possesses.”