After this, I continued in my abandonment in the Divine Fiat. It seemed to me that in It there are no stops, there is always something to do—but a doing that does not tire; on the contrary, it fortifies, it makes one happy and rejoice in one’s long journey.
But while I was thinking about this, my Highest Good, Jesus, added: “My daughter, one who lives in My Divine Volition always walks, because she has the round of eternity at her disposal, that never ends. And by never stopping, she always takes; and if she stopped, one little stop, one step less, would cost her the loss of a Divine step and happiness. In fact, My Fiat is an act ever new of happiness, of grace and of indescribable and unreachable beauty, and if the soul walks, she takes, while if she stops, she does not take, because not having followed, step by step, the path of My Divine Volition, she has known nothing of the happiness and beauty that My Will has issued in that step.
“And who can tell you the great difference between one who lives in My Divine Will and one who lives in the human will? One who lives in the human will stops constantly, her round is so short that if she wants to extend her step, she finds no place on which to put her foot. At each step she takes, she gets now a displeasure, now a disillusion, and she feels one more weakness, that drags her even to sin.
Oh! how brief is the circle of the human will—full of miseries, of precipices and of bitternesses. Yet, they love so much to live in its circle! What madness, what foolishness to be deplored!”