From the Calendar--December 8, 1924 Volume 17

Luisa wrote no entries in her spiritual diary that are dated December 11. Enjoy this extra passage from December 8.

[Jesus speaking] “It is always the will that I am used to testing.  All sacrifices, even death, without the will, would nauseate Me, and would attract not even a glance of mine.  But do you want to know what the greatest prodigy was which We operated in this creature, so holy, as well as the greatest heroism of this creature, so beautiful, which no one—no one will ever be able to equal?  She began Her life with Our Will, and so did She continue it and complete it.  So, it can be said that She completed from the point at which She started, and that She started from the point at which She completed; and Our greatest prodigy was that in each one of Her thoughts, words, breaths, heartbeats, movements and steps, Our Will poured upon Her, and She offered Us the heroism of a thought, of a word, of a breath, of a heartbeat, divine and eternal, operating within Her.  This raised Her so high that what We were by nature, She was by grace.  All of Her other prerogatives, Her privileges, Her very Immaculate Conception, would have been an absolute nothing compared to this great prodigy.  Even more, this is what confirmed Her and rendered Her stable and strong during all of Her life.  My continuous Will, pouring upon Her, made Her share in the Divine Nature; and Her continuous receiving It rendered Her strong in love, strong in sorrow—distinct from everyone.  It was this Will of Ours operating in Her that drew the Word upon earth, formed the seed of the divine fecundity to be able to conceive a Man and God without human intervention, and made Her worthy to be the Mother of Her very Creator.