I am always the tiny little ignorant one of the Supreme Being, and when the Divine Will plunges me into Its seas, I see that I just barely know the vowels, if at all, of Its Adorable Majesty. My littleness is such that I can just barely swallow a few drops of the much that the Creator possesses.
Then, while going around in the works of the Divine Fiat, I paused at Eden, in which I made present to myself the creation of man; and I thought to myself: “What could be the first word that Adam spoke when he was created by God?” And my Highest Good, Jesus, visiting me with His short little visit, all goodness, as if He Himself wanted to tell me, said to me: “My daughter, I too feel the need to tell you what the first word was, pronounced by the lips of the first creature created by Us. You must know that as soon as Adam felt life, motion and reason within himself, he saw His God before him and comprehended that He had formed him. He felt within himself, in his whole being, still fresh, the impressions, the touch of His creative hands, and, grateful, in a surge of love, he pronounced his first word: ‘I love You, my God, my Father, the Author of this, my life.’ But it was not only the word, but the breath, the heartbeat, the drops of his blood that flowed inside his veins, the motion, the whole of his being united together, repeated as though in chorus: ‘I love You, I love You, I love You’.
“So, the first lesson that he learned from his Creator, the first word that he learned to speak, the first thought that had life within his mind, the first heartbeat that was formed in his heart, was ‘I love You, I love You…’. He felt himself loved, and he loved. …”