Then, as I was worried about my hard and sad lot of having to be so very often without Him, my sweet Jesus came, and throwing one arm around my neck, told me: “My daughter, do not increase my pains by worrying—they are already too many. I do not expect this from you; on the contrary, I want you to make My pains, My prayers and all of Myself your own, in such a way that I may find in you another Me. In these times I want great satisfactions, and only one who makes Me his own can give them to Me. That which the Father found in Me—glory, delight, love, satisfactions whole and perfect, and for the good of all—I want to find in these souls, like as many other Jesuses that match Me. These intentions you must repeat in each Hour of the Passion that you do, in each action—in everything. If I do not find My satisfactions—ah, it is over for the world! The scourges will pour down in torrents. Ah, My daughter! Ah, My daughter!” And He disappeared.