[Jesus speaking] “We want to use the Creative Virtue, but We want that she knows it and receives it. We want to use the Redemptive Virtue if sin tyrannizes her, but We want that she feel the Good that We want to make her, and receive it with love and gratitude. We want to use the Sanctifying Virtue, but We want that she lend herself to receiving the transformation of Our Holy Acts in hers, in order to receive Our Sanctifying Virtue. If the soul doesn’t remain together with Us, and doesn’t unite her little work to Our Great Work, it would be for Us as if We wanted to develop Our Work of Love over inanimate things that neither feel nor know anything of the Good that they receive; and for them He would be as a distant God, whom they neither know nor love.
“You must know that Our Love is so great, that all creatures swim and are inside of this immense Sea of Our Love. And as if We were not contented with so much Immensity of this Love of Ours, Our Supreme Being acts as a fisherman and goes fishing for the little tiny drops of love from creatures, their little acts, their little sacrifices, the pains suffered for Our Love, and one ‘I love You’ from the heart that she has told Us. We fish for all from inside Our same Sea in order to take the Contentment, the Happiness of being reciprocated with love by the creature. And We crave it so much, that We make of it Our daily Fishing and prepare Our Celestial Table. …”