Continuing in my usual state, I was searching, and with anxiousness, for my always lovable Jesus; and, all goodness, He came and told me: "Beloved daughter of My Will, do you want to come into My Will and substitute in a divine manner for the many acts which have not been done by our brothers, for many others done humanly, and for other acts, holy, yes, but human and not done in the divine order? I did everything in the divine order, but I am not yet content; I want the creature to enter My Will and to come to kiss My acts in a divine manner, substituting for all, just as I did. Therefore, come — come; I long for it, I desire it so much that I put Myself in feast when I see that the creature enters into this divine environment, and multiplying herself with Me, she multiplies in everyone, and loves, repairs, substitutes for all and for each one in a divine manner. I no longer recognize human things in her, but all My things. My Love rises and multiplies Itself; reparations multiply to infinity; substitutions are divine. What joy! What feast! The Saints themselves unite with Me and make feast, ardently waiting for a sister of theirs to substitute for their own acts, holy in the human order, but not in the divine order. They pray Me to soon let this creature enter this divine environment, and that all of their acts be substituted only with the Divine Will, and with the mark of the Eternal One. I did this for all; now I want you to do it for all."