From the Calendar--February 14, 1912 Volume 11

Continuing in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus came, and I was saying to Him:  “Tell me, O Jesus, how is it that after You have disposed the soul to suffering, and knowing the goodness contained in it, she loves suffering, she suffers almost with passion, and while she believes that suffering is her inheritance, all of a sudden You take this treasure away from her?” And Jesus:  “My daughter, My love is great, My rule is insuperable, My teachings are sublime, My instructions divine, creative and inimitable.  Therefore, so that all things—be they great or small, painful or enjoyable, natural or spiritual—may acquire one single color and have one single value, once the soul has practiced suffering and reaches the point of loving it, I let this suffering pass into her will as her own property.  So, every time I send her suffering, having the property and the dispositions within her will, she will always be disposed to suffer it and to love it.  I look at things in the will, and it is as if the soul were always suffering, even if she does not suffer.  And so that pleasure may have the same value as suffering, as well as praying, working, eating, sleeping…—in sum, everything, because everything is in whether things are from My Will—so that all things may have one same value, I allow the soul to practice all things in My Will with holy indifference.  So, it seems to the soul that I give her something, and then I take it away from her; but it is not true.  Rather, it happens that at the beginning, when the soul is not yet well trained, she feels sensitivity in suffering, in praying, in loving; but when, through practice, these things pass into her will as her own property, her sensitivity ceases.  And when the need arises for her to use these divine properties which I made her acquire, with firm step and imperturbable heart she begins to exercise them, as the opportunity comes.  For example:  does suffering come?  She finds within herself the strength and the life of suffering.  Must she pray?  She finds within herself the life of prayer; and so with all the rest.”