Then, I continued my abandonment in the Divine Fiat, and unable to do anything else, I kept saying my little I love You in the divine acts. Not only this, but I was saying to myself: “My Jesus, my Love, may my I love You flow in Your heartbeat, in Your breath, on Your tongue, in Your voice, and even in the smallest particles of Your adorable Person.” But while I was doing this, my dear Life, making Himself seen, made me place my I love You in His Heart, inside and outside of His whole Divine Person. And He enjoyed it so much, that He incited me to repeat as many I love You’s as I could, so as to be able to find the well-liked I love You in His whole Being. And then, clasping me to Himself, He told me: “My daughter, love is life, and when this love comes out of the soul who lives in My Will, it has the virtue of forming in God Himself the life of love. And since the substance of the Divine Life is love, the creature, with her love, forms in God another Divine Life, and We feel inside of Our very Selves Our Life formed by the creature. This Life which, with her love, united to Our Will—because it is Our Will that administers to her the power, such that the creature can reach the point of forming the very Divine Life, all of love, within God—this Life is the triumph of God and the triumph of the creature. And in act of triumph We take this Divine Life which the creature has formed within Our very Selves, and We give It for the good of all creatures as the precious gift that the little daughter of Our Will gives to all; and We anxiously await her to come with her love to form more Divine Lives within Our Supreme Being. My daughter, Our Love is not sterile; on the contrary, It has the seed of generating continuous life; so, as you were saying I love You in My heartbeat, in My breath, so I generated another heartbeat, another breath—and so with all the rest, in such a way that I felt within Myself the new generation of your I love You that formed the new Life of My Love; and—oh! how happy I felt, thinking that My daughter was forming for Me, inside of Me, My very Life within Me, all of love. If you knew how moving is this act of the creature, which with her love gives God to God…. Oh! how it enraptures Us; and feeling enraptured, We give more love, to have the contentment of making her repeat Our new Lives of Love. Therefore, love, love very much, and you will make your sweet Jesus happier.”