[Jesus speaking} “My Love is always in act of wanting to give new pledges of love to the creature; and as soon as It sees that My Will takes the operating and directing role of giving Itself to the creature, My Love makes feast, It runs, It flies toward her, and makes Itself cradle of man. And if It sees that she does not rest in Its cradle, It rocks her, It sings for her, to make her rest and sleep on Its lap. And while she sleeps, It breathes into her mouth to give her new life of love. If It sees from her interrupted breath that her heart is not happy, with the breath that It sends to her, My Love forms for her the cradle in her heart, to take away from her the bitternesses, the hindrances, the bothers, and make her happy with love. And when she wakes up—oh! how My Love rejoices in seeing her reborn, happy and full of life. And It says to her: ‘See, I rocked you on My lap to give you rest; I kept vigil at your side during your sleep, so that you might wake up strong, happy, and completely different from the one you were. Now I want to be cradle for your steps, for your works, for your words—for everything. Think that you are being rocked by Me, and place your love in the cradle of My Love, so that, identifying ourselves with each other, we may make each other happy. Be careful not to put anything else; otherwise, you will sadden Me, and will make Me cry bitterly.”