I was fusing myself in the Divine Will according to my usual way, in order to find all created things and to be able to give my return of love, for myself and for all. Now, as I was doing this, I thought to myself: “My Jesus says that He has created everything for love of me and for love of each one. But how can this be if many created things I don’t even know? So many fishes that dart in the sea, so many birds that fly in the air, so many plants, so many flowers, such great variety of beauty contained in the whole universe—who knows them? Just a small number of them. Therefore, if I don’t even know them—especially I, then, who have been confined in a bed for years and years—how can He say that all created things have the mark, the seal of His ‘I love you’ for me?” Now, while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior, in the act of pricking up His ears in order to listen to me, and told me: “My daughter, yet, it is true that each created thing has a distinct love for you. It is also true that you do not know them all, but this says nothing; on the contrary, it reveals to you My love even more, and tells you in clear notes that My ‘I love you’ for you is both near and far from you, both hidden and unveiled. I do not act like creatures, who, when they are close, are all love, but as soon as they move away, they become cold and are no longer able to love. My love is stable and fixed; it is near as much as it is far, hidden and secret; it has one single sound, never interrupted: ‘I love you...’.
“See, you know the light of the sun, it is true. Indeed you receive its light and its heat as much as you want; but more light surpasses you—so much as to fill the whole earth. If you wanted more light, the sun would give it to you—even all of it. Now, all the light of the sun tells you My ‘I love you,’ both that which is near and that which is far. Even more, as it covers the earth, it carries the little sonata of My ‘I love you’ for you. And yet, you know neither the paths which the light covers, nor the lands it illuminates, nor the people who enjoy the beneficial influence of the solar ray. But even though you do not know everything that the light does, you are in that same light, and if you do not take it all, it is because you lack the capacity to be able to absorb it into yourself; but in spite of this, you cannot say that all the light of the sun does not say to you: ‘I love you.’ On the contrary, it makes a greater display of love, because, as it invades the earth, it keeps narrating My ‘I love you’ to all. The same for all the drops of water: you cannot drink them all and enclose them within yourself; but in spite of this you cannot say that they do not tell you My ‘I love you.’ So, all created things—whether known or unknown—all have the mark of My ‘I love you,’ because all of them serve the harmony of the universe, the decorum of Creation, the mastery of Our creative hand. I acted like a rich and tender father, who loves his son. Since the son has to leave the paternal house to take his position, the father prepares a sumptuous palace with innumerable rooms, each of which contains a certain something that can be of use to his son. Now, since those rooms are many, the son does not always see them; even more, some of them he does not know, because no necessity to use them has arisen for him. But in spite of this, can anyone perhaps deny that in each room there is a special paternal love for the son, as the paternal goodness has provided also for that which might or might not be necessary to the son? So I did. This son came out of My womb, and I wanted him to lack nothing; even more, I created many different things, and some enjoy one thing, some another; but everything has one single sound: ‘I love you.’”