From the Calendar--January 25, 1922 Volume 13

As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus, on coming, told me: “My daughter, the more truths I manifest to you, the more specialties of beatitudes I give to you as gift. Each truth contains within itself a distinct beatitude, happiness, joy and beauty; so, each additional truth you know brings beatitude, happiness, joy, beauty into yourself, with which you remain enriched. These are divine seeds that the soul receives, and by manifesting them to others, she communicates these seeds and enriches whoever receives them. Now, since the truths that one has known on earth are divine seeds which sprout with beatitudes, joy, etc. in Heaven, when the soul is in her Fatherland they will be electric wires of communication through which the Divinity will unleash from Its womb so many acts of beatitude for as many truths as she has known. Oh! how she will remain inundated by them, as though by many different immense seas. She already has the seed, and by having the seed, she has the void in which to be able to receive these immense seas of happiness, of joy and of beauty. One who does not have the seed, who has not known a truth while on earth, lacks the void in order to be able to receive these beatitudes.”