From the Calendar--January 26, 1930 Volume 27

After this, I continued to pray so that blessed Jesus would hasten in making the so longed-for Kingdom of the Divine Will come upon earth. And my beloved Jesus, as though wounded by such prayer, for He Himself so much longed to see the triumph of the Divine Will upon earth, told me: “My daughter, the prayers done in My Divine Volition to obtain the advent of Its Kingdom upon earth hold a great empire over God. God Himself cannot rid Himself of it, nor can He not grant it. In fact, as the creature prays in My Divine Fiat, We feel the strength of Our Will that prays with Its empire; with Its immensity, It extends everywhere, and embracing the universal strength, the prayer extends everywhere, in such a way that We feel surrounded from all sides, We feel Our own Will praying within Us; and from prayer it changes into command, and says: ‘I want.’ And as it rules over Our Divine Being with its sweet empire, We say: ‘We want.’ Therefore, the prayers done in Our Divine Fiat can be called decisions, commands, which carry the signed deed of that which is wanted; and if what is wanted cannot be seen instantly, it is because We are disposing the secondary causes so as to let what We have decided to give come out of Us. Therefore, it is not to be put in doubt that, sooner or later, one will see, descend from Heaven, that which, with decision, has been granted to him. Therefore, continue the prayers in Our Fiat—prayers that move Heaven and earth, and even God Himself, if you love to see My Kingdom upon earth; and I will pray together with you in order to obtain the intent. More so, since the ultimate purpose of Creation is precisely this—that Our Divine Will was to reign on earth as It does in Heaven.”