From the Calendar--May 12, 1922 Volume 14

So I abandoned all of myself in His Will, but I felt great repugnance in me toward Justice; and my sweet Jesus, coming back, told me:  “If you knew how heavy it is for Me to use Justice, and how much I love the creature!  The whole of Creation is for Me like the body to the soul, like the skin to the fruit.  I am in continuous immediate act with man, but the created things hide Me, just as the body hides the soul.  However, if it wasn’t for the soul, the body would have no life.  In the same way, if I withdrew from created things, they would all remain without life.  So, in all created things I visit man, I touch him and give him life.  I am hidden in the fire, and I visit him with its heat; if I were not there, the fire would have no heat—it would be a painted fire and without life.  But while I visit man in the fire, he does not recognize Me, nor does he give Me one greeting.  I am in the water, and I visit him by quenching his thirst; if I were not there, the water would quench no thirst—it would be dead water.  But while I visit him, he passes before Me without bowing once to Me.  I am hidden in the food, and I visit man by giving him substance, strength, taste; if I were not there, man, taking food, would remain on an empty stomach.  Yet, ungrateful, while he feeds on Me, he turns his back to Me.  I am hidden in the sun, and I visit him with My light, almost at each instant; but, ungrateful, he requites Me with continuous offenses.  I visit him in all things:  in the air that he breathes, in the flower that gives off its fragrance, in the breeze that refreshes, in the thunder that strikes—in everything.  My visits are innumerable.  Do you see how much I love him?  And you, being in My Will, are together with Me, visiting man and giving him life.  Therefore, do not be frightened if sometimes you concur in Justice.”