I was doing my usual prayers, and while abandoning all of myself in the arms of the Supreme Will, in It I intended to do my adorations of the Divine Majesty. And my Jesus, moving in my interior, took my poor soul in His arms, and raising it between Heaven and earth, adored with me the Supreme Being; and then He said to me: “My daughter, true and perfect adoration is in the complete accord of the union of the Will of God with the soul. The more the soul makes her will one with that of her Creator, the more complete and perfect her adoration is. And if the human will is not one with the Divine—even more, if it is far away from God—it cannot be called adoration, but shadow, or colorless shade, which leaves not even a trace. And if the human will is not disposed to receive the kiss of the union of the Supreme Will, instead of adoration, it can be insult and scorn. The first act of adoration is to recognize the Will of her Creator in order to do It; if this is not there, she adores with words, but in fact she insults and offends. And if you want to know the true and perfect model of adoration, come with Me into the midst of the Three Divine Persons.”
I don’t know how, Jesus clasped me more tightly and raised me higher, into the midst of an unending light. I felt myself being annihilated, but my annihilation was overtaken by a Divine Life, which unleashed from Itself many different tints of beauty, of sanctity, of light, of goodness, of peace, of love, etc.; in such a way that my nothingness was transformed by those divine tints, to the point of no longer being recognized and of enamoring the very One who had so much embellished me. And my sweet Jesus resumed His speaking: “See, My daughter, the first act of the Divine Persons is the perfect accord of Our Will. Our Will is so unified that the Will of One cannot be distinguished from That of the Other; so much so, that even though Our Persons are distinct—because We are Three—Our Will is One, and this One Will produces a continuous act of perfect adoration among the Divine Persons—One adores the Other. This accord of Will produces equality of sanctity, of light, of goodness, of beauty, of power, of love, and establishes in Us the true reign of order and of peace, giving Us immense joys and happinesses, and infinite beatitudes. So, the accord of the human will with the Divine is the first link of connection between Creator and creature; and from it, the divine virtues descend into her as within a channel, producing in her true adoration and perfect love for her Creator. And rising from within that same channel of connection, she receives the different tints of the divine qualities; and every time the soul rises in order to dive into this eternal Will, she is embellished by, and acquires, as many more varieties of divine beauty. …”