[Jesus speaking] “My daughter, give Me rest; let Me pour out My love. …”
As He was saying this, He kissed me again and again, telling game: “I love you, but with an eternal Love; I love you, but with an immense Love; I love you, but with an incomprehensible Love; I love you, but with a Love that will have no limits and no end; I love you, but with a Love that you will never be able to match…”
Who can say all the titles with which Jesus wa saying that He loved me? And for every title which He said, He waited for my answer. Not knowing what to say, and not having sufficient titles to match Him, I told Him: “My Life, You know that I have nothing; and whatever I do, I take from You, and I leave it to You again, so that my things, remaining in You, may have continuous action and life in You, while I remain always a nothing. So, I take Your Love, I make It my own and I tell You: ‘I love You with an eternal and immense Love; with a Love that has no limits and no ends, and that is equal to yours.’” And I kissed Him again and again. As I kept saying, “I love You,” Jesus became calm, took rest, and disappeared.