After this, I felt a little suffering, and I was coughing loudly. At every fit of coughing I asked that the Divine Will might come to reign upon earth. And my sweet Jesus, all tenderness, squeezed me tightly in His arms, telling me: “My daughter, I knew that you would have asked for My Will at every fit of your coughing, and I felt My Heart being wounded—bursting of love. I felt as if I were receiving, in your coughing, My immensity, that wrapped Me and asked Me for My Will, for My power and infinity, that made everybody ask for My Will to reign; to the extent that I Myself was forced to say: ‘My Will, come to reign. Do not delay any longer!’ I feel such violence that I just do and say what the creature does and says.
“I want you to ask for My Will in your sufferings, in the food you eat, in the water you drink, in the work you do—in sleep. I want you to commit your breath and heartbeat to ask that My Will may come and reign. In this way, everything will be an opportunity for you to ask for My Will—even the sun that fills your eyes, the wind that blows upon you, the sky that lays over your head… Everything must be an occasion for you to ask me for My Will to reign in the midst of the creatures. By doing this, you will place many pledges in My hands—the first of which being the whole of your being, so that you don’t even move without asking for My Will to be known and desired by all.”