Now I go back to say that, as I was very afflicted, on coming, Jesus took me in His arms to cheer me, and told me: “My daughter, be cheered. One who does My Will is never apart from Me; rather, she is together with Me in the works that I do, in My desires, in My love—she is together with Me in everything and everywhere. Even more, I can say that since I want everything for Myself —affections, desires, etc. of all creatures—but I do not have them, I remain around the creatures with the attitude of making a conquest. Now, as I find the satisfaction of My desires in one who does My Will, My desire rests in her, My love takes rest in her love, and so with all the rest.” Then He added: “I have given you two very great things which, one can say, formed My very life. My life was enclosed in these two points: Divine Will and love; and this Will carried out My life in Me, and accomplished My Passion. I want nothing else from you but that My Will be your life, your rule, and that in not one thing, whether small or big, you escape from It. This Will will carry out My Passion in you; and the closer you remain to My Will, the more you will feel My Passion within you. If you let My Will flow as life within you, My Will will make My Passion flow within you. So, you will feel It flowing in each one of your thoughts, in your mouth—you will feel your tongue soaked in It, and your word will come out warm with My Blood, and you will speak eloquently about My pains. Your heart will be filled with My pains, and in each of its outpourings, it will bring the mark of My Passion to your whole being; and I will keep repeating to you, always: ‘Here is My life, here is My life.’ I will delight in giving you surprises, narrating to you now one pain, now another, which you have not yet heard or understood. Aren’t you happy?”