From the Calendar--November 21, 1926 Volume 20

After this, I abandoned all of myself in the Supreme Volition, and my sweet Jesus, resuming His speaking, told me: “My daughter, one who lives in My Will has primacy over everything and over all the acts of creatures; she has her act as first in love before her Creator. So, if the other creatures love, the soul who lives in My Will is first in loving; the others come, some second, some third, some fourth, according to the intensity of their love. If the other creatures adore Me, glorify Me, pray Me, the soul who lives in My Will is first in adoring Me, in glorifying Me, in praying Me. And this is natural, because My Will is life and prime act of all creatures, therefore one who lives in It finds herself in Its prime act and she is first before God, above all creatures, in doing all of their acts and in doing all the acts which they do not do. So, the Sovereign Queen of Heaven, who never gave life to Her own will, but had Her life fully in My Will, holds as though the right of primacy. Therefore, She is first in loving Us, in glorifying Us, in praying Us. If We see that the other creatures love Us, it is behind the love of the Celestial Queen; if they glorify Us and pray Us, it is behind the glory and the prayers of She who holds primacy and therefore empire over everything. How beautiful it is to see that, as creatures love Us, She never gives up Her first place in love. Even more, She places Herself as prime act, She makes Her sea of love flow around the Majesty, in such a way that the other creatures remain behind the sea of love of the Celestial Mama, with their little drops of love; and so with all the other acts. Ah! My daughter, to live in My Will is one word, but it is a word that weighs as much as eternity—it is a word that embraces everything and everyone.”