From the Calendar--October 26, 1931 Volume 29

Then He added: “My daughter, life, sanctity, consists in two acts: God giving His Will, and the creature receiving It; and after she has formed within herself the life of that Act of Divine Will that she has received, giving It back again as act of her will, to then receive It again. Giving and receiving, receiving and giving — everything is in this. God could not give more than His continued Act of His Will to the creature; the creature could not give more to God — for as much as it is possible for a creature — than His Divine Will, received into herself as formation of Divine Life. In this way — giving and receiving, receiving and giving — My Divine Fiat takes dominion and forms Its Kingdom in her; and the whole interior of the creature forms as though the people of the Kingdom of the Divine Will: the intelligence, faithful people that glories in being directed by the Sovereign Commander of the Divine Fiat; and the crowd of the thoughts that press themselves around, and aspire to know always more, and to love the great King who sits, as though on a throne, in the center of the intelligence of the creature. The desires, the affections, the heartbeats that are unleashed from the heart, increase the number for the people of My Kingdom; and — oh! how they throng around Its Throne; they all stand at attention to receive the Divine Orders and even lay down their life in order to execute them.

“What an obedient, orderly people is the people of the Kingdom of My Fiat. There are no contentions, no disagreements, but this whole crowd of people of the interior of this fortunate creature wants one thing alone, and like a fierce army, it posts itself in the fortresses of the Kingdom of My Divine Will. Then, when the interior of the creature becomes all My people, it bursts out of the interior and increases the people of the words, the people of the works, of the steps. It can be said that each act formed by this celestial people contains the password, written in characters of gold: ‘Will of God.’ And when this crowd of people moves to exercise each its own office, they put at the front the flag with the motto ‘Fiat,’ followed by the words, written with vivid light: ‘We belong to the Great King of the Supreme Fiat.’ See then, each creature who lets herself be dominated by My Will forms a people for the Kingdom of God.”