[Jesus speaking] “My Humanity was holy, and nothing did It inherit of the miseries of the first man; and although It was similar in natural features, It was untouchable by the slightest spot which could veil My Sanctity. My only inheritance was the Will of My Father, in which I was to carry out all of My human acts, to form in Me the generation of the children of Light. You see, I was allowed to form this generation in the very womb of the Will of My Celestial Father, and I spared no strains, nor acts, nor pains, nor prayers; on the contrary, it was at the top of all the things I did and suffered, in such a way that I conceived it in Me, I fecundated it and I formed it. They were the ones, the children of Light, whom the Divine Father had entrusted to Me with so much love; they were My favorite inheritance, which was given to Me in the Most Holy Supreme Will. …”