“But I did not content Myself with centralizing My Love for man in the heavens, that were to serve him as pure delight. Wanting to delight in love with him, I wanted to create the sun, centralizing so much love for man in the sun. I loved man in the sun — not the sun, and therefore I placed in it love of necessity, because the sun was necessary for the earth, having to serve the plants and the well being of man; love of light, that was to illuminate him; love of fire, that was to warm him; and all the effects that this sphere produces, that are innumerable — a continuous miracle placed in the vault of the heavens, that descends with its light for the good of all. I centralized so many specialties of love toward man in the sun, for as many goods and effects as it produces. Oh! if the creature at least paid attention to My Love, that the sun brings to her, how happy I would feel, and repaid of the great love I placed in this Divine relater of Mine, and bearer of My Love and of My Light.
“While My Supreme Will operated, constituting Itself life of each created thing in order to give Itself as life to the human generations also through them, My Love, making its way in My Eternal Fiat, centralized Itself, to love man. So, in each created thing —i n the wind, in the sea, in the little flower, in the little bird that sings — in everything, I centralized My Love, so that all things might bring him love. But in order to hear, comprehend and receive this My language of love, man was supposed to love Me; otherwise all Creation would remain as though mute and lifeless for him. …”