“Now, as in Creation, My Love is gushing out strongly, and it is decided that the Kingdom of My Will wants Its life in the midst of creatures. Therefore, showing off with all magnificence, without looking at their merits, with insuperable magnanimity It wants to give Its Kingdom again. Only, It wants creatures to know this, and to know Its goods, so that, by knowing them, they might long for and want the Kingdom of sanctity, of light and of happiness. And just as one will rejected It, so may another one call It, long for It, press It to come to reign in the midst of creatures.
“Here is, then, the necessity of the knowledges about It: if a good is not known, it is neither wanted nor loved. Therefore, the knowledges will be the messengers, the heralds, that will announce My Kingdom. My knowledges about My Fiat will take the attitude now of suns, now of thunders, now of bolts of light, now of mighty winds, that will call the attention of the learned and of the ignorant, of the good and also of the evil, falling into their hearts like lightnings, and knocking them down with irresistible strength, to make them rise again in the good of the knowledges acquired.
“They will form the true Renewal of the world; they will assume all attitudes in order to attract and win the creatures, taking the attitude now of peacemakers, who want the kiss of the creatures to give them their own, so as to forget about all the past and remember only to love each other and make each other happy; now of warriors, sure of their victory, to render sure the conquest they want to make of those who come to know them; now of incessant prayers, that will cease to supplicate only when creatures, conquered by the knowledges of My Divine Will, will say: ‘You have won — we are now prey to Your Kingdom’; now of king, dominating and inspiring love, such that they will lower their foreheads to let themselves be dominated. What will My Will not do? It will place the whole of Its power in attitude in order to come to reign in the midst of creatures. …”