This morning my always adorable Jesus made Himself seen with unspeakable sweetness and affability, as if He wanted to tell me something very dear to Him and very surprising for me. So, hugging me and pressing me to His Heart, He told me: "My beloved daughter, all the things that the soul does in My Will and together with Me — prayers, actions, steps, etc. — acquire My same qualities, the same Life and the same value. See, all the things that I did upon earth — prayers, sufferings, works — are all in action, and will remain in eternity for the good of whoever wants them. My work differs from the work of the creatures. Containing within Myself the Creative Power, I speak and I create, just as one day I spoke and created the Sun. It is as if this Sun, which is always full of light and heat that never decreases, remained in the act of receiving continuous creation from Me. Such was My work on earth. Since I contain the Creative Power within Me, the prayers, the steps, the works which I did, and the blood which I shed remain in continuous act of praying, working, walking, etc., just as the Sun is in continuous act of giving light. Therefore, My prayers continue, My steps are always in the act of running after souls; and so on with the rest. Otherwise, what would be the great difference between My work and the work of My Saints?
“Now, My daughter, listen to a beautiful — beautiful thing, not yet understood by creatures: all the things that the soul does together with Me and in My Will are like my own things; and they remain as her own. The connection of My Will and the work done together with Me participate in My same Creative Power." I remained ecstatic, with a joy that I could not contain, and I said: “Is all this possible, O Jesus?” And He: "Whoever does not understand this can say that he does not know Me." And He disappeared. But I cannot say it well, and I don’t know how to explain myself better. Who can tell all that He made me understand? Rather, it seems to me that I’ve just said nonsense.