And Jesus: "My daughter, living in My Will brings with itself the loss of any right of one’s own will. All the rights belong to the Divine Will, and if the soul does not lose all of her rights, it cannot be called true living in My Will; at the most, she lives resigned, conformed. In fact, living in My Will is not only that she does her action according to My Will, but that in all of the interior of the creature, she gives no place to one affection, one thought or one desire, or even one breath, in which My Will does not have Its place. Nor would My Will tolerate even one human affection of which It is not the Life; It would feel disgusted in letting the soul live in My Will with her own affections, thoughts, and other things which a human will could have without the Divine.
“And do you think it is easy that a soul would willingly lose her rights? Oh, how difficult it is! There are souls who, when they reach the point of losing all the rights over their own will, draw back and content themselves with conducting a life in the middle, because to lose her rights is the greatest sacrifice that a creature could do; but it is the one which disposes My Goodness to open the doors of My Will, giving her My Divine Rights in exchange, by letting her live in It. Therefore, be attentive, and never go out of the boundaries of My Will."