Divine Will for every day of the year - February 14, 1912 Volume 11

Continuing in my usual state, my always adorable Jesus came while I was telling Him: “Tell me, oh Jesus, how it comes about that after You have disposed the soul to suffering, and she loves suffering, knowing the goodness contained in it, and she suffers almost with passion, believing that her destiny is to suffer — at that very moment You take this treasure away from her?” And Jesus: "My daughter, My Love is great, My Rule is insuperable, My Teachings sublime, My Instructions Divine, creative and inimitable. Therefore, in order to make all things —0 great or small, natural or spiritual, painful or pleasant — acquire one single color and have one single value, once the soul has been trained to suffer and arrives at the point of loving it, I let this suffering pass into her will as her own property. So, every time I will send her a pain, she will always be disposed to suffer it and to love it, since she keeps within her will the property and the dispositions. I look at things in the will, and it is as if the soul always suffered, even if she does not suffer.

“Further, in order for pleasure to have the same value as suffering, and in order for praying, working, eating, sleeping — in sum, everything, whatever they might be — to have one single value, since all can be if things are of My Will, I allow the soul to practice all things in My Will with holy indifference. So, it may seem to the soul that just as I give her something, I take it away from her, but it is not true. Rather, it happens that at the beginning, when the soul is not yet well trained, she is sensitive in the suffering, praying or loving. But when, with practice, these things pass in her will as her own property, the sensitivity ceases; and as she occasionally needs to use these Divine properties which I made her acquire, she begins to exercise them, as the opportunity arises, with firm step and imperturbable heart. For example: does suffering occur? She finds within herself the strength and the life of suffering. Must she pray? She finds within herself the life of prayer; and so forth with all the rest."

According to what Jesus says, it seems to me this way. Let’s suppose that I received a gift. Until I make up my mind on where I should keep that gift, I look at it, I appreciate it, and I feel a certain sensitivity in loving that gift; but if I keep it under lock and key, no longer watching it, that sensitivity ceases. With this I cannot say that the gift is no longer mine, rather, it is certainly more mine since I keep it locked, while before it was in danger and someone could have stolen it from me.

Jesus continues: "In My Will all things hold each other’s hands, all look alike and all are in agreement. Therefore, suffering gives rise to pleasure and says: ‘I have done my part in the Will of God; now you do yours, and only if Jesus wants it will I place myself in the field again.’ Fervor says to coldness: ‘You will be more ardent than me if you will content yourself with staying in the will of my Eternal Love.’ Prayer to work, sleep to vigil, illness to health... everything; all things among themselves, it seems that each one of them leaves its place to the other to be in the field — but each one of them has its own distinct place. Then, it is not necessary for one who lives in My Will to move to place herself in the act of doing what I want; she is already in Me, like an electric wire, doing whatever I want."

Divine Will for every day of the year - February 13, 1919 Volume 12

Continuing in my usual state, I was searching, and with anxiousness, for my always lovable Jesus; and, all goodness, He came and told me: "Beloved daughter of My Will, do you want to come into My Will and substitute in a Divine manner for the many acts which have not been done by our brothers, for many others done humanly, and for other acts, holy, yes, but human and not done in the Divine Order? I did everything in the Divine Order, but I am not yet content; I want the creature to enter My Will and to come to kiss My Acts in a Divine manner, substituting for all, just as I did. Therefore, come — come; I long for it, I desire it so much that I put Myself in feast when I see that the creature enters into this Divine environment, and multiplying herself with Me, she multiplies in everyone, and loves, repairs, substitutes for all and for each one in a Divine manner. I no longer recognize human things in her, but all My things. My Love rises and multiplies Itself; reparations multiply to infinity; substitutions are Divine. What joy! What feast! The Saints themselves unite with Me and make feast, ardently waiting for a sister of theirs to substitute for their own acts, holy in the human order, but not in the Divine Order. They pray Me to soon let this creature enter this Divine environment, and that all of their acts be substituted only with the Divine Will, and with the mark of the Eternal One. I did this for all; now I want you to do it for all."

And I: “My Jesus, Your words confuse me. I know that You alone are enough for everything; and besides, everything is Yours.” And Jesus: "Surely I am enough for all; but am I not free to elect one creature, give her this office together with Me, and make her be enough for all? And then, what do you care if this is all Mine? Can I perhaps not give you what is Mine? This is all my contentment — to give you everything. If you do not correspond to Me and do not accept it, you make Me discontent, defrauding Me of that whole chain of graces which I gave you to bring you to this point of calling you to this office."

I entered into Jesus and did what Jesus was doing. Oh, how clearly I could see what Jesus had told me! I remained multiplied with Him in everyone, even in the Saints... But as I returned into myself, some doubts arose within me, and Jesus added: "One single act of My Will, even one instant, is full of Creative Life, and whoever contains this Life can, in that instant, give life to everything and preserve everything. From that Act of My Will alone the sun receives the life of the light, the earth preservation, the creatures life. Why do you doubt, then? And then, I have My Court in Heaven and I want another court on earth. Guess: who is going to form this Court?"

And I: “The souls who will live in your Will.” And He: "Brava, they are exactly the ones who, without the shadow of interest and of personal sanctity — but rather, fully Divine — will live for the good of their brothers, forming one single echo with Heaven."

Divine Will for every day of the year - February 12, 1928 Volume 23

… After this, I was continuing my round in the Creation, to give to my Creator all the homages of the Divine Qualities that each created thing contains; because, since everything came out of the Divine Fiat, consequently It maintains their life; even more, It is the primary act of each created thing.

But while I was doing this, I thought to myself: “The created things are not mine; how can I say, by right: ‘I offer You the homages of the light of the sun, the glory of the starry heavens...,’ and so forth?”

But while I was thinking of this, my always lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, one who possesses My Will and lives in It, can say, by right: ‘The sun is mine; the heavens, the sea—everything is mine, and, as mine, I bring everything around the Divine Majesty, to give Him the glory that each created thing contains.’ In fact, is all Creation perhaps not the work of My Omnipotent Fiat? Does Its palpitating life, Its vital warmth, Its incessant motion that moves everything, orders and harmonizes everything, not flow within It, as if the whole Creation were one single act?

“So, for one who possesses My Divine Will as life, heavens, sun, seas and everything, are not things extraneous to her, but everything is her own, just as everything belongs to My Fiat. In fact, she is nothing other than a birth from It that, by possessing It, has all rights over all the births from It, which is the whole Creation. Therefore, by right and in truth, she can say to her Creator: ‘I offer You all the homages of the light of the sun with all its effects, symbol of the Eternal Light; the glory of the immensity of the heavens...,’ and so with all the rest.

“To possess My Will is Divine Life that the soul carries out within herself; so, everything that comes out of her contains power, immensity, light, love. We feel in her Our bilocating Power that, bilocating Us, places all Our Divine Qualities in attitude, and she offers them to Us as her own, as Divine homages worthy of that Divine Fiat that knows how to, and can bilocate Itself in order to call back the creature to the first act of Creation, which is: ‘Let Us make man in Our Image and Likeness.’”

Divine Will for every day of the year - February 11, 1927 Volume 20..

… After this, I was doing my round in the Creation, and while impressing my “I love you” on each created thing, I asked that, by virtue of that Divine Will that preserves them beautiful and whole, the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat would come upon earth. But while I was doing this, I thought to myself: “Created things are inanimate, therefore they do not have the virtue of asking for a Kingdom so holy.” But while I was thinking of this, my beloved Jesus came out from within my interior and told me: “My daughter, it is true that created things are without soul; however within each one of them flows the life of My Will, and only by virtue of It, they maintain themselves beautiful, just as they were created. Now, created things are all noble and queens — all belonging to My royal family; and by virtue of My Will which animates them, and of the acts which My Will exercises in them, they have the right to ask for the coming of My Kingdom, because it is also their Kingdom. In order to ask, with right, for the coming of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat, it is necessary to be one from Our family, in whom Our Will has Its prime place, Its throne, Its life. This is why I first made you be born in It, so that It might have Its rights of paternity over you, and you might have the rights of daughter, in order to have the rights to ask for Its Kingdom – to ask, not yourself alone, but also by virtue of all created things — that is, of all those innumerable acts which Our Will exercises in all Creation – that Our Kingdom and yours may come.

“My daughter, who can aspire to have the right to be king, if not a son of the king? Even more, everyone sees in him the right that the kingdom will be his. But if they see a servant, a peasant aspiring to it, who does not belong to the royal family, and who says that he has the right to be king and that the kingdom will be his, they consider him insane and worthy of all mockeries. In the same way, one who wanted to ask for My Kingdom, but My Holy Will did not reign in him, being in the condition of servant, would not have the right to ask for My Kingdom. And if he asks for It, it is without right, and just a way of saying. Now, suppose that a king had hundreds – thousands of children, all belonging, legitimately, to his royal family. Would all of them not have the right to occupy noble positions — not unseemly to their status; and to say: ‘The kingdom of our father is ours, because we carry his royal blood in our veins’? Now, in all Creation, in the children who will belong to the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat, will flow the life of It, more than blood, which will give them the right to belong to the royal and celestial family, in such a way that all will be kings and queens – all will occupy noble positions, worthy of the family to which they belong.

“Therefore, created things have more right that the Kingdom of My Will come — because they are all daughters of Heaven, and are the acts of My very Will which asks for It in them – than creatures themselves who, by doing their will, have reduced themselves to the condition of servants. So, when you ask for the coming of the Kingdom of My Eternal Fiat in the name of the heavens, of the sun, of the sea and of all the other created things, you force My Will Itself to ask for the coming of Its Kingdom. And do you think it is nothing that a Divine Will prays in each created thing, as you impetrate Its Kingdom? Therefore, continue and never draw back. Even more, you must know that it is My Will Itself that puts you on the way in the whole Creation, to have Its daughter together with It in all of Its acts — to make you do what It does and wants from you.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - February 10, 1924 Volume 16

I was thinking to myself about all that was written in these past days, and I said to myself that they were neither necessary nor serious things. I could have done without putting them on paper, but obedience wanted it so, and I had the duty to say “FIAT” also in this... But as I was thinking about this, my beloved Jesus told me: "Yet, My daughter, everything was necessary in order to make known how to live in My Will. By not saying everything, some quality of how to live in It would be missing, and therefore the writings could not have the full effect of the living in My Will. For example, on the abandonment of living in My Will. If the soul did not live completely abandoned in My Will, she would be like a person who lived in a sumptuous palace, and now leaned out of a window, now out of a balcony, now went down to the front door. In this way the poor one goes through the rooms just shortly or in passing, and therefore she knows nothing of the rule, of the work it takes, of the goods which are in there, of what she can take, and of what she can give. Who knows how many goods are there, and she knows nothing about it. Therefore she does not love as she should love, nor does she esteem that palace as it deserves. Now, for the soul who lives in My Will and is not completely abandoned in It, self reflections, cares of herself, fears, disturbances, are nothing other than the windows, the balconies, the front doors that she forms in My Will; and going out very often, she is forced to see and feel the miseries of human life. And since the miseries are her own property while the riches of My Will are Mine, she becomes more attached to the miseries than to the riches, so she will not love nor enjoy the meaning of living in My Will. And since she formed the main entrance, one day or another she will go out to live in the miserable hovel of her own will. See, then, how complete abandonment in Me is necessary in order to live in My Will. My Will does not need the miseries of the human will; It wants the creature to live together with It — beautiful, just as she was delivered from Its Womb, without the miserable provision she made herself in the exile of life. Otherwise, there would be disparity, which would bring sorrow to My Will and unhappiness to the human will.

“Do you see how necessary it is to make them understand that complete abandonment is needed in order to live in My Will? And you say it is not necessary to write about it? I feel compassion for you, because you do not see what I see, and that’s why you take it lightly. Instead, in My All-seeingness, I see that these writings will be for My Church as a New Sun which will rise in her midst; and men, attracted by its radiant light, will strive to transform themselves into this light and become Spiritualized and Divinized, and therefore, renewing the Church, they will transform the face of the earth.

“The doctrine on My Will is the purest, the most beautiful, not subject to any shadow of the material or of interest, either in the supernatural or in the natural order. Therefore, just like the Sun, It will be the most penetrating, the most fecund, and the most welcomed and appreciated. And being Light, It will make Itself understood and will make Its own way. It will not be subject to doubt or suspicions of error; and if some words will not be understood, it will be because of too much Light, which, eclipsing the human intellect, will not allow them to understand the whole fullness of the Truth. However, they will not find one word which is not true. At the most, they will not be able to comprehend it fully.

“Therefore, in view of the good which I see, I push you to neglect nothing in writing. One saying, one effect, one simile on My Will can be like beneficial dew upon the souls, just as dew is beneficial on the plants after a day of burning sun, or like a pouring rain after long months of drought. You cannot understand all the Good, the Light, the Strength contained in one word; but your Jesus knows it, and knows the ones whom it will serve and the good it will do."

Now, as He was saying this, He showed me a table in the midst of the Church, and all the writings on the Divine Will placed on it. Many venerable people surrounded that table and were transformed into Light and Divinized; and as they walked, they communicated that Light to whomever they encountered. Then Jesus added: "You will see this great good from Heaven, when the Church will receive this Celestial Food, which will strengthen her and make her rise again to her full triumph."

Divine Will for every day of the year - February 9, 1908 Volume 8

Having received Communion, I was saying: “Lord, keep me always clasped to You, for I am too little, and if You do not keep me clasped, because I am little, I may get lost.” And He: "I want to teach you the way you must be with Me: first, you must enter into Me, transform yourself in Me, and take what you find in Me. Second, once you have filled yourself completely with Me, go out and operate together with Me, as if you and I were one single thing, in such a way that if I move, you move as well; if I think, you think of the same thing of which I am thinking – in sum, whatever I do, you do as well. Third, with these acts that we have done together, move away from Me for one instant, and go into the midst of creatures, giving to all and to each one everything we have done together – that is, giving My Divine Life to each one, and then quickly returning into Me to give Me, in the name of all, all the glory that they should give Me, praying, excusing them, repairing, loving... Ah, yes! Love Me for all, satiate Me with love! There are no passions in Me, but if there could be any passion, it would be only this and this alone: Love. But Love in Me is more than passion – it is My Life; and if passions can be destroyed, Life cannot. See the necessity of being loved in which I find Myself. Therefore, love Me, love Me."

Divine Will for every day of the year - February 8, 1911 Volume 10

And here is what I would say about Love, and what Jesus would say. I will say it with some nonsense and maybe also disconnected, because the mind does not adapt itself completely to words:

‘Oh! my Jesus, Love are You, You are all Love, and Love do I want, Love I desire, for Love I long;
Love I supplicate, and Love I implore of You.

‘Love invites me, Love is my life, Love kidnaps my heart
deep into the womb of my Lord.

‘With Love He inebriates me, with Love He delights me, I, all alone, and only for You!

‘You, alone and only for me!
Now that we are alone, shall we speak about Love?

‘O please! let me comprehend how much You love me, Because only in your Heart can one comprehend Love.’

"Do you want Me to speak to you of Love? Listen, My beloved daughter:
My Life is Love.
If I breathe, I love you;

“if My Heart beats, My heartbeat says to you: Love, Love. I am mad with Love for you.
If I move, I add Love for you,
with Love I inundate you, with Love I surround you, with Love I caress you, with Love I dart through you. With Love I flash through you, with Love I attract you, with Love I nourish you,
and sharp arrows I send to your heart."
‘Enough, oh my Jesus, for now - I already feel faint with Love;

sustain me in Your arms, enclose me in Your Heart,
and from within Your Heart, let me too give vent to my Love; otherwise I die of Love.

‘With Love I rave, with Love I burn,
with Love I make feast, with Love I languish,
with Love I am consumed;
Love kills me and makes me rise again more beautiful to new life.

‘My life escapes me, and I feel only the Life of Jesus, my Love, and in Jesus, my Love, I feel immersed and I love everyone; He wounds me with Love, He makes me ill with Love,
with Love He embellishes me, and makes me ever more rich.

‘I can say nothing more.
Oh! Love, You alone understand me, You alone comprehend me,
my silence tells You even more.

‘In Your beautiful Heart one says more by keeping silent than by speaking; and by loving, one learns how to love.
Love, Love - speak, You alone,
because being Love, You know how to speak of Love.’

"Do you want to hear Love?
All Creation tells you Love.
If the stars twinkle, they tell you Love;
if the sun rises, it gilds you with Love.
If it shines with all of its light in its full day,
it sends arrows of Love to your heart;
if the sun sets, it tells you: ‘It is Jesus that dies of Love for you.’
In the thunders and lightnings, I send you Love,
and smacking kisses I give to your heart.
It is Love that runs upon the wings of the winds;
if the waters murmur, I extend My arms to you;
if the leaves move, I clasp you to My Heart;
if the flower gives out its fragrance, I cheer you with Love.
All Creation, in mute language, tells you, in chorus:
‘From you alone do I want life of Love’.
Love do I want, Love I desire, for Love I beg from within your heart. I am only content if you give Me love."

‘My Good, my All, insatiable Love,
if You want Love, then give me Love;
if You want me happy, then speak to Me of Love; if You want me content, then render me Love.

‘Love invests me, Love makes me fly,
and brings me to the Throne of my Maker. Love shows me the uncreated Wisdom,
It leads me into the Eternal Love,
and there do I set my home.

‘Life of Love, I will live in Your Heart; I will love You for all,
I will love You with all,
I will love You in all.

‘Jesus, seal me completely with Love inside Your Heart;
empty my veins, and instead of blood, let Love flow in them;
take away my breath, and let me breathe air of Love;
burn my bones and flesh, and weave me completely - completely with Love.

‘May Love transform me, may Love conform me, may Love teach me how to suffer with You;
may Love crucify me,
and make me all similar to You.’

Divine Will for every day of the year - February 7, 1908 Volume 8

Continuing in my usual state, I was thinking about the enormous weight that blessed Jesus felt in carrying the cross, and I said to myself: “Lord, life too is a weight – but what a weight, especially because You, my highest Good, are far away.” At that moment, He came and told me: "My daughter, it is true that life is a weight, but when this weight is carried with Me, and one finds out that at the end of his life he can unload this weight within Me, he will find this weight changed into a Treasure, in which he will find gems, precious stones, diamonds and all riches, such as to make him happy for eternity."

Divine Will for every day of the year - February 6,

I was all immersed in the Supreme Volition, following Its Acts in order to constitute myself act of each creature; and my sweet Jesus came out from within my interior, and stretching out His arms to me, hugged me tightly, pressing me all to Himself. Now, while Jesus was hugging me, all created things – the heavens, the sun, the sea – all of them, even the tiny little bird, placing themselves around Jesus, hugged me, wanting to repeat His Act. They almost competed with each other – none of them wanted to be left behind. I remained confused in seeing all Creation running toward me to hug me, and Jesus told me: “My daughter, when the soul lives in My Will, and I do an act toward her – even a simple kiss, one little word – all put themselves in motion to repeat My Act. In fact, since one is the Will for the soul, for Me and for them, all have the right to associate themselves with Me, to do the same thing I am doing. Therefore, it was not Me alone, but all beings in which My Will exists as whole, were together with Me in hugging you. So, when I do one more act with one who lives in My Will, I give a new feast to the whole Creation; and whenever there is a new feast, all move and stand at attention, when I am about to give you a kiss or tell you a word, so as to concur along with Me, repeat My Act, receive the new feast, and make the feast of their acts for you. Was it not a feast for you to feel the hug of My Celestial Mama, the hug of the light of the sun, of the waves of the sea, and even of the tiny little bird that stretched out its wings to hug you? My daughter, wherever My Will is present, everything is present – not one thing can escape It.”

Then, I continued to follow Its Acts in the Supreme Volition, and my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, for one who possesses My Will, it is as if she had the sun centered within herself – but not the sun that can be seen up in the sky; rather, the Divine Sun, that very Sun which is centered in God. Extending Its rays, It centers Itself in the soul, so she is the owner of light, because she possesses within herself the life of the light, and all the goods and effects which it contains. Therefore, she enjoys the Communion of Goods of her Creator. Everything is placed in common with one who possesses My Will: common is the love, common is the sanctity, common is the light – everything is in common with her. Even more, since the Creator looks at her as a birth delivered by His Divine Will, she is already His daughter, so He enjoys, loves and wants that His goods be in common with her. And if this could not be, He would suffer as a father would suffer who, being extremely wealthy, finds himself in the impossibility of giving his goods to his true and faithful children; so, unable to give what he possesses, he is forced to see them poor. This father, in the midst of the opulence of his riches, would die of sorrow, poisoned amidst his own bitternesses, because the joy of a father is to give and to make his children happy of his own happiness. If a terrestrial father who were not able to place his goods in common with his children can suffer so much, to the point of dying of grief, much more would the Eternal Creator suffer, more than a most tender father, if He could not place His Goods in common with one who possesses the Divine Fiat, who, being his daughter, has her rights to possess the Communion of Goods of her Father. And if it were not so, it would clash with that love which knows no limits, and with that goodness, more than paternal, which is the continuous triumph of all Our Works.

“Therefore, as the soul comes to possess the Supreme Fiat, the first act of God is to place His Goods in common with her; and centering His Sun in her, through the current if Its Light, He makes His Goods descend into the depth of the soul. And she takes whatever she wants, and through that same current of the light which she possesses, she makes them ascend again to her Creator, as the greatest homage of love and of gratitude; then, that same current makes them descend once again into her. So, these goods ascend and descend continuously, as the certainty and the seal of the communion existing between Creator and creature.

“Such was the state of Adam when he was created, until he sinned – that which was Ours, was his; the fullness of Light centered in him, in view of the fact that his will was one with Ours, brought him the Communion of Our Goods. How We felt Our happiness redoubled — on the part of Creation, not because of anything else – as We saw Adam, Our son, happy of Our own happiness. In fact, since his will was one with Ours, Our Will could pour Our Goods and Our Happiness in torrents upon him; so much so that, unable to contain it all, because he did not have the capacity of his Creator, while being filled to the brim to the point of overflowing, he would make all the rest ascend to the One from whom he had received it. And what did he make ascend? His perfect love, which he had received from God; his sanctity, his glory, which he possessed in common with Us, so as to almost match Us with happiness, love and glory. We gave him Happiness – Happiness he gave to Us; We gave him Love, Sanctity and Glory – Love, Sanctity and Glory he gave to Us. My daughter, to possess a Divine Will is something astonishing; the human nature cannot comprehend everything – it feels, it possesses, and knows not how to express.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - February 5, 1900 Volume 3

Continuing in the same state, with a little bit more courage, though I was not perfectly free, my dearest Jesus, on coming, told me: “My daughter, sometimes the soul feels an encounter in some virtue, and plucking up her strength, the soul overcomes that encounter; and then, that virtue becomes more resplendent and rooted in the soul. However, the soul must be very attentive in order to avoid that she herself might provide the little rope to let herself be bound by lack of confidence; and she will do this by always restricting herself within the circle of truth, without ever leaving it, which is the knowledge of her nothingness.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - February 4, 1900 Volume 3

As I was in a state full of discouragement, especially because of the privation of my highest Good, this morning, making Himself seen for just a little, He told me: “Discouragement is an infectious humor, which infects the most beautiful flowers and the most pleasant fruits, and penetrates down to the bottom of the root, in such a way that, by invading the whole tree, that infectious humor renders it withered and squalid. And if one does not remedy it by watering it with a contrary humor, since the bad humor has infiltrated deep into the root, it will make the root wither and the tree fall to the ground. So it happens to the soul who becomes soaked with this infectious humor of discouragement.”

In spite of all this, I still felt discouraged, all huddled within myself, and I saw myself as so bad that I did not dare to fling myself toward my sweet Jesus. My mind was occupied with the thought that it was useless for me to hope for His continuous visits as before, for His graces, for His charisms – everything was over for me. And He, almost scolding me, added: “What are you doing? What are you doing? Don’t you know that lack of confidence renders the soul moribund? Thinking that she has to die, she no longer thinks of anything — neither of gaining anything, nor of making it circulate, nor of embellishing herself more, nor of remedying her sicknesses — she thinks of nothing else but that everything is over for her.”

Ah, Lord, I imagine seeing this specter of the lack of confidence — squalid, emaciated, fearful and all trembling; and all of his mastery, with no other ingenuity but fear alone, leads souls to the tomb. But what is more, this specter does not show himself as an enemy so that the soul may sneer at his fear, but he shows himself as a friend, and infiltrates so sweetly into the soul, that if the soul is not attentive, seeing him as a faithful friend who agonizes with her and even dies together with her, she will hardly be able to free herself from his artificious mastery.

Divine Will for every day of the year - February 3, 1929 Volume 25

My poor and little mind swims in the most bitter sea of the privation of my sweet Jesus, and feeling I am almost without Him, more than ever I feel like longing for my Celestial Fatherland. Oh! how bitter is the earth without Jesus. Together with Him it is more bearable, but without Him one cannot live at all. And if it wasn’t for the fact that close to the sea of His privation flows more extensive the Sea of the Divine Fiat that, with Its light, eases in part the bitterness and the intensity of the pain of the privation of Jesus, who knows how long ago I would have taken flight to the Celestial Regions because of the force of the pain. But, Fiat! Fiat!

So, I was continuing my round in the Creation and Redemption, recalling within my mind all the acts done by God in order to follow them, giving, for each act, homages, adoration, love, thanksgiving. And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, by recalling the acts of Creation and Redemption in order to follow them and honor them and know them, the creature does nothing but recognize the Divine Dominion in all things; and My Divine Will feels Itself being given Its honors, the homages due to It, and, drawn, It forms there Its Kingdom in the midst of creatures.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - February 2, 1921 Volume 12

Continuing in my usual state, I was fusing all of myself in the Divine Volition, and I said to myself: “My Jesus, I want to love You, and I want so much love as to compensate for the love of all generations which have been, and which will be. But who can give me so much love as to be able to love for all? My Love, in Your Will there is the Creative Power; therefore in Your Will I myself want to create so much love as to compensate for, and surpass the love of all, and all that all creatures are obliged to give to God Our Creator...”

While I was doing this, I said: “How much nonsense I am saying.” And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: "My daughter, surely in My Will there is the Creative Power. Billions and billions of stars came out from one single FIAT. Billions and billions of acts of Grace which communicate themselves to souls, come out from the FIAT MIHI of My Mama, from which Redemption took origin. These acts of Grace are more beautiful, more shining, more varied than stars; and while the stars are fixed and do not multiply, the acts of Grace multiply to infinity; they run in every instant, attract the creatures, delight them, strengthen them and give them life. Ah! if creatures could see the supernatural order of Grace, they would hear such harmonies, and see such an enchanting scene as to believe that that’s their Paradise. Now, the third FIAT too must run together with the other two FIATs. It must multiply to infinity, and in every instant It must give as many acts for as many acts of Grace as are unleashed from My womb; for as many stars, for as many drops of water, and for as many created things as were unleashed by the FIAT of Creation. It must merge with them and say: ‘As many acts as you are — so many I do.’

“These three FIATs have the same value and power. You disappear – it is the FIAT that acts, and therefore you too can say in My Omnipotent FIAT: ‘I want to create so much love, so many adorations, so many blessings, so much glory to my God as to compensate for everyone and for everything.’ Your acts will fill Heaven and earth; they will multiply themselves with the acts of Creation and of Redemption, and will become one.

“All this will seem astonishing and incredible to some; in this case they would have to doubt about My Creative Power. And then, when it is I who want it, and who give this power, every doubt ceases. Am I perhaps not free to do whatever I want, and to give to whomever I want? You — be attentive. I will be with you; I will overshadow you with My Creative Power, and I will accomplish what I want upon you."

Divine Will for every day of the year - February 1, 1903 Volume 4

As I was in my usual state, I was feeling very afflicted, especially because my confessor had told me that this morning a Protestant Church would be opened in Corato, and that I should pray the Lord to make something happen that would confuse them, at the cost of any suffering of mine. But, seeing that the Lord was not coming and therefore I did not feel great sufferings — the only means to obtain these kinds of graces — I felt a most great affliction. Then, after I struggled a lot, blessed Jesus came, and I saw the confessor insisting very much, and praying that I might suffer. So it seemed that He shared with me the pains of the cross, and then He told me: "My daughter, I have made you suffer, forced by the priestly authority, and I will permit that those who go there, instead of being convinced by what the Protestants say, will make fun of them. However, since the chastisement swooped down on Corato in those days in which I kept you suspended from the state of victim, it must now have its course; and if you continue to suffer, I will dispose the hearts in such a way that, at the appropriate time, I will make use of some occasion to have them remain completely confused and destroyed."

Then, afterwards, the Queen Mother came, as if She wanted to use a trait of Justice with me; She reproached me bitterly for any thought or word especially when, seeing myself with very few sufferings, I say that it is no longer Will of God, and therefore I want to go out of this state. Who can say with what rigor She reproached me, telling me: "If the Lord permits that you be suspended for a few days, this can be; but the fact that you yourself dispose yourself to do it, this is intolerable before God, as you almost come to dictate the laws on how He should keep you." I felt the strength of rigor so much, that I was about to faint, to the point that blessed Jesus, having compassion for me, sustained me in His arms.

Divine Will for every day of the year - January 31, 1928 Volume 23

… After this, I was thinking of how much evil the human will has done to the poor creatures, and therefore I abhor it, I do not want to know it ever again, and not even look at it, because it is too nauseating.

But while I was thinking of this, my Beloved Jesus moved in my interior and told me: “My daughter, the human will on its own is nauseating, but united with Mine is the most beautiful thing I created. More so, since the Divinity could never issue anything created by Us that would be nauseating. United with Ours, the human will would have the continuous motion of good, of light, of sanctity, of beauty; and through Our continuous Motion, that never ceases, it would have been the greatest prodigy of Creation. Our Motion would purify it from any shadow of stain.

“It would happen as to the sea: because it murmurs continuously and has its perennial motion, its waters are pure and crystal clear. Oh! if the waters of the sea were still, the waters would lose the purity and would become so nauseating, that no one would look at the sea; the waters would be so dirty and filled with filth, that the ships would not be able to cross the sea, and no one would make the fish of waters so putrid, his food. So, the sea would be a burden for the earth, and would cause the contagion of all maladies to the human generations.

“On the other hand, by its mere murmuring and having its continuous motion, how much good does it not do to creatures? And while it hides who knows how much dirt inside its bosom, by its murmuring it has the power to keep it buried at the bottom, and it masters the purity of its waters, pure and emptied of any dirt. Such is the human will—more than sea: if the Divine Motion murmurs in it, it is beautiful and pure, all evils remain buried and without life; but if My Will does not murmur in it and does not have Its first motion, all evils arise again, and from the most beautiful it becomes the ugliest, such as to arouse pity. …”

Divine Will for every day of the year - January 30, 1927 Volume 20

… After this, I said to Him: “My Love, it seems that, more than anything, You love this Kingdom of the Eternal Fiat very much; in It You concentrate all Your Love, all Your Works, and You almost boast about the fact they these will serve this Kingdom. If You love It so much, when will It come? Why don’t You hasten Its coming?”

And Jesus added: “My daughter, when the knowledges about My Divine Will have followed their course, in view of the great good which they contain – goods which no creature has thought about until now, that the Kingdom of My Will will be the outpouring of Heaven, the echo of the Celestial Happiness, the fullness of terrestrial goods — ...so, in view of this great good, unanimously, they will yearn, they will ask that this Kingdom may come soon. The same in the whole Creation, with Its mute language — only apparently mute, because inside of It there is My Will, asking for Its Rights with loud and eloquent voice, to be known, to dominate and to reign over all. Therefore, one will be the echo from one end of the earth to another, one the sigh, one the prayer which will be unleashed from all beings: May the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat come.

“Then, triumphantly, It will come into the midst of creatures. From here the necessity of the knowledges: these will be incitements, and will whet the appetite of the creatures for tasting a food so delicious; and they will feel all the will, the yearning, to Live in a Kingdom so happy, so as to free themselves from the tyranny and the slavery in which they have been kept by their own will. And as they will advance in the knowledge of all the manifestations, of the goods contained in the Supreme Fiat, they will find your norms – how you have turned Heaven and earth upside down, going around everywhere and asking that this Kingdom may soon become known. They will find what you have suffered to obtain such a great Good for them, how they must behave, and what they must do in order to have free access to Live in It. Therefore, it is necessary to make everything known, so that My Kingdom may be all complete, and nothing may be lacking to It, either the greatest or the smallest things. So, certain things which to you seem to be small, may be a Divine rock transformed into most pure gold, which will form part of the foundations of the Kingdom of My Supreme Will.” …

Divine Will for every day of the year - January 29, 1928 Volume 23

I was reading in the 20th volume what regarded the Divine Will, and I felt such impression, as if I would see a Divine Life, alive and palpitating, flowing in the written words. I could feel the strength of the Light, the life of the warmth of Heaven, the virtue, as though operating, of the Divine Fiat in what I was reading, and I thanked my Jesus from the heart, who, with so much Love, had deigned to make me write.

But while I was doing this, my Beloved Jesus, as though unable to contain, Himself, the throbs of His Heart, came out from within my interior, and throwing His arms around my neck, He pressed me tightly to His Heart to let me feel His ardent heartbeats, and told me: “My daughter, you thank Me for I have made you write what regards My Will—Doctrine all of Heaven, and that has the virtue of communicating the Life of It, palpitating and all celestial, to those who will read these Writings.

“My Will is palpitating in the midst of creatures, but It lives suffocated by the human will. These Writings will make Its heartbeat felt so strongly, that It will suffocate the human will and will take Its first place of life that is due to It, because My Will is the heartbeat and the life of all Creation. Therefore, the value of these Writings is immense; they contain the value of a Divine Will. If they were written in gold, they would not surpass the great value that they contain in themselves.

“These Writings are suns impressed with characters of most refulgent light in the walls of the Celestial Fatherland, and they form the most beautiful ornament for those walls of the Eternal City, in which all the Blessed remain enraptured and amazed in reading the characters of the Supreme Will. Therefore, greater grace I could not give in these times, than transmitting, through you, the characters of the Celestial Fatherland to creatures, that will bring the Life of Heaven into their midst.

“So, just as you thank Me, I thank you, for being willing to receive My Lessons and to make the sacrifice of writing under My dictation. It was My Will that, while you were writing, made flow the living virtue of Its ardent, eternal and vivifying heartbeat, that It impressed in your characters. This is why, in rereading them, you feel the renewing of it, all celestial, that is impressed in them. Oh! how hard it will be for those who will read these Writings, not to feel the palpitating life of My Will, and not to be stirred, by the virtue of Its vivifying heartbeat, from the lethargy they are in.

“These Writings on My Supreme Fiat, by the strength of Its Light, will eclipse the human will; they will be balm to the human wounds, they will be opium to all that is earth; passions will feel themselves die, and from their death will rise again the life of Heaven in the midst of creatures. They will be the true celestial army that, while laying siege to the human will and to all the evils produced by it, will make Peace, the lost Happiness, the Life of My Will, rise again in the midst of creatures. The siege that they will lay will cause no harm to anyone, because My Will is to lay siege to the human will so that it may no longer tyrannize the poor creatures, but may leave them free in the Kingdom of My Will.

“This is why I have insisted, and I insist so much in making you write, I have kept you on the cross, I have sacrificed you—it was necessary; it was about the most important thing, it was the echo of Heaven, the life of up there that I want to form upon earth. And this is the reason for My continuous refrain: ‘Be attentive, omit nothing, and may your flight in My Will be continuous.’”

Divine Will for every day of the year - January 28, 1926 Volume 18

I was thinking about the Holy Divine Volition, and I thought to myself: “How can it be that Adam, after sin, having broken his will from that of God, lost strength, dominion, and his acts were not so pleasing to God as to form His delight? Indeed, before sinning, Adam had done his acts toward God, he had learned them; why then, in repeating them afterwards, they no longer sounded the same sound, they no longer contained the fullness of Divine love and the complete glory of God?” Now, while I was thinking of this, my lovable Jesus moved in my interior, and through a light that He sent to me, told me: “My daughter, first of all, before he withdrew from My Will, Adam was my son; he contained My Will as center of his life and of all his acts, therefore he possessed a strength, a dominion, an attractiveness which was all Divine. His breath, his heartbeat, his acts, gave of Divine; all of his being gave off a celestial fragrance, which drew Us All toward him. So, We felt wounded from all sides by this son; if he breathed, if he spoke, if he did even the most innocent, indifferent and natural things, those were wounds of love for Us. And We, amusing Ourselves with him, filled him more and more with Our Goods, because everything he did came from one single point, which was Our Will; therefore We liked him all — We found nothing which might displease Us.

“Now, after sin, Adam descended from the state of son and reduced himself to the state of servant; and as soon as he broke up with the Supreme Will, the Divine Strength, the dominion, the attractiveness, the celestial fragrance, went out of him. Therefore, his acts, his being, no longer gave of Divine, but were filled with a human sensation, which, making him lose attractiveness, caused that We no longer felt wounded, but rather, we kept our distance – he from Us, and We from him. His repeating the same acts as those he did before sinning, as in fact he did, says nothing. But do you know what the acts of the creature are without the fullness of Our Will? They are like those foods without condiments and without substance, which, instead of being enjoyed, disgust the human palate; and so do they disgust the Divine palate. They are like those unripe fruits, which contain neither sweetness nor taste; they are like those flowers without fragrance; they are like those vases, which are full, yes, but of old, fragile and ragged things. All this can serve a strict necessity of man, and maybe a shadow, a shade of the glory of God, but not the happiness and the complete well-being of the creature, and the fullness of the glory of God.

“Now, on the other hand, with what pleasure does one not eat a food which is well flavored and nourishing? How it strengthens the whole person; the mere smell of its condiment whets one’s appetite and the eagerness to eat it. In the same way, before sinning, Adam flavored all of his acts with the substance of Our Will, and therefore he whetted the appetite of Our Love to take all his acts as the most enjoyable food for Us; and We, in return, gave him Our delicious food – Our Will. But after sin, poor one, he lost the direct way of communication with his Creator; pure Love was no longer reigning in him; love was divided by apprehension, by fear, and since he no longer contained the absolute dominion of the Supreme Will, his acts of before, done after sin, no longer had the same value. More so, since the whole Creation, including man, came out of the Eternal Creator as their source of Life, in which they were to be preserved only with the Life of the Divine Will. Everything was to be founded upon It, and this foundation of the Divine Will was to preserve all things as beautiful and noble, just as they had come out of God. And, in fact, all created things are just as they were created – none of them has lost anything of its origin; only man lost the life, the foundation, and therefore he lost his nobility, the strength, and the likeness to his Creator.

“But in spite of this, My Will did not leave man completely. Unable to still be his source of life and the foundation that would sustain him, because he himself had withdrawn from It, It offered Itself as medicine so that he might not perish completely. So, My Will is medicine, is sanity, is preservation, is food, is life, is fullness of the highest sanctity. In whatever way the creature wants It, so does It offer Itself. If she wants It as medicine, It offers Itself in order to take away from her the fever of passions, the weaknesses of impatience, the vertigo of pride, the sickliness of attachments; and so with all the rest of evils. If she wants It as sanity, It offers Itself to preserve her healthy, to free her from any spiritual illness. If she wants It as food, It gives Itself as food to make her strengths develop and grow more in sanctity. If she wants It as life and as fullness of sanctity – oh! then My Will makes feast, because It sees man returning into the womb of his origin, from which he came; and It offers Itself to give him the likeness of his Creator, the only purpose of his creation. My Will never leaves man; if It left him, he would resolve into nothing. And if man does not give himself to letting My Will make him a saint, My Will uses the ways to at least save him.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - January 27, 1900 Volume 3

I continue to be almost without my sweet Jesus; my life is leaving me because of the pain; I feel such tedium, boredom, tiredness of life... I kept saying in my interior: “Oh, how my exile has been prolonged! Oh, what happiness would be mine if I could loosen the bonds of this body so that my soul might take wing, freely, toward my highest Good!” A thought said to me: “And what if you go to hell?” And I, so as not to call the devil to fight me, immediately snapped out of it by saying: “Well then, even from hell I will send my sighs to my sweet Jesus – even from there do I want to love Him.” While I was amid these and other thoughts – the story would be too long if I wanted to repeat them all – lovable Jesus made Himself seen for just a little, but with a serious aspect, and He told me: “Your time has not yet come.”

Then, with an intellectual light He made me comprehend that everything must be orderly in the soul. The soul possesses many little apartments in which each virtue takes its place, even though it can be said that one single virtue contains all others within itself, and that the soul, by possessing only one of them, comes to be endowed with all the other virtues. However, in spite of this, they are all distinct among themselves, so much so, that each of them has its own place in the soul. And here is how all virtues have their origin in the mystery of the Sacrosanct Trinity: while It is One, there are Three distinct Persons, and while They are Three, They are One. I also understood that these apartments in the soul are either full of virtue or of the vice opposite to that virtue; and if there is neither virtue nor vice, they remain empty. It seemed to me that they are like a house which contains many rooms, all empty; or some rooms are full of snakes, some of mud; some are full of pieces of furniture full of dust, and some are dark. Ah, Lord, You alone can put my poor soul in order!

Divine Will for every day of the year - January 26, 1930 Volume 27

… After this, I continued to pray so that blessed Jesus would hasten in making the so longed-for Kingdom of the Divine Will come upon earth. And my beloved Jesus, as though wounded by such a prayer, for He Himself so much longed to see the triumph of the Divine Will upon earth, told me: “My daughter, the prayers done in My Divine Volition to obtain the advent of Its Kingdom upon earth hold a great empire over God. God Himself cannot rid Himself of it, nor can He not grant it. In fact, as the creature prays in My Divine Fiat, We feel the strength of Our Will that prays with Its Empire; with Its Immensity, It extends everywhere, and embracing the Universal Strength, the prayer extends everywhere, in such a way that We feel surrounded from all sides, We feel Our own Will praying within Us; and from prayer it changes into command, and says: ‘I want.’ And as it rules over Our Divine Being with its sweet empire, We say: ‘We want.’

“Therefore, the prayers done in Our Divine Fiat can be called decisions, commands, that carry the signed deed of what is wanted; and if what is wanted cannot be seen instantly, it is because We are disposing the secondary causes so as to let what We have decided to give come out of Us. Therefore, it is not to be put in doubt that, sooner or later, one will see, descend from Heaven, what, with decision, has been granted to him. Therefore, continue the prayers in Our Fiat—prayers that move Heaven and earth, and even God Himself, if you love to see My Kingdom upon earth; and I will pray together with you in order to obtain the intent. More so, since the ultimate purpose of Creation is precisely this—that Our Divine Will was to reign on earth as It does in Heaven.”