Divine Will for every day of the year - July 4, 1910 Volume 9

Continuing in my usual state full of privations and of bitterness, I was thinking about the agony of Our Lord, and the Lord told me: "My daughter, in a special way I wanted to suffer the agony in the Garden, in order to help all of the dying to die well. Look well at how My Agony is combined with the agony of Christians: tediums, sadnesses, anguishes, the sweat of blood – I felt the death of all and of each one, as if I were really dying for each one in particular; so I felt the tediums, the sadnesses, the anguishes of each one within Me, and with My own I offered help, comfort and hope to all, so that, as I felt their deaths in Me, they might all receive the Grace to die all in Me, as though in one single breath — with My Breath, and to be beatified immediately by My Divinity.

“If the Agony in the Garden was in a special way for the dying, the Agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath. They are both agonies, but one is different from the other: the Agony in the Garden, full of sadnesses, of fears, of anxieties, of frights; the Agony on the Cross, full of peace, of imperturbable calm. And if I cried out ‘I thirst!’, it was the insatiable thirst that all might breathe their last in My last Breath; and in seeing that many would go out of My last Breath, out of grief I cried out ‘Sitio!’ [‘I thirst!’], and this ‘Sitio’ still continues to cry out to all and to each one like a bell at the door of each heart: ‘I thirst for you, oh soul! O please, never go out of Me, but enter into Me and breathe your last in Me!’

“So, six are the hours of My Passion which I gave to men in order to die well: the three in the Garden were for help in the agony; the three on the Cross for help at the very last sigh before death. After this, who could not look at death with a smile? More so for one who loves Me, for one who tries to sacrifice himself on My very Cross. Do you see how beautiful death is, and how things are changed? In life I was despised; the very miracles did not produce the effects of My Death; even up to the Cross there were insults… But as soon as I breathed My last, death had the power to change things: all beat their breasts, confessing Me the true Son of God; My very disciples plucked up courage, and even those who were hidden became brave and asked for My Body, giving Me honorable burial. Heaven and earth, in full voice, confessed Me the Son of God. Death is something great, something sublime; and this happens also for My own children: in life they are despised, oppressed; those very virtues which, like light, should make those who are around them start, remain half-veiled; their heroisms in suffering, their abnegations, their zeal for souls, cast lights and doubts in those who surround them; and I Myself permit these veils, so as to preserve with more safety the virtue of My dear children. But as soon as they die, I withdraw these veils since they are no longer necessary, and the doubts become certainties, the light becomes clear, and this light makes others appreciate their heroism — they pay esteem to everything, even to the smallest things. Therefore, what cannot be done in life, is made up for by death. This, as for what happens down here. That which happens up there, then, is truly surprising and enviable to all mortals."

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 3, 1906 Volume 7

Having received Communion, I felt all united and clasped to my most Divine Jesus, and while He clasped me, I rested in Him and He rested in me. Then He told me: "My beloved, the soul who lives in My Will rests, because the Divine Will does everything for her, and while It operates for her, I find the most beautiful rest in her. So, the Will of God is rest for the soul, and rest for God in the soul. While resting in My Will, the soul remains always attached to My mouth, and suckles Divine Life into herself, making of it her continuous Food. The Will of God is the Paradise of the soul on earth, and the soul who does the Will of God comes to form the paradise of God on earth. The Will of God is the only key that opens the treasures of the Divine Secrets, and the soul acquires such familiarity in the house of God as to dominate as if she were the owner."

Who can say what I comprehended about this Divine Will? Oh, Will of God, how admirable, lovable, desirable, beautiful You are! It is enough to say that, being in You, I feel all my miseries and all my evils being dissolved, and I acquire a new being, with the fullness of all the Divine Goods.

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 2, 1926 Volume 19

As I was in my usual state, my sweet Jesus showed Divine Justice in the act of unloading Itself over the earth, commanding the elements to rage against creatures. I trembled in seeing that somewhere there were waters inundating towns almost to bury them; somewhere the wind transported and eradicated plants, trees and houses with a mighty power, to the point of making a heap of them, leaving various regions in the most squalid misery; somewhere else there were earthquakes crawling with considerable damage. But who can say all the evils that are about to swoop down on earth? In addition to this, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen in my interior as suffering in a harrowing way because of the many offenses that creatures were giving Him, especially because of the many hypocrisies. It seemed that under the apparent good, they had poison, swords, spears and nails hidden, to wound Him in every way. Then, as if Jesus wanted me together with Him, to suffer, He told me: “My daughter, the scale of My Justice is full and is overflowing upon creatures. As daughter of My Will, do you want me to place you in the reflections of My Justice, that you may share in Its blows? Indeed, It is about to make a heap of the earth, and while satisfying Justice, with your suffering you will spare your brothers. One who lives in the high Kingdom of the Supreme Will must defend and help those who are down below.”

Now, while He was saying this, I felt as if Divine Justice was pouring Its reflections over me, and as Jesus identified me with Himself, I suffered His blows, His wounds and His pains together with Him. They were so many that I myself did not know whether I would be left alive or dead. But to my highest sorrow, withdrawing, my Jesus mitigated my pains, and I remained, once again, crossing my hard and long exile. But, always Fiat! Fiat!… I would rather have passed over all this, but obedience imposed itself, and to my greatest reluctance I had to make a little mention of it. Who can say how I was left? And my sweet Jesus, to cheer me, resumed His speaking about His Most Holy Will: “My daughter, come with Me in the midst of Creation. Heaven and earth await you – they want the one who, animated by that same Will that animates them and gives them life, would make the whole Creation resound with that most sweet echo of the Eternal Love of their Maker. They want your voice which, flowing in each created thing, would animate their mute language with that perennial glory and adoration to their Creator. And since all things are bound to one another, and one is the strength of the other because one is the Supreme Will that vivifies them and preserves them, one who possesses It is bound to them with the same strength and with the same union. So, if you are not present in the midst of Creation, because of your absence they would feel the Universal Strength and the bond of Inseparability lacking to them. Therefore, come into Our Dominions, for everyone longs for you, and at the same time I will make you comprehend more things about the great distance that exists between the Sanctity of one who possesses the Unity of the Light of the Kingdom of My Will and the sanctity of submission, of resignation and of virtues.”

Now, while He was saying this, I found myself outside of myself, and I tried to make my ‘I love You,’ my adoration, resound over all created things. And Jesus, all goodness, added: “My daughter, look at the heavens, the stars, the sun, the moon, the plants, the flowers, the sea… look at everything. Each created thing has its distinct nature, its own color, its littleness and its height; each of them has its distinct office, and one cannot do what the other does, nor produce the same effects. So, each created thing is a symbol of the sanctity of virtues, of submission and resignation to My Will. According to the virtues they have practiced, souls have drawn a distinct color within themselves; therefore it can be said that one is red flower, another, purple, another, white; one is plant, one is tree, another is star; and according to how they have submitted to the reflections of the Supreme Will, so have they developed in fecundity, in height, in beauty. But one is their shade, because My Will, like solar ray, gave them the color of the seed which they themselves had placed in their souls. On the other hand, the sanctity of one who lives in the Unity of the Light of My Will is a birth from that Single Act of her Creator, which is one in the creative hands, and yet, the rays of His Will, coming out of God, invade everything and produce works and effects so innumerable that man cannot arrive at counting them all. So, since this sanctity is a birth from that Single Act, it will be the Supreme Will’s care and jealousy for it to enclose all colors, all the different beauties and all possible imaginable goods within itself. And so, more than blazing sun, it will enclose and eclipse within itself all of Creation with its different beauties; one will see all the goods of Redemption enclosed in it, as well as all sanctities; and I, showing off My Love more than ever, will place the seal of My very Sanctity within one who has possessed the Kingdom of My Will.

Do you know how it will be for your Creator with regard to this Sanctity of living in My Will? It will happen as to a kingwho has no offspring. This king never enjoys the affection of a child of his own, nor does he feel like lavishing all his paternal caresses and his affectionate kisses, because in no one does he see his own progeny, his own features, someone to whom to entrust the destiny of his kingdom. Poor one, he lives always with a nail in his heart; he lives always surrounded by servants, by people who do not resemble him, and if they remain around him, it is not out of pure love, but out of self-interest, to gain riches and glory, and maybe even to betray him. Now, suppose that a son comes to the light for him after a long time – what is not the feast of this king? How he kisses him, caresses him — he cannot remove his gaze from his son, in whom he recognizes his own image. Just newly born, he gives him his kingdom and all of his goods as inheritance; and his complete joy and feast is that his kingdom will no longer belong to some strangers, to his servants, but to his dear son. So it can be said that what belongs to the father belongs to the son, and what belongs to the son belongs to the father.

“Now, one who will possess the Kingdom of My Will will be for Us like a child born after about six thousand years. What joy, what feast will not be Ours in seeing Our Image in him, intact, beautiful, just as We delivered it from Our Paternal Womb. All the caresses, the kisses, the gifts, will be for this child; more so since, having given in Creation the Kingdom of Our Will to man as his special inheritance, and since this Kingdom of Ours has been in the hands of strangers, of servants, of traitors for so long a time, in seeing this son who will possess It as a son and will give Us the glory of the Kingdom of Our Will, Our inheritance will be placed in safety on the part of this son. Is it not right that We give him everything, even Our very Selves, and that he enclose everything and everyone?”

While Jesus was saying this, I became concerned and I said to Him: ‘How can all this be possible, my love?’ And Jesus added: “My daughter, do not be surprised. By possessing the Kingdom of the Supreme Will, the soul will possess a Divine, Infinite, Eternal Will, which encloses all goods; and one who possesses everything can give Us everything. What will be Our Contentment, Our Happiness and his, in seeing the littleness of the creature in this Kingdom of Ours, taking from Us continuously as the owner — as Our true child! And since what he takes from Us is Divine, he takes the Divine, and the Divine he gives to Us; he takes the Infinite, and the Infinite he gives to Us; he takes Immense things from Us, and Immense things he gives to Us; he takes Light from Us, and Light he brings to Us. He will do nothing but take and give to Us. We will place all Our things at his disposal, so that, in the Kingdom of Our Will, given to him by Us, nothing extraneous to Us may enter any more, but only Our own things, and We may receive the fruits, the glory, the love, the honor of the Kingdom of Our Will. Therefore, be attentive, and let your flight in Our Volition be continuous.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - July 1, 1926 Volume 19

I was doing my usual acts in the Supreme Volition, and I thought to myself: “How is it possible that among the many Saints of the Old Testament who have so distinguished themselves with the power of miracles, like a Moses, an Elijah and the many prophets; and among so many Saints after the coming of Our Lord, who have rendered themselves so marvelous because of their virtues and miracles – none of these has possessed the Kingdom of the Divine Will and has lived in the unity of Its light? It seems incredible.” Now, while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus came out from within my interior, and clasping me to Himself, told me: “My daughter, yet it is really true that until now no one has possessed the Kingdom of My Will or enjoyed all the fullness of the Unity of the Light It contains. Had it been so, since it is the thing that interests Me the most, that glorifies Me the most and that, no less, will place all the Divine Rights in safety and will complete the work of Creation and Redemption — and not only this, but will bring to the creature the greatest good that can exist in Heaven and on earth — I would have acted in such a way as to make it known. Just as I have made known the many virtues and wonders of My Saints, I would have made known the one who had possessed the Kingdom of My Will, which I hold so dear, so as to transmit It to others, by imitating the one who had possessed It.

“Now, the Saints of the Old Testament found themselves in the same condition as Adam: a Divine Repairer was missing who, while rejoining the human will and the Divine, was to pay the debt of guilty man in a Divine way. However, both the ancient Saints and the modern ones have taken of My Will as much as they have known. The very miracles they performed were particles of the Power of My Will communicated to them. So, all My Saints have lived, some in the shadow of My Will, some in the reflections of Its Light, some submitted to Its Power, some to the order of Its Commands, because there is no sanctity without My Will. But they have possessed of It the little they have known — no more, because only when a good is known, does one then long for it and arrives at possessing it. No one can possess a good, a property, without knowing it; and suppose one did possess it without knowing it – that good is as though dead for him, because the life of knowledge is missing.

“Now, since My Will is the Greatest Thing, which encompasses everything, and all things from the greatest to the smallest remain dissolved before It, so many things should be known about My Will as to surpass what is known about Creation, about Redemption, about all virtues and all sciences. My Will was to be a book for each step, for each act, a book for each created thing; the whole earth was to be filled with volumes of knowledges regarding the Kingdom of My Will, such as to surpass the number of created things. Now, where are these books? There is no book – only a few sayings are known about It, while It should be at the origin of each knowledge — of anything. Being the life of each thing, It should be on everything, like the image of the king impressed on the currency that circulates in a kingdom; like the light of the sun that shines over each plant to give it life; like water that quenches the thirst of burning lips; like food that satiates the hungry man after a long fast. Everything should be filled with the knowledges regarding My Will; and if it is not so, it is a sign that the Kingdom of My Will is not known, and therefore not possessed.

“Would you perhaps be able to tell me which Saint said that he possessed this Kingdom and the Unity of the Light of the Supreme Volition? Certainly not. I Myself spoke little about it. Had I wanted to speak extensively about the Kingdom of My Will and about wanting to form It in man just as innocent Adam possessed It, since this is the highest point, the most proximal to God and the closest to the Divine Likeness, and since the fall of Adam was still fresh, they would all have become discouraged, and turning their backs to Me, would have said: ‘If innocent Adam could not manage, nor had the constancy to live in the Sanctity of this Kingdom, so much so as to cause his own fall and that of all generations into miseries, into passions and irreparable evils, how can we, guilty ones, live in a Kingdom so holy? Beautiful, yes, but we can say that It is not for us.’ Not only this, but since My Will is the highest point, the ways, the means of transportation, the stairs, the decent clothes, the appropriate foods were needed in order to be able to dwell in this Kingdom. So, My Coming upon earth served to form all this; each one of My Sayings, Works, Pains, Prayers, Examples, instituted Sacraments, were ways that I formed, means of transportation to let them arrive more quickly, stairs to let them ascend. It can be said that I gave them the clothes of My Humanity reddened with My Blood to let them be clothed decently in this Kingdom of My Will, so holy, which, in Creation, the Uncreated Wisdom established to give to man as inheritance. So, even though I spoke little about this – because when I speak, I speak at time and circumstance, as the necessity and the utility of the good which My Word contains must be enclosed in it – instead of speaking I did the deeds, intending to speak to you about the Kingdom of My Will.

“Now, how could they possess It if they did not have full knowledge of It? On the other hand, you must know that all the manifestations I have made to you about It – Its Prodigies, Its Goods, what the soul must do to be able to settle in this Kingdom, My very expressed Will for man to return into My Kingdom, and how I have done everything – Creation, Redemption - so that he might come to possess My Kingdom which he had lost – are bonds of transmission, are doors to let him enter, are donations that I make, are laws, instructions on how to live in It, intelligence to make them comprehend and appreciate the good they possess. If all this was missing, how could they possess this Kingdom of My Will? It would be as if someone wanted to go to live in another kingdom without a passport, without knowing either its laws or its customs or its dialect. Poor one, his entrance would be impossible; and if he did enter as an intruder, he would be so ill-at-ease, that he himself would rather go out of a kingdom he knows nothing about.

“Now, My daughter, does it not seem easier to you, more encouraging, more within the reach of the human nature, that after they have known the Kingdom of Redemption in which the blind, the lame and the sick can be healed — because the blind cannot enter the Kingdom of My Will, for in It all are straight and glowing with health — finding all possible means in the Kingdom of Redemption and the very passport of My Passion and death in order to pass into the Kingdom of My Will, animated at the sight of such a great Good, they will decide to take possession of It? Therefore, be attentive, and do not want to constrain or reduce the goods which are in the Kingdom of My Will – and you do this when you do not manifest everything of what I make known to you – because knowledge is the bearer of the gift; and if now I abound in the knowledges about It, it is gifts that I make, and in these gifts I establish the more or the less to be placed in the Kingdom of My Will for the good of those who are to possess It.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - June 30, 1931 Volume 29

I was thinking about the Holy Divine Volition: “How can Its Kingdom ever come upon earth? Given the tempestuous times that threaten storms, and the sad conditions of the human generations, it seems impossible. And it seems to me that the indifference and lack of disposition of those who at least are said to be good, increase the impossibility, for they have no interest in making known a Will so holy, and His Will that wants to give the great grace of wanting to Reign in the midst of creatures. How can a good ever have life if it is not known?”

But while I was thinking of this, my lovable Jesus, surprising me, told me: “My daughter, what is impossible in the human views—everything, is possible to God. You must know that the greatest grace that We gave to man in his creation was that he could enter into Our Divine Will, to be able to emit his human acts; and since the human will was little and the Divine great, It therefore had the virtue of absorbing the little into the Great, and of changing the human into Divine Will. So, at the beginning of his creation, Adam entered into the order of Our Divine Will, and in It he did many of his acts; and while by withdrawing from Our Divine Will he went out from inside of It, his human acts, operated in Our Will, remained as pledge and right for man, and as beginning and foundation of a Divine Kingdom that he acquired. In the Divine Will, whatever is done in It is indelible; God Himself cannot delete a single act done by the creature in the Supreme Fiat. Now, since Adam was the first man to be created, it came as a consequence that, he being as though the root, the trunk of all the human generations, they would inherit, almost like branches, what the root and the trunk of the tree of man possessed. And just as all creatures, as though by nature, inherit the seed of original sin, so do they inherit his first acts done in Our Will, that constitute the beginning and the right of the Kingdom of Our Divine Will for creatures.

“To confirm this, came the humanity of the Immaculate Virgin, to operate and to follow the acts of Adam, in order to fulfill, whole and entire, the Kingdom of the Divine Will, to be the first Heiress of a Kingdom so holy, and to give to Her dear children the rights for them to possess It. And to complete all this, came My Humanity that, by nature, possessed the Divine Will that Adam and the Sovereign Queen possessed by grace, in order to confirm with the seal of Its Acts this Kingdom of the Divine Will. So, this Kingdom exists in reality, because living humanities have formed their acts in It, as the necessary materials in order to form this Kingdom, to give to other humanities the right to possess It. And in order to further confirm It, I taught the ‘Our Father,’ so that, with prayer, they might dispose themselves and acquire the rights to receive It, and God might feel as though the duty to give It. By teaching the ‘Our Father,’ I Myself placed in their hands the right to receive It, and I committed Myself to giving a Kingdom so holy; and every time the creature recites the ‘Our Father,’ she acquires a sort of right to enter into this Kingdom—first, because it is the prayer taught by Me, that contains the value of My Prayer; second, because the love of Our Divinity toward the creatures is so great, that We pay attention to everything, We notice everything, even the littlest acts, the holy desires, the little prayers, to requite them with great Graces. We can say that they are pretexts, occasions that We keep looking for, to say to her: ‘You have done this, and We give you This. You have done the little, and We give you the Great.’

“Therefore, the Kingdom exists, and if I have spoken to you so much about My Divine Will, those have been nothing other than the preparations of many centuries of My Church—the prayers, the sacrifices and the continuous recitation of the ‘Our Father’— that have inclined Our Goodness to choose a creature in order to manifest to her the many knowledges of Our Will, Its great Prodigies. In this way I bound My Will to the creatures, giving them new pledges of Its Kingdom. And as you listened and tried to model yourself after My Teachings that I gave you, so I formed new bonds, to bind the creatures in My Will.

“You must know that I am the God of all, and when I do a good, I never do it isolated—I do it for all, unless someone who does not want to take, does not take. And when a creature corresponds to Me, I look at her, not as one alone, but as belonging to the whole human family, and therefore the good of one is communicated to the others. Now, if the Kingdom exists—lived humanities have possessed It and lived life in It, My Will wants to Reign in the midst of creatures, My very knowledges say it in clear notes—how, then, can you think that it is impossible for this Kingdom to come? To Me everything is possible; I will make use of the very storms and of new events in order to prepare those who must occupy themselves with making My Will known. The storms serve to purify the bad air, and also to get rid of noxious things. Therefore, I will dispose everything; I know how to do everything, I have the times at My disposal. So, let your Jesus do it, and you will see how My Will will be known and fulfilled.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - June 29, 1927 Volume 22

I was thinking of how I do nothing great to glorify my beloved Jesus, and He, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, I do not look at what you do externally, but I look at whether the fount of your interior is full of My Love alone—and so much as to overflow outside in your external acts, in such a way that your external acts too remain all pearled, as though by celestial dew, by the fount of My Love that you contain inside. So, My Gaze is always fixed on your interior, and if My Love, united with My Divine Will, murmurs always within you, you are always beautiful in My eyes—beautiful if you pray, beautiful if you work and suffer, beautiful if you take food, if you speak, if you sleep; you are always beautiful to Me. In each act of yours, whatever it may be, you receive a new tint of beauty from My Will, such as to make you appear more beautiful in My eyes, and My Love grows in the fount of your soul, in such a way that your external acts breathe My Love, more than air, and emit exhalations so very pleasing to Me, that bring Me so much pleasure as to make Me delight in you.”

Then I continued to think about the Divine Will, and to abandon all of myself in It. And my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, for one who lives in My Divine Will all things become My Will; in everything she does, touches and sees, she touches, sees and does My Will. If she thinks and lives in My Will, she will feel the Sanctity of the Intelligence of the Divine Life invest her and flow within her mind. If she speaks, she will feel the Sanctity of the Fiat flow within her word—that Fiat that, if It speaks, creates. If she operates and walks, she will feel the Sanctity of the Divine works and the steps of the Eternal Fiat flow within her works and steps. If she sleeps also, she will feel within herself the eternal rest of her Creator, and all will compete to bring her My Will: the sun with its light, the wind with its freshness, the fire with its heat, the water with its refreshments, the flower with its fragrance, the bird with its singing and warbling, the food with its flavors, the fruit with its sweetness; in sum, one thing will not wait for another, bringing all the Acts that My Will does in each created thing, in such a way that the soul will be like a queen, receiving all the innumerable Acts that the Divine Will does in all Creation.

“That Divine Will that lives and reigns in her will draw all of Its Acts, that It exercises in all things; a sweet enchantment will form in the pupil of her eye, in such a way as to discover in all things that Divine Will that runs in so many different ways toward her, to make her become all Will of God.”

After this, I was thinking to myself: “How is it that while I am doing or completing my round in the whole Creation to follow the Acts of the Supreme Will, I feel a light come out of me, and even if I do not see my beloved Jesus, it always tells me some truths regarding the Divine Fiat.”

And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, it happens within you as when a container is full of water or of another liquid: if one puts a piece of bread into it, the water overflows outside and wets the place that surrounds it. Or, it happens as to the sea: the wind makes the waters rise and forms the waves, as if it wanted to make everyone see the waters of the sea. The same happens to you: your entering into the Acts of My Will, your going around in It, is more than bread plunged into the container full of water, and more than wind that makes the light of My Will rise, that, in rising, overflows outside of you, and in speaking to you with Its language of Light, It speaks to you of that very Light with which you are filled, wanting to make Itself known with its waves of Light—who It is, what It can do, and what It wants to do. As you place the wind of your acts into My Will, Its Light moves, forms Its waves of Light to the point of overflowing outside of you, to make known, not only to you, but also to others, Its waves of Light—that is, Its Truths.

“Everything I have manifested to you about My Will was also told to the Sovereign Queen of Heaven, because She would do nothing but make It rise continuously in order to draw Its manifestations, to know them, love them and possess them as more than Her own life. But they would not overflow outside of Her—they would remain inside of Her, because She did not have the mandate to make My Divine Will known; it was not Her mission, and so She kept them in Her Heart—even the littlest truths, just as the greatest—as precious relics, as sacred deposits, waiting for you who were to have a mission all special, so as to administer to you Her wind also, that you might make the waves of the Light of the Divine Will rise, so that, as they would overflow outside of you, She might have Her part in making My Will known.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - June 28, 1923 Volume 15

I was thinking of the immense love of my most sweet Jesus, and He let me see all creatures, as though bound inside a net of love, and He said to me: “My daughter, in creating man, I cast into him many seeds of Love; in his intelligence, in his eyes, in his word, in his heart, in his hands, in his feet — in everything I placed the seed of Love. And I was to work it from outside, and together with Me I placed all created things in order to make this seed sprout and grow according to My Will. Having been placed by an Eternal God, this seed was also eternal; so, man contains an Eternal Love within himself, and an Eternal Love goes toward him constantly, to receive the return of the seeds of Its Eternal Love cast into man, and to give him new and Eternal Love. In fact, I wanted to be inside of man as seed, and outside of him as worker, to form in him the tree of My Eternal Love. What would be the good for man to have eyes filled with light, if he did not have an external light to illuminate them? He would remain always in the dark. So, in order to enjoy the effect of the light, it takes the internal light of the eye as well as the external light of the sun which illuminates it.

The same for the mind: if he had no speech to express his thought, the life of his intelligence would die and would be without fruit; and so with all the rest. I loved man so much that I not only cast into him this seed of My Eternal Love, but I put him under the waves of My Eternal Love which is spread throughout the whole creation, in order to make it germinate in him and to overwhelm him completely within My Eternal Love. So, if the light of the sun shines in his eyes, it brings him the wave of My Love; if he takes water to quench his thirst, or food to nourish himself, they bring him the wave of My Eternal Love; if the earth lays itself under his feet and remains firm to allow his step, it brings him the wave of My Love; if the flower gives off its fragrance, if the fire unleashes its heat, everything brings him My Eternal Love. But this is not enough; I Myself am with them, working inside and outside, to arrange, to confirm and to seal all My similes in the soul of man, so that, as I give him Eternal Love, eternal love he may give to Me. So, the creature also can love Me with Eternal Love, because he contains the seed of it. But to My highest sorrow, man suffocates this seed, and then it happens that even though My Love keeps him under its waves, he does not feel the light which My Love brings him, because, having suffocated the seed, he has become blind; even though he burns, he does not get warm, and as much as he may drink and eat, his thirst is not quenched, nor is he nourished. Where there is no seed, there is no fecundity.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - June 27, 1900 Volume 3

I continue to be sleepy. This morning, for a few minutes I found myself awake and I comprehended my miserable state; I felt the bitterness of the privation of my highest and only Good. I was able only to shed a few tears, saying to Him: “My always good Jesus, how is it that You are not coming? These are not things to do: to wound a soul and then leave her! And what is more, so as not to let her know what You are doing, You leave her prey to sleep. O please! come, do not make me wait so much!”

While I was saying this and yet more nonsense, in one instant He came and transported me outside of myself; and since I wanted to tell Him about my poor state, imposing silence on me, Jesus told me: “My daughter, what I want from you is that you no longer recognize yourself in yourself, but that you recognize yourself only in Me. So you will no longer remember yourself, nor will you ever again have recognition of yourself, but you will remember Me, and un-recognizing yourself, you will acquire the recognition of Me alone. According to how much you will forget and destroy yourself, so will you advance in the knowledge of Me and will recognize yourself only in Me. Once you have done all this, you will no longer think with your mind, but with Mine; you will not look with your eyes, you will no longer speak with your mouth, nor will you palpitate with your heart, work with your hands, or walk with your feet, but will do everything with Mine. In fact, in order to recognize herself only in God, the soul needs to go to her origin and to return to her beginning – God, from whom she came — and to conform all of herself to her Creator. And anything which she keeps of herself and which is not conformed to her beginning, she must undo and reduce to nothing. Only in this way, naked, undone, can she return to her origin, recognize herself only in God, and operate according to the purpose for which she was created. This is why in order to conform to Me completely, the soul must render herself indivisible with Me.”

While He was saying this, I could see the terrible chastisement of plants withered, and how it must advance further. I could only say: “Ah, Lord, how will the poor people go on?” And He, so as not to listen to me, escaped me like a flash and disappeared.

Who can say the bitterness of my soul in finding myself inside myself, not having been able to speak to Him even one word for myself and for my neighbor; and for my tendency to sleep with which I was again left?

Divine Will for every day of the year - June 26, 1926 Volume 19

I was doing my usual acts in the Supreme Volition according to my usual way, that is, embracing everything — Creation, Redemption and everyone — to be able to give back to my Creator the return of love and of glory that everyone owes Him. And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, the little daughter of My Will must not only think about and occupy herself with defending the Universal Rights of her Creator, giving Him the return of love and of glory that everyone owes Him as if all were one, in such a way that He may find everything in her — because Our Will involves everything and everyone, and one who lives in It possesses Universal Ways, therefore she can give Us everything and We can recover everything — but, as Our daughter, she must also defend the rights of the Sovereign Queen. She operated in a Universal Way, and therefore She had a love, a glory, a prayer, a reparation, a sorrow, for Her Creator, for all and for each creature. She let not one act escape Her which creatures owed their Creator; and enclosing all in Her Maternal Heart, She loved all and each one in a Universal Way. So, in Her We found all Our glory — She denied nothing to Us; She gave Us not only that which She was supposed to give Us directly, but also that which the other creatures denied to Us. And to act as a magnanimous and most loving Mother, who pours Her own self out for Her children, She generated everyone in Her Sorrowful Heart. Each fiber of It was a piercing sorrow in which She gave life to each of Her children, up to the fatal blow of the death of Her Son God. The sorrow of this death placed the seal of the regeneration of life upon the new children of this Sorrowful Mother.

Now, a Virgin Queen who loved Us so much, who defended all of Our Rights, a Mother so tender who had Love and Sorrows for all, deserves that Our little newborn of Our Supreme Will love Her for all, requite Her for all, and embracing all of Her acts in Our Will, place her act united to Hers; because She is inseparable from Us — Her glory is Ours, and Ours is Hers; more so, since Our Will places everything in common.”

On hearing this, I remained a little confused, and as though unable to do what Jesus was saying; and I prayed Him to give me the ability to do it. And Jesus, resuming His speaking, told me: “My daughter, My Will contains everything, and as though jealous, It preserves all of Its Acts as if they were one alone; so It preserves all the acts of the Sovereign Queen as if they were all Its own, because She did everything in It. Therefore, My Will Itself will make them present to you.

“Now, you must know that one who has done good to all, who has loved all, and has operated in a Universal Way for God and for all, has rights over everything and over everyone — and with justice. Operating in a Universal Way is the Divine Way, and My Celestial Mama was able to operate with the ways of Her Creator because She possessed the Kingdom of Our Will. Now, having operated in Our Supreme Will, She has the rights of the possessions which She formed in Our Kingdom; and who else can requite Her if not one who lives in the same Kingdom? In fact, only in this Kingdom is there Universal Operation – the Love that loves everyone, that embraces everything, and from which nothing escapes. But you must know that one who possesses the Kingdom of My Will on earth, has the right to Universal Glory in Heaven; and this, in a natural and simple way. My Will embraces everything and involves everyone; so, from one who possesses It come all goods along with the glory that these goods contain; and while Universal Glory comes from her, she also receives it. And do you think it is trivial to possess Universal Glory in the Celestial Fatherland? Therefore, be attentive, the Kingdom of the Supreme Will is immensely rich; there are coins that spring forth; so, everyone expects something from you, and also My Mama wants the return for the Universal Love She had for all generations. And you, in return, are due Universal Glory in the Celestial Fatherland – the exclusive inheritance of one who has possessed the Kingdom of My Will on earth.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - June 25, 1899 Volume 2

This morning, Jesus continued to make Himself seen every now and then, sharing a little bit of His sufferings with me, and sometimes the confessor appeared with Him. Since he had told me to pray for certain needs of his, in seeing him together with Our Lord I began pray Jesus to grant what he wanted.

While I was praying, all goodness, Jesus turned to the confessor and said to him: "I want Faith to inundate you everywhere, just like those boats inundated with the waters of the sea. And since I Myself am Faith, you would be inundated with Me, who possesses everything, can do everything and gives freely to those who trust in Me; and without your thinking of what will come, of when it will, and of how you will do it, I Myself will be there to assist you according to your needs."

Then He added: "If you exercise yourself in this Faith, almost swimming in it, as recompense I will infuse three spiritual joys in your heart: first, you will penetrate the things of God with clarity, and in doing holy things you will feel inundated with such gladness, with such joy, as to feel as though soaked with it. This is the unction of My Grace. Second, you will feel boredom for earthly things, and you will feel joy in your heart for Celestial things. Third, total detachment from everything, and there, where you felt inclination in the past, you will feel bother; this I have been infusing in your heart for some time, and you are already experiencing it. Because of this, your heart will be inundated with the joy which naked souls enjoy, who have their hearts so inundated with My Love, that they are not affected at all by the things that surround them externally."

Divine Will for every day of the year - June 24, 1934 Volume 33

I felt myself in the arms of the Divine Will that, with an Insuperable Goodness, makes present to me everything that It had done for Love of the creatures in order to receive the pleasure of letting me know them, and in order to renew the Glory of everything that It has done for our Love. And since It has done everything for Pure Love, it seems that It is not content if It does not feel Itself known and re-loved by the one who was the cause of letting It Operate Works so great and of Indescribable Magnificence.

But while my mind was lost in the multiplicity of so many Divine Works, my always Lovable Jesus, repeating His little visit, told me: “My little daughter, Our Love, Our Works, want to have Life in the creature; they want to make themselves felt palpitating in order to give them the Love and the Fruits that Our Works contain, that as being born in them they also produce Divine Love and Fruits. Everything that We have done is always in Act, and We call the creature into the same Act that We are Operating in order to let her know Our Works, how much Love they contain, with how much Wisdom and Power they have been formed, and how in everything that We have done, Our Aim is always toward her. We have put nothing forth from Us that did not palpitate Love and did not call the heartbeat of the creature to let Us be Loved.

“We have no need of anything, because We possess in Ourselves, in Our own Divine Being, all possible and imaginable Goods, and possessing the Creative Virtue, however many Goods We want to Create are in Our Power. Therefore, all Our external Works were done for her, in order to give her Love, in order make known the One who it is who has Loved her so much, and they are like stairs in order to let her ascend to Us and give Us her little love. We feel Ourselves robbed by one who does not know Us, and We feel Ourselves betrayed by one who does not love Us.

“Now, My daughter, do you know who receives Our Heartbeat of created things, Our Aim, the Knowledges, and gives Us her heartbeat, her exchange of love? One who Lives in Our Will. As the creature enters into It, with Its Wings of Light as arms It presses her to Its bosom, and since she possesses Its Incessant Act It says: ‘Look at Me, how I am operating, rather let us do it together so that you know what I do, My distinct Love from one created thing to the other, and you receive all these degrees of My ardent Love in a way as to cover yourself and let yourself be drowned by Love, but so much so, that you will not know how to tell Me anything but that you Love Me, you Love Me, you Love Me. If you do not know you will not be capable of receiving the Fullness of Love, nor enjoy the Fruits of Our Works.

“Now I want to tell you another Surprise. As the creature enters into Our Will, not only of what We have done in Creation, in Redemption, in everything, does she remain enriched in an admirable way with the Works of her Creator, but she gives Us New Glory, as if Our Works were being repeated again. Everything that We have done passes through the channel of the creature, in which it is Our Will that this would happen, and We feel repeated to Us, in virtue of It, the Glory as if We were to extend a New Heaven, We were to Operate a New Creation. And as We feel her come into Our Volition, We welcome her, and overflowing with New Love We tell her: ‘Come, touch with your hand what We have done. Our Works are Living for you, not dead, and by knowing them you will repeat the New Glory and the New Exchange of Love.’

“It is true that Our Works praise Us and glorify Us by themselves, rather We Ourselves are who praise and glorify Ourselves continually. But in Our Will the creature gives Us something more, she gives Us her will operating in Our Works, her intelligence in order to know them, and her love in order to Love Us. So We feel the glory that a human will repeats for Us the glory, as if Our Works were being repeated. Therefore I want you always in My Divine Fiat in order to receive Its Secrets and drink in large sips Its Admirable Knowledges. By being known Life is communicated, the Works are repeated, and the Purpose is obtained.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - June 23, 1907 Volume 8

As I was in my usual state, blessed Jesus would not come, and I was thinking to myself about which would be the most beautiful act, and most pleasing to our Lord, which might more easily induce Him to come: sorrow for one’s own sins or resignation? In the meantime, He came for just a little, and told me: "Daughter, the most beautiful act, and most pleasing to Me, is the abandonment in My Will – but so great, that the soul would remember no more that her being exists; rather, everything for her is Divine Will. Even though sorrow for one’s own sins is good and praiseworthy, yet, it does not destroy one’s own being; while abandoning oneself completely in My Will destroys one’s own being, and makes one reacquire the Divine Being. Therefore, by abandoning herself in My Will, the soul gives Me more honor, because she gives Me everything I can demand of the creature, reacquiring, in Me, that which had come out of Me. And the soul comes to reacquire that which alone she should reacquire – that is, she reacquires God, with all the goods that God possesses. However, as long as the soul remains completely in the Will of God, she reacquires God; but as she goes out of My Will, she reacquires her own being, with all the evils of the corrupted nature."

Divine Will for every day of the year - June 22, 1920 Volume 12

I was bringing the whole human family to my sweet Jesus, according to my usual way, praying, repairing, substituting in the name of all, for everything that each one is obliged to do. But as I was doing this, a thought told me: “Think about and pray for yourself — don’t you see in what a pitiful state you have reduced yourself?’ And I was almost about to do so, when my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior and pulling me to Himself, told me: "My daughter, why do you want to move away from My likeness? I never thought about Myself — the sanctity of My Humanity was total unselfishness. I did nothing for Myself; rather, I did and suffered everything for the creatures. My Love can be called true, because it is founded on disinterest for My own self. Wherever there is interest, one cannot say that there a source of truth. On the other hand, the soul with no self-interest is the one who advances the most; and as she advances, the sea of My Grace reaches her from behind, inundating her in such a way that she remains completely submerged, without even thinking about it. One who thinks about herself, instead, is last; the sea of My Grace is in front of her, and she is the one who has to cross the sea by the armful — if she manages at all. In fact, the thought of herself will create many obstacles for her, such as to strike into her the fear of diving into My sea; and she runs the risk of remaining on the shore."

Divine Will for every day of the year - June 21, 1923 Volume 15

I was doing my usual adoration to my Crucified Good, and I was saying to Him: “I enter into Your Will; or rather, give me Your hand and place me in the immensity of Your Will Yourself, that I may do nothing which is not the effect of Your Most Holy Will.” Now, while I was saying this, I thought to myself: “How is this? The Divine Will is everywhere, I am already in It, and yet I say: I enter into your Will?” But while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, yet, there is a great difference between one who prays and acts because My Will envelops her, being everywhere by Its own nature, and one who, of her own will, having the knowledge of what she does within herself, enters into the Divine Sphere of My Will to operate and pray.

Do you know what happens? It happens as when the sun fills the earth with its light, though the light and the heat are not the same at all points: at some points there is shade, at other points there is direct light and the heat is more intense. Now, who enjoys more light, who feels more heat: one who is in the shade, or one who is at those points where the light is not covered by shade? However, one cannot say that where there is shade there is no light, although where there is no shade the light is more vivid, the heat is more intense; even more, the rays of the sun seem to invest and absorb the creature. And if the sun had reason, and one creature exposed herself of her own will to its burning rays, and in the name of all said to it: “Thank you, O sun, for your light and for all the goods you produce by filling the earth; for all, I want to give you the return of the good you do” — what glory, honor and satisfaction would the sun not receive?

Now, it is true that My Will is everywhere, but the shade of the human will does not allow the soul to feel the vividness of the light, the heat, and all the good It contains. On the other hand, by wanting to enter into My Will, the soul lays down her own and removes the shade of her volition, and My Will makes Its vivid Light shine, It invests her, It transforms her into Light itself. And the soul, plunged into my Eternal Volition, says to Me: ‘Thank You, O Holy Supreme Volition, for Your Light and for all the goods You produce by filling Heaven and earth with your Eternal Will; for all, I want to give You the return of the good You do.’ And I feel such honor, glory and satisfaction, that no other equals it. My daughter, how many evils the shade of one’s own will does: it cools down the soul, it produces sloth, sleep, sluggishness. The opposite for one who lives in My Will.”

Then, after this, I found myself outside of myself, and I saw as if contagious diseases were to come, and many people were carried to leper hospitals. A general fright was reigning, and many other maladies of new kinds. But I hope that Jesus may want to placate Himself by the merits of His most precious Blood.

Divine Will for every day of the year - June 20, 1925 Volume 17

I felt immersed in the Holy Will of God, and my sweet Jesus, drawing me to Himself, squeezed me very tightly in His arms, and then He said to me: "My daughter, oh how beautiful is My Rest in the soul who has My Will as life, and who lets My Will act and love, entirely and completely, within her! You must know that as the soul breathes, palpitates, works, thinks, loves, acts, even though everything is carried out within her, since My Will has become the center of life in her, it is My Will that breathes, palpitates, loves, thinks, acts, gives Motion to her work, circulation to her blood, thought to her mind, love to her heart, and the like. Now, since this Will is the same as the one which the Three Divine Persons have, it happens that They feel within Them the breath of the soul, her heartbeat, her motion. And since every time Our Will decides to form one Act, It releases from Us New Joys, New Beatitudes, New Happinesses which, harmonizing everything among the Three Divine Persons, form Immense Seas of New Happiness, and enwrapping all the Blessed, these remain enraptured within these joys, and are shaken by this rapture; and while they are shaken, they remain enraptured more strongly within Our Immeasurable Beatitudes – using Our Will, she wants to form more Acts of Will to make Us happy and to make Us release more Beatitudes. Now, the soul who lets Our Will Live within her, reaches such a point that, as she lets It Operate, she gives Us the occasion to set Our Beatitudes, Our Harmonies and the Infinite Joys of Our Love, in motion. She makes Us release New Beauties and New Glories of Ours.

Our Will Operating in the creature is so very pleasing, tender and lovable to Us; It makes Us New Surprises; It sets Our things in motion in order to give Us the return of Our Glory, of Our Love, of Our happinesses — and all this, through the creature who has given the place within herself to let Our Will Live. How not to love this birth from Our Will? More so, since Our Will renders this creature more lovable, gracious, beautiful to Us, in such a way that in no one else do we find her qualities. She is a work done by Our Will, with such mastery as to enchant all of Heaven, and to render her lovable to all – and even more so, to the Sacrosanct Trinity." And while He was saying this, He squeezed me more tightly, and letting me place my mouth in His Heart, He added: "You too — drink Our Beatitudes in large gulps. Satiate yourself, in the way you want, and as much as you want."

Divine Will for every day of the year - June 19, 1929 Volume 26

My poor mind was wandering in the Divine Fiat; I felt the sweet enchantment of Its enrapturing light, and I thought to myself: “But, what is this Divine Will in my poor soul?”

And my beloved Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, what fortune yours is to live under the sweet enchantment of My Divine Volition. Don’t you know that when It takes possession of the creature, It forms in her Its Operating Life, in such a way that It Operates in the one in whom It Reigns just as It Operates within Itself? And, more than Queen, It imposes Itself over everything, It extends with Its Light in the littleness of the creature, It forms in her Its sweet enchantment for the human will so as to be more free to form Its Life.

“And since the Divine Life of My Fiat is composed of repeated acts never interrupted, It is not subject to stopping, and this is why you feel within yourself an Act that never ends, a Light that is never extinguished, a Love that always burns. Not so for those who do not live in My Volition. They feel the Divine Life interrupted in their interior, their acts broken; they feel themselves now one way, now another; their will is not invested by a continuous Light that sweetly nourishes them and enchants them, such that, feeling the Sweetness of My Volition, they would give not a thought to entering the field in order to operate in a human way; and if they feel the Light, it is at intervals.

“A symbol of one who lives in My Divine Will is one who could be able to remain always under the sun. Its light never ends, nor does it need to be fed in order not to become extinguished. So, one who could live under the sun would feel light raining down constantly upon herself; and since the light contains admirable effects, she would nourish herself with sweetnesses, with fragrances, with varieties of colors, with lights, in such a way as to feel the very life of the sun being formed within herself.

“On the other hand, one who does not live in My Will, be it even one who is not evil, is symbolized by one who lives under the light of the low world, that has neither the virtue nor the power to form a sweet enchantment of light, such as to eclipse her so much that she would not be able to look at anything but light. And it is subject to becoming extinguished very often, because it does not possess by nature the continuous nourishing virtue; and if it is not nourished, her light ends; and since a light formed by the creature possesses neither sweetness, nor colors, nor fragrances, she cannot feel the life of that light being formed within herself. What great difference between one who lives in My Divine Will and one who lives outside of It.”

May everything be for the glory of God, and for the good of my poor soul.

Divine Will for every day of the year - June 18, 1901 Volume 4

As I was in my usual state, I saw my sweet Jesus for a little, and I began my laments about my poor state of His privations, and about a sort of tiredness, physical and moral, as if I felt my poor nature being crushed and failing me in all its parts. Then, after I said all this to my Jesus, He told me; "My daughter, do not be concerned about your feeling faint in all parts; don’t you know that everything must be sacrificed for Me, not only in the soul but also in the body? And that from the tiniest little particles of your being I demand My glory? And then, don’t you know that from the state of union one passes on to another one, which is that of consummation? It is true that I am not coming as usual so as to chastise the people, but I use this also for your own profit, which is not only that of keeping you united with Me, but of consuming you for love of Me. In fact, as I do not come and you feel faint because of My absence, don’t you come to be consumed for Me? After all, you do not have great reason to afflict yourself — first, because when you see Me, it is always from your interior that you see Me come out, and this is a sure sign that I am with you; and also, because not one day has yet come in which you can say that you have not seen Me perfectly."

After this, His voice assuming a sweeter and more benign tone, He added: "My daughter, I recommend to you, very, very much, that you let not even the slightest act which is not patience, resignation, sweetness, sameness, tranquillity in everything, come out of yourself. Otherwise you would dishonor Me, and it would happen as to that king who lived in a palace which was well adorned inside, but on the outside it could be seen as full of cracks, stained, and about to collapse. Would people not say: ‘What? A king lives in this palace, and yet, such an ugly configuration can be seen outside as to make one fear even to draw near it? Who knows what a king he must be!’ Would this not be a dishonor for that king? Now think that if anything which is not virtue comes out of you, they would say the same about Me, and I, who live inside of you, would remained dishonored.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - June 17, 1932 Volume 30

My abandonment in the Divine Volition continues; I feel Its Omnipotent Force that invests me completely, and my little soul is as though undone, in such a way that I want, I feel, I touch nothing but Divine Will alone. And if some little cloud invests my mind, Its Divine Light, immediately, almost without giving me time, inundates me and puts it to flight for me; and I throw myself either into the arms of my Celestial Mama, as my Refuge, or into the arms of my most sweet Jesus, to find again my dear Life; and I pray, now one, now the other, to enclose me in-between Their Acts, that I may be safe and defended from everything and from everyone.

But while I was thinking of this and other things, my Highest Good, Jesus, clasping me in His arms, told me: “Blessed daughter, My Acts and those of My Queen Mama, Our Love, Our Sanctity, are in Act of continuous waiting, to enclose your acts in- between Our Own, so as to give them the shape of Our Acts and place the Seal of Our Own upon your acts. In fact, you must know that the Acts of the Sovereign of Heaven are braided with My Acts, therefore they are inseparable, and one who Lives in Our Divine Volition comes to Operate in the middle of Our Braiding, and her acts remain enclosed in-between Our Acts, which keep them in custody as Triumph and Works of the Holy Fiat.

“Nothing enters into Our Acts if it is not a Birth from It. See, then, where the Sanctity of one who Lives in Our Will is formed—in the middle of Our Sanctity; she loves in the center of Our Love, and operates in the midst of Our Works. So, one who operates in Our Volition will feel, as though in her nature, the inseparability—she from Our Acts, and We form her own, just as the light is inseparable from the heat, and the heat from the light. And therefore they are Our continuous Triumph, Our Glory, Our Victory over the human will; they are Our Divine Properties, that We form in her, and she forms in Us. The human volition and the Divine Volition kiss each other continuously, they fuse together; and God carries out His Life in the creature, and she carries out her life in God.

“Furthermore, for the creature who Lives in My Will, there is nothing that belongs to My Fiat over which she does not acquire her Rights: Right over Our Divine Being, Right over her Celestial Mama, over the Angels, over the Saints; Right over the Heaven, over the sun, over the whole Creation. And God, the Virgin, and everyone, acquire the Right over her.

“It happens as when two young spouses unite themselves together with an indissoluble bond, such that, on both sides, they acquire the right over their very persons, and over everything that belongs to both—a right that no one can take away from them. The same for one who Lives in Our Volition: she forms the New, True, Real Marriage with the Supreme Being, and, with it, a nuptial is formed with everything that belongs to Him. O! how beautiful it is to see this creature espoused to all—the dear, the favorite, the beloved of all. And, with right, everyone wants her, they yearn to enjoy her and to keep her together with them; and she Loves all, gives to all the right over her, and gives herself to all—it is the New and Extensive Family of her Creator that she has acquired.

“O! if it could be seen from the earth, they would see that God carries her in His arms, the Sovereign Queen Nourishes her with the choice food of the Divine Volition, the Angels and Saints form the Cortege around her, the Heaven extends over her to cover her and protect her—and woe to those who touch her. The sun fixes on her with its light and kisses her with its heat, the wind caresses her; there is not one thing Created by Us which does not offer itself to perform its Office around her. My Will moves everything around her, so that everyone and everything may serve her and love her. Therefore, one who Lives in It gives everyone something to do, and all feel the Happiness of being able to extend their field of action inside and outside the fortunate creature. O! if all creatures would comprehend what it means to Live in My Divine Will—O! how all would aspire and compete, to make in It their Celestial Dwelling.”

Then, I was feeling, more than ever, all abandoned in the Immensity of the Light of the Divine Volition, and I could see and feel my sweet Jesus inside, all Attention over the littleness of my poor soul. He would take care of everything, He wanted to give me everything, do everything, in such a way that it appeared how, with the touch of His fingers, He formed my heartbeat, animated the breath, the motion, and kept the thoughts, the words and everything in Order; but with such Love and Tenderness as to be enrapturing.

And blessed Jesus, seeing me surprised, told me: “My little daughter, do not be surprised at My many attentions and Loving Tendernesses that I do inside and outside of you. You must know that in the soul in whom My Divine Will Reigns I serve Myself; therefore, for the decorum of My Divinity and Sanctity, I lend My own Acts, as if they were for My own Life; and so I place the Intensity of My Love, the Order of My Thoughts, the Sanctity of My Works. And in seeing the docility of the creature offering herself like a daughter to receive the Offices of her Father, His Loving Tendernesses, the Life of the Father in his daughter—O! how Happy and honored I feel to serve her. More so, since I serve Myself in My daughter, and when one serves oneself it is not servitude, but it is Honor, Glory; it is to know how to preserve oneself in the Dignity, in the Sanctity, in the order of one’s own state, without descending down below. Servitude begins when one serves other people; but to serve oneself is to maintain the height of one’s state. Besides, there where My Divine Will Reigns it is My Interest that everything the creature does be acts Worthy of It, and that they be a Birth from My own Acts. Otherwise, it would be unseemly to My Divine Will as well as to the human acts; therefore I offer Myself to do everything, so as to serve My own Will.”

In addition to this, while I continued my abandonment in the arms of Jesus, He added: “Blessed daughter, My Humanity so Loved the human family, that I carried it, and My Humanity still carries it, inside My Heart and clasped in My arms; and each Pain, Work, Prayer that I did were New Bonds of Union between Me and them. So, the whole of My Being and everything I did ran and ran like a mighty torrent toward each creature; and melting into Love It constituted Itself Bond of Union, of Love, of Sanctity, of Defense, that, forming arcane voices of penetrating, passionate, delirious Love, said to each one of them: ‘I Love you, My children—I Love you very much; and I want to be Loved.’

“My Humanity reordered and established the True Union between Creator and creature, and bound them all among themselves, like members united to the head; and I Myself constituted Myself Head of the whole human family. Therefore, virtue possesses, of its own, the binding force to bind oneself to God; not only this, but to bind oneself to the creatures, in such a way that for one who exercises patience, her patience is bound, then, to all those who have patience, and disposes others to have patience. In the same way, those who are obedient, humble, charitable, form the different categories in My Church. What to tell you, then, of the most extensive Bonds that one who does and Lives in My Divine Will forms! Since she is present both in Heaven and on earth, she establishes her Bonds everywhere; with her acts she binds Heaven and earth, and calls everyone to Live of Divine Will.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - June 16, 1919 Volume 12

I was thinking in my interior: “Where are the pains that my sweet Jesus had told me He would let me share in — while I am suffering almost nothing?” And my always lovable Jesus told me: "My daughter, how you deceive yourself! You calculate the physical pains; I calculate physical and moral pains. Each time you have been deprived of Me, it was a death that you felt, and I felt I was being repaired for the many deaths which creatures give themselves through sin — and you took part in the many deaths which I suffered. When you were feeling cold — that was another little death you felt, and you shared in the coldness of the creatures, who would want to cool My Love. But my Love, triumphant over their coldness, absorbs it into Me, to feel the death of their coldness; and I give to them more ardent love. And so with all your other pains: they were evils opposite those of the creatures; and like many little deaths, they made you share in My deaths.

“And then, don’t you know that My Justice suspends your pains, when it is forced by the evil of peoples to pour out new chastisements? Evils will be so grave as to be horrifying. I know that this is a pain for you, but I too had the same pain. I would have wanted to free creatures from all pains, both in time and in Eternity, but this was not granted to Me by the Wisdom of the Father, and I had to resign Myself. Would you perhaps want to surpass My very Humanity? Ah, daughter, no kind of sanctity is without Cross! No virtue can be acquired without union with pains. However, know that I will repay you at usurious interest for all my privations, and even for the pains that you would want to suffer, and you don’t."

Divine Will for every day of the year - June 15, 1916 Volume 11

Continuing in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus came, He transformed me completely in Him, and then He told me: "Daughter, pour yourself into My Will to make complete reparations for Me. My Love feels an irresistible need for them; after so many offenses of creatures, it wants one at least who, placing herself between Me and them, would give Me complete reparations, love for all, and would snatch from Me graces for all. But you can do this only in My Will, in which you will find Me and all creatures. Oh, with what yearnings am I waiting for you to enter into My Will, to be able to find in you the satisfactions and the reparations of all! Only in My Will will you find all things in act, because I am engine, actor and spectator of everything." Now, while He was saying this, I poured myself into His Will – but who can say what I saw? I was in contact with every thought of creature, the life of which came from God; and I, in His Will, multiplied myself in each thought, and with the sanctity of His Will I repaired everything, I had a ‘Thank You’ for all, a love for all. Then I multiplied myself in the gazes, in the words and in everything else – but who can say what was happening? I lack the terms, and maybe the very angelic tongues would stammer; therefore I stop here.

So I spent the whole night with Jesus in His Will. Then I felt the Queen Mama near me, and She told me: "My daughter, pray." And I: “My Mama, let us pray together, for by myself I don’t know how to pray.” And She added: "The most powerful prayers over the Heart of my Son, and those which move Him the most, are for the creature to clothe herself with everything He Himself did and suffered, since He gave everything as gift to the creature. Therefore, my daughter, surround your head with the thorns of Jesus, bead your eyes with His tears, impregnate your tongue with His bitterness, clothe your soul with His Blood, adorn yourself with His wounds, pierce your hands and feet with His nails, and like another Christ present yourself before His Divine Majesty. This sight will move Him in such a way that He will not be able to deny anything to the soul who is clothed with His own insignia. But – oh, how little do creatures know how to make use of the gifts which my Son gave them! These were my prayers upon earth, and these are my prayers in Heaven." So, together we clothed ourselves with the insignia of Jesus, and together we presented ourselves before the Divine Throne. This moved all; the Angels made way for us and remained as though surprised. I thanked Mama, and I found myself inside myself.