This morning I was feeling in much suffering, with the addition of His privation. Then, after I struggled very much, He came for just a few instants, and told me: “My daughter, sufferings, crosses, are like many citations which I send to souls. If the soul accepts these citations — whether they are citations that notify the soul to pay some debt, or it is a notification to obtain some gain for eternal life — if the soul responds to Me by resigning herself to My Will, by thanking Me, by adoring My Holy Dispositions, we are immediately in accord, and the soul will avoid many inconveniences that are possible, like being cited again, having advocates involved, going through the suit, and receiving the condemnation of the judge. Responding to the citation with resignation and with thanksgiving alone will make up for all this, because the cross will be citation, advocate and judge for her, with nothing else needed for her to take possession of the Eternal Kingdom. If then she does not accept these citations — think about it, yourself, into how many abysses of disgraces and troubles she throws herself, and what the rigor of the judge will be in condemning her for having shunned the cross as her judge — so much milder, more compassionate, more prone to enriching her rather than judging her, more intent on embellishing her rather than condemning her.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - March 4, 1934 Volume 33
Anniversary of Luisa’s Transit into Heaven: March 4, 1947
… So, while my mind was lost in the Divine Volition, I thought to myself: “But what good are these acts of mine done in the Divine Will? While I do not do anything, It does everything Itself, and since I am together, within It, It tells me I do what It does, and It says it with reason, since being in It and not doing what It does is impossible because Its Power is so much, that it invests my nothingness and makes it do what the All does. Nor can it do, nor does it know how to do, differently.”
So my sweet Jesus, surprising me with His brief little visit, told me: “My little daughter of My Will, how Beautiful It is; the creature cannot receive greater honor than that of becoming admitted within It. The instants, the littlest Acts done in It, embrace centuries; and since they are Divine, they are invested with such Power that what one wants to do with them—everything he can do and everything he can obtain. The Divine Being remains bound in these Acts, because they are His Acts, and He must give them the Value that they merit. Besides this, you must know that the Acts done in My Will form the ways that must serve souls in order to let them enter into It, and they are so very necessary that if heroic souls do not first come forth to Live in It in order to form the principal ways of Its Kingdom, the generations, not finding the ways, will not know what to do in order to enter into My Will.
“My daughter, in order to form a city, first the ways are formed, that form the order that a city must have, and then the foundations are cast in order to construct it. If the ways are not formed—the exits, the communications that it must have, are not formed—there is the danger that instead of a city, the citizens could form for themselves a prison, because the ways not being provided, they do not know where to go out. Do you see how necessary the ways are? Now, the city without way is the human will that, closed in its prison, has closed all the ways in order to enter into the Celestial City of My Divine Will. Now the soul who enters into It breaks the prison, knocks down the unhappy city without ways, without exits, and united with the Power of My Volition, the Divine Engineer forms the plan of the city, orders the ways, the communications, and acting as Insuperable Craftsman, forms the New Citadel of the soul with such Mastery as to form the ways of communication in order to let other souls enter and form so many citadels in order to be able to form a Kingdom. The first will be the model of the others. See, therefore, what the Acts done in My Will serve. They are so very necessary for Me, that without them the way would be lacking in order to let It Reign. Therefore I want you always in My Will, never come out of It if you want to render your Jesus content.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - March 3, 1912 Volume 11
Continuing in my usual state, my adorable Jesus came and told me: “My daughter, the soul who does My Will loses her temperament and acquires mine. Just as in My temperament there are many melodies which form the Paradise of the Blessed — such that music is My sweet Temperament, music the Goodness, music the Sanctity, music the Beauty, the Power, the Wisdom, the Immensity, and so on with all the rest of My Being — the soul receives within herself all the variety of these melodies, taking part in all the qualities of My Temperament. As she goes along doing even the most tiny actions she makes a melody for Me and, as I hear it, I immediately recognize this music as one taken by the soul from My Will — My Temperament; so I run to listen to it, and I like it so much that I remain recreated and cheered from all the wrongs which other creatures do to Me.
“My daughter, what will happen when these melodies will pass into Heaven? I will put the soul in front of Me; I will play My Music, and she will play her own — we will flash each other lightning; the sound of one will be the echo of the sound of the other; the harmonies will mix together. It will be clearly known to all the Blessed that this soul is nothing less than the fruit of My Will — the portent of My Will; and all Heaven will enjoy one more Paradise. …”
Divine Will for every day of the year - March 2, 1921 Volume 12
As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus came and told me: “My daughter, the Third FIAT - My ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua, on earth as it is in Heaven’ - will be like the rainbow which appeared in the sky after the deluge, which, as rainbow of peace, assured man that the deluge had ceased. So will the Third FIAT be. As It comes to be known, loving and disinterested souls will come to live in My FIAT. They will be like rainbows - rainbows of peace - which will reconcile Heaven and earth, and dispel the deluge of so many sins which inundate the earth. These rainbows of peace will have the Third FIAT as their own life; therefore My ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua’ will have Its completion in them. And just as the Second FIAT called Me upon earth to live among men, the Third FIAT will call My Will into souls, and It will reign in them ‘on earth, as in Heaven.’” …
Divine Will for every day of the year - March 1, 1936 Volume 34
… After this, I felt my little intelligence so full of the Divine Will, that I could not contain It, and I continued my round in Its Divine Acts, and arrived at the Act when the Immaculate Queen was Conceived. I understood how the Supreme Being, before calling Her to life, poured so much Love over Her, that as She felt life She felt the need to Love Her Creator. She felt in Herself that Love that She put forth externally.
I remained surprised, and my beloved Jesus added: “My daughter, do not marvel. It is Our usual Way that for each creature, when We place her forth to the light of day, in the Act of Creating her, We give a dose of Love, in this way giving her part of Our Divine Substance. And according to Our Designs that We have over her, so We increase the dose of Our Love. In fact, every creature has in herself the particle of the Substance of the Divine Love, otherwise, how could she Love Us if We Ourselves did not place of Ours in order to make Ourselves Loved? It would be asking for what she does not have. We already know that the creature has nothing by herself, therefore We must enclose Our Love, Our Will, as within a Sanctuary in order to ask that she Love Us and do Our Volition. And if We ask, it is because We know that she has Our Love, and Our Volition—that We Ourselves had placed in the depth of her soul—in her power. …”
Divine Will for every day of the year - February 28, 1899 Volume 2
By order of the confessor I begin to write what passes between me and Our Lord, day by day. Year 1899, month of February, day 28.
I confess the truth, I feel great repugnance; the effort I have to make in order to conquer myself is so great that the Lord alone can know the torture of my soul. But, oh holy obedience, what a powerful bond you are! You alone could win over me, and surpassing all my repugnance, almost impassable mountains, you bind me to the Will of God and of the confessor. But, please, O Holy Spouse, as great as my sacrifice is, so much help do I need; I want nothing but that You hold me in your arms and sustain me. In this way, assisted by You, I will be able to say only the truth, only for your glory, and to my confusion.
This morning, since the confessor celebrated Mass, I also received Communion. My mind was in a sea of confusion because of this obedience that the confessor gave me, to write everything that passes in my interior. As I received Jesus, I began to tell Him of my pains, especially my insufficiency, and many other things. But Jesus did not seem to care about this thing of mine, and did not answer to anything. A light came to my mind, and I said: “Who knows whether I myself am the cause for which Jesus is not showing Himself as usual.” So, with all my heart, I said to Him: “O please! My Good and my All, don’t show Yourself so indifferent with me – You make my heart split with pain. If it is because of the writing – let it be, let it be, even if it cost me the sacrifice of my life, I promise I will do it!” Then Jesus changed appearance and, all benign, He told me: “What do you fear? Have I not assisted you the other times? My Light will surround you everywhere, and so you will be able to manifest it.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - February 27, 1900 Volume 3
… Then, later, after I received Communion He came back and transported me outside of myself. I could see many people, and Jesus told me: “Tell them, tell them that great is the evil they do by murmuring about one another. They draw My indignation, and with justice, because I see that while they are subject to the same miseries and weaknesses, they do nothing but raise tribunals against one another. If they do this among themselves, what should I, who am Pure and Holy, do with them? According to the charity which they exercise toward one another, so do I feel drawn to use mercy with them.” Jesus was saying this to me, and I repeated it to those people; and then we withdrew.
Divine Will for every day of the year - February 26, 1927 Volume 21
[Jesus speaking[
“…Now, My daughter, My Will makes Its exposition in the sun; and just as My Will has the veils of the Host that conceal My Life, so does It have the veils of the light that conceal It in the sun. Yet, who makes a genuflection, who sends a kiss of adoration, who says a ‘thank You’ to My Will exposed in the sun? No one. What ingratitude! And yet, in spite of this, It does not stop; It is always stable in doing good. Within Its veils of light, It follows the steps of man, It invests his actions; whatever path he may take, Its light makes Itself found in front of him and behind him, carrying him as though in triumph within Its womb of light in order to do good to him—disposed to do good to him and to give him light, even if he did not want It.
“Oh! Will of Mine, how invincible, lovable, admirable You are—immutable in good, untiring, without ever drawing back. See the great difference between the exposition of the Eucharist and what My Will Itself makes, in a continuous act, in created things: in that of the Eucharist, man must put himself out, he has to go himself, draw near It, and dispose himself to receive the good; otherwise he receives nothing. On the other hand, in the exposition of My Will in created things, it is My Will that goes to man, that puts Itself out; and even if he is not disposed, My Will gives in abundance, and drowns him with Its Goods. Yet, there is no one who adores My Eternal Will in Its many expositions.
“It makes Its exposition in the sea; and while, in the sun, symbol of the Eucharist, It gives Its light, Its heat, It gives innumerable goods—but always in silence: It never says a word, It never gives a reproach, no matter how many horrendous evils It may see—in the sea instead, in the veils of the water, It makes Its exposition in a different way. It seems to speak while forming Its murmuring within the veils of the water; It strikes fear in its tumultuous billows and in the roaring waves; such that, if It invests ships and people, It buries them in the depth of the sea, and no one can resist it. My Will in the sea makes the exposition of Its power, and speaks in the murmuring; It speaks in the billows, It speaks in the gigantic waves, calling man to love It and to fear It. And in seeing Itself not listened to, It makes the exposition of Divine Justice, and changing those veils into storm, It hurls Itself at man, inexorably.
“Oh! if creatures paid attention to all the expositions that My Will makes in the whole Creation, they should remain always in act of adoration—to adore My Will exposed in the flowery fields, in which It spreads Its fragrances; in the trees loaded with fruits, in which It spreads the variety of Its sweetnesses. There is not one created thing in which It does not make Its Divine and special exposition; and since creatures do not pay to It the due honors, it is your task to maintain the perpetual adoration of the expositions that the Supreme Fiat makes in the whole Creation. You, My daughter, are she who offers herself as the perpetual adorer of this Will with no adorer and no requital of love on the part of creatures.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - February 25, 1928 Volume 23
[Jesus speaking]
“…Now, what the heart is for the human life, and the thought for the soul, My Divine Will is in each creature. It is like center of life, and from Its incessant and Eternal Heartbeat, It palpitates and the creature thinks, palpitates and speaks, walks and operates. But creatures not only do not think about It, but suffocate It; they suffocate Its Light, Its Sanctity, Its Peace, the upright Operating, the just and holy Speaking; and some of them suffocate It so much as to render themselves the suicides of their souls.
“And My Will, in the low world, is like a king without kingdom and without people; and creatures live as if they had no king, no Divine Life, no regime, because the king of their heartbeat, for their nature, and the king of their thought, for their souls, is missing. And since, because of Its Immensity, It envelops everything and everyone, It is forced to live as though suffocated within Itself, because there is no one who receives Its Life, Its Attitude, Its Regime.
“But It wants to form Its Kingdom on earth, It wants to have Its chosen and faithful people; and therefore, even though It is present in the midst of creatures and lives unknown and suffocated, It does not stop, It does not depart for Its Celestial Regions, but persists in remaining in their midst to make Itself known. It would want to make everyone know the good It wants to do, Its Celestial Laws, Its Insuperable Love, Its Heartbeat that palpitates Light, Sanctity, Love, Gifts, Peace, Happiness; and such does It want the children of Its Kingdom.
“And this is the reason for Its Life in you, for Its Knowledges—to make known what Divine Will means. And I enjoy and remain hidden in My very Will, to give It all the field and the carrying out of Its Life in you.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - February 24, 1912 Volume 11
After I saw several souls around Jesus, especially one who was more sensitive, Jesus told me: “My daughter, if the souls with sensitive temperament start doing good, they make more progress than the others, because their sensitivity leads them to great and arduous enterprises.” I prayed that He would take those remains of human sensitivity away from that soul, and that He would squeeze her more to Himself and tell her that He loved her, for He would conquer her completely, as soon as she heard that He loved her... “You will see that You will succeed. Did You not conquer me in this way, telling me that You love me very, very much?” And Jesus: “Yes, yes, I will do it, but I want her cooperation — that she will escape as much as she can from the people who excite her sensitivity.”
So I added: “My Love, tell me, what is your temperament?” And Jesus: “One who lives in My Will loses her temperament and acquires Mine. So, the soul who lives in My Will finds in herself a pleasant, attractive, penetrating, dignified temperament, and altogether simple — a child-like simplicity; in sum, she looks like Me in everything. Even more, she keeps her temperament within her power as she wants and as it’s needed. Since she lives in My Will, she takes part in My Power, so she keeps at her disposal all things, and herself. According to the circumstances and to the people she deals with, she takes My temperament and applies it.” …
Divine Will for every day of the year - February 23, 1900 Volume 3
This morning, after I had almost lost the hope that blessed Jesus would come, all of a sudden He came and renewed in me the pains of the crucifixion; and He told me: “The time has come, the end is approaching, but the hour is uncertain.” And I, without paying attention to the meaning of the words He spoke, remained in doubt about whether I should apply them to my complete crucifixion or to the chastisements. So I said to Him: “Lord, how I fear that my state may not be Will of God!” And He: “The surest sign in order to know whether a state is My Will is when one feels the strength to sustain that state.” And I: “If it were Your Will, this change — that You do not come as before — would not happen.”
And He: “When a person becomes intimate with a family, one no longer uses those formalities, those regards which were used before, when he was a stranger. So I do. But nevertheless, this is not a sign that it is not the will of that family to have that person with them, or that they no longer love him as before. Therefore, be at peace, let Me do — do not want to rack your brains or trouble the peace of your heart. At the appropriate time you will know My Working.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - February 22, 1921 Volume 12
I was in my usual state, and my sweet Jesus was all silent. I said to Him: “My Love, why are You not saying anything to me?” And Jesus: “My daughter, it is My usual way to remain silent after having spoken. I want to rest in My own Word - that is, in the very Work that came out from Me. I did this in the Creation: after I said, ‘FIAT LUX’, and light came to be — ‘FIAT’ to all the other things, and things came to life, I wanted to rest, and My Eternal Light rested in the light delivered in time. My Love rested in the love with which I invested the whole of Creation; My Beauty rested in the whole universe, which I molded after My own Beauty. My Wisdom and My Power rested as well, with which I ordered everything, with such Wisdom and Power that, in looking, I Myself said: ‘How beautiful is the Work that came out from Me — I want to rest in It.’ I do the same with souls: after I have spoken, I want to rest and enjoy the effects of My Word.”
After this, He added: “Let us say ‘FIAT’ together.” And everything — Heaven and earth — was filled with adoration to the Supreme Majesty. Then, again, He repeated, “FIAT,” and the Blood, the wounds and the pains of Jesus arose and multiplied to infinity. And then, for the third time, “FIAT,” and this FIAT multiplied in all the wills of creatures to sanctify them. Then, He said to me: “My daughter these three FIATs are the Creating, the Redeeming, and the Sanctifying FIAT. In creating man, I endowed him with three powers — intellect, memory and will; and with three FIATs will I accomplish the work of sanctification of man.
“At the Creating FIAT, the intellect of man remains as though enraptured. How many things he understands about Me and about My Love for him, as I am hidden inside all created things in order to make Myself known, and to give him Love so as to be loved. In the FIAT of Redemption, his memory remains as though enchanted by the excesses of My Love in suffering so much in order to help and save man in the state of sin. In the third FIAT, My Love wants to display even more. I want to assail the human will; I want to place My own Will as support of his will, so that the human will may remain not only enraptured and enchanted, but sustained by an Eternal Will. And as My Will becomes his support in everything, man will almost be unable to escape It.
"The generations will not end until My Will Reigns upon earth. My Redeeming FIAT will place Itself in the middle, between the Creating FIAT and the Sanctifying FIAT. They will interweave, all three together, and will accomplish the Sanctification of man. The third FIAT will give such grace to the creature as to make him return almost to the state of origin; and only then, when I see man just as he came out from Me, will My Work be complete, and I will take My perpetual rest in the last FIAT. Only the life in My Volition will give back to man his state of origin. Therefore, be attentive, and together with Me, help Me to complete the sanctification of the creature.”
On hearing this, I said: “Jesus, My Love, I not able to do as You do, nor as You teach Me; and I am almost afraid of your reproaches if I don’t do well whatever You want from me.” And He, all goodness: “I too know that you cannot do perfectly what I tell you, but wherever you cannot reach, I will make up for you. However, it is necessary that I attract you, and that you understand what you must do, so that, even if you cannot do everything, you may do what you can. And as I speak to you, your will remains chained with Mine; you would like to do what I tell you, and I consider this as if you did everything.” And I: “How can this way of living in the Divine Will be spread and taught to others — and who will be disposed?” And Jesus: “My daughter, even if nobody had been saved with My Descent upon earth, the work of glorifying the Father would already be complete. The same now: even if no one wanted to receive this gift — which will not be — you alone will be enough, and you will give Me the complete glory which I want from all creatures.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - February 21, 1900 Volume 3
This morning my lovable Jesus began to make His usual delays. May He be always blessed, for He always starts from the beginning! Indeed it takes the patience of a saint to bear Him; and one would have to deal with Jesus to see how much patience it takes! One who has not experienced it, cannot believe it, and it is almost impossible not to have a few huffs with Him.
Then, after being patient in waiting and waiting for Him, finally He came and told me: “My daughter, the gift of Purity is not a natural gift, but an attained grace; and it is obtained by rendering oneself worthy of sympathy. The soul becomes so through mortifications and through sufferings. Oh, how worthy of sympathy becomes the mortified and suffering soul! Oh, how striking she is! And I feel such sympathy as to go mad for her, and whatever she wants, I give to her. When you are deprived of Me, suffer My privation for love of Me, which is the most painful suffering for you, and I will feel more sympathy than before, and will grant you new gifts.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - February 20, 1928 Volume 23
… After this, I continued along my round in the Divine Will, and as I united myself to the Unity that my first father Adam possessed before sinning, my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, you have not comprehended well what Unity means. Unity means centralization and origin of all the acts of creatures, past, present and future. So, before sinning, when he possessed Our Unity, Adam enclosed within his thoughts the Unity of all the thoughts of creatures, the Unity of all words, works and steps. Therefore, I would find in him, in My Unity, the origin, the continuation and the end of all the acts of the human generations.
“In My Unity, he enclosed everyone and possessed everything. So, My daughter, as you rise to that same Unity that he left, you take his place; and placing yourself in the origin of everyone and of everything, you enclose within yourself the very acts of Adam, with the whole retinue of all the acts of creatures. To live in My Will means: ‘I am the origin of all, from me descends everything, just as everything descends from the Divine Fiat. So, I am the thought, the word, the work and the step of all; I take everything, and everything I bring to My Creator.’
“It is understood that Adam was supposed to possess and enclose everyone, had he not withdrawn from Our Will and had he always lived in Our Unity; and if it were so, the human generations would all have lived in Our Will. So, one would have been the Will, one the Unity, one the echo of all, placing everything in common, so that each one would have enclosed everything within himself.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - February 19, 1927 Volume 20
I was following my flight in the Divine Fiat, and my sweet Jesus made Himself seen coming out from within my interior, braiding His hands together with mine - inviting me to fight with Him. I was so very little, and I did not feel capable and strong to fight with Him; more so, since a voice came out from a light, which said: “She is too little – how can she win this fight?”
And Jesus answered: “It is exactly because she is little that she can win, because all the strength is in littleness.”
I was discouraged, nor did I dare to fight with Jesus; and He, inciting me to fight, told me: “My daughter, courage, try — if you win, you will win the Kingdom of My Will; nor should you stop because you are little. In fact, I have placed all the strength of created things at your disposal; so, together with you fights all the strength contained in the heavens, in the sun, in the water, in the wind, in the sea. All of them wage battle against Me. They do it with Me, to make Me surrender the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat; and they do it with the creatures, with the weapons which each created thing has in its power, to make them surrender into recognizing My Will, so that creatures may let It Reign as they themselves let It Reign. Wanting to win, they all have placed themselves as though in order for battle; and in seeing that the creatures resist, wanting to win by force — because they have with them the strength of that Will which animates them and dominates them — with the weapons they possess, they knock down people and cities, with such authority that no one can resist them. You cannot comprehend all of the strength and power that all the elements contain; it is such that, if My Will did not keep them restrained continuously, the battle would be so fierce that they would make a heap of the earth.
“Now, their strength is also yours; therefore, you — go around in their midst to put them in order for battle. Let your acts, your continuous asking for the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, call all Creation to attention; and My Will, moving within It, places all of Its Acts in Royal Office in order to give and to win Its Kingdom in the midst of creatures. It is My Volition Itself that fights — that wages battle against My very Will for the Triumph of Its Kingdom. So, your fight is animated by It, whose strength is sufficient and irresistible in order to win. Therefore, please fight and you will win; and then, to fight in order to win the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat is the holiest fight that can exist; it is the most just and rightful battle that can be fought. This is so true, that My Will Itself, when It formed the Creation, began this battle and this fight; and only then will It surrender, when It wins completely.
“But do you want to know when you fight with Me and I with you? I fight when I manifest to you the knowledges about My Eternal Fiat. So, each saying, each knowledge, each simile about It is one fight and one battle that I make with you in order to win your will, put it at its place, created by Us, and call it, almost by dint of fighting, into the order of the Kingdom of My Divine Will; and as I do it with you in order to subdue your will, I start it in the midst of creatures. I fight with you when I teach you the path which you must follow, what you have to do in order to live in My Kingdom, and the Happiness, the Joys, you will possess. In sum, I fight by dint of Light, which My Knowledges contain; I fight by dint of Love and by the most touching examples, in such a way that you cannot resist My Fight. I fight by means of promises of endless Happiness and Joy. My fight is persistent, nor do I ever become tired – but to win what? Your will, and in yours, those who will recognize Mine in order to live in My Kingdom. And you fight with Me when you receive My Knowledges, and placing them in order in your soul, you form the Kingdom of My Supreme Fiat in you; and fighting against Me, you try to win My Kingdom. Each one of your acts done in My Will is a fight that you make with Me. In each round you do through all created things, to unite yourself to all the Acts My Will does in all Creation, you call all Creation to wage battle in order to win My Kingdom, moving My very Will, dominating in all created things, to wage battle against My Will Itself in order to establish Its Kingdom. …”
Divine Will for every day of the year - February 18, 1924 Volume 16
I was fusing myself in the Divine Will according to my usual way, in order to find all created things and to be able to give my love in return, for myself and for all. Now, as I was doing this, I thought to myself: “My Jesus says that He has created everything for love of me and for love of each one. But how can this be if many created things I don’t even know? So many fishes that dart in the sea, so many birds that fly in the air, so many plants, so many flowers, such great variety of beauty contained in the whole universe – who knows them? Just a little number of them. Therefore, if I don’t even know them – especially I, who have been confined in a bed for years and years – how can He say that all created things have the mark and the seal of His “I love you” for me?”
Now, while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior, in the act of pricking up His ears in order to listen to me, and told me: “Yet, My daughter, it is true that each created thing has a distinct love for you. It is also true that you do not know them all, but this says nothing; on the contrary, it reveals to you My Love even more, and tells you in clear notes that My ‘I love you’ for you is both near and far from you, both hidden and unveiled. I do not act like the creatures, who, when they are close, are all love, but as soon as they move away, they become cold and are no longer able to love. My Love is stable and fixed; it is near as much as it is far, hidden and secret. It has one single sound, never interrupted: ‘I love you…'
“See, you know the light of the sun, it is true. Indeed you receive its light and its heat as much as you want; but more light overshoots you - so much as to fill the whole earth. If you wanted more light, the sun would give it to you – even all of it. Now, all the light of the sun tells you My 'I love you,’ from near and from afar. Even more, as it goes throughout the earth, it carries for you the little sonata of My 'I love you.’ Yet, you know neither the paths that the light covers, nor the lands it illuminates, nor the people who enjoy the beneficial influence of the sun’s rays. But even though you do not know everything that the light does, you are in that same light, and if you do not take it all, it is because you lack the capacity of being able to absorb it within you. Just because of this, you cannot say that all the light of the sun does not tell you, ‘I love you.’ On the contrary, it makes a greater display of love, because as it is invading the earth, it is narrating My ‘I love you’ to all. The same thing for all the drops of water. You cannot drink them all, and enclose them within you; but just because of this you cannot say that they do not tell you My 'I love you.’
"Therefore, all created things, whether they are known or not – all of them — have the mark of My “I love you”, because all of them serve the harmony of the Universe, the decorum of Creation, the mastery of Our Creative Hand. …”
Divine Will for every day of the year - February 17, 1922 Volume 14
[Jesus speaking]
"… My Love is that which comes closest to man - even more, It is the cradle in which he was born, although everything is in harmony in My Divinity, just as the members are in full harmony with the body. Even though the intelligence takes on the directing role, in which the will of man resides, if he does not want, one can say that the eye does not see, the hand does not work, the foot does not walk. On the other hand, if he wants, the eye sees, the hand works, the foot runs - all members place themselves in accord. The same with My Divinity: My Will takes on the directing role, and all the other attributes place themselves in full harmony in order to follow what My Will wants. Therefore, Wisdom, Power, Science, Goodness, etc., concur. And since all of MyAttributes, although distinct among themselves, live in the fount of Love and overflow with Love, this is why, while it is Love that runs, acts and gives Itself, all of My other Attributes concur with It.
“Furthermore, that which is most necessary to man is Love. Love is like bread for the natural life. One can do without science, power, wisdom, or at most, these are things which one wants in time and circumstance. But what would one say if I had created man and did not Love him? Besides, why create him if I were not to Love him? It would be a dishonor for Me, and a work unworthy of Me, who can do no other thing but Love. And what would happen to man if he did not have an origin of Love and could not love? He would a brute, and unworthy even to be looked at. Therefore, Love must run in everything. Love should run in all the human actions, just as the image of the king circulates in the currency of a kingdom; and if the coins are not marked with the image of the king, they are not recognized as currency. In the same way, if Love does not run in a work, it is not recognized as My Work.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - February 16, 1921 Volume 12
While I was thinking about the Holy Divine Volition, my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, there are neither paths nor doors nor keys to enter My Will, because My Will is everywhere. It flows under one’s feet, on the right, on the left, above one’s head — everywhere. The creature must nothing but remove the little stone of her own will, which, though being in My Will, does not take part in, nor does it enjoy Its effects, becoming like a stranger in My Volition. In fact, it is as if the little stone of her will prevented the water from flowing from the shore so as to run somewhere else — the stones are blocking it. But if the soul removes the little stone of her will, at that very instant, she flows into Me, and I into her; she finds all My Goods at her disposal: strength, light, help — whatever she wants. This is why there are no paths, no doors and no keys: it is enough for her to want it, and all is done. My Will takes charge of everything, providing her with all that she lacks, and making her wander within the interminable boundaries of My Will. It is completely the opposite for the other virtues: how many efforts are needed, how many fights, how many long paths! And while it seems that the virtue is smiling at her, one passion — a little violent, one temptation, one unexpected encounter, push her back to the beginning of the path.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - February 15, 1925 Volume 17
“… Imagine a sea, when the waves rise up so powerful and high that their power transports also the fish — up high, in such a way that they can be seen within those waves, lifted by the power of the storm, which makes them come out from the depths of the sea — from their ordinary dwelling, to rise up together with the waves. The waves have overwhelmed them, and they have not been able to resist their power; while, without the power of the stormy waves, they do not know how to go out of their harbor. Oh, if the sea had a limitless power, it would make all the water overflow from its boundaries, forming gigantic waves; and all the fish, overwhelmed by them, would all come out.
“But what the sea cannot do, because it is limited in its power, My Will does. As It makes the acts of the soul Its own, by Operating in her, It forms Its Eternal Waves in her; and in these Waves It overwhelms everything. In these Waves, one can see all that My Humanity did, the works of My Celestial Mama, those of all saints, and everything that the very Divinity did. Everything is placed in motion. My Will is more than sea; Our Works and those of the saints can be symbolized by the fish which live in the sea.
“When My Will Operates in the soul, and also outside of the soul, everything which is contained in It, moves, rises, and all the works place themselves in order, to repeat for Us glory, love, adoration. They pass before Us, as though in a parade, saying to Us: ‘We are Your Works. Great and Powerful You are, because You made us so beautiful.’
“My Will encloses all that is beautiful and good, and when It operates, It leaves nothing behind, so that not one act may be missing of all that is Ours, and so that Our Glory may be complete. And there is nothing to be surprised about, because it is the Eternal Work to be carried out in the soul. Therefore, the Work of Our Will can be called Eternal Wave which overwhelms Heaven and earth as though in one single point, and then It diffuses upon all, as bearer of a Divine Act, which contains all Divine Acts within Itself. Oh, how the Heavens delight when they see the Eternal Will Operate in the soul! Because, since their works are confirmed in the Divine Will, they see their works flow in that Divine Act, and they feel their glory, happiness and joys, being redoubled.
"This is why, since you are the Little Daughter of My Supreme Volition, I recommend to you – in each one of your acts, abandon yourself prey to the Eternal Waves of My Will, so that, as these Waves reach the foot of Our Throne in Heaven, We may confirm you more and more as the true daughter of Our Will, and We may grant you concession of Grace for your brothers and Our children.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - February 14, 1938 Volume 35
[Jesus speaking]
“… My Volition never stops. It is satisfied only when It sees that Its Act has filled everything; then, It carries along with Itself—as a Triumph—the creature who gave It the freedom to Operate in her act, to make It known and be Loved by all. These are Our Feasts—Our Pure Joys of Creation: to be able to place Ourselves in the creature, as if We wanted to duplicate Our Power, Immensity, Love and Glory to the Infinite, within the human act of the creature. And there’s no wonder about it—Our Divine Will is everywhere; therefore, Our Acts that animate the acts of the creatures fly, taking shelter inside Our Volition, even in the most tiny hiding places in which My Will is present. These Acts serve Us as a return of Love for the whole of Creation, as the sweetest of company—as narrators of Our Supreme Being. Therefore, Our Love is Exuberant for the one who wants to live in our Fiat. We are all eyes over her—almost spying—to see when she gives Us her act; to let Our Creative Virtue Operate in it. This creature is for Us the show of Our Love—the activity of Our Power; and she becomes the Repeater of Our own Life. …”