Divine Will for every day of the year - September 22, 1924 Volume 17

I continue: while I was writing what is written above, I saw my sweet Jesus placing His mouth at the point of my heart, and feeding me the words I was writing. At the same time, I heard a horrible din from afar, as if people were beating each other, and roaring with such clamor as to strike fear. And I, turning to my Jesus, said to Him: “My Jesus, my Love, who is making all this din? They sound like furious demons. What is the matter, that they rage so much?”

And Jesus: "My daughter, it really is them. They would want you not to write about My Will, and when they see you write more important Truths on living in My Will, they suffer a double hell and they torment the damned even more. They fear so much that these writings on My Will be manifested because they see that they lose their kingdom upon earth, which they acquired when man, withdrawing from the Divine Will, gave free step to his own human will… Ah, yes, it was exactly then that the enemy acquired his kingdom on earth; and if My Will reigns upon earth, My enemy, by himself, will shut himself up into the deepest abysses. This is why they wrestle with so much fury: they feel the Power of My Will in these writings, and at the mere thought that they may be manifested, they fly into a rage and try anything they can in order to hamper a good so great. You, however, do not pay attention to them, and learn from this to appreciate My Teachings."

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 21, 1913 Volume 11

This morning my always adorable Jesus made Himself seen with unspeakable sweetness and affability, as if He wanted to tellme something very dear to Him and very surprising for me. So, hugging me and pressing me to His Heart, He told me: "My beloved daughter, all the things that the soul does in My Will and together with Me - prayers, actions, steps, etc. - acquire My same qualities, the same Life and the same value. See, all the things that I did upon earth - prayers, sufferings, works — are all in action, and will remain in eternity for the good of whoever wants them. My work differs from the work of the creatures. Containing within Myself the Creative Power, I speak and I create, just as one day I spoke and created the Sun. It is as if this Sun, which is always full of light and heat that never decreases, remained in the act of receiving continuous creation from Me. Such was My work on earth. Since I contain the Creative Power within Me, the Prayers, the Steps, the Works which I did, and the Blood which I shed remain in Continuous Act of praying, working, walking, etc., just as the Sun is in continuous act of giving light. Therefore, My prayers continue, My steps are always in the act of running after souls; and so on with the rest. Otherwise, what would be the great difference between My Work and the work of My Saints?

“Now, My daughter, listen to a beautiful — beautiful thing, not yet understood by creatures: all the things that the soul does together with Me and in My Will are like my own things; and they remain as her own. The connection of My Will and the work done together with Me participate in My same Creative Power." I remained ecstatic, with a joy that I could not contain, and I said: “Is all this possible, O Jesus?” And He: "Whoever does not understand this can say that he does not know Me." And He disappeared. But I cannot say it well, and I don’t know how to explain myself better. Who can tell all that He made me understand? Rather, it seems to me that I’ve just said nonsense.

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 20, 1913 Volume 11

I was thinking about my current state — how little or nothing I suffer. And Jesus, immediately: "My daughter, everything which happens around and inside the soul — bitterness, pleasures, contrasts, deaths, privations, contentments, and other things — is nothing other than my continuous crafting in order to have My Will fulfilled and accomplished in her. When I obtain this, all is done and, consequently, all is peace. It seems that even suffering wants to stay away from that soul, in seeing that the Divine Volition is more than suffering itself, and that It replaces everything within the soul, surpassing everything. It seems that all things revere My Will. And when the soul reaches this point — of using everything in order to let Me accomplish the crafting of My Volition — once this is done, I Myself prepare her for Heaven."

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 19, 1900 Volume 4

As the spasm of pain doubled more and more, I would have wanted to hide it so that no one would notice it, and I would have wanted to keep it secret, without opening up with the confessor about the things I have said above. But the spasm was so strong that it was impossible for me to do it, and the confessor, making use if his usual weapon of obedience, commanded me to manifest everything to him. Then, after I manifested everything to him, he told me that out of obedience I was to pray the Lord to free me, otherwise I would be committing sin. What a kind of obedience! – she is always the one who comes across my designs. So, unwillingly, I accepted this new obedience, but in spite of this I did not have the heart to pray the Lord to free me of a friend so dear, which is suffering; more so, since I was hoping to go out of the exile of this life.

Blessed Jesus tolerated me, and on coming, He said to me: "You suffer very much, do you want Me to free you?" And I, forgetting for a moment about the obedience, said: “No Lord, no, do not free me – I want to come. Besides, You know that I don’t know how to love You, I am cold, I don’t do great things for You – at least I offer You this suffering to satisfy for what I am unable to do for love of You.” And He: “And I, My daughter, will infuse so much Love and so much Grace in you, that no one may be able to love Me and desire Me as you do. Aren’t you happy?"

“Yes, but I want to come.” Jesus disappeared, and as I returned inside myself I remembered about the obedience received, and I had to accuse myself before the confessor, who commanded that he absolutely did not want me to go, and that the Lord should free me. What pain I felt in receiving this obedience! It really seems that she wants to touch the extremes of my patience.

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 18, 1906 Volume 7

After struggling very much, I was feeling all oppressed and almost a little disturbed, thinking about why my adorable Jesus was not coming. Then, He came in passing and told me: "My daughter, peace is light for the soul, light for her neighbor, and light for God. Therefore, a soul who is at peace is always light, and being light, she is always united to the Eternal Light from which she draws ever new Light so as to be able to give light to others also. So, if you want ever New Light, be at peace."

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 17, 1926 Volume 20

… I felt all invested by the Supreme Volition, that, drawing me into Its Immense Light, made me see the order of Creation—how each thing remained at the place assigned by its Creator. My mind wandered and was enraptured at seeing the order, the harmony, the magnificence, the beauty of the whole Creation; and my sweet Jesus, who was with me, told me: “My daughter, everything that came out of Our Creative Hands, each created thing, was assigned its place and its distinct office, and all of them remain at their place, magnifying with incessant praises that Eternal Fiat that dominates them, preserves them, and gives them new life. So, their preserving themselves ever beautiful, whole and new, is the motion of the Supreme Fiat dominating in them.

“Man also was assigned his place, his office of sovereign over all created things; with the difference that, while all other things created by Us remained just as God had created them—without ever changing, neither increasing nor decreasing—My Will, giving man supremacy over all the Works of Our Hands, and wanting to show off even more with him in love, gave him the office to grow continuously in beauty, in sanctity, in wisdom, in richness, to the point of raising him to the Likeness of his Creator—always provided, however, that he would let himself be dominated and guided, to give the Supreme Fiat free field in order to form Its Divine Life in him, so as to be able to form this continuous growth of goods and of beauty, with happiness without end. …”

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 16, 1906 Volume 7

As the confessor told me that Monsignor did not want people to come visit me, so that I might not be distracted, I said to him: “You have given this obedience more than once, but it is never sorted out — it is done for a little while, and then things go back as before; while if you give me the obedience not to speak any more, my silence would drive everyone away.” Now, having received Communion, I said to the Lord: “If it pleases You, I would like to know how things are in your sight. You know the state of violence in which I find myself when I am with creatures, because with You alone I feel comfortable. I cannot understand why they want to come. I show myself rustic; I use no means to attract them, but rather, unpleasant manners. Why they want to come – I don’t know. Oh, Heavens grant that I may remain alone!”

At that moment He said to me: "My daughter, the sheer Truth, naked and simple, is the most powerful magnet to draw hearts and to dispose them to face any sacrifice for love of the Truth and of the people who reveal this Truth. Who disposed the Martyrs to shed their blood? The Truth. Who gave to many other Saints the strength to conduct a pure and unblemished life in the midst of so many battles? The Truth — and a naked, simple and disinterested Truth. This is why creatures want to come to you. Ah, my daughter, in these sad times, how hard it is to find someone who would manifest this naked Truth, even among the clergy, the religious, and devout people! Their speaking and operating always nurses something human, of interest or other things, and the Truth is manifested as though covered or veiled. So, the person who receives is not touched by the naked Truth, but by the interest or the other human purpose in which the Truth has been wrapped, and he does not receive the Grace and the influence which the Truth contains. This is why so many Sacraments, so many Confessions, are wasted, profaned and without fruit, even though I do not abstain from giving them Light. But they do not listen to Me, because they think to themselves that if they did so, they would lose their prestige, their being well liked, their nature would no longer find satisfaction, and they would go against their own interests. But – oh, how they deceive themselves! In fact, one who leaves everything for love of the Truth will superabound in everything more profusely than others. Therefore, as much as you can, do not neglect to manifest this naked and simple Truth – it is understood, always complying to the obedience of the one who directs you; but as the opportunity arises, manifest the Truth."

All that regards charity I have said in a veiled manner, and since obedience had told me to write everything in detail, I had the impression as if I had not obeyed. As I asked Our Lord, He told me that it was fine as it was, because one who finds himself in those defects, would understand.

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 15, 1929 Volume 26

… After this, I continued to cross the endless Sea of the Divine Fiat, and as I emitted my little acts in the Eternal Volition, many germs formed in my soul; and the seed of these germs was of Light of Divine Will—varied with many colors, but all animated with Light. And my sweet Jesus, making Himself seen, was breathing on those germs, one by one; and as He breathed on them, those germs would grow so much as to touch the Divine Immensity. I remained surprised in seeing the goodness of my Highest Good, Jesus, taking those germs in His Most holy Hands, with so much Love, in order to breathe on them, and then placing them all in order in my soul.

And looking at me with love, He told me: “My daughter, wherever there is the Creative Force of My Divine Will, My Divine Breath has the Power to render the acts of the creature immense. In fact, as the creature operates in My Fiat, the Creative Force enters her act, placing in it the fount of the Divine Immensity; and the little act of the creature converts, one into fount of light, another into fount of love, others into founts of goodness, of beauty, of sanctity. In sum, the more acts she does, the more Divine founts she acquires; and they grow so much, as to spread within the Immensity of her Creator.

“It happens as to the yeast, that has the virtue of fermenting the flour, as long as, in forming the bread, one puts in it the little yeast as the germ of fermentation. But if one does not put the yeast, even though the flour is the same, the bread will never come out leavened, but unleavened. Such is My Divine Will—more than yeast that casts the Divine Fermentation into the human act; and the human act becomes Divine Act. And when I find the germ of My Divine Will in the act of the creature, I delight in breathing on her act, and I raise it so much as to render it immense; more so, since We can call that act ‘Our Act’—‘Our Will operating in the creature.’”

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 14, 1901 Volume 4

After going through various days of privation, today, as I was about to do my meditation, my mind was distracted in something else, and by means of light I comprehended that in going out of the body, the soul enters into God; but since God is Most Pure Love, only when the soul is a complex of love — then does she enter into God. In fact, God receives no one into Himself if she is not completely similar to Him, and on finding her similar, He receives her and shares all of His Qualities with her. So, we shall be in God beyond the Heavens, just as we are inside our rooms here. Now, it seemed to me that this could be done also during the course of our lives, so as to spare the fire of Purgatory the toil, and ourselves the pain, and therefore be introduced immediately, with no interruption, into our highest Good, God. It seemed to me that the nourishment of fire is wood, and the sign to be sure that the wood is reduced to fire is that it no longer produces smoke. Now, the beginning and the end of all our actions must be the fire of the Love of God; the wood which must nourish this fire is the crosses, the mortifications; the smoke that rises in the midst of wood and fire is the passions, the inclinations which often peep out. So, the sign that everything is consumed into fire within us is that our passions remain in their place, and we no longer feel inclination toward all that does not regard God. It seems that, with this, we will pass freely, with no obstacle, to dwell inside our God, and we will come to enjoy, even here below, Paradise in advance.

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 13, 1926 Volume 19

[Jesus speaking]

“… Now, who until now has ever prayed with interest, with insistence, laying down the sacrifice of his own life so that the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat may come upon earth, and may triumph and dominate? No one. It is true that the Church has been reciting the ‘Our Father’ from the time I came upon earth, in which one asks, ‘Thy Kingdom come’, so that My Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, but who thinks about the request they make? It can be said that the whole importance of such a request remained in My Will and that creatures recite it just to recite it, without understanding and without any interest in obtaining what they ask for. Therefore, My daughter, everything is hidden in secret while one lives on earth, and therefore everything seems a mystery; and if anything is known it is so limited, that man has always something to say about all that I operate in My Works through the veils of creatures. They reach the point of saying: ‘And why have this good and these knowledges not been given before, while there have been so many great Saints?’ But in eternity there will be no secrets, I will reveal everything, and will show all things and My Works with Justice, and how Justice could never have given, had there not been sufficient acts in the creature to be able to give what the Supreme Majesty wants to give. It is true that everything that the creature does is My Grace, but My Grace itself wants to find the prop of the dispositions and good will of the creature. Therefore, in order to restore the Kingdom of My Will upon earth it takes sufficient acts of the creature, so that My Kingdom may not remain in the air, but may descend, to be formed upon the very acts of the creature formed by her to obtain a good so great.

“This is why I push you so much to go around in all Our Works – Creation and Redemption – so that you may place the share of your acts, your ‘I love You,’ your adoration, your gratitude, your ‘thank You’ upon all Our Works. Many times I have done this together with you; and then, as the fulfillment, after your round in Our Will comes your refrain, so pleasing to Us: ‘Supreme Majesty, your little daughter comes before You, on your paternal knees, to ask You for Your Fiat, your Kingdom, that It be known by all. I ask You for the Triumph of Your Will, that It may dominate and reign over all. I am not the only one who asks this of You, but with me are Your Works and Your very Will. Therefore, in the name of all, I ask – I plead for your Fiat.’ If you knew what a breach in Our Supreme Being is this refrain of yours! We feel We are being prayed by all Our Works, beseeched by Our very Will; Heaven and earth pray on their knees to ask Us for the Kingdom of the Eternal Will. Therefore, if You want It, continue your acts, so that, by reaching the established number, You may obtain what you long for with so much insistence.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 12, 1931 Volume 29

… After this, I continued to pray before the tabernacle of Love, and in my interior I said to myself: “What do You do, my Love, in this prison of love?”

And Jesus, all goodness, told me: “My daughter, do you want to know what I do? I do My day. You must know that My whole Life, spent down here, I enclose within one day. My day begins by being conceived and being born; the veils of the sacramental accidents serve Me as swaddling clothes for My tender age. And when, because of human ingratitude, they leave Me alone and try to offend Me, I do My exile, left with only the company of some loving soul who, like a second mother, cannot detach herself from Me and keeps Me faithful company.

“From the exile I move on to Nazareth, doing My Hidden Life in the company of those few good who surround Me. And continuing My day, as creatures draw near to receive Me, I do My Public Life, repeating My evangelical scenes, offering to each one My Teachings, the helps, the comforts that are necessary for them; I act as Father, as Teacher, as Doctor, and, if needed, also as Judge. So, I spend My day waiting for all and doing good to all. And—oh! how many times I have to remain alone, without a heart that would palpitate near Me. I feel a desert around Me, and I remain alone—alone praying. I feel the loneliness of My days that I spent in the desert down here, and oh! how painful it is for Me—I, who am heartbeat for all in each heart; jealous, I guard everyone— feeling isolated and abandoned.

“But My day does not end with the sole abandonment; there is not one day that ungrateful souls do not offend Me and receive Me sacrilegiously, and make Me complete My day with My Passion and with My Death on the Cross. Ah! it is sacrilege the most ruthless death that I receive in this Sacrament of Love. So, in this Tabernacle I do My day by carrying out everything I carried out in the thirty-three years of My mortal Life. And just as in everything I did and do, the Prime Purpose, the Prime Act of life, is the Will of My Father—that It be done on earth as It is in Heaven—so in this little Host I do nothing other than implore that one be My Will with My children. And I call you in this Divine Will, in which you find My whole Life in Act; and you, by following it, ruminating it and offering it, unite yourself with Me in My Eucharistic Day, to obtain that My Will be known and Reign upon earth. And so you too will be able to say: ‘I do my day together with Jesus.’”

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 11, 1938 Volume 26

… Then I was following all that the Divine Will did, both in the Creation and in the Redemption, and I found all in Action as if everything wanted to give itself to Me. My sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, everything that has been done by Our Supreme Being is all in Action, as if We were in the Act of doing it for Love of the creatures, since all Our Works were done for them. Now, the creature that enters Our Divine Will finds all the other creatures. All want to give themselves to her, so she, feeling Loved, makes them her own, loving them and loving Us for all the Gifts We give her. In return for each of Our Gifts she would give Us her life in gratitude—in appreciation—and to thank Me for all the things We gave her. So, she feels as if receiving the Gift of the sun, of the starry Heaven, of the sea and wind, of the whole Creation—and more, My Birth, My Tears, My Works, My Steps, My Sufferings and the Love with which I Loved her and I still do. O! how Happy she feels, and making all Our Works and My very Life her own, she Loves Us in the sun and in all other things, with that same Love with which I Created it. She Loves Me in My Birth, in My Tears, in My Steps, in My Pains—in everything. O! how she delights and Glorifies Us, and Our Joy is such that it gives Us the opportunity to Renew Our Works, as if We were Creating them again. So, Our Love Overflows from Us, Investing all with New Love. Our Power is Redoubled to sustain all; Our Wisdom puts all into Order, while Our Creative Work runs through the whole Creation and Redemption to say to the creature: ‘Everything is yours.'

“Every single time you enter into Our Will, recognizing these Gifts and making them yours, you are giving Us the opportunity and the Glory as if We were repeating again all that We have done for Love of the creatures. Our Will is the Repeater of all Our Works. It Repeats Them—Renews Them always in every instant—each time the creature wants to receive Them. And while They give Themselves, They remain at Their place. They give Themselves still remaining. By giving Themselves They lose nothing, rather, They are more Glorified. Therefore be attentive to Live always in Our Will.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 10, 1928 Volume 24

I was following all that the Divine Will had done in Creation and Redemption; I would have wanted to leave not one of Its Acts without my little act, as Its company and perennial homage of glory and of love for a Will so holy.

And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, how content I am that you do not leave My Divine Will isolated in Its so many Works, done not for Itself, as It had no need of it, but only out of Love for the creature. You must know that as you move from one of Our Works to another in order to recognize Our Love in them, to give Us love and glory, We find the requital to Our Love in the one who recognizes Our Works.

“How bitter and sorrowful it is to do good out of Pure Love, and not to be recognized; and when We find one who recognizes Our Works, We feel as though repaid for what We have done, because We gave Love, and love We receive; and to one who lives and operates in Our Divine Will We give freedom to establish many bonds between Heaven and earth, to open many doors of communication, to place many chains so as to make her acts ascend into Heaven, and make many graces descend for the good of all creatures. In fact, these works of Ours—that of Creation and that of Redemption—have been done on the face of the earth, and have the virtue of opening Heaven; and in order to have It opened through them, We make use of one who operates in Our Divine Will.”

And while He was saying this, He showed me many open doors in Heaven, through which many gold chains descended, that bound the earth for as many works as my sweet Jesus had done. …

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 9, 1922 Volume 14

My ever sweet Jesus continues to speak about His Most Holy Will. He showed His Heart opened, from which many rivulets of light came out which wounded all creatures, and forming a net of light, overwhelmed everything. And He began to speak, telling me: "My daughter, in creating the first man I gave start to the creation of mankind; and after I formed his body, with My omnipotent breath I infused in him the soul. And with another breath of Mine, I could say, I infused Myself in the depth of man in order to sustain him, dominate him and keep him safe. So, that man formed a kingdom for Me, in which I, as King, was to extend My boundaries. My Joy reached the summit in seeing, in this man, the generation, almost interminable, of many other beings which would provide Me with as many other kingdoms for as many creatures as would come to light, in whom I was to reign and expand My Divine boundaries. And all the good of the other kingdoms was to overflow for the glory and honor of the first kingdom, which was to be the head of the others and as though the prime act of Creation. But as man withdrew from My Will, My Kingdom and his ended; not only this, but he trampled Me, and placed himself to reign in My place, idolizing himself and forming the reign of vices, of miseries, of disasters. My joy died at birth and turned into sorrow. See, all evil was in his withdrawal from My Will.

“Our Love did not stop; I did not want to be the isolated God – no. Therefore I wanted to descend from Heaven taking on a Humanity similar to the first man. I enclosed all of Creation in It; I bound the human will of this Humanity to the Divine Will, so that this human will, embracing all Creation and all of their acts within the Divine Will, might bring It to my throne as triumphant over all human acts, which had been changed by it into acts of Divine Will. With this, the human will took possession of the Divine Will, and the Divine took possession of the human – one lording over the other. In fact, when one being forms one single thing with another being, if one is lord, the other too becomes lord as though naturally. The only reason for which I had commanded man to abstain from the fruit prohibited by Me was this: I wanted an act of sacrifice of his will in Mine, so that through this sacrifice, binding his human will within Mine, he might take possession of my Will, and I of his, and both might reign with the same power, wisdom and goodness. I wanted him in nothing dissimilar from Myself; he was a birth from Me - he was my son; and what father does not love that his son be rich and happy as he is? More so for Me, Celestial Father, who would lose nothing in rendering this son of Mine rich, happy and reigning like Me.

“So, as man broke his human will from Mine, My Love did not remain quiet, but raised its flames higher. At any cost I wanted to produce another Myself, and so I chose My Humanity which, sacrificing Itself to My Will in everything, took possession of My Will, letting Me accomplish within Itself the Purpose of the creation of man. In fact, My usual way is to carry out My greatest enterprises with one alone, and then I diffuse them. Was it not one man alone that ruined all My designs? So, My Humanity alone was to repay Me for this ruin; and the power of My Will, enclosing all Creation in It, was to return to Me the loves, the kisses and the caresses which the first man had so brutally rejected. My Love, laying down the garments, I could say, of sorrow and of mourning, clothed itself anew in feast and, triumphant, gave itself to the greatest excess and follies of love. So, when I want to do a work with thecreature, I always begin one on one, as if no one else existed; and then I extend it so much as to fill Heaven and earth.

“Now, My daughter, My Love wants to produce again; and while taken by excesses, it goes out to take respite – it wants to deliver new births. And just as it operated in My Humanity, enclosing all of Creation in It, so that It might give to the Father everything He wanted from it, and let everything descend for the good of all creatures; so now, binding your will with Mine, I want to enclose all of Creation in you; and letting you take possession of My Will, I want to feel My Acts, My Love, My Pains being repeated in you. I want My reflector on earth, so that in looking at it, I may see in you, as though in a mirror, the Creation which I created in Heaven and which My Humanity enclosed within Itself; and in reflecting Myself in this mirror, I may recognize Creation in you. We will be in continuous mutual reflections – I will make Creation be reflected in you, and you in Me; I from Heaven, you from the earth. Then will My Love be content – when I see in a creature, not only the image of My Humanity, but all that My Divine Will operated in It. Therefore, be attentive and follow My Will."

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 8, 1904 Volume 6

Continuing in my usual state, my adorable Jesus was not coming. After I struggled very much, I was feeling all discouraged and I greatly feared that for that morning He would not come at all. Then, as He later came for just a little, He told me: “My daughter, don’t you know that discouragement kills souls more than all other vices? Therefore, courage, courage, because just as discouragement kills, courage revives, and is the most praiseworthy act that the soul can do, because while feeling discouraged, from that very discouragement she plucks up courage, undoes herself and hopes; and by undoing herself, she already finds herself redone in God.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 7, 1931 Volume 29

My poor mind, going around in the acts done by the Divine Will, keeps tracing everything that It has done, in order to recognize them, love them, appreciate them, and then offer them as the most beautiful homage to the same Divine Will, as fruits worthy of Its Works.

But while I was doing this, my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, how pleasing it is to My Heart, and how sweet it sounds to My Hearing, your tracing everything that My Divine Will has done, in order to recognize it, love it and give it to Us as the most beautiful homage of the Love that We had for creatures, in creating so many things for Love of them. By tracing them, your soul rings the bell to as though roll-call all the Works come out of the Divine Fiat, so as to say to Us: ‘How many beautiful things You have created for me, to give them to me as gifts and pledges of Your Love. And I, making them my own, give them back to You as gifts and pledges of my love for You.’ So, We feel the palpitating life of the creature in Our works, her little love flowing within Ours, and the Purpose of Creation realized. To know Our Works, and the Purpose for which they were made, is the point of support of the creature, in which she finds a Divine Will in her power; and it is Our pretext for giving her other surprises of New Gifts and Graces. …”

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 6, 1921 Volume 13

I was fusing all of myself in the Holy Will of my sweet Jesus, and I said to Him: “My Love, I enter into Your Will, and here I find all the thoughts of Your Mind and all those of creatures. I surround Your Thoughts with my thoughts and with those of all my brothers, and then I unite them together, making them one in order to give You the homage, the adoration, the glory, the love, the reparation of Your own Intelligence.”

While I was saying this, my Jesus moved in my interior, and standing up, told me: "Inseparable daughter of My Will, how happy I am in hearing repeated what My Humanity did in My Will. And I kiss your thoughts in Mine, your words in Mine, your heartbeat in Mine." And as He was saying this, He covered all of me with kisses. Then I said to Him: “My Life, why do You enjoy so much and make feast every time You manifest another effect of your Will?’”And Jesus: "You must know that every time I manifest to you one more Truth about My Will, it is one more bond that I form between you and Me, and with the whole human family. It is a greater union; it is a tighter link; it is sharing My Inheritances; and as I manifest them I form the deed of donation, and in seeing My children richer and sharing in the inheritance, I feel new contentments and I make feast.

“It happens to Me as to a father who possesses much land, and this land is unknown to his children — they do not know that they are children of a father so rich. Now, as the children come of age, the father keeps telling them day after day that he possesses such and such farm. On hearing this, the children make feast and cling to the father with a greater bond of love. In seeing the feast of the children, the father makes feast and prepares for them another greater surprise, saying to them: ‘Such province is mine...’ And then, ‘Such kingdom...’ The children are enchanted, and they not only celebrate, but believe themselves fortunate to be the children of this father. And the father not only makes his possessions known to his children, but he constitutes them heirs of his goods.

“The same happens to Me. Up until now I have made known what My Humanity did — Its Virtues, Its Pains — in order to constitute the human family as heir of the Goods of My Humanity. Now I want to move forward, and I want to make known to it what My Will did in my Humanity so as to constitute the new generations as heirs of My Will, of the effects and the value It contains. Therefore, be attentive in listening to Me, and do not lose anything of the effects and the value of this Will of Mine, so that you may be the faithful bearer of these Goods, the first link of union with My Will, and of communication with the other creatures."

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 5, 1900 Volume 4

Since in the past days my adorable Jesus had not made Himself seen so much, I was feeling diffident about the hope of reacquiring Him again; even more, I believed that everything was over for me: visits of Our Lord and state of victim. However, this morning blessed Jesus came, wearing a horrible crown of thorns, and placed Himself near me, moaning, in the act of wanting a refreshment. So I removed it very gently, and to give Him more pleasure I put it on my head. Then He said to me: "My daughter, true Love is when It is sustained by Hope, and persevering Hope, because if today I hope and tomorrow I do not, Love becomes infirm. In fact, since Love is nourished by Hope, the more nourishment It administers to It, the stronger, more robust and more lively Love becomes. And if this is missing, poor Love becomes infirm first, and remaining alone, without support, It ends up dying completely. Therefore, as great as your difficulties may be, you must never, even for one instant, move away from Hope with the fear of losing Me. On the contrary, you must act in such a way that, overcoming everything, Hope may make you found always united with Me, and then Love will have perennial life." After this, He continued coming without telling Me anything else.

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 4, 1927 Volume 22

I was following my round throughout the whole Creation, and I had invested heavens, sun, sea—in sum, all created things, with my “I love You, I adore You, I bless You,” to sing glory to my Creator in all Creation.

Now, while I was doing this, my sweet Jesus moved within me and told me: “My daughter, listen together with Me to all the harmonies of Creation. Listen: the sea murmurs, but in that murmuring a more beautiful note can be heard—the ‘I love You,’ the ‘I adore You,’ the ‘I bless You,’ the glory that the little daughter of My Will murmurs together with the sea; and making the whole sea murmur, she makes the waters speak her loving refrains to her Creator. Oh! how the sea acquires new notes of harmony, of beauty, new sounds more beautiful, because My little daughter emits her voice in My Divine Will, and renders the sea speaking, and gives the glory of the sea to her Creator.

“Listen: the sun too, in its light that rains down from the heavens and invests the whole earth, pours your loving notes together with it, your welcome refrains— ‘I love You, I glorify You, I bless You, I adore You.’ In fact, since the Divine Will that reigns in you is one with what reigns in the sun, oh! how eloquently does the light speak, how the love of her Creator flows in the heat; how many new harmonies and notes, that are not its own, it acquires, because there is the little daughter of the Supreme Will who emits her acts in It, and making her will one with that of all Creation, she administers her voice and her acts to all created things.

“Listen: the nature of the sea, of the sun, do not have the virtue of speaking, and to find one who lives in My Will and communicates her voice, her acts to them, is the most amazing thing, it is the greatest glory that you can give to your Creator. So, there is not one created thing that is not invested by your acts, and I delight in listening to your notes and to your repeated refrains in the heavens, in the air, in the wind, in the water that rains down, in the little bird that sings—in everything; and I want that you too, together with Me, hear your own harmonies that you form in the whole Creation.

“My daughter, the littlest motion, even the littlest breath done in the Divine Will, is all of God; and because it is His own, He finds in it everything that is His. In the act done in My Divine Fiat He finds Divine Sanctity, He finds His Light, He finds His Goodness, His Love, His Power; that act lacks nothing of what belongs to God. Therefore, they can be called Divine Acts, that are the most beautiful, the holiest and the most welcome; and before these Acts, all other acts, as good as they may be, lose their value, their taste, and can never please Me.

“It happens as to a lord, who is extremely rich; he possesses riches, gardens, farms with the most beautiful fruits, that no one can equal. Now, since this lord knows that no one else has fruits and good things like his own, if his sons or his servants bring him the fruits of his own gardens, he appreciates them, he enjoys them with love, eating of them to his fill; but if they bring him fruits from someone else’s farms, he will not enjoy them, because he will immediately notice the great difference; he will find them defective, unripe and disgusting, and will lament to his own for they dared to bring him things and fruits that are not his.

“The same happens to Us: everything that is done in Our Divine Will is Our own—the fruits of Our boundless farms; and because they are Our own things, We find nothing in them that is unworthy of Our Divinity; and therefore We take all delights in receiving them. On the other hand, what is done outside of Our Divine Will is something extraneous to Us, it lacks the Divine Imprint, it is without the fullness of tastes, of light, of sanctity, of sweetness. Even in the best things, the human will always puts the unripe part, that ruins the taste of the most beautiful things; and so, seeing that those are not things from Our farms, the fruits of Our Divine Will, We put them aside, and many times We do not even look at them.

“Therefore, I recommend to you: let nothing escape you that does enter the light of My Supreme Fiat, so that everything may be Our own and highly pleasing to Us.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 3, 1919 Volume 12

I was lamenting to my sweet Jesus about my poor state, and how I have remained like a useless being who does no good. So,what’s the purpose of my life? And my lovable Jesus told me: "My daughter, the purpose of your life is known to Me, and it is not up to you to investigate it. However, know that just fusing yourself in Me every day, and many times a day, serves to maintain the balance of all the reparations, because only one who enters into Me and takes from Me the origin of everything she does, can balance the reparations of everyone and everything. She can balance the Glory of the Father on the part of creatures, because an Eternal Beginning and an Eternal Will are within Me, and therefore I was able to balance everything: satisfaction, reparation and complete Glory to the Celestial Father on the part of all.

“Therefore, as you enter into Me, you come to renew the balance of all the reparations and of the Glory of the Eternal Majesty. Do you think this is trivial? Don’t you yourself feel that you cannot do without it, and that I do not leave you before I see you fusing yourself in each one of My members, in order to receive from you the balance of all reparations, as you substitute yourself in the name of the whole human family? Try to repair Me for everything as much as you can. If you knew how much good the world receives when a soul, without a shadow of personal interest, but only for love of Me, rises between Heaven and earth and, united with Me, balances the reparations of all!"