Divine Will for every day of the year - October 12, 1905 Volume 6

Continuing in my usual state, blessed Jesus came for just a little and told me: “My daughter, the knowledge of self empties the soul of herself and fills her with God. Not only this, but in the soul there are many receptacles, and everything that can be seen in the world takes its place in these receptacles — something more, something less, according to the concept of them that she makes for herself. Now, the soul who knows herself and is filled with God, knowing that she is ‘a nothing’, or rather, a fragile, rotten and stinking vase, is well wary of letting more filthy rot enter into her interior, which is the things that can be seen in the world. One who had a rotten wound and kept gathering more rot to put it on his wound, wound be quite crazy. Now, the knowledge of self brings with it the knowledge of the things of the world, and therefore how everything is vanity, fleetingness, goods that are only masked, deceits, inconstancy of creature. So, knowing how things are in themselves, she is well wary of letting them enter into herself, and so all those receptacles remain filled with the virtues of God.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - October 11, 1924 Volume 17

I felt very oppressed because of the privation of my sweet Jesus. Oh, how many fears aroused within my soul! But the one that tortured me the most was that my Jesus might no longer love me as before. In the meantime, I felt my shoulders being squeezed, and hearing the voice of Jesus at my ear, I heard it say to me: "My daughter, why do you fear I may not love you? Ah, if you knew even just of My Love for all creatures in general, you would be surprised. With how much love did I not create the creature? With how many senses did I not endow her? Each sense was a communication that I left between Me and her. Her thought was communication between My Intelligence and hers; her eye was communication between her light and Mine; her speech was a channel of communication between her fiat and Mine; her heart, between her love and Mine. In sum, everything, her breath, her motion, her step everything, everything was communication between Me and the creature.

“I did more than a father, who, having to set up a son, prepares for him not only the house, the clothes, the food, and everything that can make his son happy, but gives virtue to the son, and says to him: ‘We will separate, it is true, but from afar you will feel my life and I, yours. You will feel my thought and I, yours; you, my breathing, my heartbeat, and I, yours. So, we will be far and near, separated and inseparable: you will feel my life, and I, yours. But what the terrestrial father cannot do for his son, because it is impossible for him – I, Celestial Father, did: as this son of Mine came out to the light, after I Myself had prepared for him his residence in this world, I placed such bond between Me and him, that I was to feel his life in Me, and the creature, Mine. And this is My Love in general and for all.

“What should I tell you, then, of the special Love I had for you? Each suffering I sent you has been one more communication between Me and you, and therefore one more adornment with which I embellished your soul. Each truth I manifested to you has been a particle of My Qualities with which I adorned your soul with new Beauties and filled it with new Splendors. Each grace and each time I came to you have been Gifts that I poured upon you. I did nothing but multiply My Communications almost in every instant, in order to portray in you My various Beauties – My Likeness, that you might live with Me in Heaven, and I might live with you on earth. And after all this, you doubt about My Love? Rather, I say to you: care about loving Me, and I will take care of loving you ever more."

Divine Will for every day of the year - October 10, 1906 Volume 7

While I was very afflicted because of the struggles that blessed Jesus makes me suffer in waiting for Him, this morning, making Himself seen for just a little, He told me: “My daughter, I feel sorry for your sorrow and for seeing you as though immersed in bitter affliction because of My privation. I feel such pain because of your affliction, especially since it is because of Me, that I feel it as if it were my own; and it is so great, that if all the afflictions of others were united together, they would not give Me as much pain as yours alone, for it is only because of Me. Therefore, show Me your cheerful face, and make Me see that you are content.” Then He clasped Himself tightly with me, and added: “The sign that the soul is perfectly clasped and united with Me, is that she is united with all neighbors. Just as no clashing or disordered notes must exist with those who are visible on earth, so can no clashing note of disunion exist with the invisible God.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - October 9, 1922 Volume 14

Continuing in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus came all tenderness, clasped me in His arms, kissed me, and said to me, who knows how many times: "My daughter, the daughter of My Will, how dear you are to Me… Listen: as your will enters into Mine, it empties itself of you, and Mine enters, acting in you; and as Mine acts, yours receives the strength of the Creative Power andremains acting in Me. And since I am one single point, containing everything, embracing everything, doing everything, I see your will acting in Me with My own Creative Power, wanting to give Me everything and repay Me for all. And to my highest contentment I see it before Me from the very first instant in which I delivered the whole Creation. Leaving all behind, it comes forward, as if you were the first one to be created by Me, in whom no splitting of wills exists between Me and you - just as I would have wanted the first man to be - and it gives Me honor, glory, love, as if Creation had not gone out of My Will. What taste, what contentment I feel! You cannot understand it. The order of Creation is given back to Me; the harmonies, the joys, alternate together. I see this human will acting in Me in the light of the Sun, upon the waves of the sea, in the flickering of the stars — in everything; and it gives Me the glory of all the goods which these created things give to man. What happiness! It resembles Me in everything, with this difference: I am one single point; and you, little by little, as you keep operating, thinking, speaking, loving in My Will, take more space and form Divine births."

Divine Will for every day of the year - October 8, 1901 Volume 4

This morning, I struggled very much in waiting for my adorable Jesus; however, while waiting for Him, I did as much as I could to unite everything I was doing in my interior with the interior of our Lord, intending to give Him all the glory and reparation which His Most Holy Humanity gave Him. Now, while I was doing this, blessed Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, when a soul makes use of My Humanity as the means to operate, be it even a thought, a breath, or just any act, they are like as many gems that come out of My Humanity and present themselves before the Divinity. And since they come out through My Humanity, they have the same effects as My Operating when I was on earth." And I: “Ah, Lord, I feel as though a doubt: how can it be that with the simple intention in operating - be it even in the smallest things which, considered in themselves, are trivial, empty - it seems that the mere intention of union with You and of pleasing You alone fills them, and You elevate them in that supreme way, making them appear as a most great thing?”

"Ah, My daughter, the operating of the creature is empty, be it even a great work; rather, it is the union with Me and the simple aim at pleasing Me that fills it. And since My Operating, be it even a Breath, accesses all the works of creatures together in an infinite way, this is why it renders it so great. Besides, don’t you know that one who makes use of My Humanity as the means to do his actions comes to nourish himself of the fruits of My own Humanity, and to feed himself from My own food? Furthermore, is it perhaps not the good intention that makes a man holy, and the evil intention that makes him perverted? One does not always do different things, but with the same actions one is sanctified and another becomes perverted."

Now, while He was saying this, I saw a flourishing tree inside Our Lord, filled with beautiful fruits, and I saw that those souls who operated to please God alone and through His Humanity were inside of Him, upon that tree, and His Humanity served as dwelling of these souls. But how so very scarce was their number.

Divine Will for every day of the year - October 7, 1929 Volume 27

… After this, I was doing my round, to follow the acts of the Divine Fiat in the Creation; and as I arrived at Eden, I paused in the act when man rejected the Divine Will to do his own. Oh! how well I comprehended the great evil of doing the human will!

And my beloved Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, terrible indeed was the moment of the fall of Adam. As he rejected Our Divine Will to do his own, Our Fiat was in act of withdrawing from the heavens, from the sun and from all Creation to reduce It to nothing, because he who had rejected Our Divine Will no longer deserved that Our Fiat maintain the Continuous Act of Creation and Preservation in all Creation, made for love of man and given to him as gift from his Creator.

“If it wasn’t that the Eternal Word offered His foreseen merits of the future Redeemer, as He offered them to preserve the Immaculate Virgin from original sin, everything would have gone to ruin: the heavens, the sun, would have withdrawn into Our source; and as Our Divine Will withdraws, all created things would lose life. But the Word Humanate presented Himself before the Divinity, and making present all of His foreseen merits, all things remained in their place, and My Fiat continued His Creating and Preserving Work, waiting for My Humanity in order to give it as legitimate gift, that I deserved; so much so, that the Solemn Promise was given to man, after his fall, that the future Redeemer would descend to save him, so that he would pray and dispose himself to receive Him.

“Our Will did everything and, with Justice, had right over everything. By doing his will, man took Its Divine Rights away from It, therefore he no longer deserved that the sun give him light; and as the light invested him, Our Will would feel the rights of Its light being torn away. For each created thing that he would take and enjoy, it was tearings that he made to It. If it wasn’t for My Humanity, everything was lost for man. Therefore, not doing My Divine Will encloses all evils and is to lose all rights, of Heaven and of the earth; while doing It encloses all goods and acquires all rights, human and Divine.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - October 6, 1927 Volume 23

I was continuing my acts in the Divine Fiat, and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, one who operates in My Will works in My Divine Properties, and she forms her acts within My interminable Goods of Light, of Sanctity, of Love, of Happiness without end—acts that are transformed into suns. These suns are produced by My own Qualities that have made themselves available for the act of the soul, for her decorum and so that these acts might be worthy of her Creator and might remain as perennial acts in God Himself, glorifying Him and loving Him with His very Divine Acts.

“So, before he sinned, Adam formed as many suns in his Creator for as many acts as he did. Now, one who lives and operates in My Will finds these suns made by him, and therefore your whole commitment must be to follow the first acts of Creation, and to take your work place near the last sun, or act, that Adam did when he possessed the Unity of Will with his Creator. You must make up for what he did not continue doing because he went out of My Divine Properties and his acts were no longer suns. In fact, he no longer had My Divine Qualities in his power, that lent themselves to let him form suns. At the most, as good as they might be, his acts reduced themselves to being tiny little flames, because the human will without Mine does not have the virtue of being able to form suns—it lacks the raw materials. It would be as if you wanted to form an object of gold without having the metal of gold in your power; as much good will as you might have, it would be impossible for you.

“My Will alone has sufficient Light to let the creature form suns, and It gives this Light to one who lives in It, within Its Properties, not to one who lives outside of It. So, you must make up for all other creatures who have not possessed the Unity with My Will. Your work is great and long; you have much to do within My endless boundaries; therefore, be attentive and faithful.” …

Divine Will for every day of the year - October 4, 1923 Volume 16

… I felt I was being destroyed by the pain of the privation of Jesus, with the sad thought that He would no longer come to me. Oh, how piercing it is to think that I would never see again the One who forms my Life, my happiness, all my good!

While I was thinking about this, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior and told me: "My daughter, how could I leave you if My Will is imprisoned in your soul, and giving life to all your acts, carries out Its Life as within Its own center? So, my Life is in one point of the earth. Ah, if this Life of Mine on earth was not there, My Justice would pour Itself out with such fury as to annihilate it."

In hearing this, I said: ‘My Jesus, your Will is everywhere, there is no place in which It is not, and You are saying that It is imprisoned in me?’

And Jesus: "It is indeed everywhere with Its Immensity, with Its All-seeingness and with Its Power. Like a Queen, It subjects everything to Itself, allowing no one to escape Its empire. But as Life in which the creature forms her life, to live her life in the Life of My Will and to form the Life of the Divine Will on earth – It does not exist. For many who do not do It, it is if my Will did not exist… It happens as if someone had water in his room but would not drink it, or fire but he would not approach it in order to get warm, or bread but he would not eat it. In spite of the fact that he has with himself all these elements which can give life to man, by not taking them, he can die of thirst, cold and hunger. Others take them rarely, and are weak and sick. Others, every day, and these are healthy and robust. Therefore, everything is in the possession of a good – whether the human will wants to take it, and how it wants to take it; and depending on whether it uses it, so does it receive its effects.

“So is My Will. In order to become Life of the soul, she must make her will disappear in Mine; her will must no longer exist. My Will must take over in all her acts, as the prime act; and so It will give Itself to the soul, now as water to quench her thirst with Its Divine and Celestial Waters; now as fire, not only to warm her, but to destroy what is human in her and to rebuild in her the Life of My Will; now as food, to nourish her and to make her strong and robust. Oh, how hard it is to find a creature who surrenders all her rights, to give My Will alone the right to reign! Almost all want to keep something of their own will for themselves, and therefore, not reigning in them completely, My Will is not able to form Its Life in all the creatures."

Divine Will for every day of the year - October 3, 1907 Volume 8

As I was in my usual state, blessed Jesus would not come, and I was tormented by the pain of His privation; and not only by this, but by the thought that my state of victim might no longer be Will of God. I seem to have become nauseating before God, worthy only of being abhorred. Then, while I was thinking of this, He came for just a little and told me: "My daughter, one who chooses his own self, even for one instant, represses Grace, becomes the master of himself, and renders God a slave." Then He added: "The Will of God makes one take the Divine possession, but obedience is the key to open the door and enter this possession." Having said this, He disappeared.

Divine Will for every day of the year - October 2, 1913 Volume 11

Continuing in my usual state, blessed Jesus made Himself seen inside of me, but so much identified with me that I could see His eyes within mine, His mouth within mine, and so on with the rest. While I saw Him like this, He said to me: "My daughter, look at how I identify Myself with the soul who does My Will, making Myself one with her. I become her own life, because My Will is inside and outside of that soul. One can say that My Will is like the air she breathes, which gives life to everything in her; like the light which makes everything seen and understood; like the heat which warms, fecundates and makes one grow; like the heart that palpitates; like the hands that work; like the feet that walk. When the human will unites itself to My Volition, My Life is formed in the soul."

Then, having received Communion, I was saying to Jesus, “I love You,” and He told me: "My daughter, do you really want to love Me? Say: ‘Jesus, I love You with Your Will.’ And since My Will fills Heaven and earth, your love will surround Me everywhere, and your ‘I love You’ will resound up there in the Heavens, and down to the bottom of the abysses. So, if you want to say: ‘I adore You, I bless You, I praise You, I thank You’, you will say it united with My Will, and you will fill Heaven and earth with adorations, benedictions, praises, thanksgiving - in My Will. These are simple, easy and immense things. …”

Divine Will for every day of the year - October 1, 1933 Volume 32

… But while I found myself under the Empire of the Divine Volition re-pouring Itself over me, my highest Good Jesus, surprising me, told me: “My good daughter, there is no scene that moves Me and enraptures Me more, than to see the human littleness under the Empire of My Will: the Divine in the human, the Great in the littleness, the Strong in the weak, that hiding in each other, Conquer each other in turn. It is so Beautiful, so enchanting, that I find the Pure Joys, the Divine Happiness, that the creature can give Me, even though I see that she brings My same Will to Me in hand, and she brings It to Me by means of the channel of the human will. If you knew how much this delights Me, in order to please Me you would let yourself always be Conquered by My Will. I can say that I leave Heaven, while I remain in order to come to enjoy the Pure Joys that My Divine Will knows how to give Me in the little circle of the creature on earth.

“You must know that one who does My Divine Will, and lets Its Life flow in her acts, continuously calls God and all His Attributes. God hears Himself always called by the creature: now she calls Him because she wants His Power, now she wants His Love, now because she wants His Sanctity, His Light, His Goodness, His Imperturbable Peace. In sum, she remains always calling Him because she wants of His, and God always remains waiting for her in order to give what she asks. And in order to exchange her, He feels called, and He Calls her, in order to show Trust to her and tell her: ‘What else do you want of My Divine Being? Take what you want, rather, as you call Me, I already prepare for you My Power, My Love, My Light, My Sanctity, that is wanted in your act.’

“In fact, God Calls the soul and the soul calls God, and this always calling each other in order to ask and receive, and God in order to give, forms the Life of My Will in the creature. It matures her, and makes her grow, and forms the sweet Enchantment of her Creator Himself. One continuous Act encloses such Power, that God does not know how to unbind Himself from the creature, nor she from God. Rather they feel the Irresistible need of remaining Bound with each other. And only My Will knows how to produce these continuous Acts that never cease and form the True Character of Living in My Will. On the other hand, a changeable character, a broken work, is the true sign of living of human volition, that does not know how to give either Firmness, or Peace, and does not know how to produce anything other than thorns and bitternesses.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 30, 1930 Volume 28

… Afterwards, I continued to follow the order of the Divine Will, that It had in Creation, and my little and poor intelligence paused at the point when God created the Immaculate Virgin. And my lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, all the good and holy acts of the prophets, the patriarchs, and of the ancient people, formed the ground in which the Supreme Being sowed the seed in order to make germinate the life of the Celestial Baby Mary, because Her seed was taken from the human stock. The Virgin, having within Herself the Operating Life of the Divine Will, expanded this ground with Her acts, fecundated it and Divinized it. She made flow in it, more than beneficial and refreshing rain, the sanctity of Her virtues, the heat of Her love; and darting through it with the light of the Sun of the Divine Will that She possessed as Her own, She prepared the ground to germinate the Celestial Savior; and Our Divinity opened Heaven and made the Just One, the Holy One, the Word, rain down into this shoot. And so My Life was formed, human and Divine, to form the Redemption of mankind.

“See, then, in all Our Works, directed for the good of creatures, We want to find a shelf, a place, a little ground in which to lay Our Work and the Good We want to give to creatures. Otherwise, where do We put it? In the air?—without one at least who would know it and would draw Us with her acts, forming her little ground; and We, as the Celestial Sower, sowing the good We want to give? If this were not so—that on both sides, Creator and creature, they feel drawn together: she, preparing herself to receive with her little acts; and God, by giving—it would be as if We did, or wanted to give, nothing to the creature. So, the acts of the creature prepare the ground for the Divine Sower. If there is no soil, there is no sowing to hope for; no one goes to sow if he does not have a little ground; much less does God, Celestial Sower, cast the seed of His Truths, the fruit of His Works, if He does not find the little ground of the creature. The Divinity, in order to Operate, first wants to place Itself in agreement with the soul; after We have agreed together and We see that she wants to receive that Good, to the point of praying Us and forming for Us the ground in which to lay it— then, with all Love, We give it. Otherwise, it would be like exposing Our Works to uselessness.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 29, 1931 Volume 29

… Then, I continued to think about the Divine Will, and my beloved Jesus added: “My daughter, the living in My Will is a Gift that We give to the creature—great Gift that surpasses in value, in sanctity, in beauty and in happiness all other gifts, in an infinite and unreachable way. When We give this Gift so great, We do nothing other than open the doors to make her the possessor of Our Divine Possessions—the place in which passions, dangers, have no more life; nor can any enemy harm her or do her evil. This Gift confirms the creature in good, in love, in the very Life of her Creator; and the Creator remains confirmed in the creature; therefore, the inseparability takes place between one and the other. With this Gift the creature will feel her lot changed: from poor to rich, from ill to perfectly healed, from unhappy, she will feel that all things change for her into happiness.

“To live in Our Will as Gift greatly differs from doing It; the first is prize, and Our Decision to win the creature, with an Invincible and Irresistible Force; to fill the human will with Our own in a sensible way, in a way that she will touch with her own hand, and with clarity, the great Good that comes to her, such that only someone who is insane would flee from such a great Good. In fact, for as long as the soul is a pilgrim one, the doors do not close behind the Gift, but remain open, so that, freely, not being forced, she may live in Our Gift; more so, since Our Will will not give this Gift by necessity, but because It Loves her, and It is fully her own.

“On the other hand, to do Our Will is not prize, but duty and necessity, to which, willingly or unwillingly, she must submit; and the things that are done out of duty and out of necessity, if they can be shunned, are shunned, because in them does not enter the spontaneous love that makes one love and recognize Our Will as Worthy of being be loved and known. The necessity hides Its Good that It contains, and makes one feel the weight of the sacrifice and of the duty. On the other hand, the living in Our Will is not sacrifice, but conquest; it is not duty, but love. She feels, in Our Gift, her own self dissolved within It, and she loves It not only as Our Will, but also because It is exclusively hers; and by not giving It the first place, the regime, the dominion, she would not love herself.

“Now, My daughter, this is what We want to give to creatures—Our Will as Gift, because by looking at It and possessing It as one’s own thing, it will turn out easy to let It form Its Kingdom. This Gift was given to man in Eden, and, ungrateful, he rejected It back to Us. But We did not change Our Will—We keep It reserved, and what one rejects, with more surprising graces We keep prepared to give It to others. Nor do We care about the time, because centuries for Us are like one single point. However, great preparations are needed on the part of creatures—to know the great Good of the Gift in order to long for It. But the time will come when Our Will will be possessed as Gift by the creature.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 28, 1921 Volume 13

… After this, since I had heard someone speak about humility and I am convinced that this virtue does not exist in me, nor do I ever think about it, when my sweet Jesus came I told Him of my concern, and He said to me: "My daughter, do not fear. I raised you in the sea; and one who lives in the sea doesn’t know much about earth. If one wanted to ask the fish what the earth is like, what its fruits, plants and flowers are like; if they had reason they would answer: ‘We were born in the sea - we live in the sea. The water feeds us; and while others would be drowned in it, we dart and receive life from it. While water would freeze the blood in the veins of other beings, to us it gives warmth. The sea is everything for us; it serves us as room, as bed - we stroll in it; we are the only fortunate beings which don’t need to tire themselves in order to find food. Whatever we want is at our disposal. Therefore, we can tell you about the sea, but not about the earth. Water is all we need - in it we find everything.’ But if, instead, one asked the same to the birds, these would answer: ‘We know plants, the heights of the trees, flowers and fruits...’ They would tell of how much they toil in order to find a seed to be nourished, or a hiding place to be sheltered from cold or rain.

“The simile of the sea is for one who lives in My Will; the simile of the earth is for one who walks along the path of virtues. Therefore, since you live in the sea of My Will, it is no wonder that My Will alone is enough for you in everything. If water serves and does different offices for the fish — food, warmth, bed, room, and everything — much more so can My Will do it, in a more admirable way. Even more, in My Will virtues are at the most heroic and Divine degree. My Will absorbs everything and melts everything within Itself; and the soul remains absorbed in My Will — she feeds herself with It, in It she walks, she knows My Will alone, and My Will is enough for her in everything. One can say that, among all, she is the only fortunate one who does not need to beg for bread - no; but the water of My Will inundates her above and below, to the right and to the left. If she wants food, she eats; if she wants strength, she finds it; if she wants to sleep, she finds the softest bed to rest. Everything is ready, at her disposal."

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 27, 1938 Volume 36

[Jesus speaking]

“… I can say that everything I said regarding My Will is like a New Creation—more Beautiful, more various, more Majestic than the Creation that everybody sees. O! how this visible Creation remains behind It. As it is impossible for men to destroy or suffocate the light of the sun, to stop the impetuosity of the wind or the air that everybody breathes, or to make of everything a pile of ruins—in the same way, they cannot suffocate, much less, destroy what I have said. This is a New, Speaking Creation, and each Truth carries the Seal of Our Divine Life. So, in the Truth I have Manifested to you there are Speaking Suns, Speaking and Overwhelming Winds in My Will—to the extent of besieging the creature with the Empire of Its Power. In these Truths there exist My various Beauties that will enrapture the creatures; the Seas of Love by which they will be continuously inundated and that will win all hearts to Love Me with their sweet murmuring. In these Truths I placed all the possible imaginable Goods: Love that conquers, enraptures, sweetens and shakes. Nothing is missing to Dominate the creature and to make My Will descend with Decorum and Majesty, together with the army of My Truths—to make It Reign among them. And the creature won't be given the chance to shut out this New Creation of Mine. I will know how to guard It and defend It.

“Moreover, My daughter, this New Creation costs Me the Work, not of six days, but of fifty years and more. How could I ever permit It to be repressed—not to have Its Life, or to come to Light? This would be as if I had not enough Power, which cannot be. I will know how to protect them. Not single a Word will be touched or destroyed—it costs Me too much; and when things cost a lot, all the means, all the arts are used—even one's own life—in order to obtain the purpose. Therefore let Me accomplish the job of this New Creation and do not worry about what they say or do. These are the usual human volubilities: at one wind's blow they see black, at another blow they take off the bandage and see white. I will know how to take over everyone and unleash the aggressive army of My Truths to Dominate the creature. It takes Patience from My side and from your side; so, without moving, let's go forward.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 26, 1926 Volume 20

I was feeling all immersed in the Supreme Volition, and my poor mind was thinking about the many admirable effects It produces.

And my always lovable Jesus told me: “My daughter, the mere word ‘Will of God’ contains an Eternal Portent, that no one can equal. It is a Word that embraces everything—Heaven and earth. This Fiat contains the Creative Fount, and there is nothing good that cannot come from It. So, one who possesses My Will, by virtue of It, acquires by right all the goods that this Fiat possesses. Therefore, she acquires the right to the Likeness of her Creator, she acquires the right to Divine Sanctity, to His Goodness, to His Love. By right, Heaven and earth are hers, because all came into existence from this Fiat. With reason, her rights extend over everything. So, the greatest Gift, the greatest grace I can give to the creature is to give her My Will, because all possible and imaginable goods are bound to It—and by right, because everything belongs to It.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 25, 1914 Volume 11

I was offering my poor prayers to blessed Jesus, and I was thinking to myself to whom it would be better for blessed Jesus to apply them. Kindly, He told me: "My daughter, the prayers done with Me and with My Will can be given to all, without excluding anybody. All receive their part and their effects, as if those prayers had been offered for one single person. However, they operate according to the dispositions of the creatures. I give Communion or My Passion to all and to each one, but the effects are produced according to their dispositions; and if ten people receive It, the fruit is not inferior to the case in which only five had received It. Such is the prayer done together with Me and with My Will."

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 24, 1928 Volume 24

I was thinking to myself: “Jesus desires so much to give us the great Gift of the Kingdom of His Fiat; He yearns to—He wants to. Now, why does He want us to pray in order to give It to us?”

And my always lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, indeed it is My Will to give the Kingdom of My Divine Volition, nor can I help wanting and yearning to give the great Gift of It. If it were not so—if I did not yearn for the return of man into the Royal Palace of My Divine Will—I would go against the order of Our Creative Work that, with Highest Wisdom, created man so that he might live of Our own, and dwell in the Kingdom of Our Fiat, given to him by Us as his inheritance.

“By going out of It, man formed disorder in Our Creative Work; and how can We tolerate letting Our most beautiful Work remain disordered? Centuries upon centuries have passed, and more centuries may pass, but We will not change; this will always be Our most important point—Our only Purpose and special Interest: that Our Creative Work be restored and reordered as it came out of Our Creative Hands, and that it live in the Kingdom of Our Divine Will.

“We, Our Adorable Majesty, find Ourselves in the condition of a father whose son was once happy, of a rare beauty that brought him joy and happiness, and lived as the owner of the inheritance given to him by his father. This son, voluntarily, left the paternal inheritance, he rendered himself unhappy, and broke the beautiful and pure joys between father and son. Now, what would the sorrow of the father not be, and his sighs, his tears and his unshakeable will for his dear son to return to be happy? More so, since the inheritance given to the son exists—the father himself keeps it in custody, and he longs for his son to take possession of it once again.

“But in the midst of so much sorrow, tears and sighs of this father, his will is resolute: he wants his unhappy son to desire—to pray that his paternal inheritance, his lost happiness, be returned to him. This disposes the son to receive and to appreciate his happy state, the return of his inheritance; and the father, drowned with love for his dear son, will say: ‘Your praying has formed a right over my heart that burns for you. Take again what you lost—you have deserved it. I am content as long as I see you happy, and I can say: ‘My son is no longer unhappy, but happy.’

“Now, We are more than a father—even more, his love is a shadow compared to Ours, and Our Divine Will in unshakeable—no one will be able to change It: the unhappiness of man is a disorder for the work of Creation, and We want Our Rights in Our Work; just as it came out of Us, so do We want it to return to Us. Our Love drowns Us, Our Justice demands it, Our Goodness claims it, Our very Happiness longs for it and does not tolerate unhappiness in Our Work. Our Divine Will, surrounding Us like a crown, renders Us immutable and wants Its Kingdom to be possessed.

“But in spite of this, We want the creature to pray—to yearn for the Good We want to give. This forms a right over Our Paternal Heart, and a shelf within his heart to be able to receive what We want to give, so that We may be able to say to him in Our emphasis of love: ‘My son, you have deserved it, and We have given you what We wanted to give you.’ One who prays disposes himself; what is obtained by praying is appreciated, is kept safe.

“And since the knowledge of My Divine Will, the possession of Its Kingdom, is not an individual good, but a general one, in order to obtain it, I have you pray for all, in the name of all and of each thought, word and act of creature, so that you may form the right in Our Divine Paternity that all may receive the Kingdom of Our Fiat, as well as the dispositions within themselves to be able to possess It. So the Queen of Heaven did, to impetrate the Kingdom of Redemption. She had a prayer, a sigh, an act, for all and for each one—She let no one escape Her; and by this, She gave to each one the right to be able to receive their Redeemer. So I did to redeem them, and so I want you to do for the Kingdom of My Divine Will.” …

Divine Will for every day of the year - September 23, 1929 Volume 27

… I was doing my usual round in the Creation, to follow all the acts that the Supreme Volition had done in all created things; and my sweet Jesus, coming out from my interior, told me: “My daughter, when the creature goes through the works of her Creator it means that she wants to recognize, appreciate, love, what God has done for love of her; and having nothing to give Him in return, while going through His works she takes the whole Creation as though in the palm of her hand, and she gives It back to God, intact and beautiful, for His glory and honor, saying to Him: “I recognize You, I glorify You by means of Your own works, that alone are worthy of You.”

“Now, Our Delight in seeing Ourselves recognized in Our Works by the creature is such and so great, that We feel as if the Creation were being repeated again, to give Us double glory; and since this double glory is given to Us because the creature recognizes Our Works done for Love of them and given to them as gift so that they would love Us, by recognizing Our Gift, the creature encloses the All in the Heaven of her soul, and We see, within her littleness, Our Divine Being with all Our works. More so since, Our Divine Fiat being present in the littleness of this creature, she has capacity and space to be able to enclose the All, and—oh! Prodigy, to see the All enclosed in the human littleness, and to see her, brave, giving the All to the All, only to love Him and glorify Him.

“That the All of Our Supreme Being be the All—there is nothing to be surprised about, because such is Our Divine Nature— to be All. But the All in the human littleness is the wonder of wonders; these are Prodigies of Our Divine Volition, that wherever It reigns It cannot make of Our Divine Being a being by half, but the whole of It. And since the Creation is nothing other than an outpouring of Love of Our Creating Fiat, wherever It reigns It encloses all Its works, and therefore the human littleness can say: “I give God to God.” This is why, then, when We give Ourselves to the creature, We want everything—even her nothing, so that upon her nothing Our Creative Word may be repeated, and We may form Our All over the nothing of the creature. If she does not give Us everything—her littleness, her nothing—Our Creative Word cannot be repeated, nor is it decorous and an honor for Us to repeat it; because when We speak, We want to get rid of anything that does not belong to Us; and when We see that she does not give herself completely, We do not make her Our own, and so she remains the littleness and the nothing that she is, while We remain with the All that We are.” …